Research Article
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Year 2021, , 608 - 622, 31.07.2021


Türkiye konut finansmanı piyasasının en önemli kaynağı olan konut kredileri son yıllarda büyük gelişim
göstermiştir. Konut kredilerinin gelişimini etkileyen en önemli değişken ise konut kredisi maliyeti olan kredi
faiz oranlarıdır. Diğer taraftan, faiz oranı düzeyinden bağımsız olarak konut kredisi hacmi ile faiz oranı volatilitesi
arasında bir ilişkinin varlığı söz konusudur. Bu çalışmada, Türk bankacılık sektöründe kullandırılan konut
kredisi hacmi ile faiz oranı volatilitesi arasındaki ilişkinin ekonometrik yöntemlerle analiz edilmesi hedeflenmiştir.
Bu amaçla, “Üç Aşamalı En Küçük Kareler” (ÜAEEK) yöntemi ile tahmin edilen eşanlı denklem modeli
esas alınmıştır. Bu çalışma ile Türk bankacılık sektöründeki konut kredilerinin piyasa faiz oranı volatilitesi ile
ilişkisi incelenerek bu alanda literatürdeki eksikliğin giderilmesine katkı sağlanması hedeflenmektedir. Modelde
yer alan ve genel olarak durağan olmayan konut kredisi, gelir, enflasyon ve faiz oranı volatilitesi zaman serilerinin
ÜAEEK yöntemi tahmini için uzun dönemli eşbütünleşme yaklaşımından faydalanmıştır. Analiz sonucunda,
piyasa volatilitesinin konut kredisi hacmi üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olduğu bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca,
bu durumun faiz oranlarının genel olarak negatif eğilimli olduğu dönemlerde tasarruf sahiplerinin daha
yüksek getirili araçlara yönelmesinden kaynaklanmış olabileceği değerlendirilmiştir.


