Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 19, 243 - 261, 01.07.2018


Günümüzde FED (Federal Reserve Bank, FED) ve ECB’nin
(European Central Bank, ECB) para politikaları uygulamaları ve TCMB’nin
(Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası, TCMB) faiz politikasına ilişkin tartışmalar
faiz oranları üzerindeki belirsizliğin artması sonucu doğurmuştur. Bu çalışmada
BİST’te (Borsa İstanbul, BIST) işlem gören 6 büyük mevduat bankasının kısa ve
uzun vadeli faiz oranı riskine olan duyarlılıkları iki faktörlü Arbitraj
Fiyatlama Modeli ile incelenmiştir. Kısa vadeli faiz oranı olarak 3 ay vadeli
bankalar arası para piyasası faiz oranı, uzun vadeli faiz oranı olarak ise 10
yıl vadeli devlet tahvili faiz oranları kullanılmıştır. Model tahminlerinde kantil
regresyon yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Böylece, standart EKK (En Küçük
Kareler, EKK) yöntemine göre daha etkin ve tutarlı tahminciler elde edilmiştir.
Bulgular, bankaların hem kısa hem de uzun vadeli faiz oranı riskine duyarlı olduklarını
ve faiz oranlarındaki artışlardan negatif bir şekilde etkilendiklerini göstermektedir.
Ayrıca, bankaların uzun vadeli faiz oranları riskine olan duyarlılıklarının
belirgin bir şeklide fazla olduğu anlaşılmaktadır


  • AGGARWAL, Raj, JEON, B. Philips ve ZHAO, Xinlei .(2006). Bank Exposure to Interest Rate Risks During Financial Liberalization: Evidence from South Korea. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 12, 61–90. AKELLA, R. Srinivas ve GREENBAUM, I. Stuart .(1992). Innovations in Interest Rates, Duration Transformationa, and Bank Stock Returns. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 24 (1), 27-42. AYSUN, Uluc ve GULDİ, Melanie .(2011). Exchange Rate Exposure: A Nonparametric Approach. Emerging Markets Review, 12, 321-337. BAUR, D. Girk .(2013). The Structure and Degree of Dependence: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37, 786–798. BERNANKE, S. Ben ve KUTTNER, N., Kenneth .(2005). What Explains The Stock Market’s Reaction to Federal Reserve Policy?. Journal of Finance, 60 (3), 1221-1257. BHARATI, Rakesh., NANISETTY, Prasad ve SO, Jacky .(2006). Dynamic Gap Transformations: Are Banks Asset Transformers or Brokers ? or Both ?. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 46, 36–52. CHEN, Chieng-Liang, KUAN, Chung-Miang ve LIN, Chu-Chia .(2007). Saving and Housing of Taiwanese Households: New Evidence from Quantile Regression Analysis. Journal of Housing Economics, 16, 102–126. CHEVAPATRAKUL, Thanaset .(2014). Monetary Environments and Stock Returns Revisited: A Quantile Regression Approach. Economics Letters, 123, 122–126. CHEVAPATRAKUL, Thanaset .(2015). Monetary Environments and Stock Returns: International Evidence based on the Quantile Regression Technique. International Review of Financial Analysis, 38,83-108. CHOI, Jay Jongmoo ve PRASAD, Anita Mehra .(1995). Exchange Rate Sensitivity and its Determinants: A Firm and industry Analysis of U.S. Multinational. Financial Management, 24 ( 3), 77-88. CHUANG, Chia-Chang, KUAN, Chung-Ming ve Lin, Hsin-Yi .(2009). Causality in Quantiles and Dynamic Return-Volume Relations. Journal of Banling & Finance, 33, 1351-1360. CINER, Cetin .(2015). Time Variation in Systematic Risk, Returns and Trading Volume: Evidence from Precious Metals Mining Stocks. International Review of Financial Analysis,41,277-283. CZAJA, Marc-Gregor, SCHOLZ, Hendric ve WILKENS, Marco .(2009). Interest Rate Risk of German Financial Institutions: The Impact Of Level, Slope, and Curvature of the Term Structure. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 33,1–26. DINENIS, Elias ve STAIKOURAS, Sotiris, K. (1998). Interest Rate Changes and Common Stock Returns of Financial Institutions: Evidence from the UK. The European Journal of Finance, 4, 113–127. ELYASIANI, Elyas ve MANSUR, Igbal .