Research Article
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Determination of social support and hopefulness levels of liver transplant patients

Year 2023, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 1 - 6, 30.04.2023


Aim: Physical and mental problems experienced in
transplantations have negative effects on an individual's
biological, psychological and social life. These transplantations
often push transplant patients into hopefulness. This research
was conducted with the aim of identifying the association
between levels of social support and hopefulness in patients
with liver transplants.
Material and Methods: This descriptive-type research
was conducted at two different University Hospitals' Organ
Transplant Services between January 2020-June 2021. The
overall population of the research is all liver transplant patients
of these centers. The sampling quantity for the research was
identified as 165 patients as a result of a power analysis.
The data was collected through face-to-face interviews with
patients who had undergone liver transplants. The research
data were collected using the Personal information form,
Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale (MPSS), and
Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS).
Results: The multidimensional perceived social support scale
score averages of patients participating in the study were
found to be 62.79±17.39, which is a social support scale score
above medium value. The hopefulness average was found as
8.53±3.42. This is a moderate level of hopelessness score. It
was determined that there is a significant negative correlation
between social support and hopefulness (r=-0.437 p=0.001).
Conclusion: Patients' levels of hopefulness were found to
decrease as their social support scores increased. Reducing
levels of hopefulness can be achieved by increasing the social
support that transplant patients receive.


