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Diagnosis and Management of Renal Colic in Emergency Department

Year 2010, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 55 - 58, 01.08.2010


Renal colic RC is a frequent disease in emergency room. The most common cause of RC is ureteral stone. Primary care physician play the initial role in the management of urolithiasis. This article reviews the current recommendations in terms of renal colic emergency management: biological assessment, imaging, pain relief and specific treatment. The majority of renal colic patients only needs strong analgesic treatment and an urologic outpatient follow-up. Care must be taken considering diagnostic tools in case of complicated RC as it requires urgent treatment in urology department.


  • )Valerio M, Doerfler A, Chollet Y, Schreyer N, Guyot S, Jichlinski P.: Emergency management of renal colic Rev Med Suisse. 2009;5:2457-2461.
  • )Sierakowski R, Finlayson B, Landes RR, Finlayson CD, Si erakowski N.: The frequency of urolithiasis in hospital discharge diagnoses in the United States Invest Urol 1978;15:438-441.
  • )Johnson CM, Wilson DM, O'Fallon WM, Malek RS, Kurland LT.: Renal stone epidemiology: a 25 year study in Rochester, MN. Kidney Int. 1979;16: 624-631.
  • )Menon M, Resnick MI.: Urinary lithiasis etiology, diag nosis and medical management. In : Campbell MF, Walsh PC, Retik AB, eds Campbell’s Urology. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Pa. :Saunders, 2002.
  • )Worster A, Preyra I, Weaver B, Haines T.: The accurancy of noncontrast helical computed tomography versus in- travenous pyelography in the diagnosis of suspected acute urolithiasis. Ann Emerg Med 2002 ;40:280-286.
  • )Katz DS, Scheer M, Lumerman JH, Mellinger BC, Still man CA, Lane MJ.: Alternative or Additional diagnoses on unenhanced helical computed tomography for sus- pected renal colic: experience with 1000 consecutive examinations Urology 2000;56:53-57.
  • )Denton ER, Mackenzie A, Greenwell T, Popert R, Ran- kin SC.: Unenhanced helical CT for renal colic: is the ra- diation dose justifiable? Clin Radiol 1999;54:444-447.
  • )Levine JA, Neitlich J, Verga M, Dalrymple N, Smith RC.: Ureteral calculi in patient with flank pain: correlation of plain radiography with unenhanced helical CT. Radio- logy 1997;204:27-31.
  • )Roy C.: Imaging of urinary lithiasis: “all in one”. Ann Urol (Paris) 2006;40:69-92.
  • )Preminger GM, Tiselius HG, Assimos DG, Alken P, Buck AC, Gallucci M, Knoll T, Lingeman JE, Nakada SY, Pe- arle MS, Sarica K, Türk C, Wolf JS Jr.: 2007 Guideline for the management of ureteral calculi. American Uro- logical Association Education and Research, Inc; Euro- pean Association of Urology.
  • )Cordell WH, Larson TA, Lingeman JE et al.: Indometha cin suppositories versus intravenously titrated morphine for the treatment of ureteral colic. Ann Emerg Med 1994;23:262-269.
  • )Holdgate A, Pollock T.: Systematic review of the relati ve efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids in the treatment of acute renal colic. BMJ 2004 Jun 12;328(7453):1401. Epub 2004 Jun 3.
  • )Parsons JK, Hergan LA, Sakamoto K, Lakin C J.: Efficacy of alpha-Blockers for the Treatment of Ureteral Stones. Urol. 2007;177:983-987.

Acil Serviste Renal Kolik Tanı ve Tedavisi

Year 2010, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 55 - 58, 01.08.2010


Renal kolik RK acil serviste rastlanan bir hastalıktır.RK’nin en sık nedeni üreter taşıdır. Ürolitiyaz tedavisindeacil hekimi ilk rolü oynamaktadır. Bu makalede renal kolikyaklaşımında günümüzde kabul gören biyokimyasal değerlendirme, görüntüleme, ağrı ve spesifik tedaviler değerlendirilmektedir. Renal kolik hastalarının çoğu kuvvetli ağrı kesici tedavisine ve üroloji polikliniği takibine gereksinim duymaktadır. Komplike RK üroloji kliniğinde acil tedavi gerektirdiğinden tanısal araçlar kullanılırken dikkatli olunmalıdır


  • )Valerio M, Doerfler A, Chollet Y, Schreyer N, Guyot S, Jichlinski P.: Emergency management of renal colic Rev Med Suisse. 2009;5:2457-2461.
  • )Sierakowski R, Finlayson B, Landes RR, Finlayson CD, Si erakowski N.: The frequency of urolithiasis in hospital discharge diagnoses in the United States Invest Urol 1978;15:438-441.
  • )Johnson CM, Wilson DM, O'Fallon WM, Malek RS, Kurland LT.: Renal stone epidemiology: a 25 year study in Rochester, MN. Kidney Int. 1979;16: 624-631.
  • )Menon M, Resnick MI.: Urinary lithiasis etiology, diag nosis and medical management. In : Campbell MF, Walsh PC, Retik AB, eds Campbell’s Urology. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Pa. :Saunders, 2002.
  • )Worster A, Preyra I, Weaver B, Haines T.: The accurancy of noncontrast helical computed tomography versus in- travenous pyelography in the diagnosis of suspected acute urolithiasis. Ann Emerg Med 2002 ;40:280-286.
  • )Katz DS, Scheer M, Lumerman JH, Mellinger BC, Still man CA, Lane MJ.: Alternative or Additional diagnoses on unenhanced helical computed tomography for sus- pected renal colic: experience with 1000 consecutive examinations Urology 2000;56:53-57.
  • )Denton ER, Mackenzie A, Greenwell T, Popert R, Ran- kin SC.: Unenhanced helical CT for renal colic: is the ra- diation dose justifiable? Clin Radiol 1999;54:444-447.
  • )Levine JA, Neitlich J, Verga M, Dalrymple N, Smith RC.: Ureteral calculi in patient with flank pain: correlation of plain radiography with unenhanced helical CT. Radio- logy 1997;204:27-31.
  • )Roy C.: Imaging of urinary lithiasis: “all in one”. Ann Urol (Paris) 2006;40:69-92.
  • )Preminger GM, Tiselius HG, Assimos DG, Alken P, Buck AC, Gallucci M, Knoll T, Lingeman JE, Nakada SY, Pe- arle MS, Sarica K, Türk C, Wolf JS Jr.: 2007 Guideline for the management of ureteral calculi. American Uro- logical Association Education and Research, Inc; Euro- pean Association of Urology.
  • )Cordell WH, Larson TA, Lingeman JE et al.: Indometha cin suppositories versus intravenously titrated morphine for the treatment of ureteral colic. Ann Emerg Med 1994;23:262-269.
  • )Holdgate A, Pollock T.: Systematic review of the relati ve efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids in the treatment of acute renal colic. BMJ 2004 Jun 12;328(7453):1401. Epub 2004 Jun 3.
  • )Parsons JK, Hergan LA, Sakamoto K, Lakin C J.: Efficacy of alpha-Blockers for the Treatment of Ureteral Stones. Urol. 2007;177:983-987.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

Orhun Sinanoğlu This is me

Sinan Ekici This is me

Mahmure Uraz This is me

Rahmi Çubuk This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


Vancouver Sinanoğlu O, Ekici S, Uraz M, Çubuk R. Acil Serviste Renal Kolik Tanı ve Tedavisi. Maltepe tıp derg. 2010;2(2):55-8.