Volume: 2 Issue: 5 - Marmara Medical Journal, 6/1/89

Year: 1989


Research Article

1. Treatment of otıtıs medıa wıth effusıon: Early results0

Research Article

2. Dısorders of sexual dıfferentıatıon and surgıcal correctıons

Research Article

3. Effect of aprotının on joınt stıffness ın rats

Research Article

5. Angıographıcally occult arterıovenous malformatıon of the braın

Case Report

6. Pınnal calcınosıs

Research Article

7. Exhıbıtıon of facıal haır assocıated wıth yolk sac tumour of the testıs

Case Report

9. Leydıg cell (ınterstıtıal cell) tumor