Hebeloma cylindrosporum (Hymenogastraceae, Basidiomycota) from Selim (Kars) district is described as a new record species for Turkish mycota. The species is assigned to the genus Hebeloma, section Scabrispora. A comprehensive description, photographs, and comparisons with related species based on morphological and phylogenetical features are provided. The phylogenetic position within the genus is provided based on the DNA sequence of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (nrITS) region. Phylogenetic analyses show that the species is located within a well-supported section Scabrispora.
Aquino, M.T. and Plassard, C. 2004. Dynamics of ectomycorrhizal mycelial growth and P transfer to the host plant in response to low and high soil P availability. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 48, 149–156.
Becquer, A., Garcia, K., Amenc, L., Rivard, C., Dore, J. et al. 2018. The Hebeloma cylindrosporum HcPT2 Pi transporter plays a key role in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytologist, 220(4): 1185–99.
Beker, H.J., Eberhardt, U. & Vesterholt, J. (2016). Fungi Europaei Vol. 14, Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. –Edizioni Tecnografica.
Dizkirici Tekpinar A., Acar A., Kalmer A., Uzun Y., 2019. Morphological and molecular characterization of Hebeloma subtortum (Hymenogastraceae), a new record macrofungus from Bingöl province, Turkey. Kastamonu Univ., Journal of Forestry Faculty, 19(1): 1-10.
Doğan, H.H. & Kurt, F. (2016). New macrofungi records from Turkey and macrofungal diversity of Pozantı-Adana. Turkish Journal of Botany 40,209-217.
Doré, J., Marmeisse, R., Combier, J.P., Gay, G. 2014. A Fungal Conserved Gene from the Basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum Is Essential for Efficient Ectomycorrhiza Formation. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 27: 10, 1059–1069.
Doyle, J.J., Doyle, J.L. (1987). A rapid DNA isolation procedure for small quantities of fresh leaf tissue. Phytochemical Bulletin, 19,11-15.
Felsenstein, J. (1985). Confidence limits on phylogenies: An approach using the bootstrap. Evolution, 39: 783–791.
Güngör, H., Solak, M.H., Allı, H., Işıloğlu, M. & Kalmış, E. (2015). New records for Turkey and contributions to the macrofungal diversity of Isparta Province. Turkish Journal of Botany 39, 867-877.
Khullar, S. and Reddy, M.S. 2020. Arsenic toxicity and its mitigation in ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum through glutathione biosynthesis. Chemosphere, 240:124914.
Laurans, F., Pepin, R., Gay, G. 2001. Fungal auxin overproduction affects the anatomy of Hebeloma cylindrosporum–Pinus pinaster ectomycorrhizas. Tree Physiology, 21, 533–540.
Marmeisse, R., Guidot, A., Gay, G., Lambilliotte, R. et al. 2004. Hebeloma cylindrosporum – a model species to study ectomycorrhizal symbiosis from gene to ecosystem. New Phytologist, 163, 481-498.
Sesli, E. and Denchev, C.M. (2014). Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. 6th edn. Mycotaxon Checklists Online (http://www.mycotaxon.com/ resources/checklists/sesli-v106- checklist.pdf): 1- 136.
Sesli E., Contu M., Vila J., Moreau P.A. & Battistin, E. (2015). Taxonomic studies on some agaricoid and boletoid fungi of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 39, 134-146.
Sesli, E., Örtücü, S., & Aytaç, E. (2018). Türkiye mikotası için yeni kayıtlar BasidiomycotaAgaricales). Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi 5(1),15- 20.
Solak, M.H., Isıloğlu, M., Erbil, K. & Allı, H. (2015). Macrofungi of Turkey Checklist (2nd ed.) Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir.
Tamura, K., Nei, M. (1993). Estimation of the number of nucleotide substitutions in the control region of mitochondrial DNA in humans and chimpanzees. Mol Biol Evol, 10: 512–526.
Tamura, K., Stecher, G., Peterson, D., Filipski, A., M., Kumar, S. (2013). MEGA6: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 6.0, Mol. Biol. Evol, 30(12): 2725–2729.
Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G., Gibson, T.J. (1994). Clustal W improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice. Nucleic Acids Res, 22: 4673–4680.
Vesterholt, J. (2005): The Genus Hebeloma. [Fungi of Northern Europe Volume 3] Danish Mycological Society, Copenhagen.
Wen, J., Zimmer, E.A. (1996). Phylogeny and Biogeography of Panax L. (the Ginseng Genus, Araliaceae): Inferences from ITS Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 6, 167–177.
