Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 20, 28 - 65, 01.01.2019


Bu çalışmada, genel olarak bankaların maruz oldukları risklere değinildikten sonra, BDDK tarafından düzenlenen ve sermaye yeterlilik oranı hesaplamalarına girdi olan, piyasa riski bileşenlerinden faiz ve kur riski için örnek bir banka portföyü üzerinden standart yöntemle sermaye yükümlülüğü hesaplanmaktadır. Aynı portföy için, riske maruz değer, volatilite ve verim eğrisi yöntemlerinden oluşan kombinasyonlar ile oluşturulan içsel modellerle, belirli bir güven düzeyinde portföyün uğrayacağı maksimum zarar tutarı yani riske maruz değer ve ekonomik sermaye yükümlülüğü hesaplandıktan sonra, standart yöntem ile içsel model sonuçlarının karşılaştırması yapılmıştır.


  • ACKLEY, Gardner. (1957). “Liquidity Preference and Loanable Funds Theories of Interest:Comment”. The American Economic Review, 47(5), 662-673. ADELAKUN, O., Johnson. (2015). "An Investigation of the Determinants of Savings and Investment in Nigeria". International Economics and Business, 1(2), 1-16. ADEWUYİ, Adeolu O., BANKOLE, Abiodun S. ve ARAWOMO, Damilola F. (2007). "What Determines Saving in the Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS)?". Journal of Monetary and Economic Integration, 10(2), 71-72. ALİMİ, R. Santos. (2013). " Keynes' Absolute Income Hypothesis and Kuznets Paradox". Munich Personal RePEc Archive. 1-16 BHANDARI, Rabindra, DHAKAL, Dharmendra, PRADHAN, Gyan ve UPADHYAYA, Kamal. (2007). “Determinants of Private Saving in South Asia”. South Asia Economic Journal, 8(2), 205-217. CORBO, Vittorio ve SCHMİDT- HEBBEL, Klaus. (1991). "Public Policies and Saving in Developing Countries". The World Bank Policy, Research and External Affairs Working Papers, 1-25. CRANEY, Trevor A. ve SURLES, James G. (2007). “Model-Dependent Variance Inflation Factor Cutoff Values”. Quality Engineering, 14(3), 391-403. DAYAL-GULATİ, Anuradha. ve THİMANN, Christian. (1997). Saving in Southeast Asia and Latin America Compared: Searching for Policy Lessons. IMF Working Paper No.97/110. DOUGLAS, M. ve ISHERWOOD, B. (1999). Tüketimin Antropolojisi. (E. A. AYTEKİN, Çev.) Ankara: Dost Kitapevi Yayınları. DYNAN, Karen E., SKİNNER, Jonathan ve ZEL, Stephen P. (2004). “Do The Rich Save More?”, Journal of Political Economy, 112(2), 397-444. EDWARDS, Sebastian. (1996). "Why are Saving Rates So Different Across Countries?: An International Comparative Analysis". Journal of Development Economics, 51, 5-44. FİNLAY, Richard. ve PRİCE, Fiona. (2014). Household Saving in Australia. Research Discussion Paper. GERSOVİTZ, Mark. (1988). “ Saving and Development”. Handbook of Development Economics, 1, 381-424. GIORGIONI, Gianluigi ve HOLDEN, Ken. (2003). “Does the Ricardian Equivalence Proposition Hold in Less Developed Countries?”