  • AKKAŞ, Murat Engin, SAYILGAN, Güven. (2015). “Housing Prices And Mortgage Interest Rate: Toda-Yamamoto Causality Test”. Journal of Economics Finance and Accounting, 2(4), 572-583.
  • ALEIE, Rob, HOCHGUERTEL, Stefan, WEBERSOURCE, Guglielmo. (2005). “Consumer Credit: Evidence from Italian Micro Data”. Journal of the European Economic Association, 3(2), 144-178.
  • ALKALİ, Musa Abubakar, SİPAN, Ibrahim, RAZALİ. Muhammad Najib. (2018). “An Overview Of Macro-Economic Determinants Of Real Estate Price İn Nigeria.”. International Journal of Engineering & Technology ,7(3.30), 484-488.
  • ALMUTAİRİ, Humoud. MİT, El-Sakka. (2016). “Determinants Of Housing Prices İn An Oil Based Economy.” Asian Economic and Financial Review, 6(5), 247-260.
  • ALTUNÖZ, Utku. (2016). “Faiz Oranları, Tüketici Kredi Kullanımı ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Analizi: Türk Bankaları Deneyimi”, U.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 35 (1), 145- 157.
  • BALTAGI, Badi Hani. (2008) Econometrics, 4 Edition, Springer, NY, USA.
  • BAYRAKDAROĞLU, Ali, COŞAR AYDIN, Gülşah. (2017). “Mevduat Faiz Oranlarındaki Değişkenliğin Kredi Hacmi Üzerindeki Etkisine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 120-149.
  • CARROLL, Christopher, OVERLAND, Jody Robert, WEIL, David. (2000). “Saving and Growth with Habit Formation.” American Economic Review, 90(3), 341-355.
  • CASTRO, Gabriela, SANTOS, Carlos. (2010). “Bank Interest Rates and Loan Determinants”. Economic Bulletin, Spring, Banco de Potugal, 65-86.
  • CHEN, Ke, CHIVAKUL, Mali. (2008). “What Drives Household Borrowing and Credit Constraints? Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina”. IMF Working Paper, No:08, 202-218.
  • CHOUDHRY, Taufiq. (2009). “Does interest rate volatility affect the US demand for housing? Evidence from the autoregreive distributed lag method”. The Manchester School, 78(4): 326-344.
  • CİPOLLİNİ, Andrea, PARLA, Fabio. (2020). “Housing Market Shocks in Italy: A GVAR Approach.” ,Journal of Housing Economics, 50, 101707.
  • CROOK, Jonathan., HOCHGUERTEL, Stefan. (2007). “US and European household debt and credit constraints”. Tinbergen Institute, Discuion Paper, 2007-87/3.
  • ENGLE, Robert, GRANGER, Clive. (1987). “Co-integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing” Econometrica, 55(2), 251-276
  • FISHER, Irving. (1977). The Theory of Interest. Porcupine Pre, Philadelphia, USA.
  • GARNGER, Clive. (1981). “Some Properties of Time Series Data and Their Use in Econometric Model Specification”. Journal of Econometrics, 16(1):121-130
  • HALL, Robert. (1978). “Stochastic Implications of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence”, Journal of Political Economy, 86 (67), 971-978.
  • HANSEN, Bruce. (2015). Econometrics. University of Wisconsin Department of Economics.
  • HAYASHI, Fumio. (2000). Econometrics. Princeton University Pre, US.
  • HILLEBRAND, Eric, KORAY, Faik. (2008). “Interest Rate Volatility and Home Mortgage Loans”. Applied Economics. 40(18), 2381-2385.
  • HOFMANN, Boris. (2001). “The Determinants of Private Sector Credit in Industrialised Countries: Do Property Prices Matter?”, Working Paper No. 108, BIS.
  • HSIAO, Cheng. (1997a). “Cointegration and Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Model”, Econometrica, 65, 647- 670.
  • HSIAO, Cheng. (1997b). “Statistical Properties of the Two-Stage Least Squares Estimator Under Cointegration”. Review of Economic Studies, 64: 385-398.
  • HUIZINGA, John, MISHKIN, Frederic. (1986). “Monetary Policy Regime Shifts and the Unusual Behavior of Real Interest Rates”. Carnegie-RochesterConference Series on Public Policy. Vol:24, 231-274.
  • İBİCİOĞLU, Mustafa, KARAN, Mehmet Baha. (2012). “Konut kredisi talebini etkileyen faktörler: Türkiye üzerine bir uygulama”. Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 65-75.
  • JACOBSEN, Dag Henning, NAUG, Bjørn. (2004). “What influences the growth of household debt? Economic Bulletin, Norges Bank, 2004 (3-4):103-110 JOHANSEN, Søren (1988). “Statistical Analysis of Cointegration Vectors”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 12, 231-254.
  • MAKIN, John. (2006). “Does China Save And Invest Too Much?” Cato Journal, 26 (2), 307.
  • MARTINEZ, Carrascal, RIO, Ana Del. (2004). “Households Borrowing And Consumption in Spain: A VECM Approach”. Banco de Espana Working Paper, No. 0421.
  • MARTINS, Nuno, VILLANUEVA, Ernesto. (2006). “The Impact Of Mortgage Interest-Rate Subsidies On Household Borrowing”. Journal of Public, 90(8-9), 1601-1623.
  • NGUYEN, Jeremy, VALADKHANİ, Abbas, SMYTH, Russell. (2018). “Mortgage Product Diversity: Responding To Consumer Demand Or Protecting Lender Profit? An Asymmetric Panel Analysis.” Applied Economics, 50(43), 4694-4704.
  • NIETO, Fernando. (2007). “The Determinants of Household Credit in Spain”. Banco de Espana Research Paper No: WP-0716.
  • PALA, Yusuf. SÖNMEZER, Sıtkı. (2017). “Niceliksel Gevşeme Dönemlerinin Emtia, Döviz ve Hisse Senedi Piyasalarindaki Volatiliteye Etkisi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 18 (1), 45-61.
  • SCHICKS, Jessica. (2014). “Over-indebtedne in Microfinance–an empirical analysis of related factors on the borrower level”. World Development, 54: 301-324.
  • STEVENS, Glenn. (1997). Some observations on low inflation and household finances. Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, October 97, 38–47
  • TOOLSEMA, Linda. (2002). “Competition In The Dutch Consumer Credit Market”. Journal of Banking & Finance, 26 (11), 2215-2229.
  • TUDELA, Merxe, YOUNG, Garry. (2005). “The Determinants Of Household Debt And Balance Sheets in the United Kingdom”, Bank of England Working Paper, No. 266.
  • TUPENAİTE, Laura, KANAPECKIENE, Loreta, NAIMAVICIENE, Jurga. (2017). “Determinants of Housing Market Fluctuations: Case Study Of Lithuania.” Procedia Engineering, 172, 1169-1175.
  • YEO, Jung, Sung. (1991). “Household Credit Card Choice and Usage,” in Proceedings of the37th American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference, V. Haldeman (ed.), Columbia, MO: ACCI, 90-96.
  • ZELLNER, Arnold, Theil, Henri. (1962). “Three-Stage Least Squares: Simultaneous Estimation of Simultaneous Equations”. Econometrica, 30, 54-78.
  • ZHU, Lillian, MEEKS, Carol. (1994). “Effects Of Low Income Families’ Ability and Willingne to Use Consumer Credit On Subsequent Outstanding Credit Balances”. Journal of Consumer Affairs, Winter94, 28(2), 403
  • Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu. (2020a). “Aylık Bülten Temmuz 2020” bultenaylik (10.07.2020)
  • Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu. (2020b). “Aylık Bülten Aralık 2020” bultenaylik (10.03.2021)
Year 2021, , 608 - 622, 31.07.2021



