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E7 Ekonomilerinde Sosyo-ekonomik Kalkınmanın Bir Aracı Olarak Küresel Beşeri Sermayesi Kapasitesinin Ölçülmesi

Year 2021, Issue: 2, 18 - 40, 31.12.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, E7 ekonomilerinde beşerî sermaye kapasitesini ölçmektir. Bu çerçevede Küresel
İnsan Sermayesi raporunda vurgulanan 4 farklı boyut ve 21 kriter ele alınmıştır. Analizin ilk aşamasında,
bu boyut ve kriterleri değerlendirmek için bulanık DEMATEL yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Buna ek
olarak, MOORA yaklaşımının beşerî sermaye kapasitesine göre E7 ekonomilerini derecelendirdiği düşünülmektedir.
Araştırmanın sonucunda elde edilen bulgular en önemli boyutun sıralamada dağılım
ve bilgi birikimi olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bunun yanında, eksik istihdam oranı ve vasıflı çalışan
mevcudiyetinin belirlenen kriterler arasında en yüksek ağırlığa sahip olduğu gözlemlenmektedir.
Ayrıca beşerî sermaye kapasitesi açısından Rusya ve Hindistan’ın en iyi ülkeler olduğu, Meksika ve
Brezilya’nın ise son sırada bulunduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu nedenle, en alt sıradaki ülkelerin teknolojik
yatırımlarını artırmaları, çalışanların beceri ve niteliklerini artırmak için yeni ve etkin bir eğitim
programı yürütmeleri önerilmektedir. Araştırma sonucuna göre ancak bu yöntemle sürdürülebilir
sosyo-ekonomik kalkınmaya ulaşmak mümkün olacaktır.


