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Cemil Bey, Tanbü'rî Rehber—i Musikî (Çev. M. Hakan Cevher), lzmir(1993 [1900]), Ege Universitesi Basımevi.
Clayton, Martin R. i.. (1996) “Free Rhythm: Ethnomusicology and the Study of Music without Metre", School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 59/2, 323 332.
Drake, Carolyn and Richard Parncutt (2001), “Psychology of Music, II, 2: Perception and Cognition Of Rhythm", Grove Music Online, (Haz. Laura Macy), htrpz//www.grovemusic.com.
Feldman, Walter, Music of the Ottoman Court: Makam, COmposition and the Early Ottoman Instrumental Repertoire, Berlin (1996).
Frigyesi, ]udit (1993) “Preliminary Thoughts toward the Study of Music without Clear Beat: The Example of ‘Flowing Rhythm’ in Jewish “Nusah”, Asian Music 24/2. (Spring - Summer, 1993), 59—88. İ
Netti, Bruno (2001) “Improvisation: l. Concepts and Practices",_Gm=ue Music Online, (ed. Laura Macy) , http:/lwww.grovemusic.com
Nerd, Bruno (1998) “In the Course of Performance: Studies in the World of Musical Improvisation", Haz. Bruno Nettl and Melinda Russell, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Nettl, Bruno and Ronald Riddle (1973) 'Taqsim Nahawand: A Study of Sixteen Performances by Jihad Racy’, in: Yearbook of the International Folk Music Co— uncii 5, 11-.50
Öztuna, Yılmaz (1990) “Taksim " ,Büyük Türk Musikîsi Ansiklopedisi C.II, Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı, 370.
” Aksoy 1998, s. 25.
Pressing, Jeff. (2000 [1987]) ‘Improvisation: Methods and Models', in: Generative Processes in Music: The Psychology of Peıformance, Improvisation, and Composi— tion, Haz. John A. Sloboda Oxford Clarendon Press,
Pressing, Jeff (1998) “Psychological Constraints on Improvisational Expertise and
Communication”, In the Course of Perfo'mrıance: Studies in the World of Musical Impro- visation, Bruno tarafından düzenlenmiş Netti and Melinda Russell, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ,;
Signell, Karl L (1977) “Makam: Modal Practice :11 Turkish Art Music”, Seattle: Asian Music Publ lications School of Music, University of Washington.
Signell, Karl L. (2007) "Organizing Time in the Turkish Taksim", http://www. research. umbc. edu/eol Azime
Aksoy, Bülent (1998) "Necdet Yasar Cd’si Tanıtım Metni” Necdet Yaşar, İstanbul: Kalan Müzik CD 102. 22-5.
Cemil Bey, Tanbü'rî Rehber—i Musikî (Çev. M. Hakan Cevher), lzmir(1993 [1900]), Ege Universitesi Basımevi.
Clayton, Martin R. i.. (1996) “Free Rhythm: Ethnomusicology and the Study of Music without Metre", School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 59/2, 323 332.
Drake, Carolyn and Richard Parncutt (2001), “Psychology of Music, II, 2: Perception and Cognition Of Rhythm", Grove Music Online, (Haz. Laura Macy), htrpz//www.grovemusic.com.
Feldman, Walter, Music of the Ottoman Court: Makam, COmposition and the Early Ottoman Instrumental Repertoire, Berlin (1996).
Frigyesi, ]udit (1993) “Preliminary Thoughts toward the Study of Music without Clear Beat: The Example of ‘Flowing Rhythm’ in Jewish “Nusah”, Asian Music 24/2. (Spring - Summer, 1993), 59—88. İ
Netti, Bruno (2001) “Improvisation: l. Concepts and Practices",_Gm=ue Music Online, (ed. Laura Macy) , http:/lwww.grovemusic.com
Nerd, Bruno (1998) “In the Course of Performance: Studies in the World of Musical Improvisation", Haz. Bruno Nettl and Melinda Russell, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Nettl, Bruno and Ronald Riddle (1973) 'Taqsim Nahawand: A Study of Sixteen Performances by Jihad Racy’, in: Yearbook of the International Folk Music Co— uncii 5, 11-.50
Öztuna, Yılmaz (1990) “Taksim " ,Büyük Türk Musikîsi Ansiklopedisi C.II, Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı, 370.
” Aksoy 1998, s. 25.
Pressing, Jeff. (2000 [1987]) ‘Improvisation: Methods and Models', in: Generative Processes in Music: The Psychology of Peıformance, Improvisation, and Composi— tion, Haz. John A. Sloboda Oxford Clarendon Press,
Pressing, Jeff (1998) “Psychological Constraints on Improvisational Expertise and
Communication”, In the Course of Perfo'mrıance: Studies in the World of Musical Impro- visation, Bruno tarafından düzenlenmiş Netti and Melinda Russell, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ,;
Signell, Karl L (1977) “Makam: Modal Practice :11 Turkish Art Music”, Seattle: Asian Music Publ lications School of Music, University of Washington.
Signell, Karl L. (2007) "Organizing Time in the Turkish Taksim", http://www. research. umbc. edu/eol Azime
Arnon, Yoram, Ahmet Turabi, and Hikmet Toker. “Türk Taksim Formunda Duraklama’nın -Sözel Bir Anlatım OlarakKullanımı, Fonksiy~rhu Ve Anlamı”. Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 39 (March 2014): 117-32. https://doi.org/10.15370/muifd.83845.