Research Article
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Phytochemical analysis of some plants from Lamiaceae family frequently used in folk medicine in Aligudarz region of Lorestan province

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 506 - 514, 11.05.2017


Many of the plants from the Lamiaceae family have been
traditionally used as medicine all over the world. Also, some
of the secondary metabolites isolated from this family have
shown interesting biological function. In this study we have
analyzed phytochemicals of some plants from Lamiaceae family
frequently used in folk medicine in Aligudarz region of Lorestan
province. In this regard, the plant species were collected and
systematically identified during 2014-2015. The traditional and
local uses of collected plants were questioned through informed
consent semi-structured interviews with local informants.
Phytochemical analysis was conducted to test the presence of
compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins,
anthraquinone and glycosides. 25 plant species belonging to
13 genes were collected and identified. The most uses of the
plants were in treating cold, gastrointestinal disorders and
as flavoring agents. From 25 plant species, a number of 23
species had tannin, 22 species exhibited positive reactions to
flavonoids, 4 species showed positive reactions to alkaloids and
1 species exhibited positive reactions to saponins. This research
has provided insights on the use of secondary metabolites in
folk medicine for promotion of appropriate human health. The
studied plants in this article can be seen as a potential source for
discovering new drugs.


  • 1. Baharvand-Ahmadi B, Bahmani M, Naghdi N, Saki K, Baharvand-Ahmadi S, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Medicinal plants used to treat infectious and non-infectious diseases of skin and skin appendages in city of Urmia, northwest Iran. Der Pharm Lett 2015; 7: 189-96.
  • 2. Ghasemi Pirbalouti A, Momeni M, Bahmani M. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by Kurd tribe in Dehloran and Abdanan districts, Ilam province, Iran. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med 2013; 10: 368-85.
  • 3. Ebrahimie M, Bahmani M, Shirzad H, Rafieian-Kopaei M, Saki K. A review study on the effect of iranian herbal medicines on opioid withdrawal syndrome. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2015; 20:302-9.
  • 4. Bahmani M, Tajeddini P, Ezatpour B, Rafieian-Kopaei M, Naghdi N, Asadi-Samani M. Ethenobothanical study of medicinal plants against parasites detected in Shiraz, southern part of Iran. Der Pharm Lett. 2016;8:153-60.
  • 5. Delfan B, Kazemeini H, Bahmani M. Identifying effective medicinal plants for cold in Lorestan province, west of Iran. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2015; 20: 173-9.
  • 6. Farnsworth NR. Biological and phytochemical screening of plants. J Pharm Sci 1966; 55: 225-76.
  • 7. Bahmani M, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Medicinal plants and secondary metabolites for leech control. Asian Pacific J Trop Dis 2014; 4: 315-6.
  • 8. Karamian R, Mohammadian A, Hassanimoghadam E, Alizadeh L, Abdali N, Keshvari M, Hosseini SM, Beyranvand K. Identification and comparison of the yield and composition of essential oil constituents of four Eucalyptus species adapted to the climatic conditions of Khorramabad. J Herbmed Pharmacol 2015; 4: 25-8.
  • 9. Bahmani M, Shirzad H, Rafieian S, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Silybum marianum: Beyond hepatoprotection. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2015, 20: 292-301.
  • 10. Asadi-Samani M, Rafieian-Kopaei M, Azimi N. Gundelia: A systematic review of medicinal and molecular perspective. Pak J Biol Sci 2013; 16: 1238-47.
  • 11. Akhlaghi M, Shanian Gh, Rafieian-Koupaei M, Parvin N, Saadat M, Akhlaghi M. Citrus aurantium Blossom and Preoperative Anxiety. Rev Bras Anestesiol 2011; 61:702-12.
  • 12. Samarghandian S, Asadi-Samani M, Farkhondeh T, Bahmani M. Assessment the effect of saffron ethanolic extract (Crocus sativus L.) on oxidative damages in aged male rat liver. Der Pharma Lett 2016;8:283-90.
  • 13. Asadi-Samani M, Kooti W, Aslani E, Shirzad H. A systematic review of Iran’s medicinal plants with anticancer effects. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2016;21:143-53.
  • 14. Kooti W, Hasanzadeh-Noohi Z, Sharafi-Ahvazi N, Asadi- Samani M, Ashtary-Larky D. Phytochemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutic uses of black seed (Nigella sativa). Chin J Nat Med 2016;14:732-45.