  • 1. Marroni CA, Fleck AM Jr, Fernandes SA, Galant LH, Mucenic M, Meine MHM, et al. Liver transplantation and alcoholic liver disease: History, controversies, and considerations. World J Gastroenterol. 2018;24(26):2785-2805.
  • 2. Dew MA, Butt Z, Humar A, DiMartini AF. Long-Term Medical and Psychosocial Outcomes in Living Liver Donors. Am J Transplant. 2017;17:880-892.
  • 3. Butt Z, Dew MA, Liu Q, Simpson MA, Smith AR, Zee J, et al. Psychological Outcomes of Living Liver Donors Froma Multicenter Prospective Study: Results From the Adultto-Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation Cohort Study2 (A2ALL-2). Am J Transplant. 2017;17(5):1267-1277.
  • 4. Garcia CS, Lima AS, La-Rotta EIG, Boin IFSF. Social support for patients undergoing liver transplantation in a Public University Hospital. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2018;16(1):35.
  • 5. Nishikawa K, Hasegawa T, Usami A, Urawa A, Watanabe S, Mizuno S, et al. Pre-operative Assessment of Psychological Characteristics and Mood States in Living Donor Kidney and Liver Transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings. 2016;48(4):1018-1021.
  • 6. Hasegawa T, Nishikawa K, Tamura Y, Oka T, Urawa A, Watanabe S, et al. Impacts of Interaction of Mental Condition and Quality of Life between Donors and Recipients at Decision-Making of Preemptive and Post-Dialysis Living-Donor Kidney Transplantation. J Pers Med. 2021;11(5):414.
  • 7. Ispir M, Cumhur B, Sahin T, Otan E, Kayaalp C, Yilmaz S. Psychosocial Outcomes of Donors Whose Recipients Died After Living Donor Liver Transplantation. J Gastrointest Cancer. 2020;51(4):1200-1208.
  • 8. Thys K, Schwering KL, Siebelink M, Dobbels F, Borry P, Schotsmans P, et al. ELPAT Pediatric Organ Donation and Transplantation Working Group. Psychosocial impact of pediatric living-donor kidney and liver transplantation on recipients, donors, and the family: a systematic review. Transpl Int. 2015;28(3):270-280.
  • 9. Bener A, Alsulaiman R, Doodson L, Agathangelou T. Depression, Hopelessness and Social Support among Breast Cancer Patients: in Highly Endogamous Population. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2017;18(7):1889-1896.
  • 10. Zimet GD, Dahlem NW, Zimet SG, Farley GK. The multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Journal of personality assessment 1988;52(1):30-41.
  • 11. Eker D. Arkar H. Factor Structure, Validity andReliability of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Turkish Journal of Psychology. 1995;10(34):45-55.
  • 12. Eker D. Arkar H. Yaldız H. Factor Structure, Validity and Reliability of the Revised Form of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry. 2001;12(1):17-25.
  • 13. Beck AT, Weissman A, Lester D, Trexler L. The measurement of pessimism: the hopelessness scale. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1974;42(6):861-865.
  • 14. Seber G, Dilbaz N, Kaptanoğlu C. Umutsuzluk Ölçeği: Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirliği. 1993;1(3):139-142.
  • 15. Durak A, Palabıyıkoğlu R. Beck Umutsuzluk Ölçeği Geçerlilik Çalışması. Kriz Dergisi. 1994;2(2):311-319.
  • 16. Zhao SM, Dong FF, Qiu HZ, Li D. Quality of Life, Adherence Behavior, and Social Support Among Renal Transplant Recipients in China: A Descriptive Correlational Study. Transplant Proc. 2018;50(10):3329-3337.
  • 17. Dong Y, Li YJ, Zeng Z, Chen LP. Application of social support and psychological intervention in the nursing for heart transplant patients during the waiting period. Chinese Nursing Research. 2019;33(13):2217-2221.
  • 18. Liu SX, Sun Y, Du XP. Social support and life satisfactionin the elderly: mediating role of the sense of meaning in life and physical and psychological health. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2020;6:1265-1269.
  • 19. Zeng XJ. Correlation between mental elasticity, selfefficacy and coping style of kidney transplant recipients and social support. Nursing Journal of Chinese People’s Liberation Army. 2019;36(5):25-28.
  • 20. Liu K, Jiang XL. A study on the relationship between psychological control sources of kidney transplant recipients and social support. Chinese Nursing Research. 2017;35:24529-24532.
  • 21. Demir B, Demir İ. Effects of Illness Perception on Self- Care Agency and Hopelessness Levels in Liver Transplant Patients: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study. Clin Nurs Res. 2022 Mar;31(3):473-480.
  • 22. Annema C, Drent G, Roodbol PF, Metselaar HJ, Van Hoek B, Porte RJ, et al. A prospective cohort study on posttraumatic stress disorder in liver transplantation recipients before and after transplantation: Prevalence, symptom occurrence, and intrusive memories. J Psychosom Res. 2017;95:88-93.
  • 23. Paslakis G, Beckmann M, Beckebaum S, Klein C, Gräf J, Erim Y. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Quality of Life, and the Subjective Experience in Liver Transplant Recipients. Prog Transplant. 2018;28(1):70-76.
  • 24. Buursma MP, Tintle NL, Boven E, DeVon HA, Dunn SL. Lack of perceived social support in patients with ischemic heart disease is associated with hopelessness. Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 2020;34(2):14-16.
  • 25. Somasundaram RO, Devamani KA. A Comparative Study on Resilience, Perceived Social Support and Hopelessness Among Cancer Patients Treated with Curative and Palliative Care. Indian J Palliat Care. 2016;22(2):135-140.
  • 26. Krenzien F, Krezdorn N, Morgül MH, Wiltberger G, Atanasov G, Hau HM, et al. The elderly liver transplant recipients: anxiety, depression, fatigue and life satisfaction. Z Gastroenterol. 2017;55(6):557-563.

