Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and abdominal obesity.
Patients and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, consisting of 18-49 year old patients who applied to Marmara University School
of Medicine’s Family Medicine outpatient clinics and who accepted to participate. A questionnaire was applied using face-to-face
interview technique; anthropometric measurements were obtained as recommended by World Health Organization (WHO). The
diagnosis of IBS was made for those who fully met the diagnostic criteria of ROME IV-IBS and had no alarm symptoms. Abdominal
obesity of the participants was determined via anthropometric measurements. Statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS 20
package program.
Results: A total of 487 patients participated in the study: 77% female, 33% male; mean age value 33.71±8.59 years. The prevalence
of IBS was 24.2% (n=118) [F:27.2% (n=102), M:14.3% (n=16)]. Abdominal obesity prevalence was 31.2% (n=152) [F:24.5% (n=92,
M:53.6% (n=60)]. There is no statistically significant difference in terms of abdominal obesity with and without IBS (p>0.05).
Conclusion: In this study no statistically significant relationship has been detected between IBS and abdominal obesity.
Heidelbaugh J, Hungin P, Guest Eds, editors. Drossman DA,
Chang L, Kellow J, Chey WD, Tack J, Whitehead WE, editors.
The Rome IV Primary Care Committee. Rome IV functional
gastrointestinal disorders for primary care and non-GI
clinicians. 1st ed. Raleigh, NC: The Rome Foundation, 2016.
Lovell RM, Ford AC. Global prevalence of and risk factors for
irritable bowel syndrome: a meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol
Hepatol 2012 ;10:712-1. doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2012.02.029
Celebi S, Acik Y, Deveci SE, et al.Epidemiological features
of irritable bowel syndrome in a Turkish urban society. J
Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004;19:738-43. doi: 10.1111/j.1400-
Özden A, Köksal ŞA, Oğuz D, et al. Türkiye’de birinci basamak
sağlık kurumlarında irritabl barsak sendromu görülme sıklığı.
Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi 2006; 5: 4-15.
Lee OY, Mayer EA, Schmulson M, Chang L, Naliboff B. Genderrelated
differences in IBS symptoms. Am J Gastroenterol
2001;96:2184-93. doi:10.1016/S0002-9270(01)02524-2
Bennett G, Talley NJ. Irritable bowel syndrome in the elderly.
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2002 ;16:63-76. doi:10.1053/
Longstreth GF, Wilson A, Knight K, et al. Irritable bowel
syndrome, health care use, and costs: a U.S. managed care
perspective. Am J Gastroenterol 2003;98:600-7. doi:10.1016/
Obezite, T. E. M. D., ve Hipertansiyon Çalışma Grubu. Obezite
tanı ve tedavi kılavuzu. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma
Derneği. Ankara: Tıpkı Basım, 2017: 11-19.
Satman I, Omer B, Tutuncu Y, et al. Twelve-year trends in
the prevalence and risk factors of diabetes and prediabetes in
Turkish adults. Eur J Epidemiol 2013;28:169-80. doi: 10.1007/
World Health Organization. Waist circumference and waisthip
ratio : report of a WHO expert consultation, Geneva, 8-11
December 2008. World Health Organization 2011. Available
at: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/44583 Accessed on:
Balkau B, Deanfield JE, Després JP, et al. International Day for
the Evaluation of Abdominal Obesity (IDEA): a study of waist
circumference, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus
in 168,000 primary care patients in 63 countries. Circulation
2007;116:1942-51. doi: 10.1161/circulationaha.106.676379
Liu P, Ma F , Lou H, Liu Y.The utility of fat mass index vs.body
mass index and percentage of body fat in the screening of
metabolic syndrome. BMC Public Health 2013:13:629. doi:
Yamakage H, Ito R, Tochiya M, et al. The utility of dual
bioelectrical impedance analysis in detecting intra-abdominal
fat area in obese patients during weight reduction therapy
in comparison with waist circumference and abdominal CT.
Endocr J 2014;61:807-19.doi: 10.1507/endocrj.ej14-0092
Gómez-Ambrosi J, González-Crespo I, Catalán V, et al.
Clinical usefulness of abdominal bioimpedance (ViScan) in
the determination of visceral fat and its application in the
diagnosis and management of obesity and its comorbidities,
Clin Nutr 2018 ;37:580-9. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2017.01.010.
Le Pluart D, Sabaté JM, Bouchoucha M, Hercberg S,
Benamouzig R, Julia C. Functional gastrointestinal disorders
in 35,447 adults and their association with body mass index.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2015;41:758-67. doi: 10.1111/
Ho W, Spiegel BM. The relationship between obesity and
functional gastrointestinal disorders: causation, association,
or neither? Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y) 2008;4:572-8.
Pickett-Blakely O. Obesity and irritable bowel syndrome:
a comprehensive review. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y)
Lee CG, Lee JK, Kang YS, et al. Visceral abdominal obesity is
associated with an increased risk of irritable bowel syndrome.