Selim (Kars) yöresinden Türkiye Mikobiotası için Yeni Bir Kayıt
Year 2021,
Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 65 - 70, 30.04.2021
Hebeloma cylindrosporum (Hymenogastraceae, Basidiomycota), Türkiye’nin Selim (Kars) ilçesinden Türk mikotası için yeni kayıt tür olarak tanımlanmıştır. Tanımlanan tür, Hebeloma cinsine ait Scabrispora seksiyonunda yer almaktadır. Detaylı deskripsiyon, fotoğraflar ve morfolojik ve filogenetik karakterlere dayalı olarak yapilan cins icindeki filogenetik pozisyonu verilmiştir. Cins içindeki filogenetik ilişkilerinin belirlenmesi transkribe edici iç aralayıcı (ITS) bölgenin dizisine dayanılarak sağlanmıştır. Yapılan filogenetik analizler türün Scabrispora seksiyonunda yer aldığını göstermiştir.
Aquino, M.T. and Plassard, C. 2004. Dynamics of ectomycorrhizal mycelial growth and P transfer to the host plant in response to low and high soil P availability. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 48, 149–156.
Becquer, A., Garcia, K., Amenc, L., Rivard, C., Dore, J. et al. 2018. The Hebeloma cylindrosporum HcPT2 Pi transporter plays a key role in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytologist, 220(4): 1185–99.
Beker, H.J., Eberhardt, U. & Vesterholt, J. (2016). Fungi Europaei Vol. 14, Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. –Edizioni Tecnografica.
Dizkirici Tekpinar A., Acar A., Kalmer A., Uzun Y., 2019. Morphological and molecular characterization of Hebeloma subtortum (Hymenogastraceae), a new record macrofungus from Bingöl province, Turkey. Kastamonu Univ., Journal of Forestry Faculty, 19(1): 1-10.
Doğan, H.H. & Kurt, F. (2016). New macrofungi records from Turkey and macrofungal diversity of Pozantı-Adana. Turkish Journal of Botany 40,209-217.
Doré, J., Marmeisse, R., Combier, J.P., Gay, G. 2014. A Fungal Conserved Gene from the Basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum Is Essential for Efficient Ectomycorrhiza Formation. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 27: 10, 1059–1069.
Doyle, J.J., Doyle, J.L. (1987). A rapid DNA isolation procedure for small quantities of fresh leaf tissue. Phytochemical Bulletin, 19,11-15.
Felsenstein, J. (1985). Confidence limits on phylogenies: An approach using the bootstrap. Evolution, 39: 783–791.
Güngör, H., Solak, M.H., Allı, H., Işıloğlu, M. & Kalmış, E. (2015). New records for Turkey and contributions to the macrofungal diversity of Isparta Province. Turkish Journal of Botany 39, 867-877.
Khullar, S. and Reddy, M.S. 2020. Arsenic toxicity and its mitigation in ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum through glutathione biosynthesis. Chemosphere, 240:124914.
Laurans, F., Pepin, R., Gay, G. 2001. Fungal auxin overproduction affects the anatomy of Hebeloma cylindrosporum–Pinus pinaster ectomycorrhizas. Tree Physiology, 21, 533–540.
Marmeisse, R., Guidot, A., Gay, G., Lambilliotte, R. et al. 2004. Hebeloma cylindrosporum – a model species to study ectomycorrhizal symbiosis from gene to ecosystem. New Phytologist, 163, 481-498.
Sesli, E. and Denchev, C.M. (2014). Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. 6th edn. Mycotaxon Checklists Online (http://www.mycotaxon.com/ resources/checklists/sesli-v106- checklist.pdf): 1- 136.
Sesli E., Contu M., Vila J., Moreau P.A. & Battistin, E. (2015). Taxonomic studies on some agaricoid and boletoid fungi of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 39, 134-146.
Sesli, E., Örtücü, S., & Aytaç, E. (2018). Türkiye mikotası için yeni kayıtlar BasidiomycotaAgaricales). Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi 5(1),15- 20.
Solak, M.H., Isıloğlu, M., Erbil, K. & Allı, H. (2015). Macrofungi of Turkey Checklist (2nd ed.) Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir.
Tamura, K., Nei, M. (1993). Estimation of the number of nucleotide substitutions in the control region of mitochondrial DNA in humans and chimpanzees. Mol Biol Evol, 10: 512–526.
Tamura, K., Stecher, G., Peterson, D., Filipski, A., M., Kumar, S. (2013). MEGA6: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 6.0, Mol. Biol. Evol, 30(12): 2725–2729.
Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G., Gibson, T.J. (1994). Clustal W improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice. Nucleic Acids Res, 22: 4673–4680.
Vesterholt, J. (2005): The Genus Hebeloma. [Fungi of Northern Europe Volume 3] Danish Mycological Society, Copenhagen.
Wen, J., Zimmer, E.A. (1996). Phylogeny and Biogeography of Panax L. (the Ginseng Genus, Araliaceae): Inferences from ITS Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 6, 167–177.
Acar, İ., Uzun, Y., Kalmer, A., Dizkırıcı, A., et al. (2021). A New Record for Turkish Mycobiota from Selim (Kars) District. Mantar Dergisi, 12(1), 65-70. https://doi.org/10.30708/mantar.820871
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