The purpose of this essay is to evaluate the problem of the origins of monasticism in the light of the findings of recent scholarship. Monasteries are institutional bodies to practice Christian asceticism; hence we first discuss the relationship between Christian asceticism and monasteries. We then move on to discuss the problem of the origins of monasticism—raised mainly by the Protestant scholars—and discuss the question why this problem had priority over others. A detailed analysis of the traditional theory for the origins of monasticism will follow. Lastly, we evaluate the traditional theory of monastic origins in the light of the findings of recent scholarship.
Öz: Makalenin amacı Hıristiyan manastırcılığının ortaya çıkışı problemini yapılan yeni çalışmalar
ışığında ele almaktır. Manastırlar Hıristiyan asketizminin tatbik edildiği kurumsal yapılardır; bu
nedenle ilk olarak asketizm ve manastırcılık ilişkisi ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra özellikle Protestan
akademinin tartıştığı menşe probleminin mahiyeti üzerinde durularak, neden özellikle bu konu
üzerinde durulduğu sorusuna cevap aranmıştır. Manastırcılığın doğuşu ile ilgili geleneksel teori
geniş olarak analiz edilmiş ve ardından bu teori yeni bulgular ve çalışmalar ışığında kritik edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hıristiyan Asketizmi, Manastırcılık, Çöl Babaları, Aziz Antonius, Pakhomius,
Manastırların Menşei.
The Origins of Christian Monasticism
Abstract: The purpose of this essay is to evaluate the problem of the origins of monasticism in
the light of the findings of recent scholarship. Monasteries are institutional bodies to practice
Christian asceticism; hence we first discuss the relationship between Christian asceticism and
monasteries. We then move on to discuss the problem of the origins of monasticism—raised
mainly by the Protestant scholars—and discuss the question why this problem had priority over
others. A detailed analysis of the traditional theory for the origins of monasticism will follow.
Lastly, we evaluate the traditional theory of monastic origins in the light of the findings of recent
Keywords: Christian Asceticism, Monasticism, Desert Fathers, Anthony, Pachomius, Monastic
Hıristiyan Asketizmi Manastırcılık Çöl Babaları Aziz Antonius Pakhomius Manastırların Menşei.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 7, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2013 Issue: 44 |
International Journal of Theological and Islamic Studies
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