Keyboard Design Producing its Own Energy
Year 2015,
Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 42 - 47, 21.01.2015
Alper Şenyurek
Mustafa Demetgul
The development in production has posed circuit patterns operating in low energy and network techniques. Therefore the energy requirements for electronic devices have decreased. With decreased demand in energy systems, besides the probable use of devices alternative to batteries, new devices have been emerged. Piezoelectric materials have been used in power operated devices in order to capture the kinetic energy in the media and to convert it into usable electrical energy. In this work piezo electric material applicable to various keyboards with various with and length dimensions and spring configurations were used. Depending on the applied force, electrical energy was generated by the stress induced on the piezo electric device.
- Çelik B.G.:”Bina Düşey Kabuğunda Fotovoltaik Panellerin Kullanım İlkeleri, Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Dergisi, Cilt 17, No 3, (2002), 17-33
- Raghavan, A.; Cesnik, S.E. C.:“Review of Guided- wave Structural Health Monitoring”, The Shock and Vibration Digest, Vol. 39, No. 2, (2007) 91–114.
- Sodano, A.H.; Inman, D. J.:” Comparison of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices for Recharging Batteries”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (2005) 799-801.
- Beeby, S . P.; Tudor, M. J.; White, N. M.:” Energy harvesting vibration sources for microsystems applications”, Meas. Sci. Technol., Vol.17, (2006), 175-176.
- Rofouei, M.; Potkonjak, M.; Sarrafzadeh M.: Energy Efficient E-Textile Based Portable Keyboard” Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM international symposium on Low-power electronics and design , (2011),339-344.
- Beker, L.; , Zorlu, Ö.; Külah, H.; Muhtaroğlu, A.: “Energy Harvesting From Keyboard”, Energy Aware Computing (ICEAC), International Conference on IEEE, (2011), 8-11.
- Munson, J. B.: “Electrostatic Discharge Protection Measures for Membrane Keyboards”, IEEE Transactıons on Industry Applıcatıons, Vol. 18-20, No. 4, (1984)
- Zorlu, O.; Topal, E.T.; Kulah H.; “A Vibration-Based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using Mechanical Frequency Up- Conversion Method,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 11, (2011), 481-488.
- Shung,K. K.; Cannata, M. J.; Zhou, Q. F.:” Piezoelectric materials for high frequency medical imaging applications: A review”, J Electroceram (2007) 19: 139–145.
- Kulah, H. ; Muhtaroglu, A.: “Piezoelectric cantilever prototype for energy harvesting in computing applications”, Energy Aware Computing (ICEAC), International Conference on IEEE (2011),1-4.
- Ottman, G.K.; Hofmann, H.F.; Lesieutre, G.A.: “Optimized piezoelectric energy harvesting circuit using step-down converter in discontinuous conduction mode”, Power Electronics, IEEE,Vol.18,696-703.
- Anton, R.S.; Sodano, A.H.:“A review of power harvesting using piezoelectric materials”, Smart Mater. Struct. Vol. 16 doi:10.1088/0964-1726/16/3/ R01 (2007).
- Lang, S.B.; Muensit, S. : “Review of some lesser- known applications of piezoelectric and pyroelectric polymers”, Appl. Phys. A 85, (2006) 125–134.
- Nuffer,J.; Bein, T.: “Application of piezoelectric materials in transportatıon industry”, Global Symposium on Innovative Solutions for the Advancement of the Transport Industry, San Sebastian, Spain (2006), 4.-6.
- Sodano, A. H.; Lloyd, J.; Inman, D. J.:” An experimental comparison between several active composite actuators for power generation”, Smart Materials And Structures. Vol 19 (2006), 1211-1213.
- Priya, S.:” Advances in energy harvesting using low profile piezoelectric transducers”, Electroceram (2007) 165-166.
- Usakli, A.B.; Gurkan, S.; “Design of a Novel Efficient Human–ComputerInterface: An Electrooculagram BasedVirtual Keyboard “, IEEE Transactıons on Instrumentatıon and Measurement, VOL. 59, NO. 8, (2010), 2099-2108.
