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Liver Diseases Caused by Drugs and Chemical Agents

Year 2010, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 59 - 71, 01.08.2010


Because liver is the most important organ in the human body where drugs and toxic materials are metabolized and eliminated, liver injury caused by drugs and other chemical agents is eventually seen as a possible complication of almost all prescribed medications. These toxic materials which pass through intestinal mucosa and hepatocyte membrane, after being ingested in the body, are transformed into compounds that are excreted either by urine or bile. During this transformation liver is exposed to several chemical agents and metabolites that are potentially toxic. In this manuscript, pathophysiological mechanisms of liver injury caused by drugs and toxic agents which liver was exposed to, is being presented as well as the epidemiological features and individual and environmental factors that play a role in these diseases. Characteristic clinical features and some treatment implications are also discussed.


  • Ibáñez L, Pérez E, Vidal X, et al.: Prospective surveillan ce of acute serious liver disease unrelated to infectio us, obstructive, or metabolic diseases: epidemiological and clinical features, and exposure to drugs. J Hepatol. ;37:592-600.
  • 2)Sgro C, Clinard F, Ouazir K, et al.: Incidence of drug- induced hepatic injuries: a French population-based study. Hepatology. 2002;36 (2):451-455.
  • 3)Larrey D, Pageaux GP.: Genetic predisposition to drug- induced hepatotoxicity. J Hepatol. 1997;26 Suppl 2:12-221.
  • 4)Gunawan BK, Kaplowitz N.: Mechanisms of drug- induced liver disease. Clin Liver Dis. 2007; 11(3): 459-475
  • 5)Kaplowitz N.: Drug-induced liver injury. Clin Infect Dis. 2004;38 Suppl 2:544-548.
  • 6)Yamazaki H, Shibata A, Suzuki M, et al.: Oxidation of troglitazone to a quinone-type metabolite cataly- zed by cytochrome P-450 2C8 and P-450 3A4 in hu- man liver microsomes. Drug Metab Dispos. 1999;27:1260-1266.
  • Teoh NC, Farrell GC.: Liver Disease Caused by Drugs In; Feldman ed; Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gas trointestinal and Liver Disease, 8th ed; .Philadelphi a: Saunders; 2006:1807–1843.
  • 8)Haouzi D, Lekéhal M, Moreau A, et al.: Cytochrome P450-generated reactive metabolites cause mitoc hondrial permeability transition, caspase activation, and apoptosis in rat hepatocytes. Hepatology. ; 32:303-311.
  • 9)Liddle C, Goodwin B.: Regulation of hepatic drug metabolism: role of the nuclear receptors PXR and CAR. Semin Liver Dis. 2002;22(2):115-122
  • 10)Meech R, Mackenzie PI.: Structure and function of uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferases. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 1997;24:907-915.
  • 11)Joza N, Susin SA, Daugas E, et al.: Essential role of the mitochondrial apoptosis-inducing factor in prog rammed cell death. Nature. 2001;410:549-554.
  • 12)Brunt E, Clouston A. Advanced liver pathology: Current contreversies/advances. Pathology International 2004;54:287-302.
  • 13)Lucena MI, Cortes MG, Cueto R, et al.: Assessment of drug induced liver injury in clinical practice. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2008;22:141-158.
  • 14)Kaplowitz N.: Acetaminophen hepatoxicity: What do we know, what don't we know, and what do we do next? Hepatology. 2004;40:23-26
  • 15)Rigas B.: The evolving spectrum of amiodarone he- patotoxicity. Hepatology. 1989;10:116-117.
  • 16)Whiting-O’Keefe QE, Fye KH, Sack KD.: Methotre- xate and histologic hepatic abnormalities: a metaanalysis. Am J Med. 1991;90:711-716.
  • 17)Maddrey WC.: Isoniazid-induced liver disease. Se- min Liver Dis. 1981;1:129-133.