  • Vidotto, J. D. F., Ferenhof, H. A., Selig, P. M., & Bastos, R. C. (2017). A human capital measurement scale. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 18(2), 316-329.
  • Wu, K. J., Cui, L., Tseng, M. L., Hu, J., & Huy, P. M. (2017). Applying big data with fuzzy DEMATEL to discover the critical factors for employee engagement in developing sustainability for the hospitality industry under uncertainty. In Supply Chain Management in the Big Data Era (pp. 218-253). IGI Global.
  • Yüksel, S., Dinçer, H., & Emir, Ş. (2017). Comparing the performance of Turkish deposit banks by using DEMATEL, Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and MOORA approaches. World Journal of Applied Economics, 3(2), 26-47.
  • Passaro, R., Quinto, I., & Thomas, A. (2018). The impact of higher education on entrepreneurial intention and human capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 19(1), 135-156.
  • Patil, S. K., & Kant, R. (2014). A hybrid approach based on fuzzy DEMATEL and FMCDM to predict success of knowledge management adoption in supply chain. Applied Soft Computing, 18, 126-135.
  • Pelinescu, E. (2015). The impact of human capital on economic growth. Procedia Economics and Finance, 22, 184-190. Qin, X., Wang, T., & Zhuang, C. C. (2016). Intergenerational transfer of human capital and its impact on income mobility: Evidence from China. China Economic Review, 38, 306-321.
  • Roca-Puig, V., Beltrán-Martín, I., & Segarra Cipres, M. (2011). Combined effect of human capital, temporary employment and organizational size on firm performance. Personnel Review, 41(1), 4-22.
  • Ruíz, M. D. A., Gutiérrez, J. O., Martínez-Caro, E., & Cegarra-Navarro, J. G. (2017). Linking an unlearning context with firm performance through human capital. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 23(1), 16-22.
  • Sahu, A. K., Sahu, N. K., & Sahu, A. K. (2016). Application of modified MULTI-MOORA for CNC machine tool evaluation in IVGTFNS environment: an empirical study. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 8(3), 234-259.
  • Salim, R., Yao, Y., & Chen, G. S. (2017). Does human capital matter for energy consumption in China?. Energy Economics, 67, 49-59.
  • Samagaio, A., & Rodrigues, R. (2016). Human capital and performance in young audit firms. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5354-5359.
  • Sangaiah, A. K., Gopal, J., Basu, A., & Subramaniam, P. R. (2017). An integrated fuzzy DEMATEL, TOPSIS, and ELECTRE approach for evaluating knowledge transfer effectiveness with reference to GSD project outcome. Neural Computing and Applications, 28(1), 111-123.
  • Sarkar, A., Panja, S. C., Das, D., & Sarkar, B. (2015). Developing an efficient decision support system for non-traditional machine selection: an application of MOORA and MOOSRA. Production & Manufacturing Research, 3(1), 324-342.
  • Şişman, B., & Doğan, M. (2016). Türk Bankalarının Finansal Performanslarının Bulanık AHP ve Bulanık Moora Yöntemleri İle Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluations of Financial Performance in Turkish Banks By Using Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy Moora). Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 353-371.
  • Tadic, S., Zecevic, S., & Krstic, M. (2014). A novel hybrid MCDM model based on fuzzy DEMATEL, fuzzy ANP and fuzzy VIKOR for city logistics concept selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(18), 8112-8128.
  • Tho, N. D., Phong, N. D., Quan, T. H. M., & Trang, N. T. M. (2018). Marketers’ human capital resources and job performance. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 36(1), 124-137.
  • Tooranloo, H. S., Azadi, M. H., & Sayyahpoor, A. (2017). Analyzing factors affecting implementation success of sustainable human resource management (SHRM) using a hybrid approach of FAHP and type-2 fuzzy DEMATEL. Journal of cleaner production, 162, 1252-1265.
  • Tyagi, M., Kumar, P., & Kumar, D. (2015). Assessment of critical enablers for flexible supply chain performance measurement system using fuzzy DEMATEL approach. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 16(2), 115-132.
  • Vaitkevicius, S., Ciutiene, R., Meiliene, E., & Savaneviciene, A. (2015). Typology of human capital development in EU countries. Procedia economics and finance, 23, 1641-1648.
  • Velayutham, A., & Rahman, A. R. (2018). The value of human capital within Canadian business schools. Journal of Intellectual Capital.
  • Jeong, J. S., & Ramírez-Gómez, Á. (2018). Optimizing the location of a biomass plant with a fuzzy-DEcision-MAking Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (F-DEMATEL) and multi-criteria spatial decision assessment for renewable energy management and long-term sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 509-520.
  • Jiang, X. L., Wu, Z. B., & Yang, Y. (2016, April). A fuzzy DEMATEL method to analyze the criteria for sustainable supplier selection. In Green Building, Environment, Energy and Civil Engineering: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE 2016), April 26-27 2016, Hong Kong, PR China (Vol. 27, p. 85). CRC Press.
  • Keller, W. (1996). Absorptive capacity: On the creation and acquisition of technology in development. Journal of development economics, 49(1), 199-227.
  • Keskin, G. A. (2015). Using integrated fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy C: means algorithm for supplier evaluation and selection. International Journal of Production Research, 53(12), 3586-3602.
  • Ko, E. J., & McKelvie, A. (2018). Signaling for more money: The roles of founders’ human capital and investor prominence in resource acquisition across different stages of firm development. Journal of Business Venturing.
  • Kumar Sahu, A., Datta, S., & Sankar Mahapatra, S. (2014). Supply chain performance benchmarking using grey-MOORA approach: An empirical research. Grey Systems: Theory and Application, 4(1), 24-55.
  • Lafuente, E., & Rabetino, R. (2011). Human capital and growth in Romanian small firms. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 18(1), 74-96.
  • Liu, D., Gong, Y., Zhou, J., & Huang, J. C. (2017). Human resource systems, employee creativity, and firm innovation: The moderating role of firm ownership. Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), 1164-1188.
  • Mangla, S. K., Luthra, S., Jakhar, S. K., Tyagi, M., & Narkhede, B. E. (2018). Benchmarking the logistics management implementation using Delphi and fuzzy DEMATEL. Benchmarking: An International Journal, (just-accepted).
