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Düzkır Mağarasının (Niğde, Aladağlar) İçi ve Dışından Alınan Toprak Örneklerinde Cryptococcus neoformans ve Histoplazma capsulatum Varlığının Araştırılması

Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 17 - 22, 25.04.2019


Mağaralar, karanlık, düşük sıcaklık ve yüksek
neme sahip ortamlar olup, organik madde girdisinin olmaması gibi koşullar
nedeni ile çoğunlukla ekstrem ortamlar olarak tanımlanır. Bu ekstrem koşullar
nedeni ile mağaraların mikrobiyal çeşitliliğini başlıca enerji kaynağı olarak
indirgenmiş inorganik bileşikleri kullanabilen kemolitotrofik mikroorganizmalar
oluşturmaktadır. Ancak insanlar aracılığı ile mağaralara yabancı
mikroorganizmaların taşınması ve insan kaynaklı organik maddelerin mağaralara
girişi sonucunda da mağaraların doğal biyolojik özellikleri bozulmaktadır.
Bunun yanında m
başta yarasalar gibi kanatlı memelilerin dışkıları olmak üzere doğal faunayı
oluşturan hayvanların artıkları Cryptococcus
ve Histoplazma capsulatum
gibi birçok patojen organizma için uygun kolonizasyon ortamını
oluşturmaktadır.  Bu maya türünün
direkt temas veya solunum yolu ile bulaştığında ciddi hastalıklara yol açtığı
mağarayı herhangi bir amaçla ziyaret eden bireyler için tehlike arz edeceği
açıktır.  Bu nedenle çalışmamızda
Niğde’de bulunan Düzkır Mağara’sının içinden ve dışından alınan toprak
örneklerinde Cryptococcus neoformans
ve Histoplasma capsulatum varlığının
araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Mağara içine ait toprak örneklerinin birinden Cryptococcus
genusuna ait bir izolat elde
edilmiş, izolatın fenotipik ve genotipik yöntemler kullanılarak tanısı
doğrulanmıştır. Ancak Histoplasma capsulatum saptanmamıştır. Ayrıca
alışmamız ülkemizde mağara toprak örneklerinden Cryptococcus neoformans izolasyonu ile ilgili ilk çalışma olması
açısından önem arz etmektedir.