. International Review of Applied Economics, 17(2), 209-221. GRİGOLİ, Frencesco, HERMAN, Alexander ve SCHMİDT-HEBBEL, Klaus. (2016). The İmpact of Terms of Trade and Macroeconomic Regimes on Private Saving. Economic Letters. GRİGOLİ, Francesco, HERMAN, Alexander ve SCHMİDT-HEBBEL, Klaus. (2014). The World Saving. IMF Working Paper. GUTİERREZ, Mario A. (2007). Saving in Latin America After the Mid 1990s. Determinants, Constraints and Policies. CEPAL - SERIE Macroeconomía Del Desarrollo. GÜRİŞ, Selahattin ve ÇAĞLAYAN, Ebru. (2013). Ekonometri: Temel Kavramlar. İstanbul: DER Yayınları. HAMBERG, D. (1955). "Investment and Saving in a Growing Economy". The Review of Economics and Statistics, 37(2), 196-201. HUO, Zhen, ve RİOS-RULL, José-Víctor. (2013). Paradox of Thrift Recessions, NBER Working Paper Series Paper No. 19443. ISMAİL, Aisha. ve RASHİDS, Kashif. (2013). "Determinants of Household Saving: Cointegrated Evidence from Pakistan (1975–2011)". Economic Modelling, 32(c), 524-531. K., Otiwu, P.A., Okere ve L.N., Uzowuru. (2018). "Determinants of Private Domestic Savings in Nigeria (1981- 2015)". International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 6(2), 21-40. KEYNES, John Maynard. (1964). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd. KOSTAKİS, Ioannis. (2015). The Determinants of Households’ Savings During Recession: Evidence from Greece. The Greek Politics Specialist Group. LOAYZA, Norman, Klaus SCHMİDT-HEBBEL ve Luis SERVEN. “What Derives Private Saving Across The World?”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(2), 2000, 165-181. MALTHUS, Thomas R. (1827). Definitions in Political Economy. London: John Murray. MASSON, Paul R, BAYOUMI, Tamim ve SAMIEI, Hossein. (1998). "International Evidence On The Determinants Of Private Saving". The World Bank Economic Review, 12(3), 483-501. MODİGLİANİ, Frango. (1966). “The Life Cycle Hypothesis Of Saving, The Demand For Wealth And The Supply Of Capital”, Social Research, 33(2), 160-217. PARK, Donghyun ve SHİN, Kwanho. (2009). Saving, Investment, and Current Account Surplus in Developing Asia. ADB Economics Working Paper Series No 158. RICCIUTI, Roberto. (2003). “Assessing Ricardian Equivalence”. Journal of Economic Survey, 17(1), 2003, 55-78. SALOTTİ, S. (2010). "Global Imbalances and Household Savings: The Role of Wealth". The Social Science Journal, 47(1), 21-44. SAMUELSON, Paul. (1980). İktisat. (D. DEMİRGİL, Çev.) İstanbul: Menteş Kitapevi. SAY, Jean-Baptiste. (1971). A Treatise on Political Economy. New York: Augustus M. Kelley Publishers. SERRES Alain ve PELGRİN Florian. (2003). “The Decline In Private Saving Rates In The 1990s In Oecd Countries: How Much Can Be Explained By Non-Wealth Determinants?”. OECD Economic Studies No36, 118-152. SMİTH, Adam. (1997). Ulusların Zenginliği. (A. YUNUS, & M. BAKIRCI, Çev.) İstanbul: Alan Yayıncılık. TONY, Malunond A. (2007). Determinants of Domestic Saving Performance in Egypt An Empirical Study. World Bank, African Develop ant locks:ors, 17-42.
Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 20, 28 - 65, 01.01.2019