Karaciğer nakli olan hastaların sosyal destek ve umutsuzluk düzeylerinin belirlenmesi

Year 2023, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 1 - 6, 30.04.2023


Amaç: Nakillerde yaşanan bedensel, ruhsal sorunların bireyin
biyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyal yaşamı üzerinde olumsuz etkileri
vardır. Bu sıkıntılar nakil hastalarını çoğu zaman umutsuzluğa
itmektedir. Bu araştırma, karaciğer nakli olan hastalarda sosyal
destek ve umutsuzluk düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek
amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Materyal ve Metotlar: Tanımlayıcı tipte yapılan bu araştırma
iki farklı Üniversite Hastanesi Organ Nakli Servislerinde
Ocak 2020-Haziran 2021 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüştür.
Araştırmanın evreni bu merkezlerde karaciğer nakli olan
tüm hastalardır. Araştırmanın örneklemi yapılan güç
analizi sonucunda 165 hasta olarak belirlenmiştir. Veriler,
karaciğer nakli yapılmış hastalarla yüz yüze görüşme tekniği
ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma verileri, Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Çok
Boyutlu Algılanan Sosyal Destek Ölçeği (ÇBASDÖ), Beck
Umutsuzluk Ölçeği (BUÖ), kullanılarak toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan hastaların çok boyutlu
algılanan sosyal destek puan ortalamaları 62,79±17,39
olarak bulunmuştur, bu orta değerin üstünde bir sosyal
destek puanıdır. Umutsuzluk puan ortalamaları 8,53±3,42
bulunmuştur bu orta düzeyde bir umut puanıdır. Sosyal destek
ile umutsuzluk arasında negatif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu
saptanmıştır (r=-0,437 p=0,001).
Sonuç: Hastaların sosyal destek puanları arttıkça umutsuzluk
düzeylerinin azaldığı bulundu. Nakil hastalarının aldıkları sosyal
destekleri arttırılarak umutsuzluk düzeylerinin azaltılması


  • 1. Marroni CA, Fleck AM Jr, Fernandes SA, Galant LH, Mucenic M, Meine MHM, et al. Liver transplantation and alcoholic liver disease: History, controversies, and considerations. World J Gastroenterol. 2018;24(26):2785-2805.
  • 2. Dew MA, Butt Z, Humar A, DiMartini AF. Long-Term Medical and Psychosocial Outcomes in Living Liver Donors. Am J Transplant. 2017;17:880-892.
  • 3. Butt Z, Dew MA, Liu Q, Simpson MA, Smith AR, Zee J, et al. Psychological Outcomes of Living Liver Donors Froma Multicenter Prospective Study: Results From the Adultto-Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation Cohort Study2 (A2ALL-2). Am J Transplant. 2017;17(5):1267-1277.
  • 4. Garcia CS, Lima AS, La-Rotta EIG, Boin IFSF. Social support for patients undergoing liver transplantation in a Public University Hospital. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2018;16(1):35.
  • 5. Nishikawa K, Hasegawa T, Usami A, Urawa A, Watanabe S, Mizuno S, et al. Pre-operative Assessment of Psychological Characteristics and Mood States in Living Donor Kidney and Liver Transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings. 2016;48(4):1018-1021.
  • 6. Hasegawa T, Nishikawa K, Tamura Y, Oka T, Urawa A, Watanabe S, et al. Impacts of Interaction of Mental Condition and Quality of Life between Donors and Recipients at Decision-Making of Preemptive and Post-Dialysis Living-Donor Kidney Transplantation. J Pers Med. 2021;11(5):414.
  • 7. Ispir M, Cumhur B, Sahin T, Otan E, Kayaalp C, Yilmaz S. Psychosocial Outcomes of Donors Whose Recipients Died After Living Donor Liver Transplantation. J Gastrointest Cancer. 2020;51(4):1200-1208.
  • 8. Thys K, Schwering KL, Siebelink M, Dobbels F, Borry P, Schotsmans P, et al. ELPAT Pediatric Organ Donation and Transplantation Working Group. Psychosocial impact of pediatric living-donor kidney and liver transplantation on recipients, donors, and the family: a systematic review. Transpl Int. 2015;28(3):270-280.
  • 9. Bener A, Alsulaiman R, Doodson L, Agathangelou T. Depression, Hopelessness and Social Support among Breast Cancer Patients: in Highly Endogamous Population. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2017;18(7):1889-1896.
  • 10. Zimet GD, Dahlem NW, Zimet SG, Farley GK. The multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Journal of personality assessment 1988;52(1):30-41.
  • 11. Eker D. Arkar H. Factor Structure, Validity andReliability of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Turkish Journal of Psychology. 1995;10(34):45-55.
  • 12. Eker D. Arkar H. Yaldız H. Factor Structure, Validity and Reliability of the Revised Form of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry. 2001;12(1):17-25.
  • 13. Beck AT, Weissman A, Lester D, Trexler L. The measurement of pessimism: the hopelessness scale. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1974;42(6):861-865.
  • 14. Seber G, Dilbaz N, Kaptanoğlu C. Umutsuzluk Ölçeği: Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirliği. 1993;1(3):139-142.
  • 15. Durak A, Palabıyıkoğlu R. Beck Umutsuzluk Ölçeği Geçerlilik Çalışması. Kriz Dergisi. 1994;2(2):311-319.
  • 16. Zhao SM, Dong FF, Qiu HZ, Li D. Quality of Life, Adherence Behavior, and Social Support Among Renal Transplant Recipients in China: A Descriptive Correlational Study. Transplant Proc. 2018;50(10):3329-3337.
  • 17. Dong Y, Li YJ, Zeng Z, Chen LP. Application of social support and psychological intervention in the nursing for heart transplant patients during the waiting period. Chinese Nursing Research. 2019;33(13):2217-2221.
  • 18. Liu SX, Sun Y, Du XP. Social support and life satisfactionin the elderly: mediating role of the sense of meaning in life and physical and psychological health. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2020;6:1265-1269.
  • 19. Zeng XJ. Correlation between mental elasticity, selfefficacy and coping style of kidney transplant recipients and social support. Nursing Journal of Chinese People’s Liberation Army. 2019;36(5):25-28.
  • 20. Liu K, Jiang XL. A study on the relationship between psychological control sources of kidney transplant recipients and social support. Chinese Nursing Research. 2017;35:24529-24532.
  • 21. Demir B, Demir İ. Effects of Illness Perception on Self- Care Agency and Hopelessness Levels in Liver Transplant Patients: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study. Clin Nurs Res. 2022 Mar;31(3):473-480.
  • 22. Annema C, Drent G, Roodbol PF, Metselaar HJ, Van Hoek B, Porte RJ, et al. A prospective cohort study on posttraumatic stress disorder in liver transplantation recipients before and after transplantation: Prevalence, symptom occurrence, and intrusive memories. J Psychosom Res. 2017;95:88-93.
  • 23. Paslakis G, Beckmann M, Beckebaum S, Klein C, Gräf J, Erim Y. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Quality of Life, and the Subjective Experience in Liver Transplant Recipients. Prog Transplant. 2018;28(1):70-76.
  • 24. Buursma MP, Tintle NL, Boven E, DeVon HA, Dunn SL. Lack of perceived social support in patients with ischemic heart disease is associated with hopelessness. Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 2020;34(2):14-16.
  • 25. Somasundaram RO, Devamani KA. A Comparative Study on Resilience, Perceived Social Support and Hopelessness Among Cancer Patients Treated with Curative and Palliative Care. Indian J Palliat Care. 2016;22(2):135-140.
  • 26. Krenzien F, Krezdorn N, Morgül MH, Wiltberger G, Atanasov G, Hau HM, et al. The elderly liver transplant recipients: anxiety, depression, fatigue and life satisfaction. Z Gastroenterol. 2017;55(6):557-563.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Rıza Demir This is me 0000-0002-7113-0780

Dilek Güneş This is me 0000-0003-2286-3387

Publication Date April 30, 2023
Submission Date November 22, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


Vancouver Demir R, Güneş D. Determination of social support and hopefulness levels of liver transplant patients. Maltepe tıp derg. 2023;15(1):1-6.