Research Article
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Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India

Year 2022, , 259 - 270, 30.09.2022


This study was conducted to assess the faunal diversity in Gorai Creek of Mumbai, India from August 2019 to July 2020. The data collected month wise were pooled together and transformed into three seasons [Monsoon (June to September), Winter (October to February), and Summer (March to May)] and this seasonal data were used for the study of biodiversity pattern. Using the average seasonal species occurrence data as input the following biodiversity indices, S, N, d, J', H'(loge), 1-Lambda, Delta, Delta*, Delta+, sDelta+, Lambda+, Phi+ & sPhi+ were calculated by using PRIMER (v7.0). It revealed that 90 species of fauna under 70 genera, 50 families, 29 orders, 6 classes and 3 phyla were found to occur in the creek. The order-wise representation of identified fauna was found to be 7 ichthyofaunas, 4 pelecypods, 6 gastropods, 2 cephalopods, 1 shrimp and 1 stomatopod along with 8 avifauna. The present study results indicated that the Gorai Creek ecosystem is endowed with moderate biodiversity that needs to be conserved.

Supporting Institution

ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education

Project Number



This study was conducted under the theme of ecosystem valuation and part of the Ph.D. research work of the first author. All the authors wish to express gratitude to The Director, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai for providing the necessary facilities and their support during the study. The First author whole heartedly expresses thankfulness to The Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Nagapattinam & The Dean, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi for their support to continue the degree programme and invaluable suggestions. The authors also thank the fishermen of Gorai Creek for their selfless cooperation during vessel operation, field trip and sample collection.


