Volume: 19 Issue: 61, 1/26/24

Year: 2024

Makale Başvuru

    Öneri Journal, published since 1994, seeks to consolidate its position as a scholarly vehicle of different fields of social sciences. The Journal publishes high quality, insightful, well-written papers that explore current and new issues in social sciences. Its objective is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of research findings in, and significant empirical, conceptual, or theoretical contributions to the field. The Journal operates with honesty, transparency, and business ethic to achieve higher scientific standards.

    Öneri Journal is biannually (January and Julypublished scientific journal and welcomes submissions both in Turkish and English. The Journal’s scope includes theoretical and empirical studies in all disciplines of social, human and administrative sciences.



  1. Öneri accepts articles both in English and Turkish. 
  2. You are requested to identify funding/supporting organizations for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article as a footnote on the title page.
  3. Manuscript should not exceed 12,000 words, including footnotes, tables, figures, and references. 
  4. Manuscript should be organized using the APA method of referencing (6th Edition). Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
  5. An extended abstract in English should be prepared in the range of 800-1200 words as a holistic text containing the aim, scope, method, findings, analysis and results of the article for submissions in Turkish. It should be placed at the end of the article and uploaded to the system as a single file.
  6. Ethics Committee Permission is required for any research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques.


Layout: All pages should be in A4 size with margins as 3cm top, 3cm bottom, 2cm right and 2cm left.

Font Type and Size: Times New Roman is the font type to be used for submissions. Abstracts in Turkish and English and References should be 9pt and the main text should be 10pt. The main text should be justified with single line spacing.

Titles: Submissions should contain a main title and subtitles.
     • Main Title: The main title should be placed in the first page as centered with capital letters in 14pt. Turkish submissions should also include an English title (and vice versa).
     • Subtitles: The relevant subtitles should be in 12pt in bold characters and ranked with Arabic numerals (1.- 1.1.-1.1.1…etc.). The headings such as Introduction, Literature Review, Findings and Conclusion should be centered with first letter being capital. and sorted with 1., 2., 3. Second level headings should be sorted as 1.1., 1.2., and third level headings should be sorted as 1.1.1., 1.1.2., with first letter being capital.

Abstract and Keywords: The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. Manuscripts should contain Turkish and English abstracts with relevant keywords.

• Abstract and Keywords:V1 Regardless of whether the language of the article is Turkish or English, there should be abstracts in Turkish and English in the range of 100-200 words. Both abstracts should be arranged in 9 pt, as a single justified paragraph. There should be at least 3 keywords relevant to the article just under the abstracts with the title of Keywords in bold letters. Keywords also should be arranged in 9 pt with first letters as capital.

Tables, Figures, Graphics and Pictures: Tables, figures, graphics, and pictures in the text should include a source unless they belong to the author(s).

• Tables and Graphics: Ensure that each table and graphic embedded in the text has a caption that should be sorted as Table 1., Table 2., or Graphic 1., Graphic 2. The corresponding caption should be placed directly above the table or graphic. The captions should be justified to the left as first letters in capital. The source should be specified with heading “Source” just below the tables and graphics as justified to the left.
• Figures and Images: Ensure that each figure and image embedded in the text has a caption that should be sorted as Figure 1., Figure 2., or Image 1., Image 2. The corresponding caption should be placed directly above the figure or image. The captions should be justified to the center as first letters in capital. The source should be specified with heading “Source” just below the tables and graphics as justified to the left.

• Referencing: The APA (6th Edition) should be used as the method of referencing. For further information about the APA method, please refer to here


In text;

Single author: (Atılgan, 2015, p.10 / pp.15-20)
Two authors: (Atılgan & Demir, 2015)
Three authors: (Atılgan, Demir & Yener, 2015)
More than three authors: (Atılgan et al., 2015)
APA Citation for "As Cited In": (Çonkar, 2010; as cited in Biçer & Ilıman, 2018)


Reference to a book
Single author: Tuncer, D. (1992). Dağıtım kanalları sistemi. Ankara: Gazi Yayınları.
Two authors: Turgut, M. F., & Baykul, Y. (1992). Ölçekleme teknikleri. Ankara: ÖSYM Yayınları.

Reference to an edited book
Theberge, J. (Ed.). (1968). Economics of trade and development. New York: John Wiley.

Reference to a translated book
Morgan, L. H. (2015). Eski toplum. (Oskay, Ü. Çev.). İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınevi.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book: 
Ünlüer, A. O. (1988). Boş zamanı değerlendirme açısından kitle iletişim araçlarının ülkemizde durumu. Demiray, U. (Ed.). Kitle iletişim araçları ve boş zaman. (pp.71-113). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı.

Reference to an E-Book
Anderson, C. A., Gentile, D. A., & Buckley, K. E. (2007). Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: Theory, research, and public policy. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195309836.001.0001

Reference to a journal publication 
Engin, B. H. (2016). Markalaşma kavramı çerçevesinde marka ederi. Öneri Dergisi, 12(46), 277-294.

