New York'ta bir stand-up komcdycni olan Jcrry'Seinfeld ve iiq arkadatrnrn giinliik hayatlarrndan yola grkaD
S.,lrle/r./ adh sit-con 'hiqbir |ey iizerine'bir dizidir. Buradaki hiqbir Sey kavramr. Ncw York'un merkezindc ya5ayan
insanlann hayatlarndaki higbir gcyin bilc Iazlasryla eElenceli. ilging ve heyecar verici oldugu konusundaki
Ilollywood sdylemini yansrtan bir Amerikan riiyasr resmi Qizmektedir. nmerikan riiyasr. dizidc. iki katmanda alr
mctin olarak belirmektedir: Birinci kahanda r$rklan hig s6nmeyen Ncw York la her zaman canlr vc renkli olan
hayatlar, ikinci katmada isc yalnlzca kendi hayatlnln hiqbir geyligini mcta haline getirip bunu pazarlayarak
mrlyonlarca dolara ve uluslararasr iine kavu$an bir kigi olarak Jerry Seinfeld'in ulastrgr Amerikan riiyasr. Bu alt
mctinc parallcl olarak dizi boyunca kendi kerdini yaralan Amerika| stcrolipinin ve l980 lcr sonrastntn neo,
konservatif politikalanyla daha da gliglenen apolitik ve kendinden ba$kasrnl diiliiDmeycn karakler tipolojisinin
PromosYonu 96zlemlenebilir.
The sit-com Selrtll based on lhe lives of lhe stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld and three of his friends is "a sil-com aboul nothing." The concepl of nothingness here illuslrales a picture of the American dream which reflects the Ilollywood discoune on how fun. interesting and exciting is even the nothing in the lives of those who live in the cenler ofNew York. The American dream appears in two layers as the subtexl of the sitcom: In the first layer Ihe all lime colorful and flm lives in New York where the lights never go off and in the second laycr the American dream that Jcrry SeiDfeld has rcachcd by tumrng thc nothingness of his own lile into a commodity and by selling this bccoming a millionaire and an inlcmational celebrity. Parallcl to this sublext. throughout lhc sitcom a promotion of the self-made American sterotype and the apolitical, self-centered character typology which has risen particularly in the post 1980's in accordance wilh the neo-conservative politics. can be observed.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Linguistics |
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | April 5, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2007 Volume: 12 Issue: 12 |