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Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy

Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 120 - 130, 07.03.2014


AIM: The aims of the study were to investigate, possible changes in quality of life (QOL) during
chemotherapy, which factors might affect QOL and the relationship between QOL and
performance status.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted at the oncology clinics of Dr. Lutfi
Kirdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. Patients diagnosed with advanced
small-cell lung cancer or stage IV non-small cell lung cancer were enrolled in the
study. They were given platinum-based chemotherapy. The QOL EORTC core questionnaire
QLQ–C30 (version 3.0) and the lung cancer module QLQ-LC13 were conducted on four separate
occasions. Data related to the patients’ clincal and performance status (Karnofsky
Performance Status Scale (KPS) and ECOG) were recorded throughout the study.
RESULTS: With treatment, significant increases in chemotherapy related side-effects and in
symptom scales related both to adverse drug reactions and disease progression were recorded.
A strong, significant, negative correlation (r = -0.71, p< 0.05) between ECOG performance
and all domains of EORTC QLQ-C30 was observed, similar to that between KPS and
EORTC QLQ-C30 (r = -0.74, p< 0.05).
CONCLUSION: This research indicates a lack of benefit in terms of QOL from platinumbased
chemotherapy in patients with metastatic lung cancer. Routine QOL assessment in
this patient population may encourage the development of treatment programs which minimize
chemotherapy side-effects, while maximizing patients’ well being.
KEYWORDS: Small-Cell-Lung-Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell-Lung-Carcinoma, Quality of Life,
Karnofsky Performance Status Scale, Chemotherapy


  • Spiro SG, Porter JC. Lung cancer-Where are we today? Current advances in staging and nonsurgical treatment. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 166:1166-96.
  • Parkin GM, Pisani P, Ferlay J. Global cancer statistics. CA Cancer J Clin 1999; 49:33-64.
  • Ries LAG, Eisner MP, Kosary CL (eds.) Year relative survival rates based on follow up of patients through 2004. Cancer statistics review, 1975–2002. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 2005.
  • Ries LAG, Kosary CL, Hankey BF (eds.) Lung and bronchus cancer. SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1973-2003. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 2006.
  • Ferlay J, Bray F, Parkin DM, Pisani P (eds.) Globocan 2000: Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide (IARC Cancer Bases No. 5), IARCPress, Lyon 2001.
  • Ries LA, Kosary CL, Hankey BF (eds.) Lung and bronchus cancer. SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1973-1996. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 1999.
  • Halilcolar H, Tatar D, Ertuğrul E. Epidemijoloji. In: Akciğer Kanseri, Multidisipliner Yaklaşım. Editors: Akkoclu A, Oztürk C, Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi, Ankara, 1999 pp. 17- 22.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Kanser Savaş Daire Başkanlığı. Kanser bildirimlerinin değerlendirilmesi 1993-1994. Ankara, Yayın no: 582. 1997.
  • Arınç S, Özvaran MK, Güngör N, Çelik O, Soğukpınar Ö, Çolak F, Baran R. Hastanemizde tanı alan akciğer kanserli olguların epidemiyolojik ve histolojik özellikleri. Akciğer Ars 2005; 6:149-52.
  • Hong WK, Tsao AS. Lung Cancer. Last full review/revision in March 2008 (accessed in 17/09/2012) http:// html?qt=lungcarcinoma&alt=sh#v728252
  • Cooley ME. Symptoms in adults with lung cancer: a systematic research review. J Pain Symptom Manage 2000; 19:137-53.
  • Beckles MA, Spiro SG, Colice GL, Rudd RM. Initial evaluation of the patient with lung cancer: symptoms, signs, laboratory tests, and paraneoplastic syndromes. Chest 2003; 123:97-104.
  • Fuller RW, Jackson DM. Physiology and treatment of cough. Thorax 1990; 45:425-30.
