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New developments in the era of viral hepatitis vaccines

Year 2016, Special Issue :2 Gastroenterology and Hepatology Viral Hepatitis, 29 - 32, 01.08.2016


Chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections are major healthproblems in the world. Therefore, prevention of the transmission ofthe viral infections gets higher priority. Development of hepatitisB vaccines by recombinant technology provide higher preventionrates. However, this success could not be achieved with hepatitisC vaccine. The present review discusses recent developments forhepatitis B and C vaccines.Keywords: New vaccines, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C


  • McMahon BJ. Epidemiology and natural history of hepatitis
  • B. Semin Liver Dis 2005; 25 Suppl 1:3.
  • Lavanchy D. Hepatitis B virus epidemiology, disease burden
  • treatment, and current and emerging prevention and control
  • measures. J Viral Hepat 2004; 11:97.
  • Szmuness W, Stevens CE, Harley EJ, et al. Hepatitis B
  • vaccine: demonstration of efficacy in a controlled clinical trial
  • in a high-risk population in the United States. N Eng J Med
  • 303:833–4.
  • McAleer WJ, Buynack EB, Maigetter RZ, Wampler DE
  • Miller WJ, Hilleman MR. Human hepatitis B vaccine from
  • recombinant yeast. Nature 1984;307:178–80.
  • Young MD, Schneider DL, Zuckerman AJ, Du W, Dickson
  • B, Maddrey WC, US Hepacare Study Group, Adult hepatitis
  • B vaccination using a novel triple antigen recombinant
  • vaccine. Hepatology 2001;34:372.
  • Rendi-Wagner P, Kundi M, Stemberger H, et al. Antibodyresponse
  • to three recombinant hepatitis B vaccines
  • comparative evaluation of multicenter travel-clinic based
  • experience. Vaccine 2001; 19:2055-60.
  • Blatter M, Joines R, Resinger K, et al. An open, randomized
  • controlled study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity
  • of SmithKline Beecham Biologicals’ combined hepatitis A/
  • hepatitis B (Twinrix®) vaccine in adults (abstract 1629). In
  • Program and abstracts of the 39th Interscience Conference
  • on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (San Francisco)
  • American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC
  • 394.
  • Abraham B, Parenti D. Antibody production in response
  • to hepatitis B surface antigen in a combination hepatitis A/
  • hepatitis B vaccine. J Infect Dis 2000; 182:1005-6.
  • Hadler SC, Francis DP, Maynard JE, et al. Long-term
  • immunogenicity and efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine in
  • homosexual men. N Engl J Med 1986; 315:209-14.
  • Poland GA. Hepatitis B immunization in health care workers.
  • Dealing with vaccine nonresponse. Am J Prev Med 1998
  • 73-7.
  • Propst T, Propst A, Lhotta K, et al. Reinforced intradermal
  • hepatitis B vaccination in hemodialysis patients is superior
  • in antibody response to intramuscular or subcutaneous
  • vaccination. Am J Kidney Dis 1998; 32:1041-5.
  • Peces R, de la Torre M, Alcázar R, Urra JM. Prospective
  • analysis of the factors influencing the antibody response to
  • hepatitis B vaccine in hemodialysis patients. Am J Kidney
  • Dis 1997; 29:239-45.
  • Alper CA, Kruskall MS, Marcus-Bagley D, et al. Genetic
  • prediction of nonresponse to hepatitis B vaccine. N Engl J
  • Med 1989; 321:708-12.
  • Makidon PE, Bielinska AU, Nigavekar SS, et al. Preclinical
  • evaluation of a novel nanoemulsion-based hepatitis
  • B mucosal vaccine. PLoS One 2008; 3:e2954. doi: 10.1371/
  • journal.pone.0002954
  • Halperin SA, Ward B, Cooper C, et al. Comparison of safety and
  • immunogenicity of two doses of investigational hepatitis B virus
  • surface antigen co-administered with an immunostimulatory
  • phosphorothioate oligodeoxyribonucleotide and three doses
  • of a licensed hepatitis B vaccine in healthy adults 18-55
  • years of age. Vaccine 2012; 30:2556-63. doi: 10.1016/j.
  • vaccine.2012.01.087
  • Sablan BP, Kim DJ, Barzaga NG, et al. Demonstration of
  • safety and enhanced seroprotection against hepatitis B with
  • investigational HBsAg-1018 ISS vaccine compared to a
  • licensed hepatitis B vaccine. Vaccine 2012;30:2689-96. doi
  • 1016/j.vaccine.2012.02.001
  • Singh M, Li XM, McGee JP, et al. Controlled release
  • microparticles as a single dose hepatitis B vaccine: evaluation
  • of immunogenicity in mice. Vaccine 1997; 15:475-81.
  • Rahman F, Dahmen A, Herzog-Hauff S, et al. Cellular
  • and humoral immune responses induced by intradermal or
  • intramuscular vaccination with the major hepatitis B surface
  • antigen. Hepatology 2000; 31:521-7.
  • Rault R, Freed B, Nespor S, Bender F. Efficacy of different
  • hepatitis B vaccination strategies in patients receiving
  • hemodialysis. ASAIO J 1995; 41:M717.
  • Fabrizi F, Dixit V, Magnini M, et al. Meta-analysis
  • intradermal vs. intramuscular vaccination against hepatitis
  • B virus in patients with chronic kidney disease. Aliment
  • Pharmacol Ther 2006; 24:497-506.
  • Quiroga JA, Carreño V. Interferon and hepatitis B vaccine in
  • haemodialysis patients. Lancet 1989; 1:1264.
  • Jungers P, Devillier P, Salomon H, et al. Randomised
  • placebo-controlled trial of recombinant interleukin-2 in
  • chronic uraemic patients who are non-responders to hepatitis
  • B vaccine. Lancet 1994; 344:856.
  • Thoelen S, Van Damme P, Mathei C, et al. Safety and
  • immunogenicity of a hepatitis B vaccine formulated with a
  • novel adjuvant system. Vaccine 1998; 16:708.
  • Traquina P, Morandi M, Contorni M, Van Nest G. MF59
  • adjuvant enhances the antibody response to recombinant
  • hepatitis B surface antigen vaccine in primates. J Infect Dis
  • 174:1168.
  • Jacques P, Moens G, Desombere I, et al. The immunogenicity
  • and reactogenicity profile of a candidate hepatitis B vaccine
  • in an adult vaccine non-responder population. Vaccine 2002
  • 3644.
  • Sprengers D, Janssen HLA. Immunomodulatory therapy for
  • chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Fundam Clin Pharmacol
  • 19:17–26
  • Tozun N, Ozdogan OC, Cakaloglu Y, et al. A nationwide
  • prevalance study and risk factors for hepatitis A, B, C and
  • D infections in Turkey. Hepatology Volume 2010; 52
  • (Supplement S1): 697A.
  • Houghton M. Prospects for prophylactic and therapeutic
  • vaccines against the hepatitis C viruses. Immunol Rev 2011
  • 99–108.
  • Frey SE, Houghton M, Coates S, et al. Safety and
  • immunogenicity of HCV E1E2 vaccine adjuvanted with
  • MF59 administered to healthy adults. Vaccine 2010; 28
  • -73.
  • Law LMJ, Landi A, Magee WC, Tyrrell DL, Houghton
  • H. Progress towards a hepatitis C virus vaccine. Emerging
  • Microbes and Infections 2013;2:e79. doi:10.1038/
  • emi.2013.79; published online 20 November 2013