- Buchberger, G.; Schwödiauer, R.; Arnold, N.; Bauer, S.:” Cellular Ferroelectrets for Flexible Touchpads, Keyboards and Tactile Sensors”, Sensors IEEE (2008), 1520-1523.
- Bai, Y.W.; Yang, M.Y.: “An Improved Design of a Wireless Keyboard Powered by Solar Cells and a Large Capacitor”, IEEE (2008),1355-1357.
- Wacharasindhu, T.; Kwon, J. W.: “A micromachined energy harvester from a keyboard using combined electromagnetic and piezoelectric conversion”, Micromech. Microeng. Vol.18 (2008) .
- Lallart, M.; Inman, J.D.: “Mechanical effect of combined piezoelectric and electromagnetic energy harvesting”,Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Vol.10, (2011), 261- 272.
- Erturk, A.; Inmann, D.J.: “On Mechanical Modeling of Cantilevered Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 19, 2008 1311-1325 .
- Shepherd S.J.;“Continuous authentication by analysis of keyboard typing characteristics,” in European Convention on Security and Detection, (1995), 111- 114.
- Choi, S.B.; Yoo, J.K.; Cho, M.S.; Lee, Y.S.:” Position control of a cylinder system using a piezoactuator- driven pump”, Mechatronics (2005) 23-25.
- Wang, D.; Liu, Z.:” A shear mode piezoelectric energy harvester based on a pressurized water flow”, ScienceDirect (2011), 449-458.
- Yünlü, L. ,”Piezoelektrik Malzemeler ve Teknolojideki Kullanım Alanları”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Semineri, (2006),40-60.
- Doğrukol, S.,” Piezoelektrik Malzemelerin Bünye Denklemleri”Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, (2002), 107- 108.
- piezotheory/piezoelectricity.html, (2014)
Kendi Enerjisini Üretebilen Klavye Tasarımı
Year 2015,
Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 42 - 47, 21.01.2015
Alper Şenyurek
Mustafa Demetgul
Üretimdeki gelişmeler düşük güçlerde çalışan devre tasarımları ve ağ tekniklerini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Küçülen katı hal elektronik cihaz denetimleri insanları daha savunmasız yapmıştır.Bu nedenle elektronik cihazların güç gereksinimleri azalmıştır.Azalan güç talebiyle enerji sistemleri, pillere alternatif sistemlerin kullanılma olasılığı ile birlikte alternatif aygıtları ortaya çıkarmıştır.
Enerji ile çalışan aygıtlarda ortamdaki hareket enerjisinin yakalanması ve bu enerjinin kullanılabilir elektrik enerjisine dönüştürülmesi için Piezoelektrik malzemeler kullanılması mümkündür.Bu çalışmada farklı klavyelere uygulanabilecek çeşitli boy ve uzunluklarda piezo elektrik malzemeler ve yaylar kullanılmıştır.Uygulanan kuvvete bağlı olarak piezo lektrik üzerinde oluşan gerilmelerle elektrik enerjisi üretilmiştir.
- Çelik B.G.:”Bina Düşey Kabuğunda Fotovoltaik Panellerin Kullanım İlkeleri, Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Dergisi, Cilt 17, No 3, (2002), 17-33
- Raghavan, A.; Cesnik, S.E. C.:“Review of Guided- wave Structural Health Monitoring”, The Shock and Vibration Digest, Vol. 39, No. 2, (2007) 91–114.
- Sodano, A.H.; Inman, D. J.:” Comparison of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices for Recharging Batteries”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (2005) 799-801.
- Beeby, S . P.; Tudor, M. J.; White, N. M.:” Energy harvesting vibration sources for microsystems applications”, Meas. Sci. Technol., Vol.17, (2006), 175-176.
- Rofouei, M.; Potkonjak, M.; Sarrafzadeh M.: Energy Efficient E-Textile Based Portable Keyboard” Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM international symposium on Low-power electronics and design , (2011),339-344.
- Beker, L.; , Zorlu, Ö.; Külah, H.; Muhtaroğlu, A.: “Energy Harvesting From Keyboard”, Energy Aware Computing (ICEAC), International Conference on IEEE, (2011), 8-11.