  • 15. Naghibi F, Mosaddegh M, Mohammadi Motamed M, Ghorbani A. Labiatae Family in folk Medicine in Iran: from Ethnobotany to Pharmacology. Iran J Pharm Res 2010; 4:63- 79.
  • 16. Tripathi I, Tripathi R, Tiwari A. Investigation of biologicaly active phytoconstituents present in selected plants material of Verbenaceae, Lamiaceae and Fabaceae family. Int Multidiscip Curr Res 2017;5: 31-7.
  • 17. Nasri H, Baradaran A, Shirzad H, Rafieian‑Kopaei M. New concepts in nutraceuticals as alternative for pharmaceuticals. Int J Prev Med 2014; 5: 1487-99.
  • 18. Hendel N, Larous L, Sari M, Boudjelal A, Sarri Dj. Place of Labiates in folk medicine of the area of M’sila (Algeria). Glob J Res Med Plants Indig Med 2012; 1: 315-22.
  • 19. Hedge IC. Labiatae of South-west Asia: Diversity, distribution and endemism. Proc R Soc Edinb, Section B: Biol Sci 1986; 89: 23-35.
  • 20. Jamzad Z, Ingrouille M and Simmonds MSJ. Three new species of Nepeta (Lamiaceae) from Iran. Taxon 2003; 52: 93-8.
  • 21. Labiatae. In: Flora Iranica, Vol. 150. Editors: Rechinger KH, Hedge IC, Ietswaart JH, Jalas J, Mennema J, Seybold S. Akademische Druck Verlagsanstalt, Graz. 1982.
  • 22. Naghibi F, Mosaddegh M, Mohammadi Motamed S, Ghorbani A. Labiatae family in folk medicine in Iran: From ethnobotany to pharmacology Iranian. J Pharm Res 2005; 2: 64-7.
  • 23. Richardson P. The chemistry of the Labiatae: An introduction and overview. In: Advances in Labiatae Science. Editors: Harley RM, Reynolds T. Botanical Garden Kew. 1992.
  • 24. Rafieian-Kopaei M, Asgary S, Adelnia A, Setorki M, Khazaei M, Kazemi S, Shamsi F. The effects of cornelian cherry on atherosclerosis and atherogenic factors in hypercholesterolemic rabbits. J Med Plants Res 2011; 5: 2670-6.
  • 25. Khodadadi S, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Herbs, health and hazards; a nephrology viewpoint on current concepts and new trends. Ann Res Antioxid 2016; 1:e05.
  • 26. Azadmehr A, Hajiaghaee R, Afshari A, Amirghofran Z, Refieian-Kopaei M, Yousofi Darani H, Shirzad H. Evaluation of in vivo immune response activity and in vitro anti-cancer effect by Scrophularia megalantha. J Med Plants Res 2011; 5: 2365–8.
  • 27. Nasri H, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Tubular kidney protection by antioxidants. Iran J Public Health 2013; 42:1194-6.
  • 28. Jamzad Z. Lamiaceae flora of Iran, NO 76. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands. Islamic republic of Iran, 2012.
  • 29. Heidari Sharifabad H, Vakili Shahrbabaki SA. Herbal Drugs and Traditional Medicine. Islamic Azad University Press of Jiroft. 2012.
  • 30. Zargari A. Medicinal Plants, vol 5. Tehran University Press. 1992.
  • 31. Small-Sample Techniques. The NEA Res Bull 1960; 38.
  • 32. Harborne JB. Phytochemical methods. A Guid to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis. Chapman & Hall, London. 1998.
  • 33. Townsend CC. Guest E, Al-Ravi A. 1966-1980 Flora of Iraq, Vol. 1-9. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Iraq, Baqdad. 1998.
  • 34. Markham KR. Techniques of flavonoids identification. Academic Press, New York. 1982.
  • 35. Kapoor LD, Singh A, Kapoor SL, Srivastava SN. Survey of Indian plants for saponins, alkaloids and flavonoids. Lloydia 1969; 32: 297-304.
  • 36. Mojab F, Kamalinejod M, Ghaderi N, Vahidipour HR. Phytochemical screening of Iranian plants. Iranian J Pharm Res 2003; 2: 77-82.
