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Humic Acids, Plant Growth and Nutrient Uptake

Year 2011, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 46 - 56, 04.12.2011


Humic acids are defined as heterogenic natural resources that have colours changing from yellow to black,high molecular weight and resistance to decay. They can be found, in varying concentrations in such sources as turf, peat-bogs, animal fertilizers, lignites and leonardites. Humic acids have an essential role in agricultural processes. Increasing cation exchange capacity (CEC) and enhancig soil fertility, they promote the mineral nutrients into forms available to plants. Humic acids help to retain water-soluble inorganic fertilizers in the soil, releasing them as needed for the growing plants. In particular, humic substances decrease the negative effects of chemical fertilizers.


  • Yılmaz, C.: “Hümik ve Fülvik Asit”, Hasad Bitkisel Üretim, Ocak, 260 (2007) 74.
  • Sparks, D. L. : “Environmental Soil Chemistry”, Second Edition, Academic Press, San Diego (2003) 82.
  • Chen, Y.; Avnimelech, Y. : “The Role of Organic Matter in Modern Agriculture”, Martinus Nijhoff Publisers, Dordrecht, (1986) 80.
  • Grenthe, I.; Puigdomenech, I.: “Modelling in Aquatic Chemistry”, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, (1997) 154.
  • Banta, S.; Mendoza, C. V.: “Organic Matter and Rice”, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, (1984) 93.
  • Sposito, G.: “The Environmental Chemistry of Aluminum”, CRC Pres, (1996) 186.
  • Altınbaş, Ü.; Çengel, M.; Uysal, H.; Okur, B.; Okur, N.; Kurucu, Y.; Delibacak, S.: “Toprak Bilimi”, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, İzmir, Türkiye, 557 (2004) 175.
  • Özbek, H.: “Tarımda organik maddenin önemi”, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yay. No: 13, Ankara, (1971).
  • Ghabbour, E. A.; Davies G.: “Humic Substances: Structures, Models and Functions”, Royal Society of Chemistry, England (2001) 21.
  • MacCarthy, P.: “The Principles of Humic Substances”, Soil Science, 166, (2001) 738.
  • Larcher, W.: “Physiological Plant Ecology: Ecophysiology and Stress Physiology of Functional Groups”, 4th. Edition, Springer, New York (2003) 7.
  • Tipping, E.: “Cation Binding by Humic Substances”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 12 (2002) 4.
  • Livens, F. R.: “Chemical Reactions of Metals with Humic Material”, Environmental Pollution, 70 (1991) 183.
  • Stevenson, F. J.: “Humus Chemistry: Genesis, Composition, Reactions”, 2nd. Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York (1994) 285.
  • Kerndorff, H.; Schnitzer, M.: “Sorption of Metals on Humic Acid”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 44 (1980) 1701.
  • Kulikova, N. A.; Stepanova, E. V.; Koroleva, O. V.: “Mitigating Activity of Humic Substances Direct Influence on Biota”, Use of Humic Substances to Remediate Polluted Environments: From Theory to Practice, Perminova, I.V.; Hatfield, K. and Hertkorn, N.; Springer, Netherlands, (2005) 285.
  • Pessaraklı, M.: “Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress”, Second Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA (1999) 51.
  • Helal, A. A.; Imam, D. M.; Khalifa, S. M.; Aly, H. F.: “Interaction of Pesticides with Humic Compounds and Their Metal Complexes”, Radiochemistry, 48 (2006) 419.
  • Hodges, T. K.; Leonard, R. T.; Bracker, C. E.; Kenan, T. W.: “Purification of an Ion- stimulated Adenozine Triphosphate from plant Roots: Association with Plasma Membranes”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 69 (1972) 3307.
  • Pinton, R.; Cesco, S.; Iacolettig, G.; Astolfi, S.; Varanini, Z.: “Modulation of NO3- Uptake by Water-extractable Humic Substances: Involvement of Root Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase”, Plant and Soil, 215 (1999) 155.
  • Cacco, G.; Dell’ Angola, G.: “Plant Growth Regulator Activity of Soluble Humic Complexes”, Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences, 64 (1984) 225.
  • Nardi, S.; Pizzeghello, D.; Muscolo, A.; Vianello, A.: “Physiological Effects of Humic Substances on Higher Plants”, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 34 (2002) 1527.
  • Canellas, L. P.; Olivares, F. L.; Farança-Okorokova, A. L.; Farança, A. R.: “Humic Acids Isolated from Earthworm Compost Enhance Root Elongation, Lateral Root Emergence, and Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase Activity in Maize Roorts”, Plant Physiology, 130 (2002) 1.
  • Quaggiotti, S.; Ruperti, B.; Pizzeghello, D.; Francioso, O.; Tugnoli, V.; Nardi, S.: “Effect of Low Molecular Size Humic Substances on Nitrate Uptake and Expression of Genes Involved in Nitrate Transport in Maize (Zea mays L.)”, Journal of Experimental Botany, 55 (2004) 803.
  • Eyheraguibel, B.; Silvestre, J. and Morard, P: “Effects of Humic Substances Derived from Organic Waste Enhancement on the Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Maize”, Bioresource Technology, 99 (2008) 4206.
  • Ferrara, G.; Pacifigo, A.; Simeone, P.; Ferrara, E.: “Preliminary Study on the Effects of Foliar Applications of Humic Acids on Italia Table Grape”, XXXth. Worl Congress of Vine and Wine, Budapest, Romania , June, (2007).
  • Kolsarıcı, Ö.; Kaya, M. D.; Day, S.; İpek, A.; Uranbey, S.: “Farklı Hümik Asit Dozlarının Ayçiçeğinin (Helianthus annuus L.) Çıkış ve Fide Gelişimi Üzerine Etkileri”, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (2005) 151.
  • Salman, S. R.; Abou-hussein, S. D.; Abdel-Mawgoud, A. M. R.; El-Nemr, M. A.: “Fruit Yield and Quality of Watermelon as Affected by Hybrids and Humic Acid Application”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 1 (2005) 51.
  • Sharif, M.; Khattak, R. A.; Sarir, M. S.: “Effect of Different Levels of Lignitic Coal Derived Humic Acid on Growth of Maize Plants”, Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 33 (2002) 3567.
  • Bidegain, R.A.; Kaemmerer, M.; Guiresse, M.; Hafidi, M.; Rey, F.; Morard, P.; Revel, J. C.: “Effects of Humic Substances from Composted or Chemically Decomposed Poplar Sawdust on Mineral Nutrition of Ryegrass”, Journal of Agricultural Science, 134 (2000) 259.
  • Dursun, A.; Güvenç, İ.; Turan, M: “Macro and Micro Nutrient Contents of Tomato and Eggplant Seedlings and Their Effects on Seedling Growthin Relation to Humic Acid Application”, Improved Crop Quality by Nutrient Management, Anaç, D.; Martin-Prevel, P. Editors.; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London (1999) 229.
  • David, P. P.; Nelson, P. V.; Sanders, D. C.: “A Humic Acid Improves Growth of Tomato Seedling in Solution Culture”, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 17 (1994) 173.
  • Büyükkeskin, T.: “Hümik Asitin Vicia faba L. (Bakla) da Fide Gelişimine ve Alüminyum Toksisitesine Etkisinin Belirlenmesi”, Doktora tezi, M.Ü Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, (2008) İstanbul.
  • Akıncı, Ş.; Büyükkeskin, T.; Eroğlu, A.; Erdoğan, B. E.: “The Effect of Humic Acid on Nutrient Composition in Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) Roots”, Not Sci Biol, 1(1) (2009) 81-87.
  • Büyükkeskin, T.; Akinci, Ş.: “The Effects of Humic Acid on Above-Ground Parts of Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) Seedlings Under Al 3+ Toxicity”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 20: 3 (2011) 539-548.

Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi ve Besleyici Alımı

Year 2011, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 46 - 56, 04.12.2011


Hümik asitler renkleri sarıdan siyaha değişen, bozulmaya dayanıklı, yüksek moleküler ağırlığa sahip, heterojen doğal kaynaklar olarak tanımlanırlar. Torf, turbiyer, hayvan gübreleri, linyitler ve leonardit gibi kaynaklarda değişik konsantrasyonlarda bulunabilirler. Hümik asitlerin tarımsal işlemlerde önemli rolleri vardır. Katyon değişim kapasitesini (KDK) artırırlar ve toprak verimliliğini yükseltirler; böylece mineral besleyicileri bitkiler için alınabilir hale getirirler. Humik asitler, toprakta suda-çözünebilir inorganik gübreleri muhafaza ederek, büyümekte olan bitkilere gerektiği kadarını serbest bırakırlar. Hümik maddeler özellikle kimyasal gübrelerin olumsuz etkilerini azaltırlar.


  • Yılmaz, C.: “Hümik ve Fülvik Asit”, Hasad Bitkisel Üretim, Ocak, 260 (2007) 74.
  • Sparks, D. L. : “Environmental Soil Chemistry”, Second Edition, Academic Press, San Diego (2003) 82.
  • Chen, Y.; Avnimelech, Y. : “The Role of Organic Matter in Modern Agriculture”, Martinus Nijhoff Publisers, Dordrecht, (1986) 80.
  • Grenthe, I.; Puigdomenech, I.: “Modelling in Aquatic Chemistry”, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, (1997) 154.
  • Banta, S.; Mendoza, C. V.: “Organic Matter and Rice”, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, (1984) 93.
  • Sposito, G.: “The Environmental Chemistry of Aluminum”, CRC Pres, (1996) 186.
  • Altınbaş, Ü.; Çengel, M.; Uysal, H.; Okur, B.; Okur, N.; Kurucu, Y.; Delibacak, S.: “Toprak Bilimi”, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, İzmir, Türkiye, 557 (2004) 175.
  • Özbek, H.: “Tarımda organik maddenin önemi”, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yay. No: 13, Ankara, (1971).
  • Ghabbour, E. A.; Davies G.: “Humic Substances: Structures, Models and Functions”, Royal Society of Chemistry, England (2001) 21.
  • MacCarthy, P.: “The Principles of Humic Substances”, Soil Science, 166, (2001) 738.
  • Larcher, W.: “Physiological Plant Ecology: Ecophysiology and Stress Physiology of Functional Groups”, 4th. Edition, Springer, New York (2003) 7.
  • Tipping, E.: “Cation Binding by Humic Substances”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 12 (2002) 4.
  • Livens, F. R.: “Chemical Reactions of Metals with Humic Material”, Environmental Pollution, 70 (1991) 183.
  • Stevenson, F. J.: “Humus Chemistry: Genesis, Composition, Reactions”, 2nd. Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York (1994) 285.
  • Kerndorff, H.; Schnitzer, M.: “Sorption of Metals on Humic Acid”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 44 (1980) 1701.
  • Kulikova, N. A.; Stepanova, E. V.; Koroleva, O. V.: “Mitigating Activity of Humic Substances Direct Influence on Biota”, Use of Humic Substances to Remediate Polluted Environments: From Theory to Practice, Perminova, I.V.; Hatfield, K. and Hertkorn, N.; Springer, Netherlands, (2005) 285.
  • Pessaraklı, M.: “Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress”, Second Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA (1999) 51.
  • Helal, A. A.; Imam, D. M.; Khalifa, S. M.; Aly, H. F.: “Interaction of Pesticides with Humic Compounds and Their Metal Complexes”, Radiochemistry, 48 (2006) 419.
  • Hodges, T. K.; Leonard, R. T.; Bracker, C. E.; Kenan, T. W.: “Purification of an Ion- stimulated Adenozine Triphosphate from plant Roots: Association with Plasma Membranes”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 69 (1972) 3307.
  • Pinton, R.; Cesco, S.; Iacolettig, G.; Astolfi, S.; Varanini, Z.: “Modulation of NO3- Uptake by Water-extractable Humic Substances: Involvement of Root Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase”, Plant and Soil, 215 (1999) 155.