- Munson, J. B.: “Electrostatic Discharge Protection Measures for Membrane Keyboards”, IEEE Transactıons on Industry Applıcatıons, Vol. 18-20, No. 4, (1984)
- Zorlu, O.; Topal, E.T.; Kulah H.; “A Vibration-Based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using Mechanical Frequency Up- Conversion Method,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 11, (2011), 481-488.
- Shung,K. K.; Cannata, M. J.; Zhou, Q. F.:” Piezoelectric materials for high frequency medical imaging applications: A review”, J Electroceram (2007) 19: 139–145.
- Kulah, H. ; Muhtaroglu, A.: “Piezoelectric cantilever prototype for energy harvesting in computing applications”, Energy Aware Computing (ICEAC), International Conference on IEEE (2011),1-4.
- Ottman, G.K.; Hofmann, H.F.; Lesieutre, G.A.: “Optimized piezoelectric energy harvesting circuit using step-down converter in discontinuous conduction mode”, Power Electronics, IEEE,Vol.18,696-703.
- Anton, R.S.; Sodano, A.H.:“A review of power harvesting using piezoelectric materials”, Smart Mater. Struct. Vol. 16 doi:10.1088/0964-1726/16/3/ R01 (2007).
- Lang, S.B.; Muensit, S. : “Review of some lesser- known applications of piezoelectric and pyroelectric polymers”, Appl. Phys. A 85, (2006) 125–134.
- Nuffer,J.; Bein, T.: “Application of piezoelectric materials in transportatıon industry”, Global Symposium on Innovative Solutions for the Advancement of the Transport Industry, San Sebastian, Spain (2006), 4.-6.
- Sodano, A. H.; Lloyd, J.; Inman, D. J.:” An experimental comparison between several active composite actuators for power generation”, Smart Materials And Structures. Vol 19 (2006), 1211-1213.
- Priya, S.:” Advances in energy harvesting using low profile piezoelectric transducers”, Electroceram (2007) 165-166.
- Usakli, A.B.; Gurkan, S.; “Design of a Novel Efficient Human–ComputerInterface: An Electrooculagram BasedVirtual Keyboard “, IEEE Transactıons on Instrumentatıon and Measurement, VOL. 59, NO. 8, (2010), 2099-2108.
- Buchberger, G.; Schwödiauer, R.; Arnold, N.; Bauer, S.:” Cellular Ferroelectrets for Flexible Touchpads, Keyboards and Tactile Sensors”, Sensors IEEE (2008), 1520-1523.
- Bai, Y.W.; Yang, M.Y.: “An Improved Design of a Wireless Keyboard Powered by Solar Cells and a Large Capacitor”, IEEE (2008),1355-1357.
- Wacharasindhu, T.; Kwon, J. W.: “A micromachined energy harvester from a keyboard using combined electromagnetic and piezoelectric conversion”, Micromech. Microeng. Vol.18 (2008) .
- Lallart, M.; Inman, J.D.: “Mechanical effect of combined piezoelectric and electromagnetic energy harvesting”,Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Vol.10, (2011), 261- 272.
- Erturk, A.; Inmann, D.J.: “On Mechanical Modeling of Cantilevered Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 19, 2008 1311-1325 .
- Shepherd S.J.;“Continuous authentication by analysis of keyboard typing characteristics,” in European Convention on Security and Detection, (1995), 111- 114.
- Choi, S.B.; Yoo, J.K.; Cho, M.S.; Lee, Y.S.:” Position control of a cylinder system using a piezoactuator- driven pump”, Mechatronics (2005) 23-25.
- Wang, D.; Liu, Z.:” A shear mode piezoelectric energy harvester based on a pressurized water flow”, ScienceDirect (2011), 449-458.
- Yünlü, L. ,”Piezoelektrik Malzemeler ve Teknolojideki Kullanım Alanları”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Semineri, (2006),40-60.
- Doğrukol, S.,” Piezoelektrik Malzemelerin Bünye Denklemleri”Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, (2002), 107- 108.
- piezotheory/piezoelectricity.html, (2014)