Short Communication
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First occurrence of Zu cristatus (Trachipteridae) in the Turkish Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea)

Year 2023, , 37 - 39, 25.10.2023


This ichthyologic note presents the incidental catch of Zu cristatus from a commercial long-liner from the northeastern Aegean Sea. On 14 March 2023, a specimen of Zu cristatus was collected by a commercial deep-sea long-liner, targeting European hake at a depth of 600 m in Saros Bay on the northern Aegean coast of Türkiye. In this short report, we confirmed its occurrence in the Turkish Aegean waters of the eastern Mediterranean.


The authors thank both Mr Hayri Şahin, who caught the fish, for his cooperation and Mr Akın Aşık from the Tekirdağ regional association of fisheries cooperatives for bringing the fish to our attention.


  • Albano, M., D’Iglio, C., Spanò, N., Di Paola, D., Alesci, A., Savoca, S., & Capillo, G. (2022a). New Report of Zu cristatus (Bonelli, 1819) in the Ionian Sea with an In-depth morphometrical comparison with all Mediterranean Records. Fishes, 7, 305.
  • Albano, M., D’Iglio, C., Spanò, N., Fernandes, J.M.d.O., Savoca, S., & Capillo, G. (2022b). Distribution of the Order Lampriformes in the Mediterranean Sea with notes on their biology, morphology, and taxonomy. Biology, 11, 1534.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., Cihangir, B., & Çiçek, E. (2014). An updated checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38, 901-929.
  • Froese, R., & Pauly, D. (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., version (02/2023) (accessed date: 04.04.2023).
  • Geldiay, R. (1969). Important fishes found in the Bay of Izmir and their possible invasions. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Monografleri, Izmir, 135 pp (in Turkish).
  • Dulcic, J. (2002). First record of scalloped ribbon fish, Zu cristatus (Pisces: Trachypteridae), eggs in the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, 24(11), 1245-1246.
  • Golani, D., Öztürk, B., & Başusta, N. (2006). The fishes of the eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Publication No. 24, Istanbul. 259 p.
  • Golani, D., Edelist, D., Morov, A. R., & Stern, N. (2023). First confirmed record of Zu cristatus in the Mediterranean coast of Israel and the eastern shores of the Levant. Mediterranean Marine Science, 24(1), 87–89.
  • Kaminas, A., Minasidis, V., Doumpas, N., Naasan Aga Spyridopoulou, R. T. F., & Tiralongo, F. (2021). Occurrence of Trachipterus trachypterus and Zu cristatus in the Greek Seas: Contribution of citizen science projects in rare species monitoring. Proceedings of the HydroMedit 2021, University of Thessaly: Thessaly, Greece, Proceeding Book, 560-561.

Ege Denizi'nde (Doğu Akdeniz) Zu cristatus'un (Trachipteridae) ilk kez ortaya çıkışı

Year 2023, , 37 - 39, 25.10.2023


Bu ihtiyolojik not, kuzeydoğu Ege Denizi'nden ticari bir paragat teknesinden tesadüfen yakalanan Zu cristatus'u sunar. 14 Mart 2023'te, Türkiye'nin kuzey Ege kıyısındaki Saroz Körfezi'nde 600 m derinlikte bakalyaro balığını hedef alan ticari bir derin deniz paragat gemisiyle bir Zu cristatus örneği ele geçirildi.. Bu kısa raporda, Zu cristatus'un Doğu Akdeniz'in Türk Ege sularında varlığını doğruladık.


  • Albano, M., D’Iglio, C., Spanò, N., Di Paola, D., Alesci, A., Savoca, S., & Capillo, G. (2022a). New Report of Zu cristatus (Bonelli, 1819) in the Ionian Sea with an In-depth morphometrical comparison with all Mediterranean Records. Fishes, 7, 305.
  • Albano, M., D’Iglio, C., Spanò, N., Fernandes, J.M.d.O., Savoca, S., & Capillo, G. (2022b). Distribution of the Order Lampriformes in the Mediterranean Sea with notes on their biology, morphology, and taxonomy. Biology, 11, 1534.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., Cihangir, B., & Çiçek, E. (2014). An updated checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38, 901-929.
  • Froese, R., & Pauly, D. (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., version (02/2023) (accessed date: 04.04.2023).
  • Geldiay, R. (1969). Important fishes found in the Bay of Izmir and their possible invasions. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Monografleri, Izmir, 135 pp (in Turkish).
  • Dulcic, J. (2002). First record of scalloped ribbon fish, Zu cristatus (Pisces: Trachypteridae), eggs in the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, 24(11), 1245-1246.
  • Golani, D., Öztürk, B., & Başusta, N. (2006). The fishes of the eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Publication No. 24, Istanbul. 259 p.
  • Golani, D., Edelist, D., Morov, A. R., & Stern, N. (2023). First confirmed record of Zu cristatus in the Mediterranean coast of Israel and the eastern shores of the Levant. Mediterranean Marine Science, 24(1), 87–89.
  • Kaminas, A., Minasidis, V., Doumpas, N., Naasan Aga Spyridopoulou, R. T. F., & Tiralongo, F. (2021). Occurrence of Trachipterus trachypterus and Zu cristatus in the Greek Seas: Contribution of citizen science projects in rare species monitoring. Proceedings of the HydroMedit 2021, University of Thessaly: Thessaly, Greece, Proceeding Book, 560-561.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fisheries Management
Journal Section Short Communication

Okan Akyol 0000-0001-7738-2156

Zafer Tosunoğlu 0000-0002-1168-9611

Early Pub Date October 23, 2023
Publication Date October 25, 2023
Submission Date April 19, 2023
Acceptance Date June 7, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Akyol, O., & Tosunoğlu, Z. (2023). First occurrence of Zu cristatus (Trachipteridae) in the Turkish Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Marine and Life Sciences, 5(1), 37-39.
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