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Year 2014, Volume: 47 Issue: 47, 133 - 150, 06.01.2015


The research highlights the rooting of critics approach of fending off the flaws, and explaining the appraches used for this prevention. The research will later discuss the most important reference in this approach which is the eighth chapter of “Hadyu el-sarry” book. This chapter was narrated by Ibn Hajar in response to the flaws mentioned by Daraqutni in certain ahadeeth from Albukhari. The research has also revealed that the flaw and fending off the flaws approach used by the narrators is based on precise discretion “ijtihad” and deep investigation of the circumstances of the narration. This is also subject to the views of the critic “mujtahid”, and as views differ between critics “mujtahideen”, the flaws and fending off the flaws of narration also differ between different critics “mujtahideen”

Menhecü'l-muhaddisîn fî Der'i'l-İlel

Year 2014, Volume: 47 Issue: 47, 133 - 150, 06.01.2015


Hadis Münekkitlerinin İlleti Giderme Yolları
Özet: Bu makale, hadis münekkitlerinin rivayetlerdeki illetleri giderme metotlarını incelemektedir. Çalışma ayrıca
bu konudaki en önemli kaynaklardan İbnü’l-Hacer’e ait Hedyü’s-sârî’nin sekizinci bölümünü ele alacaktır. İlgili bölüm, Dârekutnî’nin Sahih-i Buhari’deki bazı hadisleri illetli bulması üzerine İbn Hacer tarafından bir cevap
olarak kaleme alınmıştır. Makale, hadislerdeki illetlerin tespiti ve giderilmesi işleminin “ictihadî” bir faaliyet olduğunu ve rivayeti çevreleyen karinelerin dikkatlice incelenmesine dayandığını ortaya koymaktadır. Mezkur işlem “müctehid münekkid”in kanaatlerine tâbi olduğundan, münekkitlerin kanaatlerinin çeşitliliğine bağlı olarak
hadisteki illetin tespiti ve giderilmesine dair görüşler de farklılaşmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İllet, Hedyü’s-sârî, İbn Hacer, İctihad
The Method of Critics in Prevention of the Illness
Abstract: The research highlights the rooting of critics approach of fending off the flaws, and explaining the appraches used for this prevention. The research will later discuss the most important reference in this approach which is the eighth chapter of “Hadyu el-sarry” book. This chapter was narrated by Ibn Hajar in response to the flaws mentioned by Daraqutni in certain ahadeeth from Albukhari. The research has also revealed that the flaw and fending off the flaws approach used by the narrators is based on precise discretion “ijtihad” and deep investigation of the circumstances of the narration. This is also subject to the views of the critic “mujtahid”, and as views differ between critics “mujtahideen”, the flaws and fending off the flaws of narration also differ between different critics “mujtahideen”.
Keywords: Illness, Hadyu el-sarry, İbn Hajar, İjtihad

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Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mohamad Anas Sarmını

Publication Date January 6, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 47 Issue: 47


Chicago Sarmını, Mohamad Anas. “Menhecü’l-muhaddisîn Fî Der’i’l-İlel”. Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 47, no. 47 (January 2015): 133-50.

International Journal of Theological and Islamic Studies

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