  • 37. Salehi Surmaghi MH, Aynehchi Y, Amin GH, Mahmoodi Z. Survey of Iranian plants for saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins. Daru 1992; 2: 1-11.
  • 38. World Health Organization. WHO guidelines for assessing quality of herbal medicines with reference to contaminants and residues, 2007.
  • 39. Ahvazi M, Khalighi-Sigaroodi F, Charkhchiyan MM, Mojab F, Mozaffarian VA, Zakeri H. Introduction of medicinal plants species with the most traditional usage in Alamut region. Iran J Pharm Res 2012;11:185-94.
  • 40. Nasri H, Abedi-Gheshlaghi Z, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Curcumin and kidney protection; current findings and new concepts. Acta Persica Pathophysiol 2016; 1:e01.
  • 41. Cheraghi M, Asadi-Samani M. An overview of the most important medicinal plants affecting cardiac arrhythmia in Iran. Der Pharm Lett 2016; 8:87-93.
  • 42. Madihi Y, Merrikhi A, Baradaran A, Rafieian-kopaei M, Shahinfard N, Ansari R, Shirzad H, Mesripour A. Impact of sumac on postprandial high-fat oxidative stress. Pak J Med Sci 2013; 29: 340-5.
  • 43. Nasri H. Herbal drugs; from molecular studies to bedside investigations. Aria J Front Biochem 2017; 2(1):e01.
  • 44. Jivad N, Asadi-Samani M, Moradi MT. The most important medicinal plants effective on migraine: A review of ethnobotanical studies in Iran. Der Pharm Chem 2016;8:462-6.
  • 45. Jivad N, Bahmani M, Asadi-Samani M. A review of the most important medicinal plants effective on wound healing on ethnobotany evidence of Iran. Der Pharm Lett 2016;8:353-7.
  • 46. Mohammadparast V. Antioxidant efficacy of Hibiscus esculentus. Front Biomed 2016;1:e04.
  • 47. Bahmani M, Sarrafchi A, Shirzad H, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Autism: Pathophysiology and promising herbal remedies. Curr Pharm Des 2016; 22: 277-85.
  • 48. Asadi-Samani M, Mousavi M, Baharara J. The synergic effect of low-frequency electromagnetic field and saffron extract on MMP gene expression in MCF-7 cell line. J Chem Pharm Res 2015;7:680-6.
  • 49. Nasri H. Impact of garlic extract on platelet function and structure. Ann Res Platelets 2016; 1:e01.
  • 50. Mirhosseini M, Baradaran A, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Anethum graveolens and hyperlipidemia: A randomized clinical trial. J Res Med Sci 2014;19: 758-61
  • 51. Prance GT, Chadwick DJ, Marsh J. Ethnobotany and the search for new drugs. Wiley, Chichester. 1994.
  • 52. Okach DO, Nyunja ARO, Opande G. Phytochemical screening of some wild plants from Lamiaceae and their role in traditional medicine in Uriri District-Kenya. Int J Herb Med 2013; 1: 135- 43.
  • 53. Rafieian-Kopaie M, Baradaran A. Plants antioxidants: From laboratory to clinic. J Nephropathol 2013; 2: 152-3.
  • 54. Stray F. The National Guide to Medicinal Herbs and Plants. Tiger Books International, London. 1998.
  • 55. Rahimian GA, Rabiei Z, Tahmasebi B, Rafieian-Kopaei M, Ganji F, Rahimian R. Comparing the combined effect of garlic and mint extract with metronidazole in helicobacter pylori treatment. Iran J Pharm Sci 2013;9:63-7.
  • 56. Hasoon A, Duraid O, Abbas AH. Comparative study of antidiarrheal effect of proposed new formulae from D. innoxia hydroalcoholic leave extract against E.coli O:157 induced diarrhea in goats. Kufa J Vet Med Sci 2015; 6: 56-66.
  • 57. Middleton E, Andkandaswami C, Theoharides TC. The impact of plant flavonoids on mammalian biology: Implications for immunity, inflammation and cancer, in the flavonoids, advances in research science. Pharmacol Rev 2000; 52:673-751.
  • 58. Uma C, Sekar KG. Phytochemical analysis of a folklore medicinal plant citrullus colocynthis L. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2014; 2: 199-200.
