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Year 2002, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 161 - 168, 03.12.2016


Objective: An in-patient with portal hypertension PH was used in a trial conducted to determine the levels of vasoconstrictors endothelin-1 (ET- 1), Atrial natriuretic peptid (ANP), Angiotensin-ll, aldosterone and vasopressin, and to investigate the correlation between ET-1 and the other hormones.
Methods: The trial included 40 patients with chronic active hepatitis B (CAH-B) ( n=10), cirrhosis with portal hypertension (PH ) (n=14), cirrhosis (n=6) and extrahepatic PH (n=10). The patients were followed up for one year in the pediatric clinic of the Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine in Istanbul, Turkey. Nineteen of them were female and 21 of them were male, with a mean age ± Standard deviation (sd) SD of 10.2 ±
6.2 years. The control group included 10 healthy children, all of whom were male with a mean age of 9.2 ± 6 years. Plasma ET-1, ANP, Angiotensin-ll, aldosterone and vasopressin levels were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) method in Istanbul University, Medical School, Experimental Research Institute (DETAM).
Results : Plasma ET-1 levels in chronic liver patients were higher than in the healthy control
group according to One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (p=0.0001). In chronic liver disease patients, there was a positive correlation between ET-1 and aldosterone, ANP and ADH respectively r=0.45 (p=0.003), r=0.37 (p=0.003), r=0.40 (p=0.0001 ). In the same group, there was No correlation between ET-1 and angiotensin-ll (r=0.22, p=0.07).
Conclusion: In conclusion, we found that ET-1 levels were higher in group I and IV than in the control group. Plasma ET-1 levels increase in patients diagnosed as having chronic liver disease with an undefined mechanism. This could be explained by either an increase in production or decrease in metabolic clearances or probably by both of these mechanisms.
Key Words: Chronic liver disease,
Endothelin-1, Childhood


