Year 2007,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 37 - 42, 25.06.2015
Nesrin Gülez
Ferah Genel
Füsun Atlıhan
Şeref Targan
- 1. Davis. Candidal meningitis management. In: Morro MC, MD. Central Nervous System Infections.Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, 1999, p.771-776
- 2. Arisoy ES, Arisoy AE, Dunne WM Jr. Clinical significance of fungi isolated from cerebrospinal fluid in children. Pediatr Infect DisJ. 1994 Feb;13(2): 128-33
- 3. Rowen JL, Tate JM, Nordoff N, Passerell L, McGinnis MR. Candida isolates from neonates: frequency of misidentification and reduced fluconazole susceptibility. J Clin Microbiol. 1999; 37(11): 3735-7
- 4. Benjamin DK Jr, Poole C, Steinbech WJ, Rowen JR, Walsh TS. Neonatal candidemia and end-organ damage: a critical appaisal of the literature using meta-analytic techniques. Pediatrics. 2003; 112(3): 634-40
- 5. Lipton S. A, Hickey WF, Morris JH, Loscalzo J. Candidal infection in the central nervous system. Am J Med. 1984; 76: 101-108.
- 6. Edelson RN, McNett EN; Porro RS. Candida meningitis with cerebral arteritis. N Y State J Med. 1975; 76: 900- 904.
- 7. Juveda S, Heiskonen O, Poranen A, et all. The treatment of spontenous intracerebral hemorrhage: A prospective randomized trial of surgical and conservative treatment. J Neurosurg 1989; 70: 755-8.
- 8. Rom S, Serfontain GL, Humphreys RP. Intracerebral hematoma in the neonate. J Pediatr 1978; 93: 486-8.
- 9. Broderick JP, Brott TG, Tomsick T, et all. Ultraearly evaluation of intracerebral hemorrhage. J Neurosurg 1990; 72: 195-9.
- 10. Bayer AS, Edwards J E J, Seidel JS, Guze LB. Candida meningitis: Report of seven cases and review of English literature.medicine .1976; 55: 477-86
- 11. Krcmery V, Paradisi F. Nasocomial bacterial and fungal meningitis in chidren; an eight year national survey reporting 101 cases. Pediatric Nasocomial Meningitis Study Group. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2000 Jul; 15(2): 143-7
- 12. Edwards Jhonn Jr. Candida Species. Central nevous system candidiazis.In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Prenciples and Practice of Infectious Diseases. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, 2000, p 2663
- 13. Thron A, Wietholter H. Cerebral candidiazis: CT studies in a case of brain absces and granüloma due to Candida albicans. Neuroradiology. 1982; 23(4): 223-5
- 14. Grimes DA, Lach B, Bourque PR. Vasculitic basilar artery thrombosis in chronic Candida albicans meningitis. Can J Neurol. Sci. 1998;25:76-8
- 15. Rabah R, Kupsky WJ, Hass JE. Arteritis and fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage complicating occult Candida meningitis: unusual presentation in pediatric acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1998; Nov;122:1030-3.
- 16. Duffner F, Brandner S, Opitz H, Klier R, Grote EH. Primary Candida albicans empyema associated with epidural hematomas in craniocervical junction. Clin Neuropathol. 1997;16:143-6.
- 17. Aydın M, Küçüködük S, Yalın T, Çetinkaya F, Gürses N. Amphotericin B in the treatment of candida meningitis in three neonates. Turk J Pediatr. 1995;37:247-52
- 18. Huttova M, Hartmanova T, Kralinsky K, et all. Candida fungemia in neonates treated with flucanasole: report of forty cases, including eight with meningitis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1998;17:1012-5 Marwaha RK,
- 19. Al-Mohsen I,Hughes WT. Systemic antifungal therapy: past, present and future. Annals of Saudi Medicine: 1997; 18(1):97-129
- 20. Marwaha RK, Maheshwaeri A.systemic antifungal therapy in pediatric practise. Indian Pediatrics: 1999;36: 1011-21
- 21. Anker JN, Popele N ML, Sauer PJJ. Antifungal agents in neonatal systemic candidiasis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.1995;39 1391-1397
- 22. Sugar AM. Use of amphotericin B with azole antifungal drugs: what are we doing? Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.1995; 39:1907-2
- 23. Smego RA Jr, Perfect JR, Duract DT. Combined therapy with amphotericin B and 5-flourocytosine for Candida meningitis. Infection. 1996;24(6): 426-32
- 24. Huttova M, Kralinsky K, Horn J, Marinova I et all. Prospective study of nasocomial fungal meningitis in children – report of 10 cases. Scand J Infect Dis. 1998;30:485-7
Year 2007,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 37 - 42, 25.06.2015
Nesrin Gülez
Ferah Genel
Füsun Atlıhan
Şeref Targan
İnvaziv fungal enfeksiyonlar yenidoğan ve süt çocukluğu döneminde nadir ancak mortalite ve morbiditesi
yüksek enfeksiyonlardır.Santral sinir sistemi candidiazisinin büyük çoğunluğu ise dissemine ve invaziv
candida enfeksiyonu ile birliktedir.Santaral sinir sisteminin candida enfeksiyonunda etkenin damar duvarı
invazyonu ve trombozisi ile sekonder infarkt ve kanamalı mikotik anevrizma oluşumu menenjit, beyinde
mikroabse ve vaskülite neden olur.Bu makalede odukça nadir bir komplikasy
- 1. Davis. Candidal meningitis management. In: Morro MC, MD. Central Nervous System Infections.Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, 1999, p.771-776
- 2. Arisoy ES, Arisoy AE, Dunne WM Jr. Clinical significance of fungi isolated from cerebrospinal fluid in children. Pediatr Infect DisJ. 1994 Feb;13(2): 128-33
- 3. Rowen JL, Tate JM, Nordoff N, Passerell L, McGinnis MR. Candida isolates from neonates: frequency of misidentification and reduced fluconazole susceptibility. J Clin Microbiol. 1999; 37(11): 3735-7
- 4. Benjamin DK Jr, Poole C, Steinbech WJ, Rowen JR, Walsh TS. Neonatal candidemia and end-organ damage: a critical appaisal of the literature using meta-analytic techniques. Pediatrics. 2003; 112(3): 634-40
- 5. Lipton S. A, Hickey WF, Morris JH, Loscalzo J. Candidal infection in the central nervous system. Am J Med. 1984; 76: 101-108.