  • 59. Hostettmann K, Marston A. Triterpene saponins – pharmacological and biological properties. In: Pharmacology of Natural Products: Saponins. Cambridge University Press, New York. 1995.
  • 60. Goze I, Alim A, Cetinus SA, Durmus N, Vural H, Goze HM. Chemical composition and antioxidant, antimicrobial, antispasmodic activities of essential oil of Thymus fallax Fisch Mey. J Med Plant Res 2009; 3:174-8.
  • 61. Ashok PK, Upadhyaya K. Tannins are Astringent. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2012; 1: 45-50.

Lorestan ilinin Aligudarz bölgesinde halk ilacı olarak sıkça kullanılan Lamiaceae familyasından bazı bitkilerin fitokimyasal analizi

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 506 - 514, 11.05.2017


Lamiaceae familyasından birçok bitki tüm dünyada geleneksel
halk ilacı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu familyadan hareketle izole
edilen sekonder metabolitlerinde ilgi çekici biyolojik etkilere
sahip olduğu gösterilmiştir. Çalışmamızda, Lorestan ilinin
Aligudarz bölgesinde halk ilacı olarak sıkça kullanılan Lamiaceae
familyasından bazı bitkilerin fitokimyasal analizi yapılmıştır.
Bu amaçla 2014-2015 yılları arasında bitkiler toplanmış ve
sistematik olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bitkilerin geleneksel ve
bölgesel kullanılışları bölge halkından bilgilendirilmiş onam
ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yöntemiyle derlenmiştir.
Bitkilerde; alkaloidler, flavonoidler, saponinler, taninler,
antrakinon ve glikozitler gibi bileşenlerin varlığını
saptamak için fitokimyasal analizler yapılmıştır.
13 Gene ait 25 bitki türü toplanmış ve tanımlanmıştır. Bitkilerin
en çok, soğuk algınlığı ve gastrointestinal rahatsızlıkların
tedavisinde ve aroma verici olarak kullanıldığı saptanmıştır. 25
Bitki türünden 23’ünün tanen içerdiği, 22 türün flavonoid, 4
türün alkaloid ve 1 türün saponin tanı tepkimeleri sonucunda
pozitif sonuç verdiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu araştırma insan
sağlığına katkıda bulunmak için geleneksel halk ilacı olarak
kullanılan sekonder metabolitlerin kullanımı için bir yaklaşım
sağlamaktadır. Bu makale kapsamında incelenen bitkiler,
yeni ilaçlar keşfetmek için potansiyel birer kaynak olarak


  • 1. Baharvand-Ahmadi B, Bahmani M, Naghdi N, Saki K, Baharvand-Ahmadi S, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Medicinal plants used to treat infectious and non-infectious diseases of skin and skin appendages in city of Urmia, northwest Iran. Der Pharm Lett 2015; 7: 189-96.
  • 2. Ghasemi Pirbalouti A, Momeni M, Bahmani M. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by Kurd tribe in Dehloran and Abdanan districts, Ilam province, Iran. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med 2013; 10: 368-85.
  • 3. Ebrahimie M, Bahmani M, Shirzad H, Rafieian-Kopaei M, Saki K. A review study on the effect of iranian herbal medicines on opioid withdrawal syndrome. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2015; 20:302-9.
  • 4. Bahmani M, Tajeddini P, Ezatpour B, Rafieian-Kopaei M, Naghdi N, Asadi-Samani M. Ethenobothanical study of medicinal plants against parasites detected in Shiraz, southern part of Iran. Der Pharm Lett. 2016;8:153-60.
  • 5. Delfan B, Kazemeini H, Bahmani M. Identifying effective medicinal plants for cold in Lorestan province, west of Iran. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2015; 20: 173-9.
  • 6. Farnsworth NR. Biological and phytochemical screening of plants. J Pharm Sci 1966; 55: 225-76.
  • 7. Bahmani M, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Medicinal plants and secondary metabolites for leech control. Asian Pacific J Trop Dis 2014; 4: 315-6.
  • 8. Karamian R, Mohammadian A, Hassanimoghadam E, Alizadeh L, Abdali N, Keshvari M, Hosseini SM, Beyranvand K. Identification and comparison of the yield and composition of essential oil constituents of four Eucalyptus species adapted to the climatic conditions of Khorramabad. J Herbmed Pharmacol 2015; 4: 25-8.
  • 9. Bahmani M, Shirzad H, Rafieian S, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Silybum marianum: Beyond hepatoprotection. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2015, 20: 292-301.
  • 10. Asadi-Samani M, Rafieian-Kopaei M, Azimi N. Gundelia: A systematic review of medicinal and molecular perspective. Pak J Biol Sci 2013; 16: 1238-47.
  • 11. Akhlaghi M, Shanian Gh, Rafieian-Koupaei M, Parvin N, Saadat M, Akhlaghi M. Citrus aurantium Blossom and Preoperative Anxiety. Rev Bras Anestesiol 2011; 61:702-12.
  • 12. Samarghandian S, Asadi-Samani M, Farkhondeh T, Bahmani M. Assessment the effect of saffron ethanolic extract (Crocus sativus L.) on oxidative damages in aged male rat liver. Der Pharma Lett 2016;8:283-90.
  • 13. Asadi-Samani M, Kooti W, Aslani E, Shirzad H. A systematic review of Iran’s medicinal plants with anticancer effects. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2016;21:143-53.
  • 14. Kooti W, Hasanzadeh-Noohi Z, Sharafi-Ahvazi N, Asadi- Samani M, Ashtary-Larky D. Phytochemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutic uses of black seed (Nigella sativa). Chin J Nat Med 2016;14:732-45.
  • 15. Naghibi F, Mosaddegh M, Mohammadi Motamed M, Ghorbani A. Labiatae Family in folk Medicine in Iran: from Ethnobotany to Pharmacology. Iran J Pharm Res 2010; 4:63- 79.
  • 16. Tripathi I, Tripathi R, Tiwari A. Investigation of biologicaly active phytoconstituents present in selected plants material of Verbenaceae, Lamiaceae and Fabaceae family. Int Multidiscip Curr Res 2017;5: 31-7.
  • 17. Nasri H, Baradaran A, Shirzad H, Rafieian‑Kopaei M. New concepts in nutraceuticals as alternative for pharmaceuticals. Int J Prev Med 2014; 5: 1487-99.
  • 18. Hendel N, Larous L, Sari M, Boudjelal A, Sarri Dj. Place of Labiates in folk medicine of the area of M’sila (Algeria). Glob J Res Med Plants Indig Med 2012; 1: 315-22.
  • 19. Hedge IC. Labiatae of South-west Asia: Diversity, distribution and endemism. Proc R Soc Edinb, Section B: Biol Sci 1986; 89: 23-35.
  • 20. Jamzad Z, Ingrouille M and Simmonds MSJ. Three new species of Nepeta (Lamiaceae) from Iran. Taxon 2003; 52: 93-8.
  • 21. Labiatae. In: Flora Iranica, Vol. 150. Editors: Rechinger KH, Hedge IC, Ietswaart JH, Jalas J, Mennema J, Seybold S. Akademische Druck Verlagsanstalt, Graz. 1982.
  • 22. Naghibi F, Mosaddegh M, Mohammadi Motamed S, Ghorbani A. Labiatae family in folk medicine in Iran: From ethnobotany to pharmacology Iranian. J Pharm Res 2005; 2: 64-7.
  • 23. Richardson P. The chemistry of the Labiatae: An introduction and overview. In: Advances in Labiatae Science. Editors: Harley RM, Reynolds T. Botanical Garden Kew. 1992.
  • 24. Rafieian-Kopaei M, Asgary S, Adelnia A, Setorki M, Khazaei M, Kazemi S, Shamsi F. The effects of cornelian cherry on atherosclerosis and atherogenic factors in hypercholesterolemic rabbits. J Med Plants Res 2011; 5: 2670-6.
  • 25. Khodadadi S, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Herbs, health and hazards; a nephrology viewpoint on current concepts and new trends. Ann Res Antioxid 2016; 1:e05.
  • 26. Azadmehr A, Hajiaghaee R, Afshari A, Amirghofran Z, Refieian-Kopaei M, Yousofi Darani H, Shirzad H. Evaluation of in vivo immune response activity and in vitro anti-cancer effect by Scrophularia megalantha. J Med Plants Res 2011; 5: 2365–8.
  • 27. Nasri H, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Tubular kidney protection by antioxidants. Iran J Public Health 2013; 42:1194-6.