  • Mowat PA. Liver disorders in childhood. 2 nd ed. London; Butterworths, 1987:256-256.
  • Roy CC, Silverman A, Alagille D. Pediatric Clinical Gastroenterology 4tli ed. Ville; Mosby. 1995:761-777.
  • Bernardi M, Trevisani P, Gasbarrini A. Gasbarrini G. Hepatorenal disorders: Role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Sem Liver Dis 1994; 14:23-34.
  • Schroeder TP, Eich IIR, Smulyan II, Gould BA, Gabuzda JG. Plasma renin level in hepatic cirrhosis. Am J Ned 1970;49:186-191.
  • Rosoff L, Zia P, Reynolds T, Horton R. Studies of renin and aldosterone in cirrhotic patients with ascites. Gastroenterology 1975:69:698- 705.
  • Wong YP, Carroll ER, Lipinski LT, Capone RR. Studies on the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system in patients with cirrhosis and ascites: Effect of saline and albumin infusion. Gastroenterology 1979:77:1171-11 76.
  • Bosch J, Arroyo V, Betriu A, et al. Hepatic hemodynamics and the renin-angiotensin- aldosteron system in patients in cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 1980;78:92-99.
  • Jimenez W, Pardo MA, Arroyo V, et al.
  • Temporal relationship between
  • hyperaldosteronism, sodium retention and ascites formation in rats with experimental cirrhosis. Hepatology 1985;5:245-250.
  • Bernardi M, Palma DR, Trevisani F, et al. Clironobiological study of factors affecting plasma aldosterone concentration in cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 1986:91:683-691.
  • Bichet D, Szatalowichz V, Chaimovitz C, Robert ITS. Role of vasopressin in abnormal water excretion in cirrhotic patients. Ann Intern Med 1982;96:413-417.
  • Yanagisawa M, Kurihara ILRimura S, et al. A novel potent vasoconstrictor peptide produce by vascular endothelial cells. nature 1988:332:41 1-415.
  • Lerman A, Click LR, Harr JB, et al. Elevations
  • of plasma endothelin associated with systemic hypertension in humans following orthotopic liver transplantation.
  • Transplantation 1991 ;51:646-650.
  • Uchihara M, Izumi H, Sato C, Marumo F. Clinical significance of elevated plasma endothelin concentration in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatology 1992; 16:95-99.
  • 6 6
  • E n d o th e lin - 1
  • Asbert M, Gines A, Gines P, et at. Circulating levels of endothelin in cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 1993; 104:1485-1491.
  • Bauer M, ZangJX, Bauer I, et at. ET-1 induced alterations of hepatic microcirculation: sinusoidal and extrasinusoldal sites of action. Am J Physiol 1994:267:G 143-G149.
  • Hockey D. The cellular pathogenesis of portal
  • hypertension: stellate cell contractility,
  • endothelin and nitric oxide. Hepatology 1997; 25:2-5.
  • Hockey D, Fouassier L, Chung JJ, et al. Cellular localization of endothelin-1 and increased production in liver injury in the rat: potential for autocrine and paracrine effects on stellate cells. Hepatology 1998:27:472- 480.
  • Minkes HH, Hadowitz JP. Influence of endothelin on systemic arterial pressure and regional blood How in the cat. Eur J Pharmacol 1989; 163:163-166.
  • Hu HJ, Berninger GU, Lang EH. Endothelin stimulates atrial natriuretic peptide (ATiP) release from rat atria. Eur J Pharmacol 1988; 158:1 77-1 78.
  • Winquist JH, Scott LA, Vlasuk PG. Enhanced release of atrial natriuretic factor by endothelin in atria from hypertensive rats. Hypertension 1989; 14:111-114.
  • Hiyohara T, Okuno M, ITakanishi T, Shinomura Y, Matsuzawa Y. Effect of endothelin I on ion transport in isolated rat colon. Gastroenterology 1993; 104:1328-1336.
  • Matsumura Y, ITakase H, Ikegawa H, Hayashi H, Ohyama T, Morimoto S. The endothelium- derived vasoconstrictor peptide endothelin inhibits renin release in vitro. Life Sci 1989; 44:149-157.