Am J Gastroenterol 2015;110:310-9.doi: 10.1038/ajg.2014.422.
Whitehead EE, Palsson OS, MALvT, Sperber A, BS, Tack
J, Walker LS, YY . The Rome IV Committees, editors.
Development and validation of the ROME IV diagnostic
questionnaires. In: Drossman DA, Chang LC, Kellow WJ, Tack
J, Whitehead WE, editors. ROME IV diagnostic questionnaires
and tables for investigators and clinicians. Raleigh, NC: The
Rome Foundation, 2016: 43-92.
Nagata N, Sakamoto K, Arai T, et al. Effect of body mass
index and intra-abdominal fat measured by computed
tomography on the risk of bowel symptoms. PLoS One 2015
23;10:e0123993. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123993
Whitehead WE, Palsson O, Jones KR. Systematic review of the
comorbidity of irritable bowel syndrome with other disorders:
what are the causes and implications? Gastroenterology 2002;
122: 1140-56. doi: 10.1053/gast.2002.32392
Hausteiner-Wiehle C, Henningsen P. Irritable bowel syndrome:
relations with functional, mental, and somatoform disorders.
World J Gastroenterol 2014;20:6024-30. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.
Nam SY, Choi IJ, Ryu KH, Park BJ, Kim HB, Nam BH.
Abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume is associated with
increased risk of erosive esophagitis in men and women.
Gastroenterology 2010;139:1902-11.e2. doi: 10.1053/j.
Carter D, Beer-Gabel M, Tzur D, et al. Predictive factors for
the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome in a large cohort of
440,822 young adults. J Clin Gastroenterol 2015;49:300-5. doi:
Reding KW, Cain KC, Jarrett ME, Eugenio MD, Heitkemper
MM. Relationship between patterns of alcohol consumption
and gastrointestinal symptoms among patients with irritable
bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2013;108:270-6. doi:
Heidelbaugh J, Hungin P, Guest Eds, editors. Drossman DA,
Chang L, Kellow J, Chey WD, Tack J, Whitehead WE, editors.
The Rome IV Primary Care Committee. Rome IV functional
gastrointestinal disorders for primary care and non-GI
clinicians. 1st ed. Raleigh, NC: The Rome Foundation, 2016.
Lovell RM, Ford AC. Global prevalence of and risk factors for
irritable bowel syndrome: a meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol
Hepatol 2012 ;10:712-1. doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2012.02.029
Celebi S, Acik Y, Deveci SE, et al.Epidemiological features
of irritable bowel syndrome in a Turkish urban society. J
Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004;19:738-43. doi: 10.1111/j.1400-
Özden A, Köksal ŞA, Oğuz D, et al. Türkiye’de birinci basamak
sağlık kurumlarında irritabl barsak sendromu görülme sıklığı.
Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi 2006; 5: 4-15.
Lee OY, Mayer EA, Schmulson M, Chang L, Naliboff B. Genderrelated
differences in IBS symptoms. Am J Gastroenterol
2001;96:2184-93. doi:10.1016/S0002-9270(01)02524-2
Bennett G, Talley NJ. Irritable bowel syndrome in the elderly.
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2002 ;16:63-76. doi:10.1053/
Longstreth GF, Wilson A, Knight K, et al. Irritable bowel
syndrome, health care use, and costs: a U.S. managed care
perspective. Am J Gastroenterol 2003;98:600-7. doi:10.1016/
Obezite, T. E. M. D., ve Hipertansiyon Çalışma Grubu. Obezite
tanı ve tedavi kılavuzu. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma
Derneği. Ankara: Tıpkı Basım, 2017: 11-19.
Satman I, Omer B, Tutuncu Y, et al. Twelve-year trends in
the prevalence and risk factors of diabetes and prediabetes in
Turkish adults. Eur J Epidemiol 2013;28:169-80. doi: 10.1007/
World Health Organization. Waist circumference and waisthip
ratio : report of a WHO expert consultation, Geneva, 8-11
December 2008. World Health Organization 2011. Available
at: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/44583 Accessed on:
Balkau B, Deanfield JE, Després JP, et al. International Day for
the Evaluation of Abdominal Obesity (IDEA): a study of waist
circumference, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus
in 168,000 primary care patients in 63 countries. Circulation
2007;116:1942-51. doi: 10.1161/circulationaha.106.676379
Liu P, Ma F , Lou H, Liu Y.The utility of fat mass index vs.body
mass index and percentage of body fat in the screening of
metabolic syndrome. BMC Public Health 2013:13:629. doi:
Yamakage H, Ito R, Tochiya M, et al. The utility of dual
bioelectrical impedance analysis in detecting intra-abdominal
fat area in obese patients during weight reduction therapy
in comparison with waist circumference and abdominal CT.