  • Maniya, K. D. (2016). Comparative Study of GRA and MOORA Methods: A Case of Selecting TFO Machine. In Problem Solving and Uncertainty Modeling through Optimization and Soft Computing Applications (pp. 132-146). IGI Global.
  • Massingham, P. R., & Tam, L. (2015). The relationship between human capital, value creation and employee reward. Journal of intellectual capital, 16(2), 390-418.
  • Matawale, C. R., Datta, S., & Mahapatra, S. S. (2016). Supplier selection in agile supply chain: Application potential of FMLMCDM approach in comparison with Fuzzy-TOPSIS and Fuzzy-MOORA. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(7), 2027-2060.
  • Mehregan, M. R., Hashemi, S. H., Karimi, A., & Merikhi, B. (2014). Analysis of interactions among sustainability supplier selection criteria using ISM and fuzzy DEMATEL. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 7(3), 270-294.
  • Mirmousa, S., & Dehnavi, H. D. (2016). Development of criteria of selecting the supplier by using the fuzzy DEMATEL method. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 230, 281-289.
  • Muda, S., & Rahman, M. R. C. A. (2016). Human capital in SMEs life cycle perspective. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 683-689.
  • Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., & Edelman, L. F. (2016). The human factor: Investments in employee human capital, productivity, and SME internationalization. Journal of International Management, 22(4), 351-364.
  • Özbek, A. (2015). Efficiency Analysis of Foreign-Capital Banks in Turkey by OCRA and MOORA. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(13), 21-30.
  • Pandey, A., & Kumar, A. (2017). Commentary on “Evaluating the criteria for human resource for science and technology (HRST) based on an integrated fuzzy AHP and fuzzy DEMATEL approach”. Applied Soft Computing, 51, 351-352.
  • Bozeman, B., Dietz, J. S., & Gaughan, M. (2001). Scientific and technical human capital: an alternative model for research evaluation. International Journal of Technology Management, 22(7-8), 716-740.
  • Brauers, W.K.M. and Zavadskas, E.K. (2006). The MOORA Method and Its Application to Privatization in a Transition Economy. Control and Cybernetics, 35, 445-469.
  • Brush, C., Ali, A., Kelley, D., & Greene, P. (2017). The influence of human capital factors and context on women’s entrepreneurship: Which matters more?. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 8, 105-113.
  • Büyüközkan, G., & Göçer, F. (2017, June). An extension of MOORA approach for group decision making based on interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers in digital supply chain. In Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IFSA-SCIS), 2017 Joint 17th World Congress of International (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • Campbell, B. A., Kryscynski, D., & Olson, D. M. (2017). Bridging strategic human capital and employee entrepreneurship research: A labor market frictions approach. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 11(3), 344-356.
  • Chand, M., Bhatia, N., & Singh, R. K. (2018). ANP-MOORA-based approach for the analysis of selected issues of green supply chain management. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(2), 642-659.
  • Chen, Y., & Fang, Z. (2018). Industrial electricity consumption, human capital investment and economic growth in Chinese cities. Economic Modelling, 69, 205-219.
  • Ciutiene, R., & Railaite, R. (2015). A development of human capital in the context of an aging population. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 753-757.
  • Danquah, M., & Amankwah-Amoah, J. (2017). Assessing the relationships between human capital, innovation and technology adoption: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 122, 24-33.
  • Delery, J. E., & Roumpi, D. (2017). Strategic human resource management, human capital and competitive advantage: is the field going in circles?. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), 1-21.
  • Dincer, H., Hacioglu, U., & Yuksel, S. (2016). Balanced scorecard-based performance assessment of Turkish banking sector with analytic network process. International Journal of Decision Sciences & Applications-IJDSA, 1(1), 1-21.
  • Dinçer, H., Hacıoğlu, Ü., & Yüksel, S. (2017). Balanced scorecard based performance measurement of European airlines using a hybrid multicriteria decision making approach under the fuzzy environment. Journal of Air Transport Management, 63, 17-33.
  • Dinçer, H., Yuksel, S., & Bozaykut-Buk, T. (2018). Evaluation of Financial and Economic Effects on Green Supply Chain Management With Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: Evidence From Companies Listed in BIST. In Handbook of Research on Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Development (pp. 144-175). IGI Global.
  • Dong, J., & Huo, H. (2017). Identification of Financing Barriers to Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises by Integrating the Fuzzy Delphi and Fuzzy DEMATEL Approaches. Energies, 10(8), 1172.
  • Estrin, S., Mickiewicz, T., & Stephan, U. (2016). Human capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(4), 449-467.
  • Fang, Z., & Chen, Y. (2017). Human capital and energy in economic growth–Evidence from Chinese provincial data. Energy Economics, 68, 340-358.
  • Govindan, K., Khodaverdi, R., & Vafadarnikjoo, A. (2015). Intuitionistic fuzzy based DEMATEL method for developing green practices and performances in a green supply chain. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(20), 7207-7220.
  • Abdullah, L., Jaafar, S., & Taib, I. (2013). Ranking of human capital indicators using analytic hierarchy process. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 107, 22-28.
  • Abdullah, L., & Zulkifli, N. (2015). Integration of fuzzy AHP and interval type-2 fuzzy DEMATEL: An application to human resource management. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(9), 4397-4409.
  • Akgül, E., Aydoğan, E. K., Özmen, M., & Türksoy, H. G. (2017). Optimization of the Murata Vortex Spinning machine parameters by the SMAA-MOORA approach. Industria Textila, 68(5), 323-331.
  • Amankwah-Amoah, J. (2018). Human capital flows in failing organizations: an integrated conceptual framework. Journal of Intellectual Capital.
  • Banerjee, R., & Roy, S. S. (2014). Human capital, technological progress and trade: What explains India’s long run growth?. Journal of Asian Economics, 30, 15-31.
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  • Benhabib, J., & Spiegel, M. M. (2005). Human capital and technology diffusion. Handbook of economic growth, 1, 935-966.