  • AKKAŞ, Murat Engin, SAYILGAN, Güven. (2015). “Housing Prices And Mortgage Interest Rate: Toda-Yamamoto Causality Test”. Journal of Economics Finance and Accounting, 2(4), 572-583.
  • ALEIE, Rob, HOCHGUERTEL, Stefan, WEBERSOURCE, Guglielmo. (2005). “Consumer Credit: Evidence from Italian Micro Data”. Journal of the European Economic Association, 3(2), 144-178.
  • ALKALİ, Musa Abubakar, SİPAN, Ibrahim, RAZALİ. Muhammad Najib. (2018). “An Overview Of Macro-Economic Determinants Of Real Estate Price İn Nigeria.”. International Journal of Engineering & Technology ,7(3.30), 484-488.
  • ALMUTAİRİ, Humoud. MİT, El-Sakka. (2016). “Determinants Of Housing Prices İn An Oil Based Economy.” Asian Economic and Financial Review, 6(5), 247-260.
  • ALTUNÖZ, Utku. (2016). “Faiz Oranları, Tüketici Kredi Kullanımı ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Analizi: Türk Bankaları Deneyimi”, U.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 35 (1), 145- 157.
  • BALTAGI, Badi Hani. (2008) Econometrics, 4 Edition, Springer, NY, USA.
  • BAYRAKDAROĞLU, Ali, COŞAR AYDIN, Gülşah. (2017). “Mevduat Faiz Oranlarındaki Değişkenliğin Kredi Hacmi Üzerindeki Etkisine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 120-149.
  • CARROLL, Christopher, OVERLAND, Jody Robert, WEIL, David. (2000). “Saving and Growth with Habit Formation.” American Economic Review, 90(3), 341-355.
  • CASTRO, Gabriela, SANTOS, Carlos. (2010). “Bank Interest Rates and Loan Determinants”. Economic Bulletin, Spring, Banco de Potugal, 65-86.
  • CHEN, Ke, CHIVAKUL, Mali. (2008). “What Drives Household Borrowing and Credit Constraints? Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina”. IMF Working Paper, No:08, 202-218.
  • CHOUDHRY, Taufiq. (2009). “Does interest rate volatility affect the US demand for housing? Evidence from the autoregreive distributed lag method”. The Manchester School, 78(4): 326-344.
  • CİPOLLİNİ, Andrea, PARLA, Fabio. (2020). “Housing Market Shocks in Italy: A GVAR Approach.” ,Journal of Housing Economics, 50, 101707.
  • CROOK, Jonathan., HOCHGUERTEL, Stefan. (2007). “US and European household debt and credit constraints”. Tinbergen Institute, Discuion Paper, 2007-87/3.
  • ENGLE, Robert, GRANGER, Clive. (1987). “Co-integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing” Econometrica, 55(2), 251-276
  • FISHER, Irving. (1977). The Theory of Interest. Porcupine Pre, Philadelphia, USA.
  • GARNGER, Clive. (1981). “Some Properties of Time Series Data and Their Use in Econometric Model Specification”. Journal of Econometrics, 16(1):121-130
  • HALL, Robert. (1978). “Stochastic Implications of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence”, Journal of Political Economy, 86 (67), 971-978.
  • HANSEN, Bruce. (2015). Econometrics. University of Wisconsin Department of Economics.
  • HAYASHI, Fumio. (2000). Econometrics. Princeton University Pre, US.
  • HILLEBRAND, Eric, KORAY, Faik. (2008). “Interest Rate Volatility and Home Mortgage Loans”. Applied Economics. 40(18), 2381-2385.
  • HOFMANN, Boris. (2001). “The Determinants of Private Sector Credit in Industrialised Countries: Do Property Prices Matter?”, Working Paper No. 108, BIS.
  • HSIAO, Cheng. (1997a). “Cointegration and Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Model”, Econometrica, 65, 647- 670.
  • HSIAO, Cheng. (1997b). “Statistical Properties of the Two-Stage Least Squares Estimator Under Cointegration”. Review of Economic Studies, 64: 385-398.
  • HUIZINGA, John, MISHKIN, Frederic. (1986). “Monetary Policy Regime Shifts and the Unusual Behavior of Real Interest Rates”. Carnegie-RochesterConference Series on Public Policy. Vol:24, 231-274.
