Research Article
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Impacts, awareness and management of lionfish envenomation in Turkey

Year 2022, , 84 - 90, 30.06.2022


The study was carried out in the Mediterranean region of Turkey between 2018 and 2021. It was aimed to reveal lionfish awareness studies and lionfish venoming cases in Turkey in this study. The awareness studies were determined by institutional studies. Personal interviews, first aid agency notifications and literature were investigated to find lionfish venoming cases. Four awareness studies and seven lionfish venoming cases were detected. Pain, swelling, and redness were often the first symptoms in the venoming cases. The first application was immersion in hot water in three of the seven cases. No deaths were recorded in the cases. In Turkey, the awareness studies should continue with the derbies or tournaments and government-supported removal efforts must be made to reduce the population and stocks of invasive lionfish.


  • Aktaş, Ş. & Mirasoğlu, B. (2017). Lionfish envenomation: clinical aspect and management. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 23(1): 81-87.
  • Al Mabruk, S. A. A. & Rizgalla, J. (2019). First record of lionfish (Scorpaenidae: Pterois) from Libyan waters. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 25(1): 108-114.
  • Aldred, B., Ericksoni, T., Lipscomb, J. (1996). Lionfish envenomations in an urban wilderness. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 7(4): 291-296.[0291:LEIAUW]2.3.CO;2
  • Anadolu Agency, (2022). Invasive lionfish has begun to take its place on the table. Retrieved on January 15, 2022 from
  • Anonymous. (1995). Fishery Regulation. Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey. 1995; 22223: 33-35.
  • Ayas, D., Ağılkaya, G. Ş. & Yağlıoğlu, D. (2018). New occurrence of the red lionfish Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) in the north eastern Mediterranean (Yeşilovacık Bay). Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 6(4): 871-877.
  • Ayaz, F., Ayas, D. & Börekci, N. S. (2020). Inflammatory and erectile dysfunction (impotence) treating potential of lionfish venom. Mediterranean Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, 3(3): 103-111.
  • Azzurro, E., Stancanelli, B., Martino, V. D. & Bariche, M. (2017). Range expansion of the common lionfish Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) in the Mediterranean Sea: an unwanted new guest for Italian waters. BioInvasions Records, 6(2): 95-98.
  • Badillo, R. B., Banner, W., Morris, J. A. & Schaeffer, S. E. (2012). A case study of lionfish sting-induced paralysis. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation, 5(1): 1-3.
  • Bariche, M., Torres, M. & Azurro, E. (2013). The presence of the invasive lionfish Pterois miles in the Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 14(2): 292-294.
  • Bernadsky G. & Goulet D. (1991). A natural predator of the lionfish Pterois miles. Copeia, 1: 230-231.
  • Bilecenoğlu M. (2017). Is Turkey ready to face with lionfish (Pterois spp.) invasion? Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 23(1): 75-80.
  • Bilge, G., Filiz, H. & Yapıcı, S. (2017). Occurrences of Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) between 1992 and 2016 from Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 23(3): 201-208.
  • Cavas, L. & Bilgin, Y. (2021). Bioactivities from novel toxins of Pterois volitans: A Bioinformatics approach. Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, 8(4): 411-423.
  • Crocetta, F., Agius, D., Balistreri, P., Bariche, M., Bayhan, Y. K., Cakir, M., Ciriaco, S., Corsini-Foka, M., Deidun, A., El Zrelli, R., Erguden, D., Evans, J., Ghelia, M., Giavasi, M., Kleitou, P., Kondylatos, G., Lipej, L., Mifsud, C., Ozvarol, Y., Pagano, A., Portelli, P., Poursanidis, D., Rabaoui, L., Schembri, P. J., Taskin, E., Tiralongo, F. & Zenetos, A. (2015). New Mediterranean biodiversity records (October 2015). Mediterranean Marine Science, 16(3): 682-702.
  • Dağhan, H. & Demirhan, S. A. (2020). Some bio-ecological characteristics of lionfish Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) in Iskenderun Bay. Marine and Life Sciences, 2(1): 28-40.