New developments in the era of viral hepatitis vaccines

Year 2016, Special Issue :2 Gastroenterology and Hepatology Viral Hepatitis, 29 - 32, 01.08.2016


Chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections are major healthproblems in the world. Therefore, prevention of the transmission ofthe viral infections gets higher priority. Development of hepatitisB vaccines by recombinant technology provide higher preventionrates. However, this success could not be achieved with hepatitisC vaccine. The present review discusses recent developments forhepatitis B and C vaccines.Keywords: New vaccines, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C


  • McMahon BJ. Epidemiology and natural history of hepatitis
  • B. Semin Liver Dis 2005; 25 Suppl 1:3.
  • Lavanchy D. Hepatitis B virus epidemiology, disease burden
  • treatment, and current and emerging prevention and control
  • measures. J Viral Hepat 2004; 11:97.
  • Szmuness W, Stevens CE, Harley EJ, et al. Hepatitis B
  • vaccine: demonstration of efficacy in a controlled clinical trial
  • in a high-risk population in the United States. N Eng J Med
  • 303:833–4.
  • McAleer WJ, Buynack EB, Maigetter RZ, Wampler DE
  • Miller WJ, Hilleman MR. Human hepatitis B vaccine from
  • recombinant yeast. Nature 1984;307:178–80.
  • Young MD, Schneider DL, Zuckerman AJ, Du W, Dickson
  • B, Maddrey WC, US Hepacare Study Group, Adult hepatitis
  • B vaccination using a novel triple antigen recombinant
  • vaccine. Hepatology 2001;34:372.
  • Rendi-Wagner P, Kundi M, Stemberger H, et al. Antibodyresponse
  • to three recombinant hepatitis B vaccines
  • comparative evaluation of multicenter travel-clinic based
  • experience. Vaccine 2001; 19:2055-60.
  • Blatter M, Joines R, Resinger K, et al. An open, randomized
  • controlled study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity
  • of SmithKline Beecham Biologicals’ combined hepatitis A/
  • hepatitis B (Twinrix®) vaccine in adults (abstract 1629). In
  • Program and abstracts of the 39th Interscience Conference
  • on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (San Francisco)
  • American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC
  • 394.
  • Abraham B, Parenti D. Antibody production in response
  • to hepatitis B surface antigen in a combination hepatitis A/
  • hepatitis B vaccine. J Infect Dis 2000; 182:1005-6.
  • Hadler SC, Francis DP, Maynard JE, et al. Long-term
  • immunogenicity and efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine in
  • homosexual men. N Engl J Med 1986; 315:209-14.
  • Poland GA. Hepatitis B immunization in health care workers.
  • Dealing with vaccine nonresponse. Am J Prev Med 1998
  • 73-7.
  • Propst T, Propst A, Lhotta K, et al. Reinforced intradermal
  • hepatitis B vaccination in hemodialysis patients is superior
  • in antibody response to intramuscular or subcutaneous
  • vaccination. Am J Kidney Dis 1998; 32:1041-5.
  • Peces R, de la Torre M, Alcázar R, Urra JM. Prospective
  • analysis of the factors influencing the antibody response to
  • hepatitis B vaccine in hemodialysis patients. Am J Kidney
  • Dis 1997; 29:239-45.
  • Alper CA, Kruskall MS, Marcus-Bagley D, et al. Genetic
  • prediction of nonresponse to hepatitis B vaccine. N Engl J
  • Med 1989; 321:708-12.
  • Makidon PE, Bielinska AU, Nigavekar SS, et al. Preclinical
