Research Article
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Decolonial Artificial Intelligence; Algorithmic Fairness in Alignment with Turkish and Islamic Values

Year 2024, , 250 - 279, 30.12.2024


Research works on topics such as; Fairness in Agreement with European Values: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on AI Regulation or Decolonial AI Alignment: Openness, Viśesa -Dharma and Including Excluded Knowledges, generated the motivation to search for Artificial intelligence (AI) alignment with Turkish and Islamic Values. The driving force to this research work is the fact that all of the algorithmic decision-making systems include bias to some extend and the non-western world needs to construct its own value-based technological and sociological development models since there is not much belief left in the so-called international justice or the so-called democratic values. This research includes examination of brief information about the fundamentals of big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence. Importance of thick data and digital anthropology is emphasized. Misuse and abuse AI has been identified as one of the most important challenges. Vygotsky’s arguments on social learning, social construction of technology theory and worldview theory may provide some of the arguments to construct the idea of an AI approach may be developed in accordance with Turkish and Islamic values. Decolonial AI arguments and fairness in AI approaches have also been utilized to empower our argument. Lastly, brief information on Turkish and Islamic values were presented, limited to the scope of this research.


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Sömürge Durumundan Çıkarılan Yapay Zekâ; Türk Ve İslami Değerlerle Uyumlu Algoritmik Âdillik

Year 2024, , 250 - 279, 30.12.2024


Avrupalı Değerlerle Bağdaşan Âdillik: Yapay Zekâ Düzenlemesi Üzerine Bir Disiplinlerarası Bakış Açısı veya Yapay Zekanın Sömürge Durumundan Çıkarılmasına Uyumlaştırma: Açıklık, Viśesa -Dharma ve Dışta Bırakılan Bilgi Birikiminin Kapsama Dahil Edilmesi gibi konular üzerine araştırma çalışmaları, Türk ve İslam değerleri ile uyumlu yapay zekâ için arayış motivasyonunu oluşturmuştur. Tüm algoritmik karar oluşturma sistemlerinin bir ölçüde de olsa taraflılık içermesi ve uluslararası adalet veya demokratik değerler diye isimlendirilen şeylere çok da fazla inanç kalmaması nedeniyle batılı-olmayan dünyanın kendi değer-temelli teknolojik ve toplumsal gelişim modelleri geliştirme ihtiyacı gerçeği, bu araştırma çalışmasının itici gücü olmuştur. Bu araştırma büyük veri, algoritmalar ve yapay zekâ temelleri hakkında özet bilgilerin incelenmesini içermektedir. Vygotsky’nin toplumsal öğrenme üzerine görüşleri, teknolojinin toplumsal inşası teorisi ve dünya görüşü teorisi, Türk ve İslami değerlere uygun olarak bir yapay zekâ yaklaşımı geliştirilebileceği fikrini inşa için çıkarımlar sağlayabilir. Yapay zekânın sömürge durumundan çıkarılması argümanları ve yapay zekâda âdillik yaklaşımları da, iddiamızı güçlendirmek için değerlendirilmiştir. Son olarak, araştırmanın kapsamıyla sınırlı olarak Türk ve İslâmi değerler üzerine kısa bilgi sunulmuştur.