Endocr J 2014;61:807-19.doi: 10.1507/endocrj.ej14-0092
Gómez-Ambrosi J, González-Crespo I, Catalán V, et al.
Clinical usefulness of abdominal bioimpedance (ViScan) in
the determination of visceral fat and its application in the
diagnosis and management of obesity and its comorbidities,
Clin Nutr 2018 ;37:580-9. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2017.01.010.
Le Pluart D, Sabaté JM, Bouchoucha M, Hercberg S,
Benamouzig R, Julia C. Functional gastrointestinal disorders
in 35,447 adults and their association with body mass index.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2015;41:758-67. doi: 10.1111/
Ho W, Spiegel BM. The relationship between obesity and
functional gastrointestinal disorders: causation, association,
or neither? Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y) 2008;4:572-8.
Pickett-Blakely O. Obesity and irritable bowel syndrome:
a comprehensive review. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y)
Lee CG, Lee JK, Kang YS, et al. Visceral abdominal obesity is
associated with an increased risk of irritable bowel syndrome.
Am J Gastroenterol 2015;110:310-9.doi: 10.1038/ajg.2014.422.
Whitehead EE, Palsson OS, MALvT, Sperber A, BS, Tack
J, Walker LS, YY . The Rome IV Committees, editors.
Development and validation of the ROME IV diagnostic
questionnaires. In: Drossman DA, Chang LC, Kellow WJ, Tack
J, Whitehead WE, editors. ROME IV diagnostic questionnaires
and tables for investigators and clinicians. Raleigh, NC: The
Rome Foundation, 2016: 43-92.
Nagata N, Sakamoto K, Arai T, et al. Effect of body mass
index and intra-abdominal fat measured by computed
tomography on the risk of bowel symptoms. PLoS One 2015
23;10:e0123993. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123993
Whitehead WE, Palsson O, Jones KR. Systematic review of the
comorbidity of irritable bowel syndrome with other disorders:
what are the causes and implications? Gastroenterology 2002;
122: 1140-56. doi: 10.1053/gast.2002.32392
Hausteiner-Wiehle C, Henningsen P. Irritable bowel syndrome:
relations with functional, mental, and somatoform disorders.
World J Gastroenterol 2014;20:6024-30. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.
Nam SY, Choi IJ, Ryu KH, Park BJ, Kim HB, Nam BH.
Abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume is associated with
increased risk of erosive esophagitis in men and women.
Gastroenterology 2010;139:1902-11.e2. doi: 10.1053/j.
Carter D, Beer-Gabel M, Tzur D, et al. Predictive factors for
the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome in a large cohort of
440,822 young adults. J Clin Gastroenterol 2015;49:300-5. doi:
Reding KW, Cain KC, Jarrett ME, Eugenio MD, Heitkemper
MM. Relationship between patterns of alcohol consumption
and gastrointestinal symptoms among patients with irritable
bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2013;108:270-6. doi:
Dogan Kaya, Y., & Uzuner, A. (2022). The relationship between abdominal obesity and irritable bowel syndrome in adults. Marmara Medical Journal, 35(1), 31-35. https://doi.org/10.5472/marumj.1065778
Dogan Kaya Y, Uzuner A. The relationship between abdominal obesity and irritable bowel syndrome in adults. Marmara Med J. January 2022;35(1):31-35. doi:10.5472/marumj.1065778
Dogan Kaya, Yasemin, and Arzu Uzuner. “The Relationship Between Abdominal Obesity and Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Adults”. Marmara Medical Journal 35, no. 1 (January 2022): 31-35. https://doi.org/10.5472/marumj.1065778.
Dogan Kaya Y, Uzuner A (January 1, 2022) The relationship between abdominal obesity and irritable bowel syndrome in adults. Marmara Medical Journal 35 1 31–35.
Y. Dogan Kaya and A. Uzuner, “The relationship between abdominal obesity and irritable bowel syndrome in adults”, Marmara Med J, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 31–35, 2022, doi: 10.5472/marumj.1065778.
Dogan Kaya, Yasemin - Uzuner, Arzu. “The Relationship Between Abdominal Obesity and Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Adults”. Marmara Medical Journal 35/1 (January 2022), 31-35. https://doi.org/10.5472/marumj.1065778.
Dogan Kaya Y, Uzuner A. The relationship between abdominal obesity and irritable bowel syndrome in adults. Marmara Med J. 2022;35:31–35.
Dogan Kaya, Yasemin and Arzu Uzuner. “The Relationship Between Abdominal Obesity and Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Adults”. Marmara Medical Journal, vol. 35, no. 1, 2022, pp. 31-35, doi:10.5472/marumj.1065778.
Dogan Kaya Y, Uzuner A. The relationship between abdominal obesity and irritable bowel syndrome in adults. Marmara Med J. 2022;35(1):31-5.