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Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 7/9/22

Year: 2022
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Davut SARITAŞ Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematic and Science Education 0000-0002-5108-4801
Eğitim Bilimleri ve Öğretmen Yetiştirme, Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi, Kimya Eğitimi
Türkçe Eğitimi, Türkçe Eğitimi, Söylem Çözümlemesi
Temel Eğitim

Maarif Mektepleri International Journal of Educational Science (MM-IJES) has been published by the Maarif Mektepleri Publications since 2017. MM-IJES is an internationally renowned journal that publishes academic, scientific and research-based articles as two issues per year (Winter / December-Summer / June).

Focus and Scope

MM-IJES aims to prepare the ground for academic studies prepared in all fields of Educational Sciences and to convey them to related subjects. MM-IJES is an internationally renowned journal that fills a gap in its field and features original scientific work that sets out new and remarkable views on the subject it is dealing with. The work to be sent to our journal must not have been published elsewhere or be in the evaluation phase for publication. In the work presented at a scientific meeting, the name, place and date of this scientific meeting should be indicated. In studies supported by a research institution or fund, the name and project number of the granting organization should be given. The authors' responsibilities are the responsibility of the views expressed in our journal.

Department Policies

Articles, Circular, Articles produced from theses, Book review, Congress, symposium, panel introduction are evaluated within the following processes.  Open Applications             indexed                Referee Review

Evaluation process

 The works submitted to the journal will be given a preliminary examination by giving a code from the moment we arrive. This process is examined in terms of content and form. Eligible studies shall be submitted with two approved judgments in the field to be evaluated for their scientific competence.


MM-IJES implements an evaluation system called "blind arbitration" by TÜBİTAK / ULAKBİM. Accordingly, at any stage, the names of the author and the names of the referees are not disclosed to the arbitrators. Referees can see the journal as a reader if an article is published in which the author's name is refereed. It is by no means communicated to the referees in any way what the unpublished article belongs to. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article may be sent a third referee. Written corrections by the referees are sent back to the author for necessary changes. The desired corrections are expected within a certain period of time. Those who do not receive at least two positive reports, who have been sent back to the author for correction and whose corrections have not been made within the specified period of time, are informed to the authors and eliminated from the publication process. At the last stage, the article is assessed by the editorial board in the direction of at least two jurisdictions "publishable", in terms of informing and contributing to the field, compliance with the publishing policy and priorities of the journal and deciding whether or not to be taken at the time of publication.


MM-IJES has adopted a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism. Positive completion of the evaluation process should be screened by

the author (s) with plagiarism programs such as "iThenticate" and "Turnitin". The plagiarism screening report should be sent to the editor of our journal.  


In order for a journal article to be published at the time of publication, the "Copyright Articles of Association Agreement" must be signed by the author(s) and sent to the journal contact address. Scientific and legal responsibilities of the manuscripts belong to authors.


Our paper has adopted the open access policy. No fee is charged from the authors for article submission fees, article processing fees, article publication fees, and so on

Open Access Policy

This journal has adopted the policy of providing open access. Open access increases the global exchange of information and has beneficial consequences for humanity. The first definition of open access was provided by the Budapest Open Access Initiative in February 2002. This definition predicts "free and unlimited online availability" of journal content; in other words, readers can access publications free of charge

Focus and Scope

MM-IJES aims to prepare the ground for academic studies prepared in all fields of Educational Sciences and to convey them to related subjects. MM-IJES is an internationally renowned journal that fills a gap in its field and features original scientific work that sets out new and remarkable views on the subject it is dealing with. The work to be sent to our journal must not have been published elsewhere or be in the evaluation phase for publication. In the work presented at a scientific meeting, the name, place and date of this scientific meeting should be indicated. In studies supported by a research institution or fund, the name and project number of the granting organization should be given. The authors' responsibilities are the responsibility of the views expressed in our journal.