Measuring the Capacity of Global Human Capital as a tool of Socio-economic Development in E7 Economies

Year 2021, Issue: 2, 18 - 40, 31.12.2021


The aim of this study is to measure the capacity of human capital in E7 economies. Within this framework,
4 different dimensions and 21 criteria, emphasized in the Global Human Capital report, are
taken into the consideration. In the first phase of the analysis, fuzzy DEMATEL methodology is used
in order to weight these dimensions and criteria. In addition to this situation, the MOORA approach
is considered to rank E7 economies with respect to the capacity of human capital. The findings show
that deployment and know-how are the most important dimensions. Additionally, it is defined that
underemployment rate and availability of skilled employee have the highest weights among criteria.
Moreover, it is concluded that Russia and India are the best countries whereas Mexico and Brazil are on
the last rank with respect to the human capital capacity. Hence, it is recommended that the countries,
which have the lowest rank, should increase technological investment and conduct a new and effective
training program to increase the skills and the qualifications of the employees. Therefore, it can be possible
to reach sustainable socio-economic development.


  • Vidotto, J. D. F., Ferenhof, H. A., Selig, P. M., & Bastos, R. C. (2017). A human capital measurement scale. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 18(2), 316-329.
  • Wu, K. J., Cui, L., Tseng, M. L., Hu, J., & Huy, P. M. (2017). Applying big data with fuzzy DEMATEL to discover the critical factors for employee engagement in developing sustainability for the hospitality industry under uncertainty. In Supply Chain Management in the Big Data Era (pp. 218-253). IGI Global.
  • Yüksel, S., Dinçer, H., & Emir, Ş. (2017). Comparing the performance of Turkish deposit banks by using DEMATEL, Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and MOORA approaches. World Journal of Applied Economics, 3(2), 26-47.
  • Passaro, R., Quinto, I., & Thomas, A. (2018). The impact of higher education on entrepreneurial intention and human capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 19(1), 135-156.
  • Patil, S. K., & Kant, R. (2014). A hybrid approach based on fuzzy DEMATEL and FMCDM to predict success of knowledge management adoption in supply chain. Applied Soft Computing, 18, 126-135.
  • Pelinescu, E. (2015). The impact of human capital on economic growth. Procedia Economics and Finance, 22, 184-190. Qin, X., Wang, T., & Zhuang, C. C. (2016). Intergenerational transfer of human capital and its impact on income mobility: Evidence from China. China Economic Review, 38, 306-321.
  • Roca-Puig, V., Beltrán-Martín, I., & Segarra Cipres, M. (2011). Combined effect of human capital, temporary employment and organizational size on firm performance. Personnel Review, 41(1), 4-22.
  • Ruíz, M. D. A., Gutiérrez, J. O., Martínez-Caro, E., & Cegarra-Navarro, J. G. (2017). Linking an unlearning context with firm performance through human capital. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 23(1), 16-22.
  • Sahu, A. K., Sahu, N. K., & Sahu, A. K. (2016). Application of modified MULTI-MOORA for CNC machine tool evaluation in IVGTFNS environment: an empirical study. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 8(3), 234-259.
  • Salim, R., Yao, Y., & Chen, G. S. (2017). Does human capital matter for energy consumption in China?. Energy Economics, 67, 49-59.
  • Samagaio, A., & Rodrigues, R. (2016). Human capital and performance in young audit firms. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5354-5359.
  • Sangaiah, A. K., Gopal, J., Basu, A., & Subramaniam, P. R. (2017). An integrated fuzzy DEMATEL, TOPSIS, and ELECTRE approach for evaluating knowledge transfer effectiveness with reference to GSD project outcome. Neural Computing and Applications, 28(1), 111-123.
  • Sarkar, A., Panja, S. C., Das, D., & Sarkar, B. (2015). Developing an efficient decision support system for non-traditional machine selection: an application of MOORA and MOOSRA. Production & Manufacturing Research, 3(1), 324-342.
  • Şişman, B., & Doğan, M. (2016). Türk Bankalarının Finansal Performanslarının Bulanık AHP ve Bulanık Moora Yöntemleri İle Değerlendirilmesi (The Evaluations of Financial Performance in Turkish Banks By Using Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy Moora). Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 353-371.
  • Tadic, S., Zecevic, S., & Krstic, M. (2014). A novel hybrid MCDM model based on fuzzy DEMATEL, fuzzy ANP and fuzzy VIKOR for city logistics concept selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(18), 8112-8128.