  • Gülbcrg V, Gerbes LA, .Holler S, Henriksen HJ. Effect of splanchnic and renal passage on endothelin plasma concentrations in cirrhosis of the liver. J Hepatol 1993; 18:S9-S 10.
  • Hoore H, Wendon J, Frazer H, Ha rani J, Williams H, Badr H. Plasma endothelin immunoreactivity in liver disease and the hepatorenal syndrome. Hew Engl J Hed 1992; 327:1774-1778.
  • Hozue T, Hobayashi A, Uemasu F, Takagi Y, Endoh H, Sako A. Plasma endothelin-1 levels of children with cirrhosis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Hutr 1995;21:220-223.
  • Lerman A, Hildebrand LF, Aarhus LL, Burnett CJ. Endothelin has biological actions at pathophysiological concentrations. Circulation 1991;83:1804-1808.
  • Leivas A, Jimenez W, Lamas S, et at. Endothelin I does not play a major in the homeostasis of arterial pressure in cirrhotic rats with ascites. Gastroenterology 1995; 108: 1842-1848.
  • Sirvi LH, Hetsarinne H, Saijonmaa O, Fyhrquist F. Tissue distribution and half-life of 125-1 Endothelin in the rat: Importance of pulmonary clearance. Biochem Biophys Hes Commun 1990; 167:1 191 -1 195.
  • Emori T. flirata Y, Ohta H. Secretory Mechanism of immunoreactive endothelin cells. Biochem Biophys Hes Commun 1989; 1 60:93-100.
  • Vcglio F, Pinna G, Melchio H, et al. Plasma endothelin levels in cirrhotic subject. J Hepatol 1992; 15:85-87.
  • Matsumato H, Uemasu J, Hitano M, Hawasaki H. Clinical significance of plasma endothelin- 1 in patients with chronic liver disease. Dig Dis Sci 1994;39:2665-2670.
  • Hartleb M, Hirstetter P, Moreau K, et al. relations entre les concentrations plasmatiques d'endothéline et la sévérité de la cirrhose. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 1994,18: 407-412.
  • Gerbes LA, M oiler S, Gülberg V, Henriksen HJ. Endothelin-1 and -3 plasma concentrations in patients with cirrhosis: Hole of splanchnic and renal passage and liver function. Hepatology 1995;21:735-739.
  • Holler S, Gülberg V, Henriksen HJ, Gerbes LA. Endothelin-1 and endothelin-3 in cirrhosis: Helation to systemic and splanchnic haemodynamics. J Hepatol 1995:23:135-144.
  • Miller LW, Hed field MM, Burnett CJ. Integrated cardiac, renal, and endocrine actions of endothelin. J Clin Invest 1989;83:31 7-320.
  • Hubanyi GM, Polokoff AM. Endothelins:
  • Molecular biology, biochemistry,
  • pharmacology, physiology and
  • pathophysiology. Pharmac Hev 1994:46:325- 415.
  • Simonson SM, Dunn MJ. Endothelins: A family of regulatory peptides. Hypertension 1991;17:856-863.
  • Fukuda Y, Hirata Y, Yoshimi H, et al. Endothelin is a potent secretagogue for atrial natriuretic peptide in cultured rat atrial myocytes. Biochem Biophys Hes Commun 1988;155:167-172.
  • Madeddu P, Troffa C, Glorioso IT, et al. Effects of endothelin on regional hemodynamics and renal function in awake normotensive rats. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1989; 14:818-825.
  • 6 7
  • N a fiy e U rg a n c i, e t a l
  • Goetz LR, Wang CB, Madwed BJ, Zhu LJ, Leadley JR. Cardiovascular, renal, and endocrine responses to intravenous endothelin in conscious dogs. Am J Physiol 1988:255:R1064-R1068.
  • Rawasaki II, Uemasu J, Maeda N, Hirayama C, Kobayashi T, Sakurai LI. Plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide in patients with chronic liver disease. Am J Gastroenterol 1987:82: 727-751.
  • Gines P, Jimenez W, Arroyo V, et al. Atrial natriuretic factor in cirrhosis with ascites : Plasma levels, cardiac release and splanchnic extraction. Hepatology 1988:8:656-642.
  • Claria J, Jimenez W, Arroyo V, et al. Doses of endothelin have natriuretic effects in conscious rats with cirrhosis and ascites. Hidney Int 1991 ;40:182-187.
Year 2002, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 161 - 168, 03.12.2016