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  • Adams-Prassl, Jeremias, Reuben Binns, Aislinn Kelly-Lyth. “Directly Discriminatory Algorithms”. The Modern Law Review, 86:1 (2023): 144-175.
  • Adams, Rachel. “Can artificial intelligence be decolonized?”. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 46:1-2 (2021): 176-197.
  • Alabdulatif, Abdullah, Navod Neradjan Thilakarathne, Zaharaddeen Karami Lawal, Khairul Eahsun Fahim, Rufai Yusuf Zakari, “Internet of Nano-Things (IoNT): A Comprehensive Review from Architecture to Security and Privacy Challenges”, Sensors, 23:2 (2023): 2807 (1-26).
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  • Banos Alejandro Mayoral. “Data Colonialism Is Not A Metaphor: Remembering Colonialism And Why It Matters In The Digital Ecosystem”. In Resisting Data Colonialism: A Practical Intervention. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 2023.
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  • Bontcheva, K., Papadopoulous, S., Tsalakanidou, F., Gallotti, R., Dutkiewicz, L., Krack, N., ... & Verdoliva, L. “Generative AI and Disinformation: Recent Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities”. (14.07.2024).
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  • Byler, Darren. “Digital Turban-Head: Racial Learning and Policing Muslims in Northwest China”. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 46 (2023): 121-127 .
  • Cade Metz. “Generative A.I. Arrives in the Gene Editing World of CRISPR”. New York Times. (22.08.2024).
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  • Cobern, William. “World View Theory and Science Education Research”. Scientific Literacy and Cultural Studies Project, 44 (1991): 579-610.
  • Colmenarejo, Alejandra Bringas, Luca Nannini, Alisa Rieger, Kristen M. Scott, Xuan Zhao, Gourab K. Patro, Gjergji Kasneci, Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda. “Fairness in Agreement With European Values: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on AI Regulation”. Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society Conference, 2022.
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  • Cyman, Damian, Elizaveta Gromova, Edvardas Juchnevicius. “Regulation of Artificial Intelligence In BRICS and the European Union”. BRICS Law Journal. 8/1 (2021): 86-115.
  • Çakır, Furkan. “Yapay Zekâ ve Hadis”. Şırnak Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 32 (2023): 109-131.
  • Çelik, Atakan. “Turkish parliament adopts a resolution that says Netanyahu's speech to US Congress was a picture of disgrace”. Anadolu Agency. (28.08.2024).
  • Das, R. “Critical Social Constructivism: "Culturing" Identity, (In) Security, And The State In International Relations Theory”. The Indian Journal of Political Science. 70:4 (2009): 961-982.
  • Del Río, Pablo, Amelia Álvarez. “Cultural Historical Psychology and the Reset of History”. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 55 (2021): 708-718.
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  • Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections. “The Liberty Song 1768”. (20.09.2024).
  • Dijk, Teun A. Van, “Politics, Ideology and Discourse”, In Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (Second Edition), ed. Keith Brown, s. 728-740, Oxford: Pergamon, 2006.
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  • Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı. Kur’an-ı Kerim. (12.09.2024).
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  • Fırıncı, Yusuf. “Countering Psychological Operations and Deceptions That Indoctrinate Anti- Islam Hate and Violence”. International Journal of Politics and Security, 2:5 (2020): 94-126.
  • Flinterud, Guro. “‘Folk’ in the Age of Algorithms: Theorizing Folklore on Social Media Platforms”. Folklore. 134:4 (2023): 439-461.
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  • Gurowitz, Amy. “The Diffusion of International Norms: Why Identity Matters”. International Politics, 43 (2006): 305-341.
  • Hantel, Max. “What is It Like to Be a Human?: Sylvia Wynter on Autopoiesis.”. philoSOPHIA, 8:1 (2018): 61-79.
  • Ienca, Marcello. “On Artificial Intelligence and Manipulation”. Topoi, 42. (2023): 833-842.
  • Janiesch, C., Zschech, P., Heinrich, K. “Machine Learning and Deep Learning”. Electronic Markets, 31 (2021): 685-695.
  • Jovanovic, Gordana. “Decolonizing Psychology in a Colonized Wolrd?”. cultura & psyché: Journal of Cultural Psychology, 3 (2022): 219-229.
  • Katz, Yarden. Artificial Whiteness. New York: Columbia University Press, 2020.
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There are 92 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Islamic Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Yusuf Fırıncı 0000-0002-4364-0142

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date October 12, 2024
Acceptance Date December 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Chicago Fırıncı, Yusuf. “Decolonial Artificial Intelligence; Algorithmic Fairness in Alignment With Turkish and Islamic Values”. Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 67, no. 67 (December 2024): 250-79.

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