Research Article
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Marketing mix and social media communication: An evaluation over Turkish ports’ twitter accounts

Year 2021, , 50 - 64, 31.12.2021


Competition can be used to gauge the importance of marketing. Given the fact that port competition is not just regional, but also national and international, it is apparent that port operators' demand for comprehensive marketing operations has grown even more than previously. In today's digital environment, social media platforms play a significant role in marketing. As a result, the study's main goal is to look into how marketing mix strategies in the port industry are reflected on social media (Twitter). The unique aims of this study are the analysis of the social media content of the ports that use social media and the network analysis for social media communications, both of which are in line with the general purpose. The study looked into the social media profiles of nine ports using text mining with “tm” library of R programming. "Do ports in Turkey represent marketing mix components through social media?" according to the findings. According to the findings, the answer to the question is “tentative”. According to the results of the study, the efforts of marketing studies over social media will make positive contribution on Turkish ports is evaluated.


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Pazarlama karması ve sosyal medya iletişimi: Türk limanlarının twitter hesapları üzerinden bir inceleme

Year 2021, , 50 - 64, 31.12.2021


Pazarlamanın gerekliliği rekabet ile ölçülebilmektedir. Limanların rekabetinin sadece bölgesel değil, aynı zamanda ulusal ve uluslararası olduğu göz önüne alınırsa, liman işletmelerinin oldukça geniş kapsamlı pazarlama faaliyetlerine duyduğu ihtiyacın eskiye oranla daha fazla arttığı açıkça görülebilir. Sosyal medya araçlarının günümüz dijital dünyasında pazarlama açısından oldukça önemli bir yeri bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle, çalışmanın genel amacı liman sektöründe pazarlama karması stratejilerinin sosyal medyadaki (Twitter) yansımalarının incelenmesidir. Bu genel amaca uygun olarak sosyal medya kullanan limanların sosyal medya içeriklerinin analiz edilmesi ve sosyal medya iletişimlerine yönelik ağ analizi bu çalışmanın özel amacını oluşturmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmada R programlamada kullanılan “tm” kütüphanesinden faydalanılarak metin madenciliği ile dokuz limanın sosyal medya hesabı incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre “Türkiye’de limanlar sosyal medya aracılığı ile pazarlama karması bileşenlerini yansıtıyor mu?” sorusunun bulgular nezdinde karşılığının “zayıf” olduğu görülmektedir. Araştırma sonucuna göre Türk Limanlarının sosyal medya üzerinden pazarlama çalışmalarının geliştirilmesi yönünde çalışmalar yapılmasının olumlu olacağı değerlendirilmiştir.


