Inlet Patch in Proximal Esophagus
Year 2024,
Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 86 - 88, 31.12.2024
Velat Aytekin
Osman Yüksekyayla
Ahmet Uyanıkoğlu
Inlet patch(IP) is the congenital occurrence of heterotrophic gastric mucosa in the cervical esophagus. IP is detected incidentally during esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), but is more common in patients with symptoms of dysphagia, odynophagia, persistent globus sensation, heartburn, bloating, gas, and sometimes bitter, sour water coming to the mouth. In this article, a rare cervical inlet patch case is presented with literature.
- 1.Uyanikoglu A. Olgu sunumu: Servikal özofagusta dev inlet patch. Endoscopy Journal. 2011; 2011:75-76.
- 2.Patel A, Ajumobi AB. Esophageal Stricture: An Uncommon Complication of Cervical Inlet Patch. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2023;11: 23247096231201024.
- 3.Chong VH. Cervical inlet patch: an important cause of Globus pharyngeus. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018;275(12):3101-3102.
- 4.Chong VH. Clinical significance of heterotopic gastric mucosal patch of the proximal esophagus. World J Gastroenterol. 2013;19(3):331-338.
- 5.Fernandez-Garcia A, Saez Alvarez S, Gonzalez-Lamuno Sanchis C, Iglesias Blazquez C, Rodriguez Ruiz M, Arredondo Montero J. Esophageal inlet patch in a 7-year-old girl with subacute dysphagia. Pediatr Neonatol. 2024. Epub 20240802.
- 6.Okamoto K, Yamaguchi T, Asakawa T, Kaida D, Miyata T, Hayashi T, et al. Multidisciplinary treatment of advanced cervical esophageal adenocarcinoma derived from a gastric inlet patch: A case report. Oncol Lett. 2024;27(3):120.
- 7.Mungan Z, Attila T. Dysphagia Caused by Helicobacter pylori-Associated Inlet Patch Ulcer. ACG Case Rep J. 2020;7(6):e00405. Epub 20200615.
- 8.Phrathep DD, Anthony S, Healey KD, Ward I, Herman M. Symptoms of Chronic Dysphagia Secondary to Multiple Cervical Inlet Patches and Esophageal Stricture. Cureus. 2023;15(1):e33459. Epub 20230106.
- 9.Ciocalteu A, Popa P, Ionescu M, Gheonea DI. Issues and controversies in esophageal inlet patch. World J Gastroenterol. 2019;25(30):4061-4073.
- 10.Akbayir N, Alkim C, Erdem L, Sokmen HM, Sungun A, Basak T, et al. Heterotopic gastric mucosa in the cervical esophagus (inlet patch): endoscopic prevalence, histological and clinical characteristics. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;19(8):891-896.
- 11.Azar C, Jamali F, Tamim H, Abdul-Baki H, Soweid A. Prevalence of endoscopically identified heterotopic gastric mucosa in the proximal esophagus: endoscopist dependent? J Clin Gastroenterol. 2007;41(5):468-471.
- 12.Maconi G, Pace F, Vago L, Carsana L, Bargiggia S, Bianchi Porro G. Prevalence and clinical features of heterotopic gastric mucosa in the upper oesophagus (inlet patch). Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2000;12(7):745-749.
Proksimal Özofagusta Inlet Patch
Year 2024,
Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 86 - 88, 31.12.2024
Velat Aytekin
Osman Yüksekyayla
Ahmet Uyanıkoğlu
Inlet patch, heterotropik gastrik mukozanın konjenital olarak servikal özofagusta görülmesidir. IP, özofagogastroduodenoskopi (ÖGD) sırasında tesadüfen tespit edilmekle birlikte sıklıkla disfaji, odinofaji, kalıcı globus hissi, midede yanma, şişkinlik, gaz ve bazen ağza acı, ekşi su gelmesi semptomları ile prezente olabilir. Bu yazıda nadir görülen servikal inlet patch olgusu literatür eşliğinde sunulmuştur.
Ethical Statement
hastadan etik onam alınmıştır.
case report makalesi olduğundan etik kurul onayı alınmamıştır.
Supporting Institution
herhangi bir kurumdan destek alınmamıştır
Batman Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesinde çalışan Dr.İbrahim BAYHAN'a desteklerinden dolayı teşekkür ederim
- 1.Uyanikoglu A. Olgu sunumu: Servikal özofagusta dev inlet patch. Endoscopy Journal. 2011; 2011:75-76.
- 2.Patel A, Ajumobi AB. Esophageal Stricture: An Uncommon Complication of Cervical Inlet Patch. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2023;11: 23247096231201024.
- 3.Chong VH. Cervical inlet patch: an important cause of Globus pharyngeus. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018;275(12):3101-3102.
- 4.Chong VH. Clinical significance of heterotopic gastric mucosal patch of the proximal esophagus. World J Gastroenterol. 2013;19(3):331-338.
- 5.Fernandez-Garcia A, Saez Alvarez S, Gonzalez-Lamuno Sanchis C, Iglesias Blazquez C, Rodriguez Ruiz M, Arredondo Montero J. Esophageal inlet patch in a 7-year-old girl with subacute dysphagia. Pediatr Neonatol. 2024. Epub 20240802.
- 6.Okamoto K, Yamaguchi T, Asakawa T, Kaida D, Miyata T, Hayashi T, et al. Multidisciplinary treatment of advanced cervical esophageal adenocarcinoma derived from a gastric inlet patch: A case report. Oncol Lett. 2024;27(3):120.
- 7.Mungan Z, Attila T. Dysphagia Caused by Helicobacter pylori-Associated Inlet Patch Ulcer. ACG Case Rep J. 2020;7(6):e00405. Epub 20200615.
- 8.Phrathep DD, Anthony S, Healey KD, Ward I, Herman M. Symptoms of Chronic Dysphagia Secondary to Multiple Cervical Inlet Patches and Esophageal Stricture. Cureus. 2023;15(1):e33459. Epub 20230106.
- 9.Ciocalteu A, Popa P, Ionescu M, Gheonea DI. Issues and controversies in esophageal inlet patch. World J Gastroenterol. 2019;25(30):4061-4073.
- 10.Akbayir N, Alkim C, Erdem L, Sokmen HM, Sungun A, Basak T, et al. Heterotopic gastric mucosa in the cervical esophagus (inlet patch): endoscopic prevalence, histological and clinical characteristics. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;19(8):891-896.
- 11.Azar C, Jamali F, Tamim H, Abdul-Baki H, Soweid A. Prevalence of endoscopically identified heterotopic gastric mucosa in the proximal esophagus: endoscopist dependent? J Clin Gastroenterol. 2007;41(5):468-471.
- 12.Maconi G, Pace F, Vago L, Carsana L, Bargiggia S, Bianchi Porro G. Prevalence and clinical features of heterotopic gastric mucosa in the upper oesophagus (inlet patch). Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2000;12(7):745-749.