  • Mowat PA. Liver disorders in childhood. 2 nd ed. London; Butterworths, 1987:256-256.
  • Roy CC, Silverman A, Alagille D. Pediatric Clinical Gastroenterology 4tli ed. Ville; Mosby. 1995:761-777.
  • Bernardi M, Trevisani P, Gasbarrini A. Gasbarrini G. Hepatorenal disorders: Role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Sem Liver Dis 1994; 14:23-34.
  • Schroeder TP, Eich IIR, Smulyan II, Gould BA, Gabuzda JG. Plasma renin level in hepatic cirrhosis. Am J Ned 1970;49:186-191.
  • Rosoff L, Zia P, Reynolds T, Horton R. Studies of renin and aldosterone in cirrhotic patients with ascites. Gastroenterology 1975:69:698- 705.
  • Wong YP, Carroll ER, Lipinski LT, Capone RR. Studies on the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system in patients with cirrhosis and ascites: Effect of saline and albumin infusion. Gastroenterology 1979:77:1171-11 76.
  • Bosch J, Arroyo V, Betriu A, et al. Hepatic hemodynamics and the renin-angiotensin- aldosteron system in patients in cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 1980;78:92-99.
  • Jimenez W, Pardo MA, Arroyo V, et al.
  • Temporal relationship between
  • hyperaldosteronism, sodium retention and ascites formation in rats with experimental cirrhosis. Hepatology 1985;5:245-250.
  • Bernardi M, Palma DR, Trevisani F, et al. Clironobiological study of factors affecting plasma aldosterone concentration in cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 1986:91:683-691.
  • Bichet D, Szatalowichz V, Chaimovitz C, Robert ITS. Role of vasopressin in abnormal water excretion in cirrhotic patients. Ann Intern Med 1982;96:413-417.
  • Yanagisawa M, Kurihara ILRimura S, et al. A novel potent vasoconstrictor peptide produce by vascular endothelial cells. nature 1988:332:41 1-415.
  • Lerman A, Click LR, Harr JB, et al. Elevations
  • of plasma endothelin associated with systemic hypertension in humans following orthotopic liver transplantation.
  • Transplantation 1991 ;51:646-650.
  • Uchihara M, Izumi H, Sato C, Marumo F. Clinical significance of elevated plasma endothelin concentration in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatology 1992; 16:95-99.
  • 6 6
  • E n d o th e lin - 1
  • Asbert M, Gines A, Gines P, et at. Circulating levels of endothelin in cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 1993; 104:1485-1491.
  • Bauer M, ZangJX, Bauer I, et at. ET-1 induced alterations of hepatic microcirculation: sinusoidal and extrasinusoldal sites of action. Am J Physiol 1994:267:G 143-G149.
  • Hockey D. The cellular pathogenesis of portal
  • hypertension: stellate cell contractility,
  • endothelin and nitric oxide. Hepatology 1997; 25:2-5.
  • Hockey D, Fouassier L, Chung JJ, et al. Cellular localization of endothelin-1 and increased production in liver injury in the rat: potential for autocrine and paracrine effects on stellate cells. Hepatology 1998:27:472- 480.
  • Minkes HH, Hadowitz JP. Influence of endothelin on systemic arterial pressure and regional blood How in the cat. Eur J Pharmacol 1989; 163:163-166.
  • Hu HJ, Berninger GU, Lang EH. Endothelin stimulates atrial natriuretic peptide (ATiP) release from rat atria. Eur J Pharmacol 1988; 158:1 77-1 78.
  • Winquist JH, Scott LA, Vlasuk PG. Enhanced release of atrial natriuretic factor by endothelin in atria from hypertensive rats. Hypertension 1989; 14:111-114.
  • Hiyohara T, Okuno M, ITakanishi T, Shinomura Y, Matsuzawa Y. Effect of endothelin I on ion transport in isolated rat colon. Gastroenterology 1993; 104:1328-1336.
  • Matsumura Y, ITakase H, Ikegawa H, Hayashi H, Ohyama T, Morimoto S. The endothelium- derived vasoconstrictor peptide endothelin inhibits renin release in vitro. Life Sci 1989; 44:149-157.
  • Gülbcrg V, Gerbes LA, .Holler S, Henriksen HJ. Effect of splanchnic and renal passage on endothelin plasma concentrations in cirrhosis of the liver. J Hepatol 1993; 18:S9-S 10.
  • Hoore H, Wendon J, Frazer H, Ha rani J, Williams H, Badr H. Plasma endothelin immunoreactivity in liver disease and the hepatorenal syndrome. Hew Engl J Hed 1992; 327:1774-1778.
  • Hozue T, Hobayashi A, Uemasu F, Takagi Y, Endoh H, Sako A. Plasma endothelin-1 levels of children with cirrhosis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Hutr 1995;21:220-223.
  • Lerman A, Hildebrand LF, Aarhus LL, Burnett CJ. Endothelin has biological actions at pathophysiological concentrations. Circulation 1991;83:1804-1808.
  • Leivas A, Jimenez W, Lamas S, et at. Endothelin I does not play a major in the homeostasis of arterial pressure in cirrhotic rats with ascites. Gastroenterology 1995; 108: 1842-1848.
  • Sirvi LH, Hetsarinne H, Saijonmaa O, Fyhrquist F. Tissue distribution and half-life of 125-1 Endothelin in the rat: Importance of pulmonary clearance. Biochem Biophys Hes Commun 1990; 167:1 191 -1 195.
  • Emori T. flirata Y, Ohta H. Secretory Mechanism of immunoreactive endothelin cells. Biochem Biophys Hes Commun 1989; 1 60:93-100.
  • Vcglio F, Pinna G, Melchio H, et al. Plasma endothelin levels in cirrhotic subject. J Hepatol 1992; 15:85-87.
  • Matsumato H, Uemasu J, Hitano M, Hawasaki H. Clinical significance of plasma endothelin- 1 in patients with chronic liver disease. Dig Dis Sci 1994;39:2665-2670.
  • Hartleb M, Hirstetter P, Moreau K, et al. relations entre les concentrations plasmatiques d'endothéline et la sévérité de la cirrhose. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 1994,18: 407-412.
  • Gerbes LA, M oiler S, Gülberg V, Henriksen HJ. Endothelin-1 and -3 plasma concentrations in patients with cirrhosis: Hole of splanchnic and renal passage and liver function. Hepatology 1995;21:735-739.
  • Holler S, Gülberg V, Henriksen HJ, Gerbes LA. Endothelin-1 and endothelin-3 in cirrhosis: Helation to systemic and splanchnic haemodynamics. J Hepatol 1995:23:135-144.
  • Miller LW, Hed field MM, Burnett CJ. Integrated cardiac, renal, and endocrine actions of endothelin. J Clin Invest 1989;83:31 7-320.
  • Hubanyi GM, Polokoff AM. Endothelins:
  • Molecular biology, biochemistry,
  • pharmacology, physiology and
  • pathophysiology. Pharmac Hev 1994:46:325- 415.
  • Simonson SM, Dunn MJ. Endothelins: A family of regulatory peptides. Hypertension 1991;17:856-863.
  • Fukuda Y, Hirata Y, Yoshimi H, et al. Endothelin is a potent secretagogue for atrial natriuretic peptide in cultured rat atrial myocytes. Biochem Biophys Hes Commun 1988;155:167-172.
  • Madeddu P, Troffa C, Glorioso IT, et al. Effects of endothelin on regional hemodynamics and renal function in awake normotensive rats. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1989; 14:818-825.
  • 6 7
  • N a fiy e U rg a n c i, e t a l
  • Goetz LR, Wang CB, Madwed BJ, Zhu LJ, Leadley JR. Cardiovascular, renal, and endocrine responses to intravenous endothelin in conscious dogs. Am J Physiol 1988:255:R1064-R1068.
  • Rawasaki II, Uemasu J, Maeda N, Hirayama C, Kobayashi T, Sakurai LI. Plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide in patients with chronic liver disease. Am J Gastroenterol 1987:82: 727-751.
  • Gines P, Jimenez W, Arroyo V, et al. Atrial natriuretic factor in cirrhosis with ascites : Plasma levels, cardiac release and splanchnic extraction. Hepatology 1988:8:656-642.
  • Claria J, Jimenez W, Arroyo V, et al. Doses of endothelin have natriuretic effects in conscious rats with cirrhosis and ascites. Hidney Int 1991 ;40:182-187.
There are 56 citations in total.


