Intra-and inter-specific competition effects on survival and growth of juvenile Procambarus acutus acutus and Procambarus clarkii
Year 2021,
, 39 - 43, 30.06.2021
Yavuz Mazlum
Four similar sizes eastern white river crayfish (Procambarus acutus acutus) and red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) were stocked separately to determine intra and inter-specific-competition. Three treatment levels were used three treatment levels, with six replicates tanks each with stand green rice (representing a stocking density of approximately 21 individuals per m2). This study was carried out during 90 days to determine growth and survival rate. Results showed that the growth of P. acutus acutus in the interspecific treatment tank was found higher than those grown in the intraspecific-treatment tanks. For P. clarkii, no significant differences in growth (estimated from the mean Total length, TL) were detected between treatments. The survival of the two species was the same up to the first 60 days of the experiment, while the difference in survival was only noticeable at 90 days. The survival rate of P. clarkii in the intraspecific-treatment tanks (55.0%) was higher than in the interspecific tanks (26.7%) treatment, while the survival of P. acutus acutus was found similar in two treatments. It was achieved higher survival, faster growth and larger size in P. a. acutus than P. clarkii when grown in the tank study. Size of body was important in determining competitive interactions between the two species.
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This paper was produced from the doctoral thesis based on the study conducted at the Aquaculture Research Facility, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina. Author wish to acknowledge that there is no conflict of interest.
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