  • İBİCİOĞLU, Mustafa, KARAN, Mehmet Baha. (2012). “Konut kredisi talebini etkileyen faktörler: Türkiye üzerine bir uygulama”. Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 65-75.
  • JACOBSEN, Dag Henning, NAUG, Bjørn. (2004). “What influences the growth of household debt? Economic Bulletin, Norges Bank, 2004 (3-4):103-110 JOHANSEN, Søren (1988). “Statistical Analysis of Cointegration Vectors”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 12, 231-254.
  • MAKIN, John. (2006). “Does China Save And Invest Too Much?” Cato Journal, 26 (2), 307.
  • MARTINEZ, Carrascal, RIO, Ana Del. (2004). “Households Borrowing And Consumption in Spain: A VECM Approach”. Banco de Espana Working Paper, No. 0421.
  • MARTINS, Nuno, VILLANUEVA, Ernesto. (2006). “The Impact Of Mortgage Interest-Rate Subsidies On Household Borrowing”. Journal of Public, 90(8-9), 1601-1623.
  • NGUYEN, Jeremy, VALADKHANİ, Abbas, SMYTH, Russell. (2018). “Mortgage Product Diversity: Responding To Consumer Demand Or Protecting Lender Profit? An Asymmetric Panel Analysis.” Applied Economics, 50(43), 4694-4704.
  • NIETO, Fernando. (2007). “The Determinants of Household Credit in Spain”. Banco de Espana Research Paper No: WP-0716.
  • PALA, Yusuf. SÖNMEZER, Sıtkı. (2017). “Niceliksel Gevşeme Dönemlerinin Emtia, Döviz ve Hisse Senedi Piyasalarindaki Volatiliteye Etkisi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 18 (1), 45-61.
  • SCHICKS, Jessica. (2014). “Over-indebtedne in Microfinance–an empirical analysis of related factors on the borrower level”. World Development, 54: 301-324.
  • STEVENS, Glenn. (1997). Some observations on low inflation and household finances. Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, October 97, 38–47
  • TOOLSEMA, Linda. (2002). “Competition In The Dutch Consumer Credit Market”. Journal of Banking & Finance, 26 (11), 2215-2229.
  • TUDELA, Merxe, YOUNG, Garry. (2005). “The Determinants Of Household Debt And Balance Sheets in the United Kingdom”, Bank of England Working Paper, No. 266.
  • TUPENAİTE, Laura, KANAPECKIENE, Loreta, NAIMAVICIENE, Jurga. (2017). “Determinants of Housing Market Fluctuations: Case Study Of Lithuania.” Procedia Engineering, 172, 1169-1175.
  • YEO, Jung, Sung. (1991). “Household Credit Card Choice and Usage,” in Proceedings of the37th American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference, V. Haldeman (ed.), Columbia, MO: ACCI, 90-96.
  • ZELLNER, Arnold, Theil, Henri. (1962). “Three-Stage Least Squares: Simultaneous Estimation of Simultaneous Equations”. Econometrica, 30, 54-78.
  • ZHU, Lillian, MEEKS, Carol. (1994). “Effects Of Low Income Families’ Ability and Willingne to Use Consumer Credit On Subsequent Outstanding Credit Balances”. Journal of Consumer Affairs, Winter94, 28(2), 403
  • Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu. (2020a). “Aylık Bülten Temmuz 2020” bultenaylik (10.07.2020)
  • Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu. (2020b). “Aylık Bülten Aralık 2020” bultenaylik (10.03.2021)
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

İlker Koç This is me 0000-0002-4740-0007

Mete Bumin This is me 0000-0002-4740-0007

Yaşam Demir This is me 0000-0001-9482-1456

Publication Date July 31, 2021
Submission Date October 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Koç, İ., Bumin, M., & Demir, Y. (2021). PİYASA VOLATİLİTESİNİN KONUT KREDİ HACMİNE ETKİSİ: TÜRK BANKACILIK SEKTÖRÜNE İLİŞKİN BİR UYGULAMA. Finansal Araştırmalar Ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 13(25), 608-622.