  • 28. Jamzad Z. Lamiaceae flora of Iran, NO 76. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands. Islamic republic of Iran, 2012.
  • 29. Heidari Sharifabad H, Vakili Shahrbabaki SA. Herbal Drugs and Traditional Medicine. Islamic Azad University Press of Jiroft. 2012.
  • 30. Zargari A. Medicinal Plants, vol 5. Tehran University Press. 1992.
  • 31. Small-Sample Techniques. The NEA Res Bull 1960; 38.
  • 32. Harborne JB. Phytochemical methods. A Guid to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis. Chapman & Hall, London. 1998.
  • 33. Townsend CC. Guest E, Al-Ravi A. 1966-1980 Flora of Iraq, Vol. 1-9. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Iraq, Baqdad. 1998.
  • 34. Markham KR. Techniques of flavonoids identification. Academic Press, New York. 1982.
  • 35. Kapoor LD, Singh A, Kapoor SL, Srivastava SN. Survey of Indian plants for saponins, alkaloids and flavonoids. Lloydia 1969; 32: 297-304.
  • 36. Mojab F, Kamalinejod M, Ghaderi N, Vahidipour HR. Phytochemical screening of Iranian plants. Iranian J Pharm Res 2003; 2: 77-82.
  • 37. Salehi Surmaghi MH, Aynehchi Y, Amin GH, Mahmoodi Z. Survey of Iranian plants for saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins. Daru 1992; 2: 1-11.
  • 38. World Health Organization. WHO guidelines for assessing quality of herbal medicines with reference to contaminants and residues, 2007.
  • 39. Ahvazi M, Khalighi-Sigaroodi F, Charkhchiyan MM, Mojab F, Mozaffarian VA, Zakeri H. Introduction of medicinal plants species with the most traditional usage in Alamut region. Iran J Pharm Res 2012;11:185-94.
  • 40. Nasri H, Abedi-Gheshlaghi Z, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Curcumin and kidney protection; current findings and new concepts. Acta Persica Pathophysiol 2016; 1:e01.
  • 41. Cheraghi M, Asadi-Samani M. An overview of the most important medicinal plants affecting cardiac arrhythmia in Iran. Der Pharm Lett 2016; 8:87-93.
  • 42. Madihi Y, Merrikhi A, Baradaran A, Rafieian-kopaei M, Shahinfard N, Ansari R, Shirzad H, Mesripour A. Impact of sumac on postprandial high-fat oxidative stress. Pak J Med Sci 2013; 29: 340-5.
  • 43. Nasri H. Herbal drugs; from molecular studies to bedside investigations. Aria J Front Biochem 2017; 2(1):e01.
  • 44. Jivad N, Asadi-Samani M, Moradi MT. The most important medicinal plants effective on migraine: A review of ethnobotanical studies in Iran. Der Pharm Chem 2016;8:462-6.
  • 45. Jivad N, Bahmani M, Asadi-Samani M. A review of the most important medicinal plants effective on wound healing on ethnobotany evidence of Iran. Der Pharm Lett 2016;8:353-7.
  • 46. Mohammadparast V. Antioxidant efficacy of Hibiscus esculentus. Front Biomed 2016;1:e04.
  • 47. Bahmani M, Sarrafchi A, Shirzad H, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Autism: Pathophysiology and promising herbal remedies. Curr Pharm Des 2016; 22: 277-85.
  • 48. Asadi-Samani M, Mousavi M, Baharara J. The synergic effect of low-frequency electromagnetic field and saffron extract on MMP gene expression in MCF-7 cell line. J Chem Pharm Res 2015;7:680-6.
  • 49. Nasri H. Impact of garlic extract on platelet function and structure. Ann Res Platelets 2016; 1:e01.
  • 50. Mirhosseini M, Baradaran A, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Anethum graveolens and hyperlipidemia: A randomized clinical trial. J Res Med Sci 2014;19: 758-61
  • 51. Prance GT, Chadwick DJ, Marsh J. Ethnobotany and the search for new drugs. Wiley, Chichester. 1994.
  • 52. Okach DO, Nyunja ARO, Opande G. Phytochemical screening of some wild plants from Lamiaceae and their role in traditional medicine in Uriri District-Kenya. Int J Herb Med 2013; 1: 135- 43.