  • Jennings AL, Davies AN, Higgins JP, Gibbs JS, Broadley KE. A systematic review of the use of opioids in the management of dyspnoea. Thorax 2002; 57:939-44.
  • Kelly K, Bunn Jr. PA. Is it time to reevaluate our approach to the treatment of brain metastases in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer? Lung Cancer 1998; 20:85-91.
  • Tanvetyanon T, Robinson LA, Schell MJ, Strong VE, Kapoor R, Coit DG, Bepler G. Outcomes of adrenalectomy for isolated synchronous versus metachronous adrenal metastases in non-small-cell lung cancer: a systematic review and pooled analysis. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26: 1142Carlsen K, Jensen AB, Jacobsen E, Krasnik M, Johansen C. Psychosocial aspects of lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2005; 47:293-300.
  • Stewart AF. Hypercalcemia associated with cancer. New Engl J Med 2005; 352:373-9.
  • List AF, Hainsworth JD, Davis BW, Hande KR, Greco FA, Johnson DH. The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) in small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 1986; 4:1191-8.
  • Shepherd FA, Laskey J, Evans WK, Goss PE, Johansen E, Khamsi F. Cushing’s syndrome associated with ectopic corticotropin production and small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 1992; 10:21-7.
  • Manegold C. Chemotharpy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Sem Oncol Suppl 7 2001; 28:1-6.
  • Shepherd FA. Chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Modest progress, many choices. J Clin Oncol Suppl 21 2000; 18:35-8.
  • Roila F, Cortesi E. Quality of life as a primary end point in oncology. Ann Oncol 2001; 12: (Suppl 3):3-6.
  • Cella DF, Bonomi AE, Lloyd SR, Tulsky DS, Kaplan E, Bonomi P. Reliability and validity of the functional assessment of cancer therapy-lung (FACT-L) quality of life instrument. Lung Cancer 1995; 12:199-220.
  • Cella D, Eton DT, Fairclough DL, Bonomi P, Heyes AE, Silberman C, Wolf MK, Johnson DH. What is a clinically meaningful change on the functional assessment of cancer therapy-lung (FACT-L) questionnaire? Results from Eastern Cooperative Oncology group (ECOG) Study 55 J Clin Epidemiol 2002; 55:285-95.
  • Aaronson NK, Ahmedzai S, Bergman B, Bullinger M, Cull A, Duez NJ, Filiberti A, Flechtner H, Fleishman SB, de Haes JCJM, Kaasa S, Klee M, Osoba D, Razavi D, Rofe PB, Schraub S, Sneeuw K, Sullivan M, Takeda F. The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30: a quality of life instrument for use in international clinical trials in oncology. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993; 85:365-76.
  • Bergman B, Aaronson NK, Ahmedzai S, Kaasa S, Sullivan M. The EORTC QLQ-LC13: a modular supplement to the EORTC core quality of life questionnaire (QLQ-C30) for use in lung cancer clinical trials. EORTC Study Group on Quality of Life. Eur J Cancer 1994; 30:635-42.
  • Crinò L, Scagliotti GV, Ricci S, De Marinis F, Rinaldi M, Gridelli C, Ceribelli A, Bianco R, Marangolo M, Di Costanzo F, Sassi M, Barni S, Ravaioli A, Adamo V, Portalone L, Cruciani G, Masotti A, Ferrara G, Gozzelino F, Tonato M. Gemcitabine and cisplatin versus mitomycin, ifosfamide, and cisplatin in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. A randomized phase III study of the Italian lung cancer project. J Clin Oncol 1999; 17:3522-30.
  • Montazeri A, Milroy R, Hole D, McEwen J, Gillis CR. Quality of life in lung cancer patients: as an important prognostic factor. Lung Cancer 2001; 31:233-40.