  • evaluation of a novel nanoemulsion-based hepatitis
  • B mucosal vaccine. PLoS One 2008; 3:e2954. doi: 10.1371/
  • journal.pone.0002954
  • Halperin SA, Ward B, Cooper C, et al. Comparison of safety and
  • immunogenicity of two doses of investigational hepatitis B virus
  • surface antigen co-administered with an immunostimulatory
  • phosphorothioate oligodeoxyribonucleotide and three doses
  • of a licensed hepatitis B vaccine in healthy adults 18-55
  • years of age. Vaccine 2012; 30:2556-63. doi: 10.1016/j.
  • vaccine.2012.01.087
  • Sablan BP, Kim DJ, Barzaga NG, et al. Demonstration of
  • safety and enhanced seroprotection against hepatitis B with
  • investigational HBsAg-1018 ISS vaccine compared to a
  • licensed hepatitis B vaccine. Vaccine 2012;30:2689-96. doi
  • 1016/j.vaccine.2012.02.001
  • Singh M, Li XM, McGee JP, et al. Controlled release
  • microparticles as a single dose hepatitis B vaccine: evaluation
  • of immunogenicity in mice. Vaccine 1997; 15:475-81.
  • Rahman F, Dahmen A, Herzog-Hauff S, et al. Cellular
  • and humoral immune responses induced by intradermal or
  • intramuscular vaccination with the major hepatitis B surface
  • antigen. Hepatology 2000; 31:521-7.
  • Rault R, Freed B, Nespor S, Bender F. Efficacy of different
  • hepatitis B vaccination strategies in patients receiving
  • hemodialysis. ASAIO J 1995; 41:M717.
  • Fabrizi F, Dixit V, Magnini M, et al. Meta-analysis
  • intradermal vs. intramuscular vaccination against hepatitis
  • B virus in patients with chronic kidney disease. Aliment
  • Pharmacol Ther 2006; 24:497-506.
  • Quiroga JA, Carreño V. Interferon and hepatitis B vaccine in
  • haemodialysis patients. Lancet 1989; 1:1264.
  • Jungers P, Devillier P, Salomon H, et al. Randomised
  • placebo-controlled trial of recombinant interleukin-2 in
  • chronic uraemic patients who are non-responders to hepatitis
  • B vaccine. Lancet 1994; 344:856.
  • Thoelen S, Van Damme P, Mathei C, et al. Safety and
  • immunogenicity of a hepatitis B vaccine formulated with a
  • novel adjuvant system. Vaccine 1998; 16:708.
  • Traquina P, Morandi M, Contorni M, Van Nest G. MF59
  • adjuvant enhances the antibody response to recombinant
  • hepatitis B surface antigen vaccine in primates. J Infect Dis
  • 174:1168.
  • Jacques P, Moens G, Desombere I, et al. The immunogenicity
  • and reactogenicity profile of a candidate hepatitis B vaccine
  • in an adult vaccine non-responder population. Vaccine 2002
  • 3644.
  • Sprengers D, Janssen HLA. Immunomodulatory therapy for
  • chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Fundam Clin Pharmacol
  • 19:17–26
  • Tozun N, Ozdogan OC, Cakaloglu Y, et al. A nationwide
  • prevalance study and risk factors for hepatitis A, B, C and
  • D infections in Turkey. Hepatology Volume 2010; 52
  • (Supplement S1): 697A.
  • Houghton M. Prospects for prophylactic and therapeutic
  • vaccines against the hepatitis C viruses. Immunol Rev 2011
  • 99–108.
  • Frey SE, Houghton M, Coates S, et al. Safety and
  • immunogenicity of HCV E1E2 vaccine adjuvanted with
  • MF59 administered to healthy adults. Vaccine 2010; 28
  • -73.
  • Law LMJ, Landi A, Magee WC, Tyrrell DL, Houghton
  • H. Progress towards a hepatitis C virus vaccine. Emerging
  • Microbes and Infections 2013;2:e79. doi:10.1038/
  • emi.2013.79; published online 20 November 2013
There are 113 citations in total.