  • ACKLEY, Gardner. (1957). “Liquidity Preference and Loanable Funds Theories of Interest:Comment”. The American Economic Review, 47(5), 662-673. ADELAKUN, O., Johnson. (2015). "An Investigation of the Determinants of Savings and Investment in Nigeria". International Economics and Business, 1(2), 1-16. ADEWUYİ, Adeolu O., BANKOLE, Abiodun S. ve ARAWOMO, Damilola F. (2007). "What Determines Saving in the Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS)?". Journal of Monetary and Economic Integration, 10(2), 71-72. ALİMİ, R. Santos. (2013). " Keynes' Absolute Income Hypothesis and Kuznets Paradox". Munich Personal RePEc Archive. 1-16 BHANDARI, Rabindra, DHAKAL, Dharmendra, PRADHAN, Gyan ve UPADHYAYA, Kamal. (2007). “Determinants of Private Saving in South Asia”. South Asia Economic Journal, 8(2), 205-217. CORBO, Vittorio ve SCHMİDT- HEBBEL, Klaus. (1991). "Public Policies and Saving in Developing Countries". The World Bank Policy, Research and External Affairs Working Papers, 1-25. CRANEY, Trevor A. ve SURLES, James G. (2007). “Model-Dependent Variance Inflation Factor Cutoff Values”. Quality Engineering, 14(3), 391-403. DAYAL-GULATİ, Anuradha. ve THİMANN, Christian. (1997). Saving in Southeast Asia and Latin America Compared: Searching for Policy Lessons. IMF Working Paper No.97/110. DOUGLAS, M. ve ISHERWOOD, B. (1999). Tüketimin Antropolojisi. (E. A. AYTEKİN, Çev.) Ankara: Dost Kitapevi Yayınları. DYNAN, Karen E., SKİNNER, Jonathan ve ZEL, Stephen P. (2004). “Do The Rich Save More?”, Journal of Political Economy, 112(2), 397-444. EDWARDS, Sebastian. (1996). "Why are Saving Rates So Different Across Countries?: An International Comparative Analysis". Journal of Development Economics, 51, 5-44. FİNLAY, Richard. ve PRİCE, Fiona. (2014). Household Saving in Australia. Research Discussion Paper. GERSOVİTZ, Mark. (1988). “ Saving and Development”. Handbook of Development Economics, 1, 381-424. GIORGIONI, Gianluigi ve HOLDEN, Ken. (2003). “Does the Ricardian Equivalence Proposition Hold in Less Developed Countries?”. International Review of Applied Economics, 17(2), 209-221. GRİGOLİ, Frencesco, HERMAN, Alexander ve SCHMİDT-HEBBEL, Klaus. (2016). The İmpact of Terms of Trade and Macroeconomic Regimes on Private Saving. Economic Letters. GRİGOLİ, Francesco, HERMAN, Alexander ve SCHMİDT-HEBBEL, Klaus. (2014). The World Saving. IMF Working Paper. GUTİERREZ, Mario A. (2007). Saving in Latin America After the Mid 1990s. Determinants, Constraints and Policies. CEPAL - SERIE Macroeconomía Del Desarrollo. GÜRİŞ, Selahattin ve ÇAĞLAYAN, Ebru. (2013). Ekonometri: Temel Kavramlar. İstanbul: DER Yayınları. HAMBERG, D. (1955). "Investment and Saving in a Growing Economy". The Review of Economics and Statistics, 37(2), 196-201. HUO, Zhen, ve RİOS-RULL, José-Víctor. (2013). Paradox of Thrift Recessions, NBER Working Paper Series Paper No. 19443. ISMAİL, Aisha. ve RASHİDS, Kashif. (2013). "Determinants of Household Saving: Cointegrated Evidence from Pakistan (1975–2011)". Economic Modelling, 32(c), 524-531. K., Otiwu, P.A., Okere ve L.N., Uzowuru. (2018). "Determinants of Private Domestic Savings in Nigeria (1981- 2015)". International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 6(2), 21-40. KEYNES, John Maynard. (1964). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd. KOSTAKİS, Ioannis. (2015). The Determinants of Households’ Savings During Recession: Evidence from Greece. The Greek Politics Specialist Group. LOAYZA, Norman, Klaus SCHMİDT-HEBBEL ve Luis SERVEN. “What Derives Private Saving Across The World?”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(2), 2000, 165-181. MALTHUS, Thomas R. (1827). Definitions in Political Economy. London: John Murray. MASSON, Paul R, BAYOUMI, Tamim ve SAMIEI, Hossein. (1998). "International Evidence On The Determinants Of Private Saving". The World Bank Economic Review, 12(3), 483-501. MODİGLİANİ, Frango. (1966). “The Life Cycle Hypothesis Of Saving, The Demand For Wealth And The Supply Of Capital”, Social Research, 33(2), 160-217. PARK, Donghyun ve SHİN, Kwanho. (2009). Saving, Investment, and Current Account Surplus in Developing Asia. ADB Economics Working Paper Series No 158. RICCIUTI, Roberto. (2003). “Assessing Ricardian Equivalence”. Journal of Economic Survey, 17(1), 2003, 55-78. SALOTTİ, S. (2010). "Global Imbalances and Household Savings: The Role of Wealth". The Social Science Journal, 47(1), 21-44. SAMUELSON, Paul. (1980). İktisat. (D. DEMİRGİL, Çev.) İstanbul: Menteş Kitapevi. SAY, Jean-Baptiste. (1971). A Treatise on Political Economy. New York: Augustus M. Kelley Publishers. SERRES Alain ve PELGRİN Florian. (2003). “The Decline In Private Saving Rates In The 1990s In Oecd Countries: How Much Can Be Explained By Non-Wealth Determinants?”. OECD Economic Studies No36, 118-152. SMİTH, Adam. (1997). Ulusların Zenginliği. (A. YUNUS, & M. BAKIRCI, Çev.) İstanbul: Alan Yayıncılık. TONY, Malunond A. (2007). Determinants of Domestic Saving Performance in Egypt An Empirical Study. World Bank, African Develop ant locks:ors, 17-42.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Elvan Altıkulaç This is me 0000-0002-2244-1419

Erişah Arıcan 0000-0003-3487-3486

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Submission Date October 3, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 11 Issue: 20


APA Altıkulaç, E., & Arıcan, E. (2019). TÜRKİYE’DE FAİZ VE KUR RİSKİNE İLİŞKİN STANDART YÖNTEM UYGULAMASI: İÇSEL ÖLÇÜM YÖNTEMLERİYLE SINANMASI. Finansal Araştırmalar Ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 11(20), 28-65.