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Year 2005,
Volume: 7 Issue: 14, 141 - 152, 01.10.2005
ARSLAN, A. (1999), Who Rules Turkey: The Turkish Power Elite and the Roles, Functions and Social Backgrounds of Turkish Elites, Guildford: University of Surrey, Department of Sociology (PhD Thesis).
ARSLAN, A. (1995), Turkish Political Elites: Top Political Leadership in Turkey and Social Construction of Turkish Political Elites, Guildford: University of Surrey, Department of Sociology (MSc.Thesis).
ETZIONI-HALEVY, E. (1997), Class & Elites in Democracy and Democratisation, NewYork: Garland Publishing.
ETZONI, H. (1993), The Elite Connection, London: Polity Press.
FIELDING, J. (1994), SPSS for Windows V. 6.0, Guildford: University of Surrey.
JARY, D. & Jary, J. (1991), Dictionary of Sociology, Glasgow: Harper Collins.
LEWIS, B. (1961), The Emergence of Modern Turkey, London: Oxford UP.
MILLS, C. W. (1963), Power, Politics and People, NewYork: Oxford UP.
MILLS, C.W. (1956), The Power Elite, London: Oxford University Press.
MOSCA, G. (1939), The Ruling Class, New York: McGraw Hill.
MOORE, G. (1985), Studies of the Structure of National Elite Groups, London: Jai Press Inc.
MOYSER, G. & Wagstaffe, M. (1987), Research Methods for Elite Studies, London: Allen & Unwin.
PARETO, V. (1968), The Rise and Fall of the Elites, New Jersey: The Bedminster.