  • Dailianis, T., Akyol, O., Babali, N., Bariche, M., Crocetta, F., Gerovasileiou, V., Ghanem, R., Gokoglu, M., Hasiotis, T., Izquierdo-Munoz, A., Julian, D., Katsanevakis, S., Lipez, L., Mancini, E., Mytilineou, C., Ounifi Ben Amor, K., Ozgul, A., Ragkousis, M., Rubio-Portillo, E., Servello, G., Sini, K., Stamouli, C., Sterioti, A., Teker, S., Tiralongo, F. & Trkov, D. (2016). New Mediterranean biodiversity records (July 2016). Mediterranean Marine Science, 17(2): 608-626.
  • Dimitriadis, C., Galanidi, M., Zenetos, A., Corsini-Foka, M., Giovos, I., Karachle, P. K., Fournari–Konstantinidoy, I., Kytinou, E., İssaris, Y., Azzurro, E., Castriota, L., Falautano, M., Kalimeris, A. & Katsanevakis, S. (2020). Updating the occurrences of Pterois miles in the Mediterranean Sea, with considerations on thermal boundaries and future range expansion. Mediterranean Marine Science, 21(1): 62-69.
  • Dragičević, B., Ugarković, P., Krželj, M., Zurub, D. & Dulčić, J. (2021). New record of Pterois cf. miles (Actinopterygii: Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) from the eastern middle Adriatic Sea (Croatian waters): Northward expansion. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 51(4): 379-383.
  • Gleason, J., Gullick, H. (Eds.) (2014). Bermuda lionfish control plan. Bermuda Lionfish Task Force, Ver. 6. Retrieved on January 10, 2022 from
  • Golani, D. & Sonin, O. (1992). New records of the Red Sea fishes, Pterois miles (Scorpaenidae) and Pteragogus pelycus (Labridae) from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 39(2): 167-169.
  • Gökoğlu, M., Teker, S. & Julian, D. (2017). Westward extension of the Lionfish Pterois volitans Linnaeus, 1758 along the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 2(2): 67-72.
  • Gürlek, M., Ergüden, D., Uyan, A., Doğdu, S. A., Yağlıoğlu, D., Öztürk, B. & Turan, C. (2016). First record red lionfish Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1785) in the Mediterranean Sea. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 1(3): 27-32.
  • Haddad, V., Stolf, H. O., Risk, V. Y., França, F. O. & Cardoso, J. L. C. (2015). Report of 15 injuries caused by lionfish (Pterois volitans) in aquarists in Brazil: A critical assessment of the severity of envenomations. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 21: 8.
  • Hardison, D. R., Holland, W. C., Darius, H. T., Chinain, M., Tester, P. A., Shea, D., Bogdanoff, A. K., Morris, J. A., Quintana, H. A. F., Loeffler, C. R., Buddo, D., Wayne Litaker, R. W. (2018). Investigation of ciguatoxins in invasive lionfish from the greater caribbean region: Implications for fishery development. PLoS One, 13(6): e0198358.
  • Harris, H. E., Patterson, W. F., Ahrens, R. N. M. & Allen, M. S. (2019). Detection and removal efficiency of invasive lionfish in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fisheries Research, 213: 22-32.
  • Huseyinoğlu, M. F., Demir, V., Arda, Y., Draman, M. & Yokes, M. B. (2021). Spatio-temporal distribution of lionfish, Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) in Kaş-Kekova special environmental protected area, Turkey. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 254:107331.
  • ILCAHCANSTF - Invasive Lionfısh Control Ad-Hoc Committee of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force. (2015). National invasive lionfish prevention and management plan. 84 p.
  • Jimenez, C., Petrou, A., Andreou, V., Hadjioannou, L., Wolf, W., Koutsoloukas, N. & Alhaija, R. A. (2016). Veni, Vidi, vici: the successful establishment of the lionfish Pterois miles in Cyprus (Levantine Sea). Rapport Commission International Mer Mediterranee, 41: 417.
  • Kleitou, P., Savva, I., Kletou, D., Hall-Spencer, J. M., Antoniou, C., Christodoulides, Y., Chartosia, N., Hadjioannou, L., Dimitriou, A. C., Jimenez, C., Petrou, A., Sfenthourakis, S. & Rees, S. (2019). Invasive lionfish in the Mediterranean: Low public awareness yet high stakeholder concerns. Marine Policy, 104: 66-74.