  • Referans 1: Barış Ö., Erzurum İlindeki Mağaralarda Damlataşı Oluşumunda Etkili Bakterilerin İzolasyonu, Karakterizasyonu ve Tanısı, Atatürk Üniversitesi Doktora Tezi, (2009).Referans 2: Barton H.A., Introduction to Cave Mıcrobiology: A Review for the Non-Specialist, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 68 (2): 43–54 (2006).Referans 3: Bastian F., Jurado V., Nováková A., Alabouvette C., Saiz-Jimenez C., The microbiology of Lascaux Cave, Microbiology, 156 (Pt 3):644-52 (2010).Referans 4: Botts M.R., Hull C.M., Dueling in the lung: how Cryptococcus spores race the host for survival, Curr Opin Microbiol., 13(4):437-42 (2010). Referans 5: Candiroglu B., Dogruoz Gungor N., Cave Ecosystems: Microbiological View, Eur J Biol., 76(1): 36-42 (2017). Referans 6: Cermeño J.R., Hernández I., Cabello I., Orellán Y., Cermeño J.J., Albornoz R., Padrón E., Godoy G., Cryptococcus neoformans and Histoplasma capsulatum in dove’s (Columbia livia) excreta in Bolívar State, Venezuela, Rev Latinoam Microbiol ., 48 (1): 6-9 (2006).Referans 7: Chowdhary A., Rhandhawa H.S., Prakash A., Meis J., Environmental prevalence of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in India: An update, Critical Reviews in Microbiology 38(1):1-16 (2011). Referans 8: De Mandal S., Chatterjee R., Kumar N.S., Dominant bacterial phyla in caves and their predicted functional roles in C and N cycle, BMC Microbiology, 17:90 (2017).Referans 9: Ergin Ç., Şengül M., Mete E., Karatepe M., Screening of Histoplasma capsulatum, Cryptococcus neoformans and keratinophilic fungi in touristic Denizli dodurgalar (Keloğlan) cave, Türk Mikrobiyol Cem Derg., 38 (3-4) : 132-136 (2008).Referans 10: Escandón P., Castañeda E., Long-term survival of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in stored environmental samples from Colombia, Revista Iberoamericana de Micología, 32 (3); 197-199 (2015).Referans 11: Gökçen H., Ergin Ç., The isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans from Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees in Muğla-Milas city center, Pamukkale Medical Journal, 7(2):109-112 (2014).Referans 12: Igreja R.P., Infectious Diseases Associated with Caves, Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 22, 115–121 (2011). Referans 13: Jurado V., Porca E., Cuezva S., Fernandez-Cortes A., Sanches-Moral S., Saiz-Jimenez C., Fungal Outbreak in a Show Cave, Sci Total Environ, 408: 3632-8 (2010).Referans 14: Jurado, V., Laiz, L., Rodriguez-Nava, V.,, Boiron, P., Hermosin, B., Sanchez-Moral, S., , Saiz-Jimenez, C., Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms in caves, International Journal of Speleology, 39 (1): 15-24 (2010)Referans 15: Kumaresan D., Wıscher D., Stephenson J., Hıllebrand-Voıculescu A., Murrell J.C., Microbiology of Movile Cave-A Chemolithoautotrophic Ecosystem, Geomicrobiology Journal , 31: 186–193 (2014). Referans 16: Leaw S.N., Chang H.C., Sun H.F., Barton R., Bouchara J., Chang T.C., Identification of Medically Important Yeast Species by Sequence Analysis of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions, J Clin Microbiol., 44(3): 693–699 (2006).Referans 17: Liu D., Coloe S., Baird R., Pedresen J., Rapid minipreparation of fungal DNA for PCR. J Clin Microbiol 38:471, (2000).Referans 18: Montagna M.T., Santacroce M.P., Caggiano G., Tato D. & Ajello L., Cavernicolous habitats harbouring Cryptococcus neoformans: results of a speleological survey in Apulia, Italy, 1999-2000, Medical Mycology, 41: 451-455 (2003).Referans 19: Nielsen K., De Obaldia A., Heitman J., Cryptococcus neoformans Mates on Pigeon Guano: Implications for the Realized Ecological Niche and Globalization, Eukaryotic Cell, 949–959 (2007).Referans 20: Pelek Ş., Altınkaya S., Korkmaz U.B., Ergin Ç., Investigation of Cryptococcus neoformans in excreta samples of urban pigeons (Columba livia) lived in Denizli city center, Pamukkale Medical Journal, 4(1):21-4 (2011).Referans 21: Reynolds, H.T., Barton, H.A., Comparison of the White-Nose Syndrome Agent Pseudogymnoascus to Cave-Dwelling Relatives Suggests Reduced Saprotrophic Enzyme Activity, Plos One | 9 (1), e86437 (2014).Referans 22: Rivas F., De Martin M.C, Rojas V., Cryptococcus neoformans isolation from the soil in Panama, Rev Med Panama., 24(1):4-6 (1999).Referans 23: Sen M., Bayburt C., Aydın S., Onder N.I., Incesu Z., Atli B., Yamac M., Düzkır Mağarasından (Aladağlar) Elde Edilen Bakteri İzolatlarının Biyolojik Aktiviteleri, 5. Ulusal Speleoloji sempozyumu, 18-21 Mart, İstanbul, (2011).Referans 24: Claudia Schabereiter-Gurtner, C., Cesareo Saiz-Jimenez, C., Guadalupe Pinar, G., Werner Lubitz, W., Sabine Rölleke, S., Altamira cave Paleolithic paintings harbor partly unknown bacterial communities, FEMS Microbiology Letters 211: 7-11 (2002). Referans 25: Sugita T., Kikuchi K., Makimura K., Urata K., Someya T., Kamei K., Niimi M., Uehara Y., Trichosporon Species Isolated from Guano Samples Obtained from Bat-Inhabited Caves in Japan, Appl Environ Microbiol., 71(11): 7626–7629 (2005). Referans 26: Tok E., The Bacterial and Archaeal Biodiversity of Insuyu Cave, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans tezi, (2016).Vanderwolf K.J., Malloch D., McAlpine D.F., Graham J. Forbes G.J., A world review of fungi, yeasts, and slime molds in caves, International Journal of Speleology, 42 (1), 77-96 (2013). Referans 27: Velagapudi R., Hsueh Y., Geunes-Boyer S., Jo Rae Wright JR., Joseph Heitman J., Spores as Infectious Propagules of Cryptococcus neoformans, Infect Immun., 77(10): 4345–4355 (2009). Referans 28: Watkins R.A., King J.S., Johnston S.A., Nutritional Requirements and Their Importance for Virulence of Pathogenic Cryptococcus Species, Microorganisms, 5(4), 65; 1-20 (2017).Referans 29: Wu Y., Tan L., Liu W., Wang B., Wang J., Cai Y., Lin X., Profiling bacterial diversity in a limestone cave of the western Loess Plateau of China, Frontiers in Microbiology, 6 (Article 244), 1-10 (2015).Referans 30: Yasir M., Analysis of bacterial communities and characterization of antimicrobial strains from cave microbiota, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 49 (2): 248-257 (2018).
  • Referans 31: Yucel S., Yamac M., Selection of Streptomyces isolates from Turkish karstic caves against antibiotic resistant microorganisms, Pak J Pharm Sci, 23(1): 1-6 (2010).
  • Referans 32: Zhang Z., Peng Zhao P., Lei Cai L., Origin of Cave Fungi, Frontiers in Microbiology, 9 (1407): 1-10, (2018).

