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Meşhur bir Mektubun izinde:Vezir Tahir b. Hüseyin’in Oğluna nasihatleri

Year 2011, Issue: 41, 59 - 106, 05.03.2014


Bu makale, Abbasî halifesi Me’mûn’un (v. 218/833) veziri Tahir b. Hüseyin’in (v. 207/822), halife
tarafndan Rakka ve Msr valisi olarak atanan olu Abdullah’a (v. 230/844) yazd mektup çerçevesinde
gelien baz metinleri konu edinmektedir. slamî dönem Arap edebiyatnn siyasî mektup
literatürünün ilk metinlerinden birisi olan bu metin, “idarecinin sahip olmas gereken matlup
nitelikler ile idaresini dayandrmas öngörülen temel dinî/ahlakî ilkeleri” ele alan nasihatnâme
eserlerinin de ilk örneklerinden saylmaktadr. Bu çalmada mektubun yazld siyasî ve fikrî
ortama dair baz deerlendirmelerde bulunulmakta, mektuba telif, erh ve tercüme vesilesiyle
müdahil olan ahslarn hayat hikayeleri ele alndktan sonra mektubun Osmanl eyhülislâm
Damadzâde Ahmed Efendi (v. 1154/1741) tarafndan yaplan Arapça erhinin tahkikli nerine
yer verilmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Vezir Tahir b. Hüseyin, Siyasi mektup, nasihatname, Damadzade Ahmed.
This paper analyzes a famous letter—and its commentaries—penned by Tahir b. al-Huseyin (d.
207/822), the vizier of the Abbasid Caliph Ma’mun (d. 218/833) to his son Abdullah (d.
230/844) on the occasion of latter’s appointment as the Governor of Raqqa and Egypt. The letter
is not only one of the earliest examples of political/diplomatic letters in the Islamic-Arabic literature,
but it also is considered among the very first examples of nasihatnâme literature, the preferred
definition of which is “the necessary qualifications of a ruler and the basic religious/moral
principles of administration”. The essay offers some remarks on the political and intellectual settings
of the letter; in addition, it sheds some light on biographies of a later commentator of the
letter and the translator of this commentory. Finally, we provide the critical edition of the Ottoman
scholar Damadzâde Ahmed Efendi’s (d. 1154/1741) Arabic commentary on the letter.
Key Words: The Vizier Tahir b. al-Husain, diplomatic letter, nasihatnama, Damadzadah Ahmad.

Year 2011, Issue: 41, 59 - 106, 05.03.2014


There are 0 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Özgür Kavak This is me

Publication Date March 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2011 Issue: 41


Chicago Kavak, Özgür. “Meşhur Bir Mektubun izinde:Vezir Tahir B. Hüseyin’in Oğluna Nasihatleri”. Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 41 (March 2014): 59-106.

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