  • Liberty. (2022). The lionfish of the restaurant menu. Retrieved on January 11, 2022 from
  • Lucerna, A., Espinosa, J. & Norinsky, A. B. (2017). Case report and brief review: Pterois volitans (lionfish) envenomation of the hand: Taming a lionfish sting. West Indian Medical Journal,
  • Morris, J. A. (Ed.) (2012). Invasive lionfish: a guide to control and management. Marathon, Florida, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Special Publication Series Number 1. Retrieved on January 10, 2022 from
  • Mumby P. J., Harborne A.R. & Brumbaugh D. R. (2011). Grouper as a natural biocontrol of invasive lionfish. PLoS One, 6, e21510.
  • Norton, B. B. & Norton S. A. (2021). Lionfish envenomation in Caribbean and Atlantic waters: Climate change and invasive species. International Journal of Women's Dermatology, 7(1):120-123.
  • NTV, (2022). Venomous lionfish at a depth of 1 meter, 5 meters from the shore. Retrieved on January 10, 2022 from,FOjIrTRO_ku0xbIMv5i80A
  • Özgül, A. (2020). Occurrence of lionfish, Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) in the coast of Aegean Sea (Turkey): The northernmost dispersal record. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 37(3): 313-317.
  • Phillips, E. W. & Kotrschal, A. (2021). Where are they now? Tracking the Mediterranean lionfish invasion via local dive centers. Journal of Environmental Management, 298: 113354.
  • Resiere, D., Cerland, L., De Haro, L., Valentino, R., Criquet-Hayot, A., Chabartier, C., Kaidomar, S., Brouste, Y., Mégarbane, B. & Mehdaoui, H. (2016). Envenomation by the invasive Pterois volitans species (lionfish) in the French West Indies a two year prospective study in Martinique. Clinical Toxicology, 54(4): 313-318.
  • Schaper, A., Desel, H., Ebbecke, M., Haro, L. D., Deters, M., Hentschel, H., Hermanns-Clausen, M. & Langer, C. (2009). Bites and stings by exotic pets in Europe: An 11 year analysis of 404 cases from Northeastern Germany and Southeastern France. Clinical Toxicology, 47(1): 39-43.
  • Schult, R. F., Acquisto, N. M., Stair, C. K. & Wiegand, T. J. (2017). A case of lionfish envenomation presenting to an Inland Emergency Department. Case Reports in Emergency Medicine, 3: 1-3.
  • Searle, L., Chacon, N. & Bach, L. (2012). The Belize lionfish management plan: An overview of the invasion, mitigation activities and recommendations. ECOMAR Technical Publication No 1. Retrieved on January 15, 2022 from
  • Sümen, S. G. & Öztürk, B. (2020). How to manage lionfish envenomation? International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 8(1): 106-109.
  • Tam, G., NG H., Chau, C., Chan, T., Chan, A., Mak, T., Lau, F., Tse, M., Ngan, T., Wong, I. (Eds.) (2007). Venomous fishes-they sting! Hongkong Poison Control Network Poisoning.Comm, 2(3): 1-6.
  • Tanrıverdi R., Gökoğlu M. & Korun J. (2022). First observations on the stomach contents of devil firefish, Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) in the Gulf of Antalya, Turkey. Acta Natura et Scientia, 3(1): 24-31.
  • Tanrıverdi, R. (2021). State-supported studies to reduce population and stocks with pufferfish poisoning cases. In: Koçakoğlu B, Çakılcı D, editors. Antalya Kitabı 4: Toprak, Su, Medeniyet: Antalya, Konya, Palet Yayınları; p. 431-439.
  • Taşkavak, E., Gürkan, Ş. & Taylan, B. (2021). Some observations on the depth range and size of devil firefish Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) (Scorpaenidae) in Silifke Mersin (Turkey). Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(1): 53-57.
  • Thomas, L. & Tharakaram, S. (2016). Lionfish envenomation: Relapses controlled by intralesional triamcinolone. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, 82(4): 438-439.
  • Turan, C., Ergüden, D., Gürlek, M., Yağlıoğlu, D., Uyan, A. & Uygur, N. (2014). First record of the Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) (Osteichthyes: Scorpaenidae) for the Turkish marine waters. Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 20(2): 158-163.
  • Turan, C. & Öztürk, B. (2015). First record of the lionfish Pterois miles from the Aegean Sea. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 21: 334-338.
  • Turan, C., Uygur, N. & İğde, M. (2017). Lionfishes Pterois miles and Pterois volitans in the North-eastern Mediterranean Sea: Distribution, habitation, predation and predators. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 2(1): 35-43.