  • Ali, S. (1996). The Book of Indian Birds. Oxford University Press.
  • Ansari, Z. A., Chatterji, A., Ingole, B. S., Sreepada, R. A., Rivonkar, C. U., & Parulekar, A. H. (1995). Community structure and seasonal variation of an inshore demersal fish community at Goa, West Coast of India. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 41(5), 593-610.
  • APHA. (2012). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 22nd edition. In E. W. Rice, R. B. Baird, A. D. Eaton, & L. S. Clesceri (Eds.), American Public Health Association (APHA). American Water Works Association (AWWA) and Water Environment Federation (WEF).
  • Blaber, S. J. M., & Blaber, T. G. (1980). Factors affecting the distribution of juvenile estuarine and inshore fish. Journal of Fish Biology, 17(2), 143-162.
  • Chauhan, R. R., Shingadia, H. U., & Sakthivel, V. (2008). Survey of avifauna of Borivali mangroves along the coast of Mumbai. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 7(2), 229.
  • Claridge, I. N., Potter, I. C., & Hardisty, M. W. (1986). Seasonal changes in movements, abundance, size composition and diversity of the fish fauna if the Sevem estuary. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 66(1), 229-258.
  • Clarke, K. R., & Warwick, R. M. (1998). Quantifying structural redundancy in ecological communities. Oecologia, 113(2), 278-279.
  • Clarke, K. R. & Warwick, R. M. (1999). The taxonomic distinctness measure of biodiversity: Weighting of step lengths between hierarchical levels. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 184, 21-29.
  • Clarke, K. R., & Gorley, R. N. (2006). PRIMER v6: User Manual / Tutorial. Plymouth Marine Laboratory Prospect Place, West Hue, United Kingdom. 190p.
  • Fischer, W., & Bianchi, G. (1981). FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean; (Fishing Area 51). Prepared and printed with the support of the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). FAO of the United Nations.
  • Garima, K. K., Landge, A. T., Jaiswar, A. K., & Deshmukhe, G. (2020). Ichthyofaunal diversity of Karanja, Dharamtar Creek along Maharashtra coast. Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 9(Special Issue), 156-161.
  • González-Sansón, G., Rodríguez, F.N., Aguilar-Betancourt, C.M., & Páez, Y. C. (2022). Estuarine fish diversity as indicator of natural environmental gradients. Marine Biodiversity, 52, 32.
  • Hook, J. H. (1991). An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches. A. Constable and Co.
  • James, N. C., Whitfield, A. K., & Cowley, P. D. (2008). Long-term stability of the fish assemblages in a warm-temperate South African estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 76(4), 723-738. https:///
  • Jones, S., & Kumaran, M. (1980). Fishes of the Laccadive archipelago. The Nature Conservation and Aquatic Sciences Service.
  • Lad, D., & Patil, S. (2013). Assessment of fish diversity in the estuarine area of Bhayander and Naigaon, Thane (M.S.) India. Science Research Reporter, 3(2), 229-232.
  • Lad, D., & Patil, S. (2014). Status and diversity of Avian fauna in the estuarine wetland area of Bhayander and Naigaon, Maharashtra, India. Bioscience Discovery, 6(1), 39-44.
  • Lad, D., & Patil, S. (2016a). Assessment of Pollution status through the diversity of intertidal Meiobenthos of the estuary of Bhayander and Naigaon, Thane, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Scientific Research, 5(10), 254-256.
  • Lad, D., & Patil, S. (2016b). Diversity of intertidal Meiobenthos from estuary of Bhayander and Naigaon, Thane, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Scientific Research, 5(8), 245-246.
  • Madhupratap, M., Nair, K. N. V., Gopalakrishnan, T. C., Haridas, P., Nair, K. K. C., Venugopal, P., & Mangesh, G. (2001). Arabian sea oceanography and fisheries of the west coast of India. Current Science, 81(4), 355-361.
  • Monga, S. (2003). Birds of Mumbai, India. Book House Pvt. Ltd.
  • Nelson, J. S., Grande, T. C., & Wilson, M. V. (2016). Fishes of the World. John Wiley and Sons.
  • Potts, W. M., Götz, A., & James, N. (2015). Review of the projected impacts of climate change on coastal fishes in southern Africa. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 25(4), 603-630.
  • Qasim, S. Z., & Gupta, R. S. (1981). Environmental characteristics of the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system in Goa. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 13(5), 557-578.
  • Qasim, S. Z. (1973). Productivity of backwaters and estuaries. In: B. Zeitzschel, (Ed.), The biology of the Indian Ocean (pp. 143-154). Springer.
  • Shamsan, E. F. S. (2008). Ecobiology and fisheries of an economically important estuarine fish, Sillago sihama (Forsskal). [PhD Thesis. Goa University].
  • Shirodkar, P. V., Deepthi, M., Vethamony, P., Mesquita, A. M., Pradhan, U. K., Babu, M. T., Verlecar, X. N., & Haldankar, S. R. (2012). Tide dependent seasonal changes in water quality and assimilative capacity of anthropogenically influenced in water quality and assimilative capacity of anthropogenically influenced Mormugao harbour water. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 41(4), 314-330.
  • Sinnarkar, K., Hule, A. S., Dalvi, R. S., & Kamath, V. (2013). Avian diversity in Mahim Bay, Mumbai. In Proceedings of National Conference on Biodiversity: Status and Challenges in Conservation-FAVEO.
  • Sreekanth, G. B., Chakraborty, S. K., Jaiswar, A. K., & Zacharia, P. U. (2018). An inventory on the coastal finfish and shellfish species of Zuari estuary, southwest coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo‐Marine Sciences., 47(05), 945–958.
  • Sreekanth, G. B., Jaiswar, A. K., Zacharia, P. U., Pazhayamadom, D. G., & Chakraborty, S. K. (2019). Effect of environment on spatio-temporal structuring of fish assemblages in a monsoon-influenced tropical estuary. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191, 305.
  • Thiel, R., Sepulveda, A., Kafemann, R., & Nellen, W. (1995). Environmental factors as forces structuring the fish community of the Elbe Estuary. Journal of Fish Biology, 46(1), 46-69.
  • Tremainm, D. M., & Adams, D. H. (1995). Seasonal variations in species diversity, abundance and composition of fish communities in the Northern Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science, 57(1), 171-192.
  • UNEP. (2006). Marine and coastal ecosystems and human wellbeing: a synthesis report based on the findings of the millennium ecosystem assessment. United Nations Environment Programme. 76p.
  • Venkataraman, K., & Wafar, M. (2005). Coastal and marine biodiversity of India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 34(1), 57-75.
  • Weinstein, M. P., & Heck, K. L. (1979). Ichthyofauna of seagrass meadows along the Caribbean coast of Panama and in the Gulf of Mexico: composition, structure and community ecology. Marine Biology, 50(2), 97-107.
  • Whitfield, A. K. (1999). Ichthyofaunal assemblages in estuaries: a south African case study. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 9(2), 151-186.
Year 2022, , 259 - 270, 30.09.2022


Project Number



  • Ali, S. (1996). The Book of Indian Birds. Oxford University Press.
  • Ansari, