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Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen anksiyete artışına ve ağrı algısına santral ve periferik uygulanan oksitosinin etkisi

Year 2011, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 84 - 88, 07.03.2014


Bu çalışmada sıçanlarda yanık sonucu gelişen ağrı ve inflamasyonda periferik ve santral uygulanan oksitosinin olası anti-nosiseptif ve anksiyolitik etkileri ile hasarlı cilt dokusundaki olası anti-inflamatuvar etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Bu amaçla her iki cinsiyette Sprague Dawley sıçanların ensesinde 18 mm çapında 2 yanık oluşturuldu. Yanıktan 4 gün önce başlayıp ve 7 gün sonrasında devam ederek serum fizyolojik (SF) veya OT tedavisi (i.p. 20 mg/ kg/gün; i.s.v. 200 ng/sıçan/gün) verildi. Anksiyete düzeylerini belirlemek için delikli kutuda hareketlilik testi ve ağrı eşiğini ölçmek için kuyruk çekme testi yanık öncesi ve yanık sonrası 1. ve 7. günlerde yapıldı. Yanığın 7. gününde sıçanlar dekapite edilerek mikroskopik inceleme için yanık bölgelerinden cilt örnekleri alındı. Sıçanlarda eksojen verilen oksitosin yara dokusundaki inflamatuvar yanıtı hafifletti ve 1. haftada yanık sonrası artmış bulunan anksiyeteyi azalttı. Sıçanlara uygulanan dairesel lokal yanık, ağrı eşiklerini i.p. OT tedavi alan gruplarda değiştirmedi. OT, i.s.v. kanül yerleştirilmesine bağlı ortaya çıkan hipoaljeziyi engelled


  • Neumann I, Douglas AJ, Pittman QJ, Russell JA, Land- graf R. Oxytocin released within the supraoptic nucleus of the rat brain by positive feedback action is involved in parturition-releated events. J Neuroendocrinol 1996; 8(3): 227-233.
  • Petersson M, Wieberg U, Lundeberg T, Moberg KU. Oxytocin decreases carrageenan induced inflammation in rats. Peptides 2001; 22; 1479-1484.
  • Cabanac M. Emotion and phylogeny. Jpn J Physiol 1999; 49(1); 1-10.
  • Kovacs G.L, Sarnyai Z, Szabo G. Oxytocin and addiction: a review. Psychoneuroendocrinology 1998; 23(8); 945- 962.
  • Merighi A. Costorage and coexistence of neuropeptides in the mammalian CNS. Progress Neurobiol 2002; 66: 161-190.
  • Kimura T, Saji F, Nishimori K, Ogita K, Nakamura H, Koyama M, Murata Y. Molecular regulation of the oxyto- cin receptor in peripheral organs. J Mol Endocrinol 2003; 30(2): 109-105.
  • Li C, Wang W, Summer SN, Westfall TD, Brooks DP, Falk S, Schrier RW. Molecular mechanisms of antidiure- tic effect of oxytocin. J Am Soc Nephrol 2008;19(2):225- 223.
  • Petersson M, Lundeberg T, Uvnas-Moberg K. Short-term increase and long-term decrease of blood pressure in res- ponse to oxytocin-potentiating effect of female steroid hormones. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1999; 33; 102-108.
  • Uvnas-Moberg K. Oxytocin may mediate the benefits of positive social interaction and emotions. Psychoneuro- endocrinology 1998; 23(8); 819-835.
  • Ohlsson B, Sjo¨lund K. Oxytocin increased stool frequ- ency in patients with chronic constipation, A prelimi- nary report. Int J Surg Investig 2001;3: 287–292.
  • Duridanova DB, Nedelcheva MD, Gagov HS. Oxytoci- ninduced changes in single cell K+ currents and smooth muscle contraction of guinea-pig gastric antrum. Eur J Endocrinol 1997;136:531–538.
  • Monstein HJ, Grahn N, Truedsson M, Ohlsson B. Oxyto- cin and oxytocin-receptor mRNA expression in the hu- man gastrointestinal tract: a polymerase chain reaction study. Regul Pept 2004;119:39–44.
  • Petersson M, Lundeberg T, Sohlström A, Wiberg U, Uvnäs-Moberg K. Oxytocin increases the survival of musculocutaneous flaps. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 1998;357:701–704.
  • Petersson M, Wiberg U, Lundeberg T, Uvna¨s-Moberg K. Oxytocin decreases carrageenan induced inflammation in rats, Peptides 2001;22(9):1479–1484.
  • Işeri SO, Gedik IE, Erzik C, Uslu B, Arbak S, Gedik N, Yeğen BC. Oxytocin ameliorates skin damage and oxi- dant gastric injury in rats with thermal trauma. Burns 2008;34(3):361-369.
  • Yang J, Yang Y, Chen JM, Liu WY, Wang CH, Lin BC. Ef- fect of hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus on acupuncture analgesia in the rat. Brain Res Bull 2008;75:681–686.
  • Millan MJ, Schmauss C, Millan MH, Herz A. Vasopressin and oxytocin in the rat spinal cord: analysis of their role in the control of nociception. Brain Res 1984;309:384–388.
  • Richard P, Moos F, Freund-Mercier MJ. Central effects of oxytocin. Physiol Rev 1991;71: 331–370.
  • Paxinos, G, Watson C. The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coor- dinates, New York: Academic, 1996.
  • Jahovic N, Güzel E, Arbak S, Yeğen BC. The healing- promoting effect of saliva on skin burn is mediated by epidermal growth factor (EGF): role of the neutrophils. Burns 2004;30(6):531-538.
  • Çakır B, Kasımay O, Kolgazi M, Ersoy Y, Ercan F, Ye- ğen BC. Stress-induced multiple organ damage in rats is ameliorated by the antioxidant and anxiolytic effects of regular exercise. Cell Biochem Funct 2010;28(6):469-479.
  • Madrazo I, Franco-Bourland RE, Leon-Meza VM, Mena I. Intraventricular somatostatin-14, arginine vasopressin, and oxytocin: analgesic effect in a patient with intractab- le cancer pain. Appl Neurophysiol 1987; 50: 427-431.
  • Yang J, Yang Y, Chen JM, Liu WY, Wang CH, Lin BC. Central oxytocin enhances antinociception in the rat. Peptides 2007;28(5):1113-1119.
  • Uvnäs-Moberg K, Alster P, Petersson M, Sohlström A, Björkstrand E. Postnatal oxytocin injections cause sustai- ned weight gain and increased nociceptive thresholds in male and female rats. Pediatr Res 1998;43(3):344-348.
  • Yu SQ, Lundeberg T, Yu LC. Involvement of oxytocin in spinal antinociception in rats with inflammation. Brain Res 2003;983(1-2):13-22.
  • Işeri SO, Düşünceli F, Erzik C, Uslu B, Arbak S, Yeğen BC. Oxytocin or social housing alleviates local burn in- jury in rats. J Surg Res 2010;162(1):122-131.
  • Yeğen BÇ. Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis. Marmara Pharm J 2010; 14: 61-66.
Year 2011, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 84 - 88, 07.03.2014



