The term of “Rab” which means owner, reformer/educator, master/ruler, deity in literature of early collocutors of Qur’an has been used by Qur’an in parallel meanings. This term often means “Allah”. But other assests were also named with this term in order to explain the communities of Prophet Joseph and Prophet Moses regarding their bliefs. In the verses where the concepts of “Rab” mentioned in -almost all of them- it exists as a noun phrase, a few exceptions are mentioned in the separate form. The semantic field of the term of “Rab” in the Qur’anic terminology also means, creator, indicator of the truth, the true source of sustenance, omnipotence, necessarily the rightful being to be served. In this way the meaning of the concept of “Rab” expanded. Thus the concept of “Rab” (Lord) comes second in importance after the word “Allah”.
Öz: Kur’ân’ın ilk muhataplarının edebiyatında, sahip, ıslah/terbiye eden, efendi/hükümdar, tanrı vb.
manaları taşıyan Rab kelimesi, aynı anlamlara paralel surette Kur’ân’da da kullanılmıştır. Bu
kavramla -Hz. Yusuf ve Hz. Musa (a.s.) ümmetlerinin inançlarını anlatma amacıyla başka
varlıklar kısmen adlandırılmış olsa da- çoğunlukla Yüce Allah kastedilmiştir. Geçtiği ayetlerde
hemen hepsiyle muzâf (tamlanan) şeklinde yer alan Rab kavramı, bir kaç istisnayla izâfetsiz olarak
da zikredilmiştir. Kur’ânî terminolojide Rab kavramının semantik alanına, yaratıcı (Hâlık),
doğruyu gösteren (Hâdî), rızkın gerçek kaynağı (Râzık), bunları yapmaya gücü yeten (Kâdir),
mantıksal zorunlulukla kulluk edilmeye gerçek hak sahibi (Ma‘bud) ve benzeri manalar katılmış;
böylelikle söz konusu kavramın anlam yelpazesi genişlemiştir. Bu şekilde semantik sahası
genişleyen Rab kavramı, İlâhî hüviyete bürünen anlam örüntüsüyle, Allah için Lafzatullah’tan
الله) ) sonra ikinci sırada kullanılan bir özel isim (alem) kimliğini kazanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kur’ân, Rab, Kavram, Semantik, Esmâ-i Hüsnâ, Rubûbiyyet, Terbiye.
Semantic Analysis of the Concept of “Rab” in the Qur’an
Abstract: The term of “Rab” which means owner, reformer/educator, master/ruler, deity in literature
of early collocutors of Qur’an has been used by Qur’an in parallel meanings. This term often
means “Allah”. But other assests were also named with this term in order to explain the
communities of Prophet Joseph and Prophet Moses regarding their bliefs. In the verses where the
concepts of “Rab” mentioned in -almost all of them- it exists as a noun phrase, a few exceptions
are mentioned in the separate form. The semantic field of the term of “Rab” in the Qur’anic
terminology also means, creator, indicator of the truth, the true source of sustenance, omnipotence,
necessarily the rightful being to be served. In this way the meaning of the concept of “Rab”
expanded. Thus the concept of “Rab” (Lord) comes second in importance after the word “Allah”.
Keywords: Qur’an, Rab, Concept, Semantic, Asma al Husna, Rububiyat, Nurture.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 7, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2013 Issue: 44 |
International Journal of Theological and Islamic Studies
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