  • Ulman, A., Tunçer, S., Kizilkaya, I. T., Zilifli, A., Alford, P., Giovos, I. (2020). The lionfish expansion in the Aegean Sea in Turkey: A looming potential ecological disaster. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 36:101271.
  • Ulman, A., Harris, H. E., Doumpas, N., Akbora, H. D., Al Mabruk, S. A. A., Azurro, E., Bariche, M., Çiçek, B. A., Deidun, A., Demirel, N., Fogg, A. Q., Katsavenakis, S., Kletou, D., Kleitou, P., Papadopoulou, A., Souissi, J. B., Hall-Spencer, J. M., Tiralongo, F. & Yildiz, T. (2021). Low pufferfish and lionfish predation in their native and ınvaded ranges suggests human control mechanisms may be necessary to control their Mediterranean abundances. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 670413.
  • Uysal İ. A & Turan C. (2020). Impacts and risk of venomous and sting marine alien species in Turkish marine waters. Biharean Biologist, 14(1): 41-48.
  • Yağlıoğlu, D. & Ayas, D. (2016). New occurrence data of four alien fishes (Pisodonophis semicinctus, Pterois miles, Scarus ghobban and Parupeneus forsskali) from the North Eastern Mediterranean (Yeşilovacık Bay, Turkey). Biharean Biologist, 10(2): 150-152.
  • Yapıcı, S. (2018). Piscis non grata in the Mediterranean Sea: Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 35(4): 467-474.
  • Yilmaz, S. & Demirhan, S. A. (2020). Age, growth parameters and food composition of Invasive Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans L., 1758) in İskenderun Bay. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 5(2): 82-91.

Türkiye kıyılarında aslan balığı zehirlenmesinin etkileri, farkındalığı ve yönetimi

Year 2022, , 84 - 90, 30.06.2022


Çalışma 2018 ve 2021 yılları arasında Türkiye'nin Akdeniz bölgesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de aslan balığı farkındalık çalışmaları ve aslan balığı zehirleme vakalarının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Farkındalık çalışmaları kurumsal çalışmalarla belirlenmiştir. Aslan balığı zehirleme vakalarını tespit etmek için kişisel görüşmeler, ilk yardım kuruluşu bildirimleri ve literatür araştırılmıştır. Dört farkındalık çalışması ve yedi aslan balığı zehirleme vakası tespit edilmiştir. Zehirlenme vakalarında ilk septomlar sıklıkla ağrı, şişlik ve kızarıklık olmuştur. Yedi vakadan üçünde ilk uygulama sıcak suya daldırma olmuştur. Vakalarda ölüm kaydedilmemiştir. Türkiye'de yarışma veya turnuvalar ile farkındalık çalışmalarına devam etmeli ve istilacı aslan balığı popülasyonunu ve stoklarını azaltmak için devlet destekli uzaklaştırma çalışmaları yapılmalıdır.


  • Aktaş, Ş. & Mirasoğlu, B. (2017). Lionfish envenomation: clinical aspect and management. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 23(1): 81-87.
  • Al Mabruk, S. A. A. & Rizgalla, J. (2019). First record of lionfish (Scorpaenidae: Pterois) from Libyan waters. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 25(1): 108-114.
  • Aldred, B., Ericksoni, T., Lipscomb, J. (1996). Lionfish envenomations in an urban wilderness. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 7(4): 291-296.[0291:LEIAUW]2.3.CO;2
  • Anadolu Agency, (2022). Invasive lionfish has begun to take its place on the table. Retrieved on January 15, 2022 from
  • Anonymous. (1995). Fishery Regulation. Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey. 1995; 22223: 33-35.
  • Ayas, D., Ağılkaya, G. Ş. & Yağlıoğlu, D. (2018). New occurrence of the red lionfish Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) in the north eastern Mediterranean (Yeşilovacık Bay). Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 6(4): 871-877.
  • Ayaz, F., Ayas, D. & Börekci, N. S. (2020). Inflammatory and erectile dysfunction (impotence) treating potential of lionfish venom. Mediterranean Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, 3(3): 103-111.
  • Azzurro, E., Stancanelli, B., Martino, V. D. & Bariche, M. (2017). Range expansion of the common lionfish Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) in the Mediterranean Sea: an unwanted new guest for Italian waters. BioInvasions Records, 6(2): 95-98.
  • Badillo, R. B., Banner, W., Morris, J. A. & Schaeffer, S. E. (2012). A case study of lionfish sting-induced paralysis. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation, 5(1): 1-3.