Subjects Clinical Sciences
Other ID JA88NZ27ZH
Journal Section Reviews

Merve Poyraz This is me

Osman Cavit Özdoğan This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Special Issue :2 Gastroenterology and Hepatology Viral Hepatitis


APA Poyraz, M., & Özdoğan, O. C. (2016). New developments in the era of viral hepatitis vaccines. Marmara Medical Journal, 29(2), 29-32.
AMA Poyraz M, Özdoğan OC. New developments in the era of viral hepatitis vaccines. Marmara Med J. August 2016;29(2):29-32. doi:10.5472/MMJsi.2901.06
Chicago Poyraz, Merve, and Osman Cavit Özdoğan. “New Developments in the Era of Viral Hepatitis Vaccines”. Marmara Medical Journal 29, no. 2 (August 2016): 29-32.
EndNote Poyraz M, Özdoğan OC (August 1, 2016) New developments in the era of viral hepatitis vaccines. Marmara Medical Journal 29 2 29–32.
IEEE M. Poyraz and O. C. Özdoğan, “New developments in the era of viral hepatitis vaccines”, Marmara Med J, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 29–32, 2016, doi: 10.5472/MMJsi.2901.06.
ISNAD Poyraz, Merve - Özdoğan, Osman Cavit. “New Developments in the Era of Viral Hepatitis Vaccines”. Marmara Medical Journal 29/2 (August 2016), 29-32.
JAMA Poyraz M, Özdoğan OC. New developments in the era of viral hepatitis vaccines. Marmara Med J. 2016;29:29–32.
MLA Poyraz, Merve and Osman Cavit Özdoğan. “New Developments in the Era of Viral Hepatitis Vaccines”. Marmara Medical Journal, vol. 29, no. 2, 2016, pp. 29-32, doi:10.5472/MMJsi.2901.06.
Vancouver Poyraz M, Özdoğan OC. New developments in the era of viral hepatitis vaccines. Marmara Med J. 2016;29(2):29-32.