  • Neumann I, Douglas AJ, Pittman QJ, Russell JA, Land- graf R. Oxytocin released within the supraoptic nucleus of the rat brain by positive feedback action is involved in parturition-releated events. J Neuroendocrinol 1996; 8(3): 227-233.
  • Petersson M, Wieberg U, Lundeberg T, Moberg KU. Oxytocin decreases carrageenan induced inflammation in rats. Peptides 2001; 22; 1479-1484.
  • Cabanac M. Emotion and phylogeny. Jpn J Physiol 1999; 49(1); 1-10.
  • Kovacs G.L, Sarnyai Z, Szabo G. Oxytocin and addiction: a review. Psychoneuroendocrinology 1998; 23(8); 945- 962.
  • Merighi A. Costorage and coexistence of neuropeptides in the mammalian CNS. Progress Neurobiol 2002; 66: 161-190.
  • Kimura T, Saji F, Nishimori K, Ogita K, Nakamura H, Koyama M, Murata Y. Molecular regulation of the oxyto- cin receptor in peripheral organs. J Mol Endocrinol 2003; 30(2): 109-105.
  • Li C, Wang W, Summer SN, Westfall TD, Brooks DP, Falk S, Schrier RW. Molecular mechanisms of antidiure- tic effect of oxytocin. J Am Soc Nephrol 2008;19(2):225- 223.
  • Petersson M, Lundeberg T, Uvnas-Moberg K. Short-term increase and long-term decrease of blood pressure in res- ponse to oxytocin-potentiating effect of female steroid hormones. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1999; 33; 102-108.
  • Uvnas-Moberg K. Oxytocin may mediate the benefits of positive social interaction and emotions. Psychoneuro- endocrinology 1998; 23(8); 819-835.
  • Ohlsson B, Sjo¨lund K. Oxytocin increased stool frequ- ency in patients with chronic constipation, A prelimi- nary report. Int J Surg Investig 2001;3: 287–292.
  • Duridanova DB, Nedelcheva MD, Gagov HS. Oxytoci- ninduced changes in single cell K+ currents and smooth muscle contraction of guinea-pig gastric antrum. Eur J Endocrinol 1997;136:531–538.
  • Monstein HJ, Grahn N, Truedsson M, Ohlsson B. Oxyto- cin and oxytocin-receptor mRNA expression in the hu- man gastrointestinal tract: a polymerase chain reaction study. Regul Pept 2004;119:39–44.
  • Petersson M, Lundeberg T, Sohlström A, Wiberg U, Uvnäs-Moberg K. Oxytocin increases the survival of musculocutaneous flaps. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 1998;357:701–704.
  • Petersson M, Wiberg U, Lundeberg T, Uvna¨s-Moberg K. Oxytocin decreases carrageenan induced inflammation in rats, Peptides 2001;22(9):1479–1484.
  • Işeri SO, Gedik IE, Erzik C, Uslu B, Arbak S, Gedik N, Yeğen BC. Oxytocin ameliorates skin damage and oxi- dant gastric injury in rats with thermal trauma. Burns 2008;34(3):361-369.
  • Yang J, Yang Y, Chen JM, Liu WY, Wang CH, Lin BC. Ef- fect of hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus on acupuncture analgesia in the rat. Brain Res Bull 2008;75:681–686.
  • Millan MJ, Schmauss C, Millan MH, Herz A. Vasopressin and oxytocin in the rat spinal cord: analysis of their role in the control of nociception. Brain Res 1984;309:384–388.
  • Richard P, Moos F, Freund-Mercier MJ. Central effects of oxytocin. Physiol Rev 1991;71: 331–370.
  • Paxinos, G, Watson C. The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coor- dinates, New York: Academic, 1996.
  • Jahovic N, Güzel E, Arbak S, Yeğen BC. The healing- promoting effect of saliva on skin burn is mediated by epidermal growth factor (EGF): role of the neutrophils. Burns 2004;30(6):531-538.
  • Çakır B, Kasımay O, Kolgazi M, Ersoy Y, Ercan F, Ye- ğen BC. Stress-induced multiple organ damage in rats is ameliorated by the antioxidant and anxiolytic effects of regular exercise. Cell Biochem Funct 2010;28(6):469-479.
  • Madrazo I, Franco-Bourland RE, Leon-Meza VM, Mena I. Intraventricular somatostatin-14, arginine vasopressin, and oxytocin: analgesic effect in a patient with intractab- le cancer pain. Appl Neurophysiol 1987; 50: 427-431.
  • Yang J, Yang Y, Chen JM, Liu WY, Wang CH, Lin BC. Central oxytocin enhances antinociception in the rat. Peptides 2007;28(5):1113-1119.
  • Uvnäs-Moberg K, Alster P, Petersson M, Sohlström A, Björkstrand E. Postnatal oxytocin injections cause sustai- ned weight gain and increased nociceptive thresholds in male and female rats. Pediatr Res 1998;43(3):344-348.
  • Yu SQ, Lundeberg T, Yu LC. Involvement of oxytocin in spinal antinociception in rats with inflammation. Brain Res 2003;983(1-2):13-22.
  • Işeri SO, Düşünceli F, Erzik C, Uslu B, Arbak S, Yeğen BC. Oxytocin or social housing alleviates local burn in- jury in rats. J Surg Res 2010;162(1):122-131.
  • Yeğen BÇ. Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis. Marmara Pharm J 2010; 14: 61-66.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gülsün Memi