  • Tho, N. D., Phong, N. D., Quan, T. H. M., & Trang, N. T. M. (2018). Marketers’ human capital resources and job performance. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 36(1), 124-137.
  • Tooranloo, H. S., Azadi, M. H., & Sayyahpoor, A. (2017). Analyzing factors affecting implementation success of sustainable human resource management (SHRM) using a hybrid approach of FAHP and type-2 fuzzy DEMATEL. Journal of cleaner production, 162, 1252-1265.
  • Tyagi, M., Kumar, P., & Kumar, D. (2015). Assessment of critical enablers for flexible supply chain performance measurement system using fuzzy DEMATEL approach. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 16(2), 115-132.
  • Vaitkevicius, S., Ciutiene, R., Meiliene, E., & Savaneviciene, A. (2015). Typology of human capital development in EU countries. Procedia economics and finance, 23, 1641-1648.
  • Velayutham, A., & Rahman, A. R. (2018). The value of human capital within Canadian business schools. Journal of Intellectual Capital.
  • Jeong, J. S., & Ramírez-Gómez, Á. (2018). Optimizing the location of a biomass plant with a fuzzy-DEcision-MAking Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (F-DEMATEL) and multi-criteria spatial decision assessment for renewable energy management and long-term sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 509-520.
  • Jiang, X. L., Wu, Z. B., & Yang, Y. (2016, April). A fuzzy DEMATEL method to analyze the criteria for sustainable supplier selection. In Green Building, Environment, Energy and Civil Engineering: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE 2016), April 26-27 2016, Hong Kong, PR China (Vol. 27, p. 85). CRC Press.
  • Keller, W. (1996). Absorptive capacity: On the creation and acquisition of technology in development. Journal of development economics, 49(1), 199-227.
  • Keskin, G. A. (2015). Using integrated fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy C: means algorithm for supplier evaluation and selection. International Journal of Production Research, 53(12), 3586-3602.
  • Ko, E. J., & McKelvie, A. (2018). Signaling for more money: The roles of founders’ human capital and investor prominence in resource acquisition across different stages of firm development. Journal of Business Venturing.
  • Kumar Sahu, A., Datta, S., & Sankar Mahapatra, S. (2014). Supply chain performance benchmarking using grey-MOORA approach: An empirical research. Grey Systems: Theory and Application, 4(1), 24-55.
  • Lafuente, E., & Rabetino, R. (2011). Human capital and growth in Romanian small firms. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 18(1), 74-96.
  • Liu, D., Gong, Y., Zhou, J., & Huang, J. C. (2017). Human resource systems, employee creativity, and firm innovation: The moderating role of firm ownership. Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), 1164-1188.
  • Mangla, S. K., Luthra, S., Jakhar, S. K., Tyagi, M., & Narkhede, B. E. (2018). Benchmarking the logistics management implementation using Delphi and fuzzy DEMATEL. Benchmarking: An International Journal, (just-accepted).
  • Maniya, K. D. (2016). Comparative Study of GRA and MOORA Methods: A Case of Selecting TFO Machine. In Problem Solving and Uncertainty Modeling through Optimization and Soft Computing Applications (pp. 132-146). IGI Global.
  • Massingham, P. R., & Tam, L. (2015). The relationship between human capital, value creation and employee reward. Journal of intellectual capital, 16(2), 390-418.
  • Matawale, C. R., Datta, S., & Mahapatra, S. S. (2016). Supplier selection in agile supply chain: Application potential of FMLMCDM approach in comparison with Fuzzy-TOPSIS and Fuzzy-MOORA. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(7), 2027-2060.
  • Mehregan, M. R., Hashemi, S. H., Karimi, A., & Merikhi, B. (2014). Analysis of interactions among sustainability supplier selection criteria using ISM and fuzzy DEMATEL. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 7(3), 270-294.
  • Mirmousa, S., & Dehnavi, H. D. (2016). Development of criteria of selecting the supplier by using the fuzzy DEMATEL method. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 230, 281-289.
  • Muda, S., & Rahman, M. R. C. A. (2016). Human capital in SMEs life cycle perspective. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 683-689.
  • Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., & Edelman, L. F. (2016). The human factor: Investments in employee human capital, productivity, and SME internationalization. Journal of International Management, 22(4), 351-364.
  • Özbek, A. (2015). Efficiency Analysis of Foreign-Capital Banks in Turkey by OCRA and MOORA. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(13), 21-30.