  • 53. Rafieian-Kopaie M, Baradaran A. Plants antioxidants: From laboratory to clinic. J Nephropathol 2013; 2: 152-3.
  • 54. Stray F. The National Guide to Medicinal Herbs and Plants. Tiger Books International, London. 1998.
  • 55. Rahimian GA, Rabiei Z, Tahmasebi B, Rafieian-Kopaei M, Ganji F, Rahimian R. Comparing the combined effect of garlic and mint extract with metronidazole in helicobacter pylori treatment. Iran J Pharm Sci 2013;9:63-7.
  • 56. Hasoon A, Duraid O, Abbas AH. Comparative study of antidiarrheal effect of proposed new formulae from D. innoxia hydroalcoholic leave extract against E.coli O:157 induced diarrhea in goats. Kufa J Vet Med Sci 2015; 6: 56-66.
  • 57. Middleton E, Andkandaswami C, Theoharides TC. The impact of plant flavonoids on mammalian biology: Implications for immunity, inflammation and cancer, in the flavonoids, advances in research science. Pharmacol Rev 2000; 52:673-751.
  • 58. Uma C, Sekar KG. Phytochemical analysis of a folklore medicinal plant citrullus colocynthis L. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2014; 2: 199-200.
  • 59. Hostettmann K, Marston A. Triterpene saponins – pharmacological and biological properties. In: Pharmacology of Natural Products: Saponins. Cambridge University Press, New York. 1995.
  • 60. Goze I, Alim A, Cetinus SA, Durmus N, Vural H, Goze HM. Chemical composition and antioxidant, antimicrobial, antispasmodic activities of essential oil of Thymus fallax Fisch Mey. J Med Plant Res 2009; 3:174-8.
  • 61. Ashok PK, Upadhyaya K. Tannins are Astringent. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2012; 1: 45-50.
There are 61 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Gholamreza Asghari This is me

Mohamad Akbari This is me

Majid Asadi-samani This is me

Publication Date May 11, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 21 Issue: 3


APA Asghari, G., Akbari, M., & Asadi-samani, M. (2017). Phytochemical analysis of some plants from Lamiaceae family frequently used in folk medicine in Aligudarz region of Lorestan province. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 21(3), 506-514.
AMA Asghari G, Akbari M, Asadi-samani M. Phytochemical analysis of some plants from Lamiaceae family frequently used in folk medicine in Aligudarz region of Lorestan province. J Res Pharm. June 2017;21(3):506-514. doi:10.12991/marupj.311815
Chicago Asghari, Gholamreza, Mohamad Akbari, and Majid Asadi-samani. “Phytochemical Analysis of Some Plants from Lamiaceae Family Frequently Used in Folk Medicine in Aligudarz Region of Lorestan Province”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21, no. 3 (June 2017): 506-14.
EndNote Asghari G, Akbari M, Asadi-samani M (June 1, 2017) Phytochemical analysis of some plants from Lamiaceae family frequently used in folk medicine in Aligudarz region of Lorestan province. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21 3 506–514.
IEEE G. Asghari, M. Akbari, and M. Asadi-samani, “Phytochemical analysis of some plants from Lamiaceae family frequently used in folk medicine in Aligudarz region of Lorestan province”, J Res Pharm, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 506–514, 2017, doi: 10.12991/marupj.311815.
ISNAD Asghari, Gholamreza et al. “Phytochemical Analysis of Some Plants from Lamiaceae Family Frequently Used in Folk Medicine in Aligudarz Region of Lorestan Province”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21/3 (June 2017), 506-514.
JAMA Asghari G, Akbari M, Asadi-samani M. Phytochemical analysis of some plants from Lamiaceae family frequently used in folk medicine in Aligudarz region of Lorestan province. J Res Pharm. 2017;21:506–514.
MLA Asghari, Gholamreza et al. “Phytochemical Analysis of Some Plants from Lamiaceae Family Frequently Used in Folk Medicine in Aligudarz Region of Lorestan Province”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, 2017, pp. 506-14, doi:10.12991/marupj.311815.
Vancouver Asghari G, Akbari M, Asadi-samani M. Phytochemical analysis of some plants from Lamiaceae family frequently used in folk medicine in Aligudarz region of Lorestan province. J Res Pharm. 2017;21(3):506-14.