Department Policies

Articles, Circular, Articles produced from theses, Book review, Congress, symposium, panel introduction are evaluated within the following processes.  Open Applications             indexed                Referee Review

Evaluation process

 The works submitted to the journal will be given a preliminary examination by giving a code from the moment we arrive. This process is examined in terms of content and form. Eligible studies shall be submitted with two approved judgments in the field to be evaluated for their scientific competence.


MM-IJES implements an evaluation system called "blind arbitration" by TÜBİTAK / ULAKBİM. Accordingly, at any stage, the names of the author and the names of the referees are not disclosed to the arbitrators. Referees can see the journal as a reader if an article is published in which the author's name is refereed. It is by no means communicated to the referees in any way what the unpublished article belongs to. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article may be sent a third referee. Written corrections by the referees are sent back to the author for necessary changes. The desired corrections are expected within a certain period of time. Those who do not receive at least two positive reports, who have been sent back to the author for correction and whose corrections have not been made within the specified period of time, are informed to the authors and eliminated from the publication process. At the last stage, the article is assessed by the editorial board in the direction of at least two jurisdictions "publishable", in terms of informing and contributing to the field, compliance with the publishing policy and priorities of the journal and deciding whether or not to be taken at the time of publication.


MM-IJES has adopted a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism. Positive completion of the evaluation process should be screened by

the author (s) with plagiarism programs such as "iThenticate" and "Turnitin". The plagiarism screening report should be sent to the editor of our journal.  


In order for a journal article to be published at the time of publication, the "Copyright Articles of Association Agreement" must be signed by the author(s) and sent to the journal contact address. Scientific and legal responsibilities of the manuscripts belong to authors.


Our paper has adopted the open access policy. No fee is charged from the authors for article submission fees, article processing fees, article publication fees, and so on

Open Access Policy

This journal has adopted the policy of providing open access. Open access increases the global exchange of information and has beneficial consequences for humanity. The first definition of open access was provided by the Budapest Open Access Initiative in February 2002. This definition predicts "free and unlimited online availability" of journal content; in other words, readers can access publications free of charge

he journal publishes academic studies in all areas of educational sciences;·Environmental Education· Child Development and Education· Democracy and Human Rights Education· Values ​​and Love Education· Religious Education· Philosophy of Education· Education Policies· Training Programs and Teaching· Education psychology· Educational Sociology· History of Education· Educational Technology· Education Management· Measurement and Evaluation in Education· Guidance and Psychological Counseling in Education· Science Education· Fine Arts Education· Public Education and Lifelong Learning· Primary education· Mathematics Education· Vocational and Technical Education· Engineering Education· Pre-School Education· Teacher Training· Special education· Health Education· Social Sciences Education· Sports Science Education· English Education· Educational Programs of the English-speaking Republics· Foreign language education· Higher education, etc ...

General Publication Principles

  1. The journal includes quantitative and qualitative research articles and theoretical works on all areas of education.

  2. The publication language of the magazine is English and Turkish.

  3. The articles submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or have been submitted to another journal at the same time. Our magazine has all publishing rights to the articles that are accepted for publication.

  4. The articles to be submitted to the journal are accepted only through the system. Articles sent to Co-editors or members of the Editorial Board are not accepted as official applications.

  5. The manuscripts submitted to the journal will be reviewed by peer editors and the Editorial Board. The articles which are found suitable in the preliminary examination are sent to the referees. Preliminary studies; Publications, Magazine publication principles, Scientific originality and update of the subject of the work, Educational contribution of the study topic, Writing rules and template compatibility.

  6. The studies determined to be appropriate for the preliminary examination are sent to the referees for scientific evaluation. The Editorial Board and / or its co-editors decide whether or not the articles will be published based on the referee reports.

  7. In case of need, the work is returned to the authors for review or suggested corrections in the direction of criticism and suggestions from the referees.