  • Altıparmak S, Fadıloğlu Ç, Gürsoy ST, Altıparmak O. Kemoterapi tedavisi alan akciğer kanserli hastalarda öz bakım gücü ve yaşam kalitesi ilişkisi. Ege Tıp Dergisi 2011; 50:95-102. http:// / SunuMerkezi / ?s= 5A37225E3B575C232C (accessed 04/02/2013)
  • Aras M, Ünsal Delialioğlu S, Atalay N, Taflan Selçuk S. Kanser Hastalarının Rehabilitasyon Gereksinimi. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2009; 55:25-9.
  • Şeker M, Mengi A, Bilici A, Ustaalioğlu BB, Kefeli U, Özşeker NI, Mayadağlı A, Salepci T, Gümüş M. Hodgkin lenfoma olgularının retrospektif değerlendirilmesi ve prognostic faktörlerin saptanması. TJ Oncol 2011; 26: 108-114.
  • Hollen PJ, Gralla RJ, Kris MG, Cox C. Quality of life during clinical trials: conceptual model for the Lung Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS). Support Care Cancer 1994; 2:213-22.
  • FFrasci G, Lorusso V, Panza N, Comella P, Nicolella G, Bianco A, De Cataldis G,Iannelli A, Bilancia D, Belli M, Massidda B, Piantedosi F, Comella G, De Lena M. Gemcitabine plus vinorelbine versus vinorelbine alone in elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 2000; 18:2529-36.
  • Hollen PJ, Gralla RJ, Kris MG, Eberly SW, Cox C. Normative data and trends in quality of life from the Lung Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS). Support Care Cancer 1999; 7:140-8.
  • Klastersky J, Paesmans M. Response to chemotherapy, quality of life benefits and survival in advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer: review of literature results. Lung Cancer 2001; 34:95-101.
  • Helsing M, Bergman B, Thaning L, Hero U. Quality of life and survival in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving supportive care plus chemotherapy with carboplatin and etoposide or supportive care only. A multicentre randomized phase III trial. Joint Lung Cancer Study Group. Eur J Cancer 1998; 34:1036-44.
  • Esbensen BA, Osterlind K, Roer O, Hallberg IR. Quality of life of elderly persons with newly diagnosed cancer. Eur J Cancer Care 2004; 13:443-53.
  • Hten Bokkel Huinink WW, Bergman B, Chemaissani A, Dornoff W, Drings P, Kellokumpu-Lehtinen PL, Liippo K, Mattson K, von Pawel J, Ricci S, Sederholm C, Stahel RA, Wagenius G, Walree NV, Manegold C. Single agent gemcitabine: an active and better tolerated alternative to standard cisplatin-based chemotherapy in local advanced or metastatic lung cancer. Lung Cancer 1999; 26: 85-94.
  • Bozcuk H, Dalmis B, Samur M, Ozdogan M, Artac M, Savas B. Quality of Life in Patients With Advanced NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer Nur 2006; 29:104-110.
  • Aaronson NK, Cull A, Kaasa S, Sprangers M. The EORTC modular approach to Quality of Life assessment in Oncology. Int J Ment Health 1994; 23:75-96.
  • Anthony J, Alberg D, Rex C, Jonathan M. Epidemiology pof lung cancer. In: Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. Editors: Mason J, Murray JF, Broaddus VC. Elsevier Saunders Inc, Philadelphia 2005, pp.1328-54. Gridelli C, Gallo C, Shepherd FA, Illiano A, Piantedosi F, Robbiati SF, Manzione L, Barbera S, Frontini L, Veltri E, Findlay B, Cigolari S, Myers R, Ianniello GP, Gebbia V, Gasparini G, Fava S, Hirsh V, Bezjak A, Seymour L, Perrone F. Gemcitabine plus vinorelbine compared with cisplatin plus vinorelbine or cisplatin plus gemcitabine for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase III trial of the Italian GEMVIN Investigators and the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group. J Clin Oncol 2003;21:3025-34.