Zarife Özdemir

İpek Azizoğlu This is me

Fatma Darıcı This is me

Tuba Kaya This is me

Tuba Özdil This is me

Feriha Ercan This is me

Berrak Yeğen This is me

Publication Date March 7, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 15 Issue: 2


APA Memi, G., Özdemir, Z., Azizoğlu, İ., Darıcı, F., et al. (2014). Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen anksiyete artışına ve ağrı algısına santral ve periferik uygulanan oksitosinin etkisi. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 15(2), 84-88.
AMA Memi G, Özdemir Z, Azizoğlu İ, Darıcı F, Kaya T, Özdil T, Ercan F, Yeğen B. Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen anksiyete artışına ve ağrı algısına santral ve periferik uygulanan oksitosinin etkisi. J Res Pharm. March 2014;15(2):84-88. doi:10.12991/mpj.76955
Chicago Memi, Gülsün, Zarife Özdemir, İpek Azizoğlu, Fatma Darıcı, Tuba Kaya, Tuba Özdil, Feriha Ercan, and Berrak Yeğen. “Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen Anksiyete artışına Ve ağrı algısına Santral Ve Periferik Uygulanan Oksitosinin Etkisi”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 15, no. 2 (March 2014): 84-88.
EndNote Memi G, Özdemir Z, Azizoğlu İ, Darıcı F, Kaya T, Özdil T, Ercan F, Yeğen B (March 1, 2014) Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen anksiyete artışına ve ağrı algısına santral ve periferik uygulanan oksitosinin etkisi. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 15 2 84–88.
IEEE G. Memi, Z. Özdemir, İ. Azizoğlu, F. Darıcı, T. Kaya, T. Özdil, F. Ercan, and B. Yeğen, “Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen anksiyete artışına ve ağrı algısına santral ve periferik uygulanan oksitosinin etkisi”, J Res Pharm, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 84–88, 2014, doi: 10.12991/mpj.76955.
ISNAD Memi, Gülsün et al. “Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen Anksiyete artışına Ve ağrı algısına Santral Ve Periferik Uygulanan Oksitosinin Etkisi”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 15/2 (March 2014), 84-88.
JAMA Memi G, Özdemir Z, Azizoğlu İ, Darıcı F, Kaya T, Özdil T, Ercan F, Yeğen B. Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen anksiyete artışına ve ağrı algısına santral ve periferik uygulanan oksitosinin etkisi. J Res Pharm. 2014;15:84–88.
MLA Memi, Gülsün et al. “Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen Anksiyete artışına Ve ağrı algısına Santral Ve Periferik Uygulanan Oksitosinin Etkisi”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, 2014, pp. 84-88, doi:10.12991/mpj.76955.
Vancouver Memi G, Özdemir Z, Azizoğlu İ, Darıcı F, Kaya T, Özdil T, Ercan F, Yeğen B. Sıçanlarda yanıkla indüklenen anksiyete artışına ve ağrı algısına santral ve periferik uygulanan oksitosinin etkisi. J Res Pharm. 2014;15(2):84-8.