(1998). Sensitivity of the Bank Stock Returns Distribution to Changes in the Level and Volatility of Interest Rate: A GARCH-M Model. Journal of Banking & Finance, 22, 535-563. FAFF, Robert William ve HOWARD, P.F. (1999). Interest Rate Risk of Australian Financial Sector Companies in a Period of Regulatory Change. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 7, 83–101. FATTOUH, Bassam, SCARAMOZZINO, Pasquale ve HARRIS, Laurence .(2005). Capital Structure in South Korea: A Quantile Regressison Approach. Journal of Developments Economics,76, 231-250. FERRER, Roman, GONZÁLEZ, Cristobal ve SOTO, Gloria M. (2010). Linear and Nonlinear Interest Rate Exposure in Spain. Managerial Finance, 36 (5), 431- 451. HAMMOUDEH, Shawkat, NGUYEN, Duc Khuong ve SOUSA, Ricardo, M. (2014). Energy Prices and CO2 Emission Allowance Prices: A QuantileRegression Approach. Energy Policy, 70, 201–206. KANG, Hsin-Hong ve LIU, Shu-Bing (2014). The Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis on Housing Prices in China and Taiwan: A Quantile Regression Analysis. Economic Modelling,42, 356–362. KASMAN, Saadet, VARDAR, Gülin ve TUNÇ, Gökçe .(2011). The Impact of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Volatility on Banks' Stock Returns and Volatility: Evidence from Turkey. Economic Modelling, 28, 1328–1334. KOENKER, Roger ve BASSETT, Gilbert .(1982). Robust Tests for Heteroscedasticity based on Regression Quantiles. Econometrica, 50, 43–61. KOENKER, Roger ve BASSETT, Gilbert .(1978).Regression Quantiles. Econometrica, 46, 33-50. KORKEAMÄKI, Timo .(2014). Interest Rate Sensitivity of the European Stock Markets before and after the Euro Introduction. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 21, 811– 831. LEE, Bong Soo ve LI, Ming-Yuan Leon .(2012). Diversification and Risk-Adjusted Performance: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Banking & Finance, 36, 2157–2173. LEE, Chien-Chiang ve ZENG, Jhih Hong .(2011). The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Stock Market Activities:Asymmetric Effect with Quantile Regression. Mathematics and Cumputers in Simulation, 81, 1910-1920. MOUNA, Aloui ve ANIS, M. Jarboui .(2012). The Impact of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Volatility on Bank’s Returns and Volatility: Evidence from Tunisian. The Journal of Commerce, 5 (3), 1-19. ÖZÜN, Alper ve ÇİFTER, Atilla .(2006). Bankaların Hisse Senedi Getirilerinde Faiz Oranı Riski: Dalgacıklar Analizi ile Türk Bankacılık Sektörü Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Bankacılar Dergisi, 59,1-15. PAPADAMOUA, Stephanos ve SIRIOPOULOS, Costas .(2014). Interest Rate Risk and the Creation of the Monetary Policy Committee: Evidence from Banks’ and Life Insurance Companies’ Stocks in the UK. Journal of Economics and Busines, 71, 45– 67. PARK, Jin ve CHOI, B. Paul .(2011). Interest Rate Sensitivity of US Property/ Liability Insurer Stock Returns. Managerial Finance, 37 (2) , 134 – 150. SAHA, Asish, SUBRAMANIAN, V., BASU, Sanjay ve MISHRA, A. Kumar .(2009). Networth Exposure to Interest Rate Risk: An Empirical Analysis of Indian Commercial Banks. European Journal of Operational Research, 193, 581–590. STONE, Bernell K. (1974). Systematic Interest Rate Risk in a Two Index Model of Return. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 9 (5), 709-721. SUKCHAROENSIN, Pariyada (2013). Time-Varying Market, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Risks of Thai Commercial Banks. Journal of Accountıng and Fınance, 9 (1), 25-45. SULA, Ozan .(2011). Demand for International Reserves in Developing Nations: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of International Money and Finance, 30, 764-777. SWEENEY, Richard J. ve WARGA, Arthur D. (1986). The Pricing of Interest Rate Risk: Evidence from Stock Market. Journal of Finance, 41 (2), 393-410. VU, Huong, HOLMES, Mark, LIM, S. ve TRAN, Truyen .(2014). Exports and Profitability: A Note from Quantile Regression Approach. Applied Economics Letters, 21 (6), 442–445.
Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 19, 243 - 261, 01.07.2018



  • AGGARWAL, Raj, JEON, B. Philips ve ZHAO, Xinlei .(2006). Bank Exposure to Interest Rate Risks During Financial Liberalization: Evidence from South Korea. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 12, 61–90. AKELLA, R. Srinivas ve GREENBAUM, I. Stuart .(1992). Innovations in Interest Rates, Duration Transformationa, and Bank Stock Returns. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 24 (1), 27-42. AYSUN, Uluc ve GULDİ, Melanie .(2011). Exchange Rate Exposure: A Nonparametric Approach. Emerging Markets Review, 12, 321-337. BAUR, D. Girk .(2013). The Structure and Degree of Dependence: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37, 786–798. BERNANKE, S. Ben ve KUTTNER, N., Kenneth .(2005). What Explains The Stock Market’s Reaction to Federal Reserve Policy?. Journal of Finance, 60 (3), 1221-1257. BHARATI, Rakesh., NANISETTY, Prasad ve SO, Jacky .(2006). Dynamic Gap Transformations: Are Banks Asset Transformers or Brokers ? or Both ?. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 46, 36–52. CHEN, Chieng-Liang, KUAN, Chung-Miang ve LIN, Chu-Chia .(2007). Saving and Housing of Taiwanese Households: New Evidence from Quantile Regression Analysis. Journal of Housing Economics, 16, 102–126. CHEVAPATRAKUL, Thanaset .(2014). Monetary Environments and Stock Returns Revisited: A Quantile Regression Approach. Economics Letters, 123, 122–126. CHEVAPATRAKUL, Thanaset .(2015). Monetary Environments and Stock Returns: International Evidence based on the Quantile Regression Technique. International Review of Financial Analysis, 38,83-108. CHOI, Jay Jongmoo ve PRASAD, Anita Mehra .(1995). Exchange Rate Sensitivity and its Determinants: A Firm and industry Analysis of U.S. Multinational. Financial Management, 24 ( 3), 77-88. CHUANG, Chia-Chang, KUAN, Chung-Ming ve Lin, Hsin-Yi .(2009). Causality in Quantiles and Dynamic Return-Volume Relations. Journal of Banling & Finance, 33, 1351-1360. CINER, Cetin .(2015). Time Variation in Systematic Risk, Returns and Trading Volume: Evidence from Precious Metals Mining Stocks. International Review of Financial Analysis,41,277-283. CZAJA, Marc-Gregor, SCHOLZ, Hendric ve WILKENS, Marco .(2009). Interest Rate Risk of German Financial Institutions: The Impact Of Level, Slope, and Curvature of the Term Structure. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 33,1–26. DINENIS, Elias ve STAIKOURAS, Sotiris, K. (1998). Interest Rate Changes and Common Stock Returns of Financial Institutions: Evidence from the UK. The European Journal of Finance, 4, 113–127. ELYASIANI, Elyas ve MANSUR, Igbal .(1998). Sensitivity of the Bank Stock Returns Distribution to Changes in the Level and Volatility of Interest Rate: A GARCH-M Model. Journal of Banking & Finance, 22, 535-563. FAFF, Robert William ve HOWARD, P.F. (1999). Interest Rate Risk of Australian Financial Sector Companies in a Period of Regulatory Change. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 7, 83–101. FATTOUH, Bassam, SCARAMOZZINO, Pasquale ve HARRIS, Laurence .