  • MMatsumoto T, Ohashi Y, Morita S, Kobayashi K, Shibuya M, Yamaji Y, Eguchi K,Fukuoka M, Nagao K, Nishiwaki Y, Niitani H; CPT-11 Lung Cancer Study Groups West and East. The quality of life questionnaire for cancer patients treated with anticancer drugs (QoL-ACD): validity and eliability in Japanese patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer. Qual Life Res 2002; 11:483-93.
  • Anant M, Guleria R, Pathak AK, Bhutani M, Pal H, Charu M, Kochupillai V. Quality of life measures in lung cancer. Indian J Cancer 2005; 42:125-32.
  • Tanrıkol G, Kaya P, Çolak D, Alkış N, Özyılkan E. Onkolojik Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi. MN-Klinik Bilimler&Doktor 2005; 11:122-6.
  • Thomas L, Doyle LA, Edelman MJ. Lung cancer in women: emerging differences in epidemiology, biology, and therapy. Chest 2005; 128:370-81.
  • Sarna L. Women with lung cancer: Impact on quality of life. Qual Life Res 1993; 2:13-22.
  • Tillman M, Silcock JA. Comparison of smokers and ex smokers health-related quality of life. J Public Health Med 1997; 19:268-73.
  • Wilson D, Parsons J, Wakefield M. The health-related quality of life of never smokers, ex-smokers and light, moderate and heavy smokers. Prev Med 1999; 29:139-44. Osoba D, Murray N, Gelmon K, Karsai H, Knowling M, Shah A, McLaughlin M, Fetherstonhaugh E, Page R, Bowman CA. Quality of life, appetite, and weight change in patients receiving dose-intensive chemotherapy. Oncology (Williston Park) 1994; 8: 61-5.

Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy

Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 120 - 130, 07.03.2014



  • Spiro SG, Porter JC. Lung cancer-Where are we today? Current advances in staging and nonsurgical treatment. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 166:1166-96.
  • Parkin GM, Pisani P, Ferlay J. Global cancer statistics. CA Cancer J Clin 1999; 49:33-64.
  • Ries LAG, Eisner MP, Kosary CL (eds.) Year relative survival rates based on follow up of patients through 2004. Cancer statistics review, 1975–2002. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 2005.
  • Ries LAG, Kosary CL, Hankey BF (eds.) Lung and bronchus cancer. SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1973-2003. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 2006.
  • Ferlay J, Bray F, Parkin DM, Pisani P (eds.) Globocan 2000: Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide (IARC Cancer Bases No. 5), IARCPress, Lyon 2001.
  • Ries LA, Kosary CL, Hankey BF (eds.) Lung and bronchus cancer. SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1973-1996. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 1999.
  • Halilcolar H, Tatar D, Ertuğrul E. Epidemijoloji. In: Akciğer Kanseri, Multidisipliner Yaklaşım. Editors: Akkoclu A, Oztürk C, Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi, Ankara, 1999 pp. 17- 22.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Kanser Savaş Daire Başkanlığı. Kanser bildirimlerinin değerlendirilmesi 1993-1994. Ankara, Yayın no: 582. 1997.
  • Arınç S, Özvaran MK, Güngör N, Çelik O, Soğukpınar Ö, Çolak F, Baran R. Hastanemizde tanı alan akciğer kanserli olguların epidemiyolojik ve histolojik özellikleri. Akciğer Ars 2005; 6:149-52.
  • Hong WK, Tsao AS. Lung Cancer. Last full review/revision in March 2008 (accessed in 17/09/2012) http:// html?qt=lungcarcinoma&alt=sh#v728252
  • Cooley ME. Symptoms in adults with lung cancer: a systematic research review. J Pain Symptom Manage 2000; 19:137-53.
  • Beckles MA, Spiro SG, Colice GL, Rudd RM. Initial evaluation of the patient with lung cancer: symptoms, signs, laboratory tests, and paraneoplastic syndromes. Chest 2003; 123:97-104.