Investigation of Cryptococcus neoformans and Histoplasma capsulatum in soil samples taken from inside and outside of Düzkır Cave (Niğde, Aladağlar)

Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 17 - 22, 25.04.2019


are defined as extreme environments because of they are dark, in low
temperatures and high in humidity and they lack the entries of organic
materials. Due to these extreme conditions, the microbial diversity of caves is
composed of chemolithotrophic microorganisms that can use reduced inorganic
compounds as their energy source. However, the natural biological properties of
caves are deteriorating because of the entrance of new microorganisms and human
related organic matters due to humans. Besides this, caves are appropriate
colonization environments for pathogenic microorganisms such as Cryptococcus
and Histoplazma
 Since the natural fauna of caves involve winged
mammals such as bats and the faeces of these animals. Since this yeast is known
to be causing serious health problems by direct contact or inhalation, it is
clear that it will possess a risk for people who with any purpose visits these
caves. For this reason, this study aims to determine the presence of Cryptococcus
 and Histoplasma
in inside and outside of the soils of Duzkir Cave. As a
result of this study, one isolate of Cryptococcus species was
acquired from one of the soil samples taken from inside the cave and it is
confirmed as C. neoformans by using
phenotypical and genotypical methods. However, Histoplasma capsulatum was not detected. The presented study is the
first study involving Cryptococcus neoformans isolation from cave soil
samples in Turkey.