  • Bariche, M., Torres, M. & Azurro, E. (2013). The presence of the invasive lionfish Pterois miles in the Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 14(2): 292-294.
  • Bernadsky G. & Goulet D. (1991). A natural predator of the lionfish Pterois miles. Copeia, 1: 230-231.
  • Bilecenoğlu M. (2017). Is Turkey ready to face with lionfish (Pterois spp.) invasion? Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 23(1): 75-80.
  • Bilge, G., Filiz, H. & Yapıcı, S. (2017). Occurrences of Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) between 1992 and 2016 from Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 23(3): 201-208.
  • Cavas, L. & Bilgin, Y. (2021). Bioactivities from novel toxins of Pterois volitans: A Bioinformatics approach. Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, 8(4): 411-423.
  • Crocetta, F., Agius, D., Balistreri, P., Bariche, M., Bayhan, Y. K., Cakir, M., Ciriaco, S., Corsini-Foka, M., Deidun, A., El Zrelli, R., Erguden, D., Evans, J., Ghelia, M., Giavasi, M., Kleitou, P., Kondylatos, G., Lipej, L., Mifsud, C., Ozvarol, Y., Pagano, A., Portelli, P., Poursanidis, D., Rabaoui, L., Schembri, P. J., Taskin, E., Tiralongo, F. & Zenetos, A. (2015). New Mediterranean biodiversity records (October 2015). Mediterranean Marine Science, 16(3): 682-702.
  • Dağhan, H. & Demirhan, S. A. (2020). Some bio-ecological characteristics of lionfish Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) in Iskenderun Bay. Marine and Life Sciences, 2(1): 28-40.
  • Dailianis, T., Akyol, O., Babali, N., Bariche, M., Crocetta, F., Gerovasileiou, V., Ghanem, R., Gokoglu, M., Hasiotis, T., Izquierdo-Munoz, A., Julian, D., Katsanevakis, S., Lipez, L., Mancini, E., Mytilineou, C., Ounifi Ben Amor, K., Ozgul, A., Ragkousis, M., Rubio-Portillo, E., Servello, G., Sini, K., Stamouli, C., Sterioti, A., Teker, S., Tiralongo, F. & Trkov, D. (2016). New Mediterranean biodiversity records (July 2016). Mediterranean Marine Science, 17(2): 608-626.
  • Dimitriadis, C., Galanidi, M., Zenetos, A., Corsini-Foka, M., Giovos, I., Karachle, P. K., Fournari–Konstantinidoy, I., Kytinou, E., İssaris, Y., Azzurro, E., Castriota, L., Falautano, M., Kalimeris, A. & Katsanevakis, S. (2020). Updating the occurrences of Pterois miles in the Mediterranean Sea, with considerations on thermal boundaries and future range expansion. Mediterranean Marine Science, 21(1): 62-69.
  • Dragičević, B., Ugarković, P., Krželj, M., Zurub, D. & Dulčić, J. (2021). New record of Pterois cf. miles (Actinopterygii: Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) from the eastern middle Adriatic Sea (Croatian waters): Northward expansion. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 51(4): 379-383.
  • Gleason, J., Gullick, H. (Eds.) (2014). Bermuda lionfish control plan. Bermuda Lionfish Task Force, Ver. 6. Retrieved on January 10, 2022 from
  • Golani, D. & Sonin, O. (1992). New records of the Red Sea fishes, Pterois miles (Scorpaenidae) and Pteragogus pelycus (Labridae) from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 39(2): 167-169.
  • Gökoğlu, M., Teker, S. & Julian, D. (2017). Westward extension of the Lionfish Pterois volitans Linnaeus, 1758 along the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 2(2): 67-72.
  • Gürlek, M., Ergüden, D., Uyan, A., Doğdu, S. A., Yağlıoğlu, D., Öztürk, B. & Turan, C. (2016). First record red lionfish Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1785) in the Mediterranean Sea. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 1(3): 27-32.
  • Haddad, V., Stolf, H. O., Risk, V. Y., França, F. O. & Cardoso, J. L. C. (2015). Report of 15 injuries caused by lionfish (Pterois volitans) in aquarists in Brazil: A critical assessment of the severity of envenomations. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 21: 8.