  • Fuller RW, Jackson DM. Physiology and treatment of cough. Thorax 1990; 45:425-30.
  • Jennings AL, Davies AN, Higgins JP, Gibbs JS, Broadley KE. A systematic review of the use of opioids in the management of dyspnoea. Thorax 2002; 57:939-44.
  • Kelly K, Bunn Jr. PA. Is it time to reevaluate our approach to the treatment of brain metastases in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer? Lung Cancer 1998; 20:85-91.
  • Tanvetyanon T, Robinson LA, Schell MJ, Strong VE, Kapoor R, Coit DG, Bepler G. Outcomes of adrenalectomy for isolated synchronous versus metachronous adrenal metastases in non-small-cell lung cancer: a systematic review and pooled analysis. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26: 1142Carlsen K, Jensen AB, Jacobsen E, Krasnik M, Johansen C. Psychosocial aspects of lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2005; 47:293-300.
  • Stewart AF. Hypercalcemia associated with cancer. New Engl J Med 2005; 352:373-9.
  • List AF, Hainsworth JD, Davis BW, Hande KR, Greco FA, Johnson DH. The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) in small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 1986; 4:1191-8.
  • Shepherd FA, Laskey J, Evans WK, Goss PE, Johansen E, Khamsi F. Cushing’s syndrome associated with ectopic corticotropin production and small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 1992; 10:21-7.
  • Manegold C. Chemotharpy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Sem Oncol Suppl 7 2001; 28:1-6.
  • Shepherd FA. Chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Modest progress, many choices. J Clin Oncol Suppl 21 2000; 18:35-8.
  • Roila F, Cortesi E. Quality of life as a primary end point in oncology. Ann Oncol 2001; 12: (Suppl 3):3-6.
  • Cella DF, Bonomi AE, Lloyd SR, Tulsky DS, Kaplan E, Bonomi P. Reliability and validity of the functional assessment of cancer therapy-lung (FACT-L) quality of life instrument. Lung Cancer 1995; 12:199-220.
  • Cella D, Eton DT, Fairclough DL, Bonomi P, Heyes AE, Silberman C, Wolf MK, Johnson DH. What is a clinically meaningful change on the functional assessment of cancer therapy-lung (FACT-L) questionnaire? Results from Eastern Cooperative Oncology group (ECOG) Study 55 J Clin Epidemiol 2002; 55:285-95.
  • Aaronson NK, Ahmedzai S, Bergman B, Bullinger M, Cull A, Duez NJ, Filiberti A, Flechtner H, Fleishman SB, de Haes JCJM, Kaasa S, Klee M, Osoba D, Razavi D, Rofe PB, Schraub S, Sneeuw K, Sullivan M, Takeda F. The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30: a quality of life instrument for use in international clinical trials in oncology. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993; 85:365-76.
  • Bergman B, Aaronson NK, Ahmedzai S, Kaasa S, Sullivan M. The EORTC QLQ-LC13: a modular supplement to the EORTC core quality of life questionnaire (QLQ-C30) for use in lung cancer clinical trials. EORTC Study Group on Quality of Life. Eur J Cancer 1994; 30:635-42.
  • Crinò L, Scagliotti GV, Ricci S, De Marinis F, Rinaldi M, Gridelli C, Ceribelli A, Bianco R, Marangolo M, Di Costanzo F, Sassi M, Barni S, Ravaioli A, Adamo V, Portalone L, Cruciani G, Masotti A, Ferrara G, Gozzelino F, Tonato M. Gemcitabine and cisplatin versus mitomycin, ifosfamide, and cisplatin in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. A randomized phase III study of the Italian lung cancer project. J Clin Oncol 1999; 17:3522-30.
  • Montazeri A, Milroy R, Hole D, McEwen J, Gillis CR. Quality of life in lung cancer patients: as an important prognostic factor. Lung Cancer 2001; 31:233-40.