  8. The author (s) liaise between the referees only by co-editors.

  9. According to the journal publication principle, double blinded arbitration system is used during the evaluation of the articles.

  10. The author (s) can not make any changes on the articles which are accepted as the final form and which are accepted by the publication.

  11. The author (s) are responsible for the content of the published article (from the views of the sources and the citations, the opinions expressed and the copyrighted schedules, pictures and other images).
  12. For articles accepted for publication, author (s) and referees are not paid.

Yayın Etiği

Maarif Mektepleri Uluslararası Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi (MM-UEBD) akademik, bilimsel ve araştırmaya dayalı makalelerin yayınlandığı hakemli bir dergidir. Dergimizde daha önce herhangi bir yerde yayımlanmamış makaleler yayımlanmaktadır.

Yazarlar İçin Etik Kurallar

Tüm yazarlar çalışmalarının özgün olduğunu garanti ederler. Diğer araştırmacıların fikir, dil, resim, grafik ve tablolarına çalışmalarında yer verdiklerinde alıntı olarak belirtmek durumundadırlar. Kaynağı belirtmeden yapılan alıntı, size ait olan bir çalışmadan ya da başkalarının çalışmasından bir cümlenin bile kullanılması intihale yol açmaktadır.
Çalışmada adı geçen her yazar çalışmanın içeriğinden sorumludur. Çalışmaya katkısı bulunup araştırmacının ismine yer verilmemesi ya da katkısı bulunmadığı halde haksız yere adına yer verilmesi kabul edilemez bir durumdur.
Çalışmanın dergilere eş zamanlı gönderimi söz konusu değildir. Yazarlar bir çalışmayı aynı anda birden fazla dergiye göndermemelidirler. Bu konuyla ilintili olarak, yazarlar önceden yayımlanmış çalışmalarını da dergiye göndermemelidirler.
Yazarlar araştırmalarının bulgularına sadık kalmalıdır. Bulguların değiştirilmesi, bulgu ve sonuç uydurmak ve bunlardan yola çıkarak araştırma yapmak söz konusu değildir. Veriler ve materyaller üzerinde oynama, silme, çıkarma ya da baş etmesi güç verilerin yorumlanma işlemini atlama gibi durumlar güven kırıcıdır. Yazarlar, kişileri kötüleyici yorumlardan kaçınmalıdırlar.

Hakemler İçin Etik Kurallar

Hakemler değerlendirme sürecinin gizli olduğunun ve dışarıdan üçüncü kişilerle paylaşılmaması gerektiğini bilmelidir.
Dergiye gönderilen her çalışma hakemlerce tarafsız değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmalıdır.
Hakemler, belirlenen süre içerisinde çalışma ile ilgili anlaşılır ve yapıcı bir değerlendirme raporu sunmalıdır.
Çalışmanın intihal olduğu ya da önceden başka bir yerde yayımlandığı anlaşılması üzerine hakemler durumu editöre bildirmelidir.

Editör Takımı ve Editör İçin Etik Kurallar

Editör ve editör takımı hakem değerlendirme sürecini gizli tutar ve üçüncü kişilerle paylaşmaz.
Din, dil, ırk, cinsiyet, milliyet, kıdem veya kurumsal ilişki gözetmeksizin editör ve editör takımı dergiye gönderilen ve yayımı uygun görülen her çalışmaya tarafsız tutum sergiler.
Dergiye gönderilen bir makalenin intihal olduğu, başka yerde yayımlanma aşamasında olduğu veya yayımlandığına ilişkin bir iddia karşısında dergi editörü ve editör takımı bu durumu araştırır. İlgili iddianın doğrulanması durumunda editör makaleyi yayımlamaz.


Etik kurallar ile ilgili önerileriniz için lütfen editörle iletişime geçiniz.

Makale yükleme aşamasında ya da makale yayıma kabul edildikten sonra hiç bir şekilde yazar(lar)dan ücret talep edilmemektedir.

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