Year 2007,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 52 - 58, 25.06.2015
Özlem Yenice
Haluk Kazokoğlu
Vitre içi kanamaya bağlı ani görme azalması ile şikâyeti ile kliniğimize başvuran bir olguda fundus
muayenesi yapılamadığı için radyolojik tetkiklere başvuruldu. Ultrasonografi, doppler ultrasonografi,
manyetik rezonans görüntüleme tetkikleri retinal lezyonun koroid melanomu ile uyumlu olabileceği şeklinde
rapor edildi. Vitre içi kanamanın koroid melanomlarında nadir olması nedeniyle tanısal vitrektomi yapıldı.
Vitrektomide arka kutupta diskiform lezyon tespit edildi.
- 1. Shields JA, Augsburger JJ, Brown GC. The differential diagnosis of posterior uveal melanoma. Ophthalmol 1980;87:518-522.
- 2. Harry WF. Acquired diseases affecting the macula, retina and vitreous. In Retina and Vitreous, The American Academy of Ophthalmology eds. San Francisco: AAO, 2002: 54-56.
- 3. Duke-Elder: Disease of the uveal tract, 3rd ed. HenryKrimpton 1966:616-22.
- 4. Ferry AP. Lesions mistaken for malignant melanoma of posterior uvea. Arch Ophthalmol 1964;72:463-469.
- 5. Shields JA, Zimmermen LE. Lesions simulating malinant melanoma of the posterior uvea. Arch Ophthalmol 1973;89:466-471.
- 6. Chang M, Zimmerman LE, McLean I. The persisting psödomelanoma problem. Am J Ophthalmol 1984;102:726-727.
- 7. Sassani JW, Blankenship G.Disciform choroidal melanoma. Retina 1994;14:177-180.
- 8. Colloborative Ocular Melanoma Study Group. Accuracy of diagnosis of choroidal melanomas in the Colloborative Ocular Melanoma Study. COMS Report . No.1:Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:1268-1273.
- 9. Fraser DJ, Font RL.Ocular inflammation and hemorrhage as initial manifestation of uveal malignant melanoma. Arch Ophthalmol 1979;97:1311-1314.
- 10. Wilms G, Dralanda G, Decrope E. Magnetic resonance imaging in lesions of the eye globe. J Belge Radiol 1989;72:433-434.
- 11. Potter DP, Shields JA, Shields CL. Choroidal Melanoma. In:Shields JA,Shields CL, eds. MRI of the Eye and Orbit. New York: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1995:56-64.
- 12. Byrne SF, GreenRL. Intraocular Tumors. In Ultrasound of the Eye and Orbit Byrne SF, GreenRL. eds. London:. St Louis, 2002:115-90.
- 13. Doğan ÖK. Oftalmolojide Ultrasonografi II. Koroid malin melanomu tanısında A, B ve M scan ultrasonografisinin tanı değeri. T Oft Gaz 1982;12: 75- 78.
- 14. David SB, Devron HC, Alexander RI. Extramacular disciform lesions simulating uveal tumors. Ophthalmol 1999;99:944-951.
- 15. Koçaş M. Koroidea malign melanomlarında tanı ve ayırıcı tanı. T Oft Gaz 1990;20:215-219
Year 2007,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 52 - 58, 25.06.2015
Özlem Yenice
Haluk Kazokoğlu
- 1. Shields JA, Augsburger JJ, Brown GC. The differential diagnosis of posterior uveal melanoma. Ophthalmol 1980;87:518-522.
- 2. Harry WF. Acquired diseases affecting the macula, retina and vitreous. In Retina and Vitreous, The American Academy of Ophthalmology eds. San Francisco: AAO, 2002: 54-56.
- 3. Duke-Elder: Disease of the uveal tract, 3rd ed. HenryKrimpton 1966:616-22.
- 4. Ferry AP. Lesions mistaken for malignant melanoma of posterior uvea. Arch Ophthalmol 1964;72:463-469.
- 5. Shields JA, Zimmermen LE. Lesions simulating malinant melanoma of the posterior uvea. Arch Ophthalmol 1973;89:466-471.
- 6. Chang M, Zimmerman LE, McLean I. The persisting psödomelanoma problem. Am J Ophthalmol 1984;102:726-727.
- 7. Sassani JW, Blankenship G.Disciform choroidal melanoma. Retina 1994;14:177-180.
- 8. Colloborative Ocular Melanoma Study Group. Accuracy of diagnosis of choroidal melanomas in the Colloborative Ocular Melanoma Study. COMS Report . No.1:Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:1268-1273.
- 9. Fraser DJ, Font RL.Ocular inflammation and hemorrhage as initial manifestation of uveal malignant melanoma. Arch Ophthalmol 1979;97:1311-1314.
- 10. Wilms G, Dralanda G, Decrope E. Magnetic resonance imaging in lesions of the eye globe. J Belge Radiol 1989;72:433-434.
- 11. Potter DP, Shields JA, Shields CL. Choroidal Melanoma. In:Shields JA,Shields CL, eds. MRI of the Eye and Orbit. New York: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1995:56-64.
- 12. Byrne SF, GreenRL. Intraocular Tumors. In Ultrasound of the Eye and Orbit Byrne SF, GreenRL. eds. London:. St Louis, 2002:115-90.
- 13. Doğan ÖK. Oftalmolojide Ultrasonografi II. Koroid malin melanomu tanısında A, B ve M scan ultrasonografisinin tanı değeri. T Oft Gaz 1982;12: 75- 78.
- 14. David SB, Devron HC, Alexander RI. Extramacular disciform lesions simulating uveal tumors. Ophthalmol 1999;99:944-951.
- 15. Koçaş M. Koroidea malign melanomlarında tanı ve ayırıcı tanı. T Oft Gaz 1990;20:215-219