  • Cacco, G.; Dell’ Angola, G.: “Plant Growth Regulator Activity of Soluble Humic Complexes”, Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences, 64 (1984) 225.
  • Nardi, S.; Pizzeghello, D.; Muscolo, A.; Vianello, A.: “Physiological Effects of Humic Substances on Higher Plants”, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 34 (2002) 1527.
  • Canellas, L. P.; Olivares, F. L.; Farança-Okorokova, A. L.; Farança, A. R.: “Humic Acids Isolated from Earthworm Compost Enhance Root Elongation, Lateral Root Emergence, and Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase Activity in Maize Roorts”, Plant Physiology, 130 (2002) 1.
  • Quaggiotti, S.; Ruperti, B.; Pizzeghello, D.; Francioso, O.; Tugnoli, V.; Nardi, S.: “Effect of Low Molecular Size Humic Substances on Nitrate Uptake and Expression of Genes Involved in Nitrate Transport in Maize (Zea mays L.)”, Journal of Experimental Botany, 55 (2004) 803.
  • Eyheraguibel, B.; Silvestre, J. and Morard, P: “Effects of Humic Substances Derived from Organic Waste Enhancement on the Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Maize”, Bioresource Technology, 99 (2008) 4206.
  • Ferrara, G.; Pacifigo, A.; Simeone, P.; Ferrara, E.: “Preliminary Study on the Effects of Foliar Applications of Humic Acids on Italia Table Grape”, XXXth. Worl Congress of Vine and Wine, Budapest, Romania , June, (2007).
  • Kolsarıcı, Ö.; Kaya, M. D.; Day, S.; İpek, A.; Uranbey, S.: “Farklı Hümik Asit Dozlarının Ayçiçeğinin (Helianthus annuus L.) Çıkış ve Fide Gelişimi Üzerine Etkileri”, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (2005) 151.
  • Salman, S. R.; Abou-hussein, S. D.; Abdel-Mawgoud, A. M. R.; El-Nemr, M. A.: “Fruit Yield and Quality of Watermelon as Affected by Hybrids and Humic Acid Application”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 1 (2005) 51.
  • Sharif, M.; Khattak, R. A.; Sarir, M. S.: “Effect of Different Levels of Lignitic Coal Derived Humic Acid on Growth of Maize Plants”, Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 33 (2002) 3567.
  • Bidegain, R.A.; Kaemmerer, M.; Guiresse, M.; Hafidi, M.; Rey, F.; Morard, P.; Revel, J. C.: “Effects of Humic Substances from Composted or Chemically Decomposed Poplar Sawdust on Mineral Nutrition of Ryegrass”, Journal of Agricultural Science, 134 (2000) 259.
  • Dursun, A.; Güvenç, İ.; Turan, M: “Macro and Micro Nutrient Contents of Tomato and Eggplant Seedlings and Their Effects on Seedling Growthin Relation to Humic Acid Application”, Improved Crop Quality by Nutrient Management, Anaç, D.; Martin-Prevel, P. Editors.; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London (1999) 229.
  • David, P. P.; Nelson, P. V.; Sanders, D. C.: “A Humic Acid Improves Growth of Tomato Seedling in Solution Culture”, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 17 (1994) 173.
  • Büyükkeskin, T.: “Hümik Asitin Vicia faba L. (Bakla) da Fide Gelişimine ve Alüminyum Toksisitesine Etkisinin Belirlenmesi”, Doktora tezi, M.Ü Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, (2008) İstanbul.
  • Akıncı, Ş.; Büyükkeskin, T.; Eroğlu, A.; Erdoğan, B. E.: “The Effect of Humic Acid on Nutrient Composition in Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) Roots”, Not Sci Biol, 1(1) (2009) 81-87.
  • Büyükkeskin, T.; Akinci, Ş.: “The Effects of Humic Acid on Above-Ground Parts of Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) Seedlings Under Al 3+ Toxicity”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 20: 3 (2011) 539-548.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Şener Akıncı