  • Hardison, D. R., Holland, W. C., Darius, H. T., Chinain, M., Tester, P. A., Shea, D., Bogdanoff, A. K., Morris, J. A., Quintana, H. A. F., Loeffler, C. R., Buddo, D., Wayne Litaker, R. W. (2018). Investigation of ciguatoxins in invasive lionfish from the greater caribbean region: Implications for fishery development. PLoS One, 13(6): e0198358.
  • Harris, H. E., Patterson, W. F., Ahrens, R. N. M. & Allen, M. S. (2019). Detection and removal efficiency of invasive lionfish in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fisheries Research, 213: 22-32.
  • Huseyinoğlu, M. F., Demir, V., Arda, Y., Draman, M. & Yokes, M. B. (2021). Spatio-temporal distribution of lionfish, Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) in Kaş-Kekova special environmental protected area, Turkey. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 254:107331.
  • ILCAHCANSTF - Invasive Lionfısh Control Ad-Hoc Committee of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force. (2015). National invasive lionfish prevention and management plan. 84 p.
  • Jimenez, C., Petrou, A., Andreou, V., Hadjioannou, L., Wolf, W., Koutsoloukas, N. & Alhaija, R. A. (2016). Veni, Vidi, vici: the successful establishment of the lionfish Pterois miles in Cyprus (Levantine Sea). Rapport Commission International Mer Mediterranee, 41: 417.
  • Kleitou, P., Savva, I., Kletou, D., Hall-Spencer, J. M., Antoniou, C., Christodoulides, Y., Chartosia, N., Hadjioannou, L., Dimitriou, A. C., Jimenez, C., Petrou, A., Sfenthourakis, S. & Rees, S. (2019). Invasive lionfish in the Mediterranean: Low public awareness yet high stakeholder concerns. Marine Policy, 104: 66-74.
  • Liberty. (2022). The lionfish of the restaurant menu. Retrieved on January 11, 2022 from
  • Lucerna, A., Espinosa, J. & Norinsky, A. B. (2017). Case report and brief review: Pterois volitans (lionfish) envenomation of the hand: Taming a lionfish sting. West Indian Medical Journal,
  • Morris, J. A. (Ed.) (2012). Invasive lionfish: a guide to control and management. Marathon, Florida, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Special Publication Series Number 1. Retrieved on January 10, 2022 from
  • Mumby P. J., Harborne A.R. & Brumbaugh D. R. (2011). Grouper as a natural biocontrol of invasive lionfish. PLoS One, 6, e21510.
  • Norton, B. B. & Norton S. A. (2021). Lionfish envenomation in Caribbean and Atlantic waters: Climate change and invasive species. International Journal of Women's Dermatology, 7(1):120-123.
  • NTV, (2022). Venomous lionfish at a depth of 1 meter, 5 meters from the shore. Retrieved on January 10, 2022 from,FOjIrTRO_ku0xbIMv5i80A
  • Özgül, A. (2020). Occurrence of lionfish, Pterois miles (Bennett, 1828) in the coast of Aegean Sea (Turkey): The northernmost dispersal record. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 37(3): 313-317.
  • Phillips, E. W. & Kotrschal, A. (2021). Where are they now? Tracking the Mediterranean lionfish invasion via local dive centers. Journal of Environmental Management, 298: 113354.
  • Resiere, D., Cerland, L., De Haro, L., Valentino, R., Criquet-Hayot, A., Chabartier, C., Kaidomar, S., Brouste, Y., Mégarbane, B. & Mehdaoui, H. (2016). Envenomation by the invasive Pterois volitans species (lionfish) in the French West Indies a two year prospective study in Martinique. Clinical Toxicology, 54(4): 313-318.
  • Schaper, A., Desel, H., Ebbecke, M., Haro, L. D., Deters, M., Hentschel, H., Hermanns-Clausen, M. & Langer, C. (2009). Bites and stings by exotic pets in Europe: An 11 year analysis of 404 cases from Northeastern Germany and Southeastern France. Clinical Toxicology, 47(1): 39-43.
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There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fisheries Management
Journal Section Research Articles

Raziye Tanrıverdi 0000-0003-3715-6343

Mehmet Gökoğlu 0000-0001-9723-8581

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date April 14, 2022
Acceptance Date May 29, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Tanrıverdi, R., & Gökoğlu, M. (2022). Impacts, awareness and management of lionfish envenomation in Turkey. Marine and Life Sciences, 4(1), 84-90.
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