  • Altıparmak S, Fadıloğlu Ç, Gürsoy ST, Altıparmak O. Kemoterapi tedavisi alan akciğer kanserli hastalarda öz bakım gücü ve yaşam kalitesi ilişkisi. Ege Tıp Dergisi 2011; 50:95-102. http:// / SunuMerkezi / ?s= 5A37225E3B575C232C (accessed 04/02/2013)
  • Aras M, Ünsal Delialioğlu S, Atalay N, Taflan Selçuk S. Kanser Hastalarının Rehabilitasyon Gereksinimi. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2009; 55:25-9.
  • Şeker M, Mengi A, Bilici A, Ustaalioğlu BB, Kefeli U, Özşeker NI, Mayadağlı A, Salepci T, Gümüş M. Hodgkin lenfoma olgularının retrospektif değerlendirilmesi ve prognostic faktörlerin saptanması. TJ Oncol 2011; 26: 108-114.
  • Hollen PJ, Gralla RJ, Kris MG, Cox C. Quality of life during clinical trials: conceptual model for the Lung Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS). Support Care Cancer 1994; 2:213-22.
  • FFrasci G, Lorusso V, Panza N, Comella P, Nicolella G, Bianco A, De Cataldis G,Iannelli A, Bilancia D, Belli M, Massidda B, Piantedosi F, Comella G, De Lena M. Gemcitabine plus vinorelbine versus vinorelbine alone in elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 2000; 18:2529-36.
  • Hollen PJ, Gralla RJ, Kris MG, Eberly SW, Cox C. Normative data and trends in quality of life from the Lung Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS). Support Care Cancer 1999; 7:140-8.
  • Klastersky J, Paesmans M. Response to chemotherapy, quality of life benefits and survival in advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer: review of literature results. Lung Cancer 2001; 34:95-101.
  • Helsing M, Bergman B, Thaning L, Hero U. Quality of life and survival in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving supportive care plus chemotherapy with carboplatin and etoposide or supportive care only. A multicentre randomized phase III trial. Joint Lung Cancer Study Group. Eur J Cancer 1998; 34:1036-44.
  • Esbensen BA, Osterlind K, Roer O, Hallberg IR. Quality of life of elderly persons with newly diagnosed cancer. Eur J Cancer Care 2004; 13:443-53.
  • Hten Bokkel Huinink WW, Bergman B, Chemaissani A, Dornoff W, Drings P, Kellokumpu-Lehtinen PL, Liippo K, Mattson K, von Pawel J, Ricci S, Sederholm C, Stahel RA, Wagenius G, Walree NV, Manegold C. Single agent gemcitabine: an active and better tolerated alternative to standard cisplatin-based chemotherapy in local advanced or metastatic lung cancer. Lung Cancer 1999; 26: 85-94.
  • Bozcuk H, Dalmis B, Samur M, Ozdogan M, Artac M, Savas B. Quality of Life in Patients With Advanced NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer Nur 2006; 29:104-110.
  • Aaronson NK, Cull A, Kaasa S, Sprangers M. The EORTC modular approach to Quality of Life assessment in Oncology. Int J Ment Health 1994; 23:75-96.
  • Anthony J, Alberg D, Rex C, Jonathan M. Epidemiology pof lung cancer. In: Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. Editors: Mason J, Murray JF, Broaddus VC. Elsevier Saunders Inc, Philadelphia 2005, pp.1328-54. Gridelli C, Gallo C, Shepherd FA, Illiano A, Piantedosi F, Robbiati SF, Manzione L, Barbera S, Frontini L, Veltri E, Findlay B, Cigolari S, Myers R, Ianniello GP, Gebbia V, Gasparini G, Fava S, Hirsh V, Bezjak A, Seymour L, Perrone F. Gemcitabine plus vinorelbine compared with cisplatin plus vinorelbine or cisplatin plus gemcitabine for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase III trial of the Italian GEMVIN Investigators and the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group. J Clin Oncol 2003;21:3025-34.