Publication Date December 4, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Akıncı, Ş. (2011). Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi ve Besleyici Alımı. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(1), 46-56.
AMA Akıncı Ş. Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi ve Besleyici Alımı. MAJPAS. December 2011;23(1):46-56. doi:10.7240/mufbed.78626
Chicago Akıncı, Şener. “Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi Ve Besleyici Alımı”. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 23, no. 1 (December 2011): 46-56.
EndNote Akıncı Ş (December 1, 2011) Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi ve Besleyici Alımı. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 23 1 46–56.
IEEE Ş. Akıncı, “Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi ve Besleyici Alımı”, MAJPAS, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 46–56, 2011, doi: 10.7240/mufbed.78626.
ISNAD Akıncı, Şener. “Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi Ve Besleyici Alımı”. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 23/1 (December 2011), 46-56.
JAMA Akıncı Ş. Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi ve Besleyici Alımı. MAJPAS. 2011;23:46–56.
MLA Akıncı, Şener. “Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi Ve Besleyici Alımı”. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 1, 2011, pp. 46-56, doi:10.7240/mufbed.78626.
Vancouver Akıncı Ş. Hümik Asitler, Bitki Büyümesi ve Besleyici Alımı. MAJPAS. 2011;23(1):46-5.

Marmara Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

e-ISSN : 2146-5150