İlaçlar ve Kimyasal Ajanların Neden Olduğu Karaciğer Hastalıkları

Year 2010, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 59 - 71, 01.08.2010


İnsan vücudunda ilaç ve toksik maddelerin elimine ve metabolize edildikleri en önemli organın karaciğer olması, ilaçların ve diğer kimyasal ajanların neden olduğu karaciğer hasarının mevcut neredeyse bütün ilaçların olası bir komplikasyonu olarak karşımıza çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Vücuda alındıktan sonra intestinal mukozadan ve hepatosit membranından geçen bu toksik maddeler karaciğerde biyotransformasyona uğrarayarak suda eriyen ve böylelikle idrar ya da safra yolu ile atılabilen bileşikler haline çevrilirler. Bu sırada karaciğer, toksik potansiyele sahip çok çeşitli kimyasal ajanlara ve metabolitlere maruz kalmaktadır. Bu makalede karaciğerin maruz kaldığı ilaçlar ve toksik ajanların neden olduğu karaciğer hasarının fizyopatolojik mekanizmaları, bu hastalıkların epidemiyolojik özellikleri ve rol oynayan bireysel ve çevresel faktörler üzerinde durulmakta ve karakteristik klinik özellikleri ile bazı tedavi yaklaşımları tartışılmaktadır.


  • Ibáñez L, Pérez E, Vidal X, et al.: Prospective surveillan ce of acute serious liver disease unrelated to infectio us, obstructive, or metabolic diseases: epidemiological and clinical features, and exposure to drugs. J Hepatol. ;37:592-600.
  • 2)Sgro C, Clinard F, Ouazir K, et al.: Incidence of drug- induced hepatic injuries: a French population-based study. Hepatology. 2002;36 (2):451-455.
  • 3)Larrey D, Pageaux GP.: Genetic predisposition to drug- induced hepatotoxicity. J Hepatol. 1997;26 Suppl 2:12-221.
  • 4)Gunawan BK, Kaplowitz N.: Mechanisms of drug- induced liver disease. Clin Liver Dis. 2007; 11(3): 459-475
  • 5)Kaplowitz N.: Drug-induced liver injury. Clin Infect Dis. 2004;38 Suppl 2:544-548.
  • 6)Yamazaki H, Shibata A, Suzuki M, et al.: Oxidation of troglitazone to a quinone-type metabolite cataly- zed by cytochrome P-450 2C8 and P-450 3A4 in hu- man liver microsomes. Drug Metab Dispos. 1999;27:1260-1266.
  • Teoh NC, Farrell GC.: Liver Disease Caused by Drugs In; Feldman ed; Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gas trointestinal and Liver Disease, 8th ed; .Philadelphi a: Saunders; 2006:1807–1843.
  • 8)Haouzi D, Lekéhal M, Moreau A, et al.: Cytochrome P450-generated reactive metabolites cause mitoc hondrial permeability transition, caspase activation, and apoptosis in rat hepatocytes. Hepatology. ; 32:303-311.
  • 9)Liddle C, Goodwin B.: Regulation of hepatic drug metabolism: role of the nuclear receptors PXR and CAR. Semin Liver Dis. 2002;22(2):115-122
  • 10)Meech R, Mackenzie PI.: Structure and function of uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferases. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 1997;24:907-915.
  • 11)Joza N, Susin SA, Daugas E, et al.: Essential role of the mitochondrial apoptosis-inducing factor in prog rammed cell death. Nature. 2001;410:549-554.
  • 12)Brunt E, Clouston A. Advanced liver pathology: Current contreversies/advances. Pathology International 2004;54:287-302.
  • 13)Lucena MI, Cortes MG, Cueto R, et al.: Assessment of drug induced liver injury in clinical practice. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2008;22:141-158.
  • 14)Kaplowitz N.: Acetaminophen hepatoxicity: What do we know, what don't we know, and what do we do next? Hepatology. 2004;40:23-26
  • 15)Rigas B.: The evolving spectrum of amiodarone he- patotoxicity. Hepatology. 1989;10:116-117.
  • 16)Whiting-O’Keefe QE, Fye KH, Sack KD.: Methotre- xate and histologic hepatic abnormalities: a metaanalysis. Am J Med. 1991;90:711-716.
  • 17)Maddrey WC.: Isoniazid-induced liver disease. Se- min Liver Dis. 1981;1:129-133.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

A. Melih Özel This is me

Oya Uygur Bayramiçli This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


Vancouver Özel AM, Bayramiçli OU. İlaçlar ve Kimyasal Ajanların Neden Olduğu Karaciğer Hastalıkları. Maltepe tıp derg. 2010;2(2):59-71.