  • MMatsumoto T, Ohashi Y, Morita S, Kobayashi K, Shibuya M, Yamaji Y, Eguchi K,Fukuoka M, Nagao K, Nishiwaki Y, Niitani H; CPT-11 Lung Cancer Study Groups West and East. The quality of life questionnaire for cancer patients treated with anticancer drugs (QoL-ACD): validity and eliability in Japanese patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer. Qual Life Res 2002; 11:483-93.
  • Anant M, Guleria R, Pathak AK, Bhutani M, Pal H, Charu M, Kochupillai V. Quality of life measures in lung cancer. Indian J Cancer 2005; 42:125-32.
  • Tanrıkol G, Kaya P, Çolak D, Alkış N, Özyılkan E. Onkolojik Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi. MN-Klinik Bilimler&Doktor 2005; 11:122-6.
  • Thomas L, Doyle LA, Edelman MJ. Lung cancer in women: emerging differences in epidemiology, biology, and therapy. Chest 2005; 128:370-81.
  • Sarna L. Women with lung cancer: Impact on quality of life. Qual Life Res 1993; 2:13-22.
  • Tillman M, Silcock JA. Comparison of smokers and ex smokers health-related quality of life. J Public Health Med 1997; 19:268-73.
  • Wilson D, Parsons J, Wakefield M. The health-related quality of life of never smokers, ex-smokers and light, moderate and heavy smokers. Prev Med 1999; 29:139-44. Osoba D, Murray N, Gelmon K, Karsai H, Knowling M, Shah A, McLaughlin M, Fetherstonhaugh E, Page R, Bowman CA. Quality of life, appetite, and weight change in patients receiving dose-intensive chemotherapy. Oncology (Williston Park) 1994; 8: 61-5.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Beril Kıvrak-bernardelli This is me

Çağlar Macit This is me

S. Kadıoğlu This is me

Taflan Salepci This is me

Philip Clark This is me

Publication Date March 7, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Kıvrak-bernardelli, B., Macit, Ç., Kadıoğlu, S., Salepci, T., et al. (2014). Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 17(2), 120-130.
AMA Kıvrak-bernardelli B, Macit Ç, Kadıoğlu S, Salepci T, Clark P. Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy. J Res Pharm. October 2014;17(2):120-130. doi:10.12991/201317380
Chicago Kıvrak-bernardelli, Beril, Çağlar Macit, S. Kadıoğlu, Taflan Salepci, and Philip Clark. “Quality of Life Assessment of Patients With Metastatic Lung Cancer Receiving Platinum-Based Chemotherapy”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 17, no. 2 (October 2014): 120-30.
EndNote Kıvrak-bernardelli B, Macit Ç, Kadıoğlu S, Salepci T, Clark P (October 1, 2014) Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 17 2 120–130.
IEEE B. Kıvrak-bernardelli, Ç. Macit, S. Kadıoğlu, T. Salepci, and P. Clark, “Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy”, J Res Pharm, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 120–130, 2014, doi: 10.12991/201317380.
ISNAD Kıvrak-bernardelli, Beril et al. “Quality of Life Assessment of Patients With Metastatic Lung Cancer Receiving Platinum-Based Chemotherapy”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 17/2 (October 2014), 120-130.
JAMA Kıvrak-bernardelli B, Macit Ç, Kadıoğlu S, Salepci T, Clark P. Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy. J Res Pharm. 2014;17:120–130.
MLA Kıvrak-bernardelli, Beril et al. “Quality of Life Assessment of Patients With Metastatic Lung Cancer Receiving Platinum-Based Chemotherapy”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. 17, no. 2, 2014, pp. 120-3, doi:10.12991/201317380.
Vancouver Kıvrak-bernardelli B, Macit Ç, Kadıoğlu S, Salepci T, Clark P. Quality of life assessment of patients with metastatic lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy. J Res Pharm. 2014;17(2):120-3.