  • Pandey, A., & Kumar, A. (2017). Commentary on “Evaluating the criteria for human resource for science and technology (HRST) based on an integrated fuzzy AHP and fuzzy DEMATEL approach”. Applied Soft Computing, 51, 351-352.
  • Bozeman, B., Dietz, J. S., & Gaughan, M. (2001). Scientific and technical human capital: an alternative model for research evaluation. International Journal of Technology Management, 22(7-8), 716-740.
  • Brauers, W.K.M. and Zavadskas, E.K. (2006). The MOORA Method and Its Application to Privatization in a Transition Economy. Control and Cybernetics, 35, 445-469.
  • Brush, C., Ali, A., Kelley, D., & Greene, P. (2017). The influence of human capital factors and context on women’s entrepreneurship: Which matters more?. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 8, 105-113.
  • Büyüközkan, G., & Göçer, F. (2017, June). An extension of MOORA approach for group decision making based on interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers in digital supply chain. In Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IFSA-SCIS), 2017 Joint 17th World Congress of International (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • Campbell, B. A., Kryscynski, D., & Olson, D. M. (2017). Bridging strategic human capital and employee entrepreneurship research: A labor market frictions approach. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 11(3), 344-356.
  • Chand, M., Bhatia, N., & Singh, R. K. (2018). ANP-MOORA-based approach for the analysis of selected issues of green supply chain management. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(2), 642-659.
  • Chen, Y., & Fang, Z. (2018). Industrial electricity consumption, human capital investment and economic growth in Chinese cities. Economic Modelling, 69, 205-219.
  • Ciutiene, R., & Railaite, R. (2015). A development of human capital in the context of an aging population. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 753-757.
  • Danquah, M., & Amankwah-Amoah, J. (2017). Assessing the relationships between human capital, innovation and technology adoption: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 122, 24-33.
  • Delery, J. E., & Roumpi, D. (2017). Strategic human resource management, human capital and competitive advantage: is the field going in circles?. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), 1-21.
  • Dincer, H., Hacioglu, U., & Yuksel, S. (2016). Balanced scorecard-based performance assessment of Turkish banking sector with analytic network process. International Journal of Decision Sciences & Applications-IJDSA, 1(1), 1-21.
  • Dinçer, H., Hacıoğlu, Ü., & Yüksel, S. (2017). Balanced scorecard based performance measurement of European airlines using a hybrid multicriteria decision making approach under the fuzzy environment. Journal of Air Transport Management, 63, 17-33.
  • Dinçer, H., Yuksel, S., & Bozaykut-Buk, T. (2018). Evaluation of Financial and Economic Effects on Green Supply Chain Management With Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: Evidence From Companies Listed in BIST. In Handbook of Research on Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Development (pp. 144-175). IGI Global.
  • Dong, J., & Huo, H. (2017). Identification of Financing Barriers to Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises by Integrating the Fuzzy Delphi and Fuzzy DEMATEL Approaches. Energies, 10(8), 1172.
  • Estrin, S., Mickiewicz, T., & Stephan, U. (2016). Human capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(4), 449-467.
  • Fang, Z., & Chen, Y. (2017). Human capital and energy in economic growth–Evidence from Chinese provincial data. Energy Economics, 68, 340-358.
  • Govindan, K., Khodaverdi, R., & Vafadarnikjoo, A. (2015). Intuitionistic fuzzy based DEMATEL method for developing green practices and performances in a green supply chain. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(20), 7207-7220.
  • Abdullah, L., Jaafar, S., & Taib, I. (2013). Ranking of human capital indicators using analytic hierarchy process. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 107, 22-28.
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There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Research Articles

Hasan Dinçer This is me 0000-0002-8072-031X

Serhat Yüksel This is me 0000-0002-9858-1266

Fatih Pınarbaşı This is me 0000-0001-9005-0324

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 2


APA Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., & Pınarbaşı, F. (2021). Measuring the Capacity of Global Human Capital as a tool of Socio-economic Development in E7 Economies. Maruf İktisat İslâm İktisadı Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 18-40.
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