Vildan Faik Efendi is the one of important representatives of the ulemas of the late Ottoman period because of both the tasks which he fulfilled and the works which he penned. He started to move in the wake of the recovery of the state against the important events of the 19th century as many scholars which could not be/ was not indifferent to the issues of the state. With this purpose, he wrote a regulations for the reformation of the madrasas, made actions in order to strengthen the regime of the constitutionalism and to prevent of the rising of Albanian nationalism. In this article, his duty of the mudarris-ship and the teaching, his mastership of Huzur Dersi , the sermons and the lectures which he gave with the purpose of the enlightenment of the people, the activities which he conducted in the turbulent environment of the term of the constitutionalism and the works which he penned are emphasized
Öz: Vildan Faik Efendi (1852/1853-1925), gerek yerine getirdiği vazifeler ve gerekse kaleme
aldığı eserler dolayısıyla son dönem Osmanlı ulemasının önemli temsilcilerinden biridir. Devlet meselelerine kayıtsız kalmayan/kalamayan pek çok alim gibi o da 19. yy’ın önemli hadiseleri karşısında dini/devleti kurtarma yolunda harekete geçmiş. Bu gayeyle medreselerin ıslahı için bir nizamnâme kaleme aldığı gibi Meşrutiyet rejimini güçlendirmek
ve Arnavut milliyetçiliğinin yükselişini engellemek için de teşebbüslerde bulunmuştur.
Bu makalede müderrislik ve muallimlik vazifesi, huzur dersi hocalığı, halkı irşad gayesiyle
verdiği vaaz ve konferanslar, Meşrutiyet devrinin çalkantılı ortamında Arnavutluk’ta yürüttüğü faaliyetler, kaleme aldığı eserler üzerinde durulmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İlmiye, Ulema, Medrese, Müderris, Huzur Dersi, Vildan Faik Efendi, Meşrutiyet, Arnavutluk, Medrese Islahatı, İttihat ve Terakki.
Portraıt of a Scholar From Albanıa to İstanbul: Debreli Vildan Faik Efendi
Abstract: Vildan Faik Efendi is the one of important representatives of the ulemas of the late Ottoman period because of both the tasks which he fulfilled and the works which he penned. He started to move in the wake of the recovery of the state against the important events of the 19th century as many scholars which could not be/ was not indifferent to the issues of the state. With this purpose, he wrote a regulations for the reformation of the madrasas, made actions in order to strengthen the regime of the constitutionalism and to prevent of the rising of Albanian nationalism. In this article, his duty of the mudarris-ship and the teaching, his mastership of Huzur Dersi , the sermons and the lectures which he gave with the purpose of the enlightenment of the people, the activities which he conducted
in the turbulent environment of the term of the constitutionalism and the works which he penned are emphasized.
Keywords: İlmiye, Ulema, Madrasa, Mudarris, Huzur Dersi, Vildan Faik Efendi, Constitutionalism,
Albania, Reformation of Madrasa, Union and Progress.
İlmiye Ulema Medrese Müderris Huzur Dersi Vildan Faik Efendi
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | July 9, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2015 Volume: 48 Issue: 48 |
International Journal of Theological and Islamic Studies
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