Reference to an online journal
Sebetci, Ö., Günay. M. B., & Sebetci, E. (2018). İş süreç yönetimi (bpm) ve iş akış yönetimi (wfm) kavramlarına yaklaşım. AJIT-e, 9(33), 115-126. doi: 10.5824/1309‐1581.2018.3.007.x

Reference to a published newspaper
Kumcu. E. (2006, December 11). Büyüme yavaşlama sinyali veriyor. Hürriyet Gazetesi. p.9.

Reference to an online newspaper
Mills, S. (2012, October 16). How Twitter is winning the 2012 US election. The Guardian (Access date: 10 July 2018). https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/oct/16/twitter-winning-2012-us-election 

Reference to a dissertation or thesis
Algül, N. (2006). Sanat tarihinde Mahmut Akok. (Unpublished PhD Dissertation). Marmara University, İstanbul.

Reference to a website 
Yavuz, E. (2018, November 7). Zaman ve insan üzerine. Retrieved October 14, 2020, from https://dusunbil.com/zaman-ve-insan-uzerine

Reference to a report
Taymaz, E. (2018). Dijital teknolojiler ve ekonomik büyüme raporu. (TÜSİAD-T/2018,10-600). https://www.tusiad.org/tr/yayinlar/raporlar/item/10130-dijital-teknolojiler-ve-ekonomik-buyume-raporu

Öneri is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics and to meeting and upholding the following principles of Core Practices prepared in accordance with the guidelines and policies developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for journal editors.

  • Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published, or scheduled and/or evaluated to be published in another journal.
  • Öneri adheres to the standards of COPE for publication ethics. Therefore, in cases of misconduct or violation of publication ethics, the journal will take the publication ethics flowcharts developed by COPE (https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts) as a reference.
  • In accordance with the double-blind peer review process, Öneri preserves the anonymity of authors and reviewers when submitted articles are sent for review.
  • It is the journal’s responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of any information regarding authors. However, such information may be shared in a possible enquiry in order to investigate any allegations of misconduct. Öneri defines its principles regarding any allegations of misconduct in accordance with the guidelines prepared by the COPE and shares these principles with the stakeholders on its website.
  • Text recycling, that is using the chapters of a single text in various publications of the same author without any reference, is unacceptable for Öneri. In such cases, the journal acts according to the relevant guidelines determined by the COPE.
  • Öneri protects and supports freedom of expression under all circumstances. Moreover, the journal considers any racist, sexist or discriminatory content as hate speech and uses its right to refuse such contents without sending them for review.
  • In case of a conflict of interest regarding an article, the journal openly supports intellectual and ethical standards; and defines relevant ethical principles that authors, reviewers, editor and editorial board should adhere to.
  • In case of a conflict of interest regarding an article, the journal suspends the peer review process until the ambiguity is clarified; and it has the authority to request the Ethics Board Waiver Form, Interview Consent Form and other documents that need to be submitted from authors regarding their articles.
  • Öneri is sensitive and responsible for publishing edited contents, commentaries, apologies and refutations.
  • Editorial board of the journal are obliged to follow legal advices in case that repetitions in an article, that is coinciding texts in two different publications, violate any intellectual property rights.

Principles for Handling Allegations of Misconduct

Öneri adopts COPE’s guidelines regarding “allegations of misconduct” in cases of misconduct and violation. Hence, the journal defines in detail the liabilities of the publisher, editors, reviewers, the Scientific Board and authors prior, during and after the publication process in the Publication Ethics.

  • In cases when an article is submitted to various publishers, comparing different versions of a single work submitted to various journals and explanations of authors and enquirers regarding the work in question enables to cooperate and make an effort in cases of suspected misconduct and violation and to act accordingly together with enquirers/authors and/or their institutions.
  • Having regard to the significance of confidentiality in scientific publication process, Öneri shares information regarding authors and reviewers only in order to prevent suspected misconducts and to fulfill the obligation to handle such cases.
  • Journal editorial board and theme editors have to make the first enquiries in suspected cases before sharing such information. Thus, sharing information is only at stake when the author does not respond, provides insufficient explanation or the said allegation of misconduct might affect more than one journal.

Policy of Screening for Plagiarism

Ethical violations such as plagiarism are unacceptable by Öneri and it is primarily author(s)’s responsibility to ensure that submitted articles do not contain such violations. All Submitted manuscripts are first passed through iThenticate software and studies presenting more than 20% similarity ratio are automatically rejected.

Publishing articles in journal of Öneri, downloading and reading of articles is free of charge.


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Marmara UniversityInstitute of Social Sciences

Göztepe Kampüsü Enstitüler Binası Kat:5 34722  Kadıköy/İstanbul

e-ISSN: 2147-5377