  • Referans 1: Barış Ö., Erzurum İlindeki Mağaralarda Damlataşı Oluşumunda Etkili Bakterilerin İzolasyonu, Karakterizasyonu ve Tanısı, Atatürk Üniversitesi Doktora Tezi, (2009).Referans 2: Barton H.A., Introduction to Cave Mıcrobiology: A Review for the Non-Specialist, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 68 (2): 43–54 (2006).Referans 3: Bastian F., Jurado V., Nováková A., Alabouvette C., Saiz-Jimenez C., The microbiology of Lascaux Cave, Microbiology, 156 (Pt 3):644-52 (2010).Referans 4: Botts M.R., Hull C.M., Dueling in the lung: how Cryptococcus spores race the host for survival, Curr Opin Microbiol., 13(4):437-42 (2010). Referans 5: Candiroglu B., Dogruoz Gungor N., Cave Ecosystems: Microbiological View, Eur J Biol., 76(1): 36-42 (2017). Referans 6: Cermeño J.R., Hernández I., Cabello I., Orellán Y., Cermeño J.J., Albornoz R., Padrón E., Godoy G., Cryptococcus neoformans and Histoplasma capsulatum in dove’s (Columbia livia) excreta in Bolívar State, Venezuela, Rev Latinoam Microbiol ., 48 (1): 6-9 (2006).Referans 7: Chowdhary A., Rhandhawa H.S., Prakash A., Meis J., Environmental prevalence of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in India: An update, Critical Reviews in Microbiology 38(1):1-16 (2011). Referans 8: De Mandal S., Chatterjee R., Kumar N.S., Dominant bacterial phyla in caves and their predicted functional roles in C and N cycle, BMC Microbiology, 17:90 (2017).Referans 9: Ergin Ç., Şengül M., Mete E., Karatepe M., Screening of Histoplasma capsulatum, Cryptococcus neoformans and keratinophilic fungi in touristic Denizli dodurgalar (Keloğlan) cave, Türk Mikrobiyol Cem Derg., 38 (3-4) : 132-136 (2008).Referans 10: Escandón P., Castañeda E., Long-term survival of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in stored environmental samples from Colombia, Revista Iberoamericana de Micología, 32 (3); 197-199 (2015).Referans 11: Gökçen H., Ergin Ç., The isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans from Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees in Muğla-Milas city center, Pamukkale Medical Journal, 7(2):109-112 (2014).Referans 12: Igreja R.P., Infectious Diseases Associated with Caves, Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 22, 115–121 (2011). Referans 13: Jurado V., Porca E., Cuezva S., Fernandez-Cortes A., Sanches-Moral S., Saiz-Jimenez C., Fungal Outbreak in a Show Cave, Sci Total Environ, 408: 3632-8 (2010).Referans 14: Jurado, V., Laiz, L., Rodriguez-Nava, V.,, Boiron, P., Hermosin, B., Sanchez-Moral, S., , Saiz-Jimenez, C., Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms in caves, International Journal of Speleology, 39 (1): 15-24 (2010)Referans 15: Kumaresan D., Wıscher D., Stephenson J., Hıllebrand-Voıculescu A., Murrell J.C., Microbiology of Movile Cave-A Chemolithoautotrophic Ecosystem, Geomicrobiology Journal , 31: 186–193 (2014). Referans 16: Leaw S.N., Chang H.C., Sun H.F., Barton R., Bouchara J., Chang T.C., Identification of Medically Important Yeast Species by Sequence Analysis of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions, J Clin Microbiol., 44(3): 693–699 (2006).Referans 17: Liu D., Coloe S., Baird R., Pedresen J., Rapid minipreparation of fungal DNA for PCR. J Clin Microbiol 38:471, (2000).Referans 18: Montagna M.T., Santacroce M.P., Caggiano G., Tato D. & Ajello L., Cavernicolous habitats harbouring Cryptococcus neoformans: results of a speleological survey in Apulia, Italy, 1999-2000, Medical Mycology, 41: 451-455 (2003).Referans 19: Nielsen K., De Obaldia A., Heitman J., Cryptococcus neoformans Mates on Pigeon Guano: Implications for the Realized Ecological Niche and Globalization, Eukaryotic Cell, 949–959 (2007).Referans 20: Pelek Ş., Altınkaya S., Korkmaz U.B., Ergin Ç., Investigation of Cryptococcus neoformans in excreta samples of urban pigeons (Columba livia) lived in Denizli city center, Pamukkale Medical Journal, 4(1):21-4 (2011).Referans 21: Reynolds, H.T., Barton, H.A., Comparison of the White-Nose Syndrome Agent Pseudogymnoascus to Cave-Dwelling Relatives Suggests Reduced Saprotrophic Enzyme Activity, Plos One | 9 (1), e86437 (2014).Referans 22: Rivas F., De Martin M.C, Rojas V., Cryptococcus neoformans isolation from the soil in Panama, Rev Med Panama., 24(1):4-6 (1999).Referans 23: Sen M., Bayburt C., Aydın S., Onder N.I., Incesu Z., Atli B., Yamac M., Düzkır Mağarasından (Aladağlar) Elde Edilen Bakteri İzolatlarının Biyolojik Aktiviteleri, 5. Ulusal Speleoloji sempozyumu, 18-21 Mart, İstanbul, (2011).Referans 24: Claudia Schabereiter-Gurtner, C., Cesareo Saiz-Jimenez, C., Guadalupe Pinar, G., Werner Lubitz, W., Sabine Rölleke, S., Altamira cave Paleolithic paintings harbor partly unknown bacterial communities, FEMS Microbiology Letters 211: 7-11 (2002). Referans 25: Sugita T., Kikuchi K., Makimura K., Urata K., Someya T., Kamei K., Niimi M., Uehara Y., Trichosporon Species Isolated from Guano Samples Obtained from Bat-Inhabited Caves in Japan, Appl Environ Microbiol., 71(11): 7626–7629 (2005). Referans 26: Tok E., The Bacterial and Archaeal Biodiversity of Insuyu Cave, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans tezi, (2016).Vanderwolf K.J., Malloch D., McAlpine D.F., Graham J. Forbes G.J., A world review of fungi, yeasts, and slime molds in caves, International Journal of Speleology, 42 (1), 77-96 (2013). Referans 27: Velagapudi R., Hsueh Y., Geunes-Boyer S., Jo Rae Wright JR., Joseph Heitman J., Spores as Infectious Propagules of Cryptococcus neoformans, Infect Immun., 77(10): 4345–4355 (2009). Referans 28: Watkins R.A., King J.S., Johnston S.A., Nutritional Requirements and Their Importance for Virulence of Pathogenic Cryptococcus Species, Microorganisms, 5(4), 65; 1-20 (2017).Referans 29: Wu Y., Tan L., Liu W., Wang B., Wang J., Cai Y., Lin X., Profiling bacterial diversity in a limestone cave of the western Loess Plateau of China, Frontiers in Microbiology, 6 (Article 244), 1-10 (2015).Referans 30: Yasir M., Analysis of bacterial communities and characterization of antimicrobial strains from cave microbiota, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 49 (2): 248-257 (2018).
  • Referans 31: Yucel S., Yamac M., Selection of Streptomyces isolates from Turkish karstic caves against antibiotic resistant microorganisms, Pak J Pharm Sci, 23(1): 1-6 (2010).
  • Referans 32: Zhang Z., Peng Zhao P., Lei Cai L., Origin of Cave Fungi, Frontiers in Microbiology, 9 (1407): 1-10, (2018).
There are 3 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section MYCOLOGY

Özlem Abacı Günyar

Ayşegül Yoltaş This is me

Mustafa Yamaç

Alev Haliki Uztan This is me

Publication Date April 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Abacı Günyar, Ö., Yoltaş, A., Yamaç, M., Haliki Uztan, A. (2019). Düzkır Mağarasının (Niğde, Aladağlar) İçi ve Dışından Alınan Toprak Örneklerinde Cryptococcus neoformans ve Histoplazma capsulatum Varlığının Araştırılması. Mantar Dergisi, 10(1), 17-22.

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