- 6. Edelson RN, McNett EN; Porro RS. Candida meningitis with cerebral arteritis. N Y State J Med. 1975; 76: 900- 904.
- 7. Juveda S, Heiskonen O, Poranen A, et all. The treatment of spontenous intracerebral hemorrhage: A prospective randomized trial of surgical and conservative treatment. J Neurosurg 1989; 70: 755-8.
- 8. Rom S, Serfontain GL, Humphreys RP. Intracerebral hematoma in the neonate. J Pediatr 1978; 93: 486-8.
- 9. Broderick JP, Brott TG, Tomsick T, et all. Ultraearly evaluation of intracerebral hemorrhage. J Neurosurg 1990; 72: 195-9.
- 10. Bayer AS, Edwards J E J, Seidel JS, Guze LB. Candida meningitis: Report of seven cases and review of English literature.medicine .1976; 55: 477-86
- 11. Krcmery V, Paradisi F. Nasocomial bacterial and fungal meningitis in chidren; an eight year national survey reporting 101 cases. Pediatric Nasocomial Meningitis Study Group. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2000 Jul; 15(2): 143-7
- 12. Edwards Jhonn Jr. Candida Species. Central nevous system candidiazis.In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Prenciples and Practice of Infectious Diseases. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, 2000, p 2663
- 13. Thron A, Wietholter H. Cerebral candidiazis: CT studies in a case of brain absces and granüloma due to Candida albicans. Neuroradiology. 1982; 23(4): 223-5
- 14. Grimes DA, Lach B, Bourque PR. Vasculitic basilar artery thrombosis in chronic Candida albicans meningitis. Can J Neurol. Sci. 1998;25:76-8
- 15. Rabah R, Kupsky WJ, Hass JE. Arteritis and fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage complicating occult Candida meningitis: unusual presentation in pediatric acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1998; Nov;122:1030-3.
- 16. Duffner F, Brandner S, Opitz H, Klier R, Grote EH. Primary Candida albicans empyema associated with epidural hematomas in craniocervical junction. Clin Neuropathol. 1997;16:143-6.
- 17. Aydın M, Küçüködük S, Yalın T, Çetinkaya F, Gürses N. Amphotericin B in the treatment of candida meningitis in three neonates. Turk J Pediatr. 1995;37:247-52
- 18. Huttova M, Hartmanova T, Kralinsky K, et all. Candida fungemia in neonates treated with flucanasole: report of forty cases, including eight with meningitis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1998;17:1012-5 Marwaha RK,
- 19. Al-Mohsen I,Hughes WT. Systemic antifungal therapy: past, present and future. Annals of Saudi Medicine: 1997; 18(1):97-129
- 20. Marwaha RK, Maheshwaeri A.systemic antifungal therapy in pediatric practise. Indian Pediatrics: 1999;36: 1011-21
- 21. Anker JN, Popele N ML, Sauer PJJ. Antifungal agents in neonatal systemic candidiasis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.1995;39 1391-1397
- 22. Sugar AM. Use of amphotericin B with azole antifungal drugs: what are we doing? Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.1995; 39:1907-2
- 23. Smego RA Jr, Perfect JR, Duract DT. Combined therapy with amphotericin B and 5-flourocytosine for Candida meningitis. Infection. 1996;24(6): 426-32
- 24. Huttova M, Kralinsky K, Horn J, Marinova I et all. Prospective study of nasocomial fungal meningitis in children – report of 10 cases. Scand J Infect Dis. 1998;30:485-7