  • Acer, A. & Timor, M. (2017). The evaluation of container terminal efficiency using by cluster and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Alphanumeric Journal, 5(2): 339-352.
  • Agrifuture, (2016). Social network analysis. Retrieved on August 06, 2021 from
  • Aldridge, A., Forcht, K. & Pierson, J. (1997). Get linked or get lost: marketing strategy for the Internet. Internet Research, 7(3):161-169.
  • Alexander, R. S., Cross, J. S. & Cunningham, R. M. (1961). Industrial marketing. Homewood, III: 275-276.
  • Allen, E. & Fjermestad, J. (2001). E-commerce marketing strategies: an integrated framework and case analysis. Logistics Information Management, 14(1/2): 14-23.
  • AMA, (2017). Amerikan Pazarlama Derneği: Definition of marketing. Retrieved on August 11, 2021
  • Ateş, A. & Esmer, S. (2011). Veri zarflama analizi ile Türkiye’deki konteyner terminallerinin etkinlik ölçümü. Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırması ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, 26–29.
  • Ateş, A. & Esmer, S. (2014). Farklı yöntemler ile Türk Konteyner limanlarının verimliliği. Verimlilik Dergisi, 1: 61-76.
  • Barros, C. P. (2003). Incentive regulation and efficiency of Portuguese Port authorities. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 5(1): 55-69.
  • Baysal, M. E. & Uygur, M. (2004). VERİ Zarflama analizi ile TCDD limanlarında bir Etkinlik ölçümü çalışması. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(4): 437-442.
  • Bennett, A. R. (1997). The five Vs - a buyer’s perspective of the marketing mix. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 15(3): 151-156.
  • Bernard, K. (1995). Marketing promotion tools for ports. UNCTAD/SHIP, 494(12).
  • Boom, B. H. & Bitner, M. J. (1981). Marketing strategies and organisation structures of service firms. Marketing of services. Chicago: America Association.
  • Borden, N. H. (1964). The concept of the marketing mix. Journal of Advertising Research, 4(2): 2-7.
  • Branch, A. (1997). Maritime Economics: Management and Marketing (3. bs.). Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes.
  • Branton, N. (1969). The marketing of services. Marketing World, 1(2): 17-27.
  • Bruns, A. & Burgess, J. (2011). New methodologies for researching news discussion on twitter. 3rd Future of Journalism Conference, 1-11.
  • Cahoon, S. (2007). Marketing communications for seaports: A matter of survival and growth. Maritime Policy and Management, 34(2): 151-168.
  • Castillo-Manzano, J. I., Castro-Nuño, M., Laxe, F. G., López-Valpuesta, L. & Teresa Arévalo-Quijada, M. (2009). Low-cost port competitiveness index: Implementation in the Spanish port system. Marine Policy, 33(4): 591-598.
  • Chaffey, D. (2006). Internet marketing: Strategy, implementation and practice. Prentice Hall (3. bs.).
  • Cheng, Y. H. & Tsai, Y. L. (2009). Factors influencing shippers to use multiple country consolidation services in international distribution centers. International Journal of Production Economics, 122(1): 78-88.
  • Cho, C. H., Kim, B. Il & Hyun, J. H. (2010). A comparative analysis of the ports of Incheon and Shanghai: The cognitive service quality of ports, customer satisfaction, and post-behaviour. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 21(9): 919-930.
  • Christiensen, C. M., Johnston, C. & Barragree, A. (2000). After the gold rush: Patterns of success and failure on the internet. Innosight, LLC.
  • Christopher, M. (2001). The existential consumer. Marketing and Logistics,School of Management. Cranfield, Bedfordshire.
  • Chung, K. C. (1993). Port performance indicators (TD/B/131/Supp.1/Rev.1). World Bank Report. Retrieved on August 06, 2021 from
  • Constantinides, E. (2006). The Marketing mix revisited: Towards the 21st Century Marketing University. Journal of Marketing Management, (22): 407-438.
  • Coviello, N. E., Brodie, R. J. & Munro, H. J. (2000). An investigation of marketing practice by firm size. Journal of Business Venturing, 15(5): 523-545.
  • Cuadrado, M., Frasquet, M. & Cervera, A. (2004). Benchmarking the port services: A customer oriented proposal. Benchmarking, 11(3): 320-330.
  • Cullinane, K., Ji, P. & Wang, T. F. (2005). The relationship between privatization and DEA estimates of efficiency in the container port industry. Journal of Economics and Business, 57(5): 433-462.
  • Cullinane, K., Song, D. W. & Gray, R. (2002). A stochastic frontier model of the efficiency of major container terminals in Asia: Assessing the influence of administrative and ownership structures. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 36(8): 743-762.
  • Cullinane, K., Wang, T. F., Song, D. W. & Ji, P. (2006). The technical efficiency of container ports: Comparing data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 40(4): 354–374.
  • Culliton, J. W. (1948). Management of marketing costs. Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration. Harvard University, Boston, MA, 400-420.
  • Çavuşoğlu, D. & Şakar, G. D. (2013). Intermodal limanlar ve pazarlama iletişimi: Liman web sitelerinin içerik analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2): 37-55.
  • Çetin, K. C. & Cerit, A. G. (2010). Organizational effectiveness at seaports: A systems approach. Maritime Policy and Management, 37(3): 195-219.
  • Davies, W. & Brush, K. E. (1997). High-tech industry marketing: The elements of a sophisticated global strategy. Industrial Marketing Management, 26(1): 1-13.
  • Davis, A. (1990). How North American ports market themselves. Containerisation International, Supplement(Ekim), xv–xvii.
  • Davis, S. (2019). Digital Marketing Timeline. Retrieved on August 06, 2021 from
  • De Martino, M. & Morvillo, A. (2008). Activities, resources and inter-organizational relationships: Key factors in port competitiveness. Maritime Policy and Management, 35(6): 571-589.
  • Dion, P., Easterling, D. & Miller, S. J. (1995). What is really necessary in successful buyer/seller relationships? Industrial Marketing Management, 24(1): 1–9.
  • Doyle, P. & Stern, P. (1994). Marketing management and strategy (1. bs.). Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England: Pearson Education Limited.
  • English, J. (2000). The Four "P" s of Marketing are Dead. Marketing Health Services, 20(2): 20-23.
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There are 108 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Maritime Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Pelin Çalışır 0000-0001-9719-8292

Seçil Gülmez 0000-0002-4342-4386

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date August 6, 2021
Acceptance Date August 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Çalışır, P., & Gülmez, S. (2021). Pazarlama karması ve sosyal medya iletişimi: Türk limanlarının twitter hesapları üzerinden bir inceleme. Marine and Life Sciences, 3(2), 50-64.
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