Current Issue

Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

Maruf Economics Journal primarily prioritizes teaching, understanding, development and conceptualizing the studies of Islamic Economics at an academic level. In addition, Maruf Economics Journal aims to introduce an alternative, original and innovative approach into the existing literature that offer a critical perspective against the domination of conventional economics.

Maruf Economics Journal aims to include academic studies in the field of Islamic economics, but is also open to heteredox approaches in the field of Economics and conventional economics with criticisms of the economic system and its theory. Within in this scope, it is also planned to be published that empirical and theoretical studies, field survey, economic methodology, history of economic thought, simulation-based analysis, studies on relationship of economics with other disciplines and issues like sustainability and development and schools of economic thought like behavioral economics, neuro-economics, experimental economics and new institutional economics that offer new perspectives for the economic and social matters.

Also the scope of the journal contains ethics and economics, economics and society, critical economics, Islamic economics and finance, methodology of economics, economic history, suggestions of new solutions for the economic problems, the quest for new economic paradigm and essays about rethinking economics and finance. The journal publishes reviews of the books related to the above mentioned areas.

In addition, Maruf Economics Journal is a refereed scientific journal open to multi-disciplinary studies conducted in social science fields such as theology, business, law, history, politics, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy in relation to Islamic economics and economics.

Maruf Economics Journal is a peer-reviewed journal and a Maruf Foundation publication.

Maruf Economics Journal aims to include academic studies in the field of Islamic economics, but is also open to heteredox approaches in the field of Economics and conventional economics with criticisms of the economic system and its theory. Within in this scope, it is also planned to be published that empirical and theoretical studies, field survey, economic methodology, history of economic thought, simulation-based analysis, studies on relationship of economics with other disciplines and issues like sustainability and development and schools of economic thought like behavioral economics, neuro-economics, experimental economics and new institutional economics that offer new perspectives for the economic and social matters.

Also the scope of the journal contains ethics and economics, economics and society, critical economics, Islamic economics and finance, methodology of economics, economic history, suggestions of new solutions for the economic problems, the quest for new economic paradigm and essays about rethinking economics and finance. The journal publishes reviews of the books related to the above mentioned areas.

In addition, Maruf Economics Journal is a refereed scientific journal open to multi-disciplinary studies conducted in social science fields such as theology, business, law, history, politics, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy in relation to Islamic economics and economics.

The authors should prepare their articles according to the writing rules presented at The authors are expected to make the corrections specified in the referee reports on time.

The principles adopted and published by the Committee The principles adopted and published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are adopted. The authors are expected to comply with the ethical rules stated below:

Articles submitted to the journal should not be published elsewhere or sent for publication.
Authors should have cited all the citations they used in their articles.
Authors should ensure that they contribute scientifically to the article.
The authors should ensure that the article does not infringe the intellectual property rights of another person or institution, does not involve plagiarism and is their own original work.
All the authors mentioned in the article have equal responsibility for the article submitted and published.
Author who responsible for the correspondence should ensure that all the co-authors mentioned are willing to be published and named as co-authors. All persons who make significant scientific and literary contributions to the study should be named as co- authors.
If it is necessary, authors should provide access to the data sets in the article.

The spelling rules are as follows:

Title: The title of the article should be chosen as to express the content accordingly and it should be in the center of the page and colored darkly. The article must have a “Introduction” section and all the titles should be enumerated.
Abstract: The abstract of the article is suggested to have between 150-200 words. Besides, the article should include the research method, purpose and scope, and the achieved result from the research in a specific manner. The keywords should be between 3 to 8 words. An English abstract must be added after the Turkish abstract using the same writing style.
In the case of the abstract being in Arabic or English there must be a Turkish abstract in a corresponding order. The Editorial Board of Maruf Economics Journal will add an Turkish summary to those articles that has been sent by non-Turkish researchers.

Format: The texts should be formatted with doc. extension. The pages should have 1.5 space between lines, 2.5 cm empty space at the edges, justified and numbered within the MS word program. Margin settings; it should be 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 cm from the bottom and 2.5 cm from the right and left.
Font style: The type font should be Times New Roman and font size must be set to 11 In the abstract section, the font size should be set to 10 Titles should be bold and 12 font size. Footnote font should be set to 10
Word Counts: The articles should be at least 5000 and maximum 8000 words together with the bibliography.
Bibliography and reference: APA (American Psychological Association) Style 6th Edition is the only reference that will be accepted in the journal. In both quotations and bibliography, the authors should follow the writing rules and format specified in the “American Psychological Association Publication Guide” published by the American Psychological Association.
Privacy and impartiality: Articles are evaluated by blind referee process. Therefore, articles submitted to the journal should not include the author information. All information such as institutional title and contact information of the authors should be arranged as a separate page and added to the last part of the article. Information that should include;

Title of the article in English / Arabic / Turkish
JEL classification code of the article
Author/s name, surname, title
Author/s institution (department, administrative unit)
Short CV of the author/s
Author/s current mailing address, telephone/fax number, and e-mail address

In Maruf Economics Journal, publications and related stages are not charged any price. In accordance with the open access policy, Maruf Economics Journal offers all usage rights to its readers free of charge, except for commercial use and provided that the articles are referenced. In this context, readers can access, read, reproduce and use them if they wish, Written permission from the Maruf Foundation is mandatory for issues such as the commercial use of the content of the article, its translation and its publication in another book.

Scientific and legal responsibilities of the articles published in Maruf Economics Journal belong to their authors. The copyright owner must have written consent in order for the pictures, figures, tables etc. with the articles to be original or to be published in both the printed and electronic version of the journal if they have been previously published. Readers have free access to all articles published except commercial purposes and provided that they are gave as a reference.

The authors acknowledge that they have transferred all their publishing rights to the journal’s rightful owner, the Maruf Foundation. For this purpose, a copyright letter of approval should be
sent with the relevant article. The copyrights of the published content (text and visual elements) belong to the journal. No fee is paid under the copyright or other names for the articles approved
publication in the journal.