Journal Section Original Research

Nafiye Urgancı This is me

Fügen Çullu This is me

Bayram Kıran This is me

Tülay Erkan This is me

Tufan Kutlu This is me

Güngör Tümay This is me

Gülşen Özbay This is me

Publication Date December 3, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 15 Issue: 3


APA Urgancı, N., Çullu, F., Kıran, B., Erkan, T., et al. (2016). ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN CHILDHOOD LIVER DISEASE. Marmara Medical Journal, 15(3), 161-168.
AMA Urgancı N, Çullu F, Kıran B, Erkan T, Kutlu T, Tümay G, Özbay G. ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN CHILDHOOD LIVER DISEASE. Marmara Med J. March 2016;15(3):161-168.
Chicago Urgancı, Nafiye, Fügen Çullu, Bayram Kıran, Tülay Erkan, Tufan Kutlu, Güngör Tümay, and Gülşen Özbay. “ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN CHILDHOOD LIVER DISEASE”. Marmara Medical Journal 15, no. 3 (March 2016): 161-68.
EndNote Urgancı N, Çullu F, Kıran B, Erkan T, Kutlu T, Tümay G, Özbay G (March 1, 2016) ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN CHILDHOOD LIVER DISEASE. Marmara Medical Journal 15 3 161–168.
IEEE N. Urgancı, F. Çullu, B. Kıran, T. Erkan, T. Kutlu, G. Tümay, and G. Özbay, “ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN CHILDHOOD LIVER DISEASE”, Marmara Med J, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 161–168, 2016.
ISNAD Urgancı, Nafiye et al. “ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN CHILDHOOD LIVER DISEASE”. Marmara Medical Journal 15/3 (March 2016), 161-168.
JAMA Urgancı N, Çullu F, Kıran B, Erkan T, Kutlu T, Tümay G, Özbay G. ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN CHILDHOOD LIVER DISEASE. Marmara Med J. 2016;15:161–168.
MLA Urgancı, Nafiye et al. “ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN CHILDHOOD LIVER DISEASE”. Marmara Medical Journal, vol. 15, no. 3, 2016, pp. 161-8.
Vancouver Urgancı N, Çullu F, Kıran B, Erkan T, Kutlu T, Tümay G, Özbay G. ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN CHILDHOOD LIVER DISEASE. Marmara Med J. 2016;15(3):161-8.