(2005). Capital Structure in South Korea: A Quantile Regressison Approach. Journal of Developments Economics,76, 231-250. FERRER, Roman, GONZÁLEZ, Cristobal ve SOTO, Gloria M. (2010). Linear and Nonlinear Interest Rate Exposure in Spain. Managerial Finance, 36 (5), 431- 451. HAMMOUDEH, Shawkat, NGUYEN, Duc Khuong ve SOUSA, Ricardo, M. (2014). Energy Prices and CO2 Emission Allowance Prices: A QuantileRegression Approach. Energy Policy, 70, 201–206. KANG, Hsin-Hong ve LIU, Shu-Bing (2014). The Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis on Housing Prices in China and Taiwan: A Quantile Regression Analysis. Economic Modelling,42, 356–362. KASMAN, Saadet, VARDAR, Gülin ve TUNÇ, Gökçe .(2011). The Impact of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Volatility on Banks' Stock Returns and Volatility: Evidence from Turkey. Economic Modelling, 28, 1328–1334. KOENKER, Roger ve BASSETT, Gilbert .(1982). Robust Tests for Heteroscedasticity based on Regression Quantiles. Econometrica, 50, 43–61. KOENKER, Roger ve BASSETT, Gilbert .(1978).Regression Quantiles. Econometrica, 46, 33-50. KORKEAMÄKI, Timo .(2014). Interest Rate Sensitivity of the European Stock Markets before and after the Euro Introduction. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 21, 811– 831. LEE, Bong Soo ve LI, Ming-Yuan Leon .(2012). Diversification and Risk-Adjusted Performance: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Banking & Finance, 36, 2157–2173. LEE, Chien-Chiang ve ZENG, Jhih Hong .(2011). The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Stock Market Activities:Asymmetric Effect with Quantile Regression. Mathematics and Cumputers in Simulation, 81, 1910-1920. MOUNA, Aloui ve ANIS, M. Jarboui .(2012). The Impact of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Volatility on Bank’s Returns and Volatility: Evidence from Tunisian. The Journal of Commerce, 5 (3), 1-19. ÖZÜN, Alper ve ÇİFTER, Atilla .(2006). Bankaların Hisse Senedi Getirilerinde Faiz Oranı Riski: Dalgacıklar Analizi ile Türk Bankacılık Sektörü Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Bankacılar Dergisi, 59,1-15. PAPADAMOUA, Stephanos ve SIRIOPOULOS, Costas .(2014). Interest Rate Risk and the Creation of the Monetary Policy Committee: Evidence from Banks’ and Life Insurance Companies’ Stocks in the UK. Journal of Economics and Busines, 71, 45– 67. PARK, Jin ve CHOI, B. Paul .(2011). Interest Rate Sensitivity of US Property/ Liability Insurer Stock Returns. Managerial Finance, 37 (2) , 134 – 150. SAHA, Asish, SUBRAMANIAN, V., BASU, Sanjay ve MISHRA, A. Kumar .(2009). Networth Exposure to Interest Rate Risk: An Empirical Analysis of Indian Commercial Banks. European Journal of Operational Research, 193, 581–590. STONE, Bernell K. (1974). Systematic Interest Rate Risk in a Two Index Model of Return. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 9 (5), 709-721. SUKCHAROENSIN, Pariyada (2013). Time-Varying Market, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Risks of Thai Commercial Banks. Journal of Accountıng and Fınance, 9 (1), 25-45. SULA, Ozan .(2011). Demand for International Reserves in Developing Nations: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of International Money and Finance, 30, 764-777. SWEENEY, Richard J. ve WARGA, Arthur D. (1986). The Pricing of Interest Rate Risk: Evidence from Stock Market. Journal of Finance, 41 (2), 393-410. VU, Huong, HOLMES, Mark, LIM, S. ve TRAN, Truyen .(2014). Exports and Profitability: A Note from Quantile Regression Approach. Applied Economics Letters, 21 (6), 442–445.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Önder Büberkökü

Publication Date July 1, 2018
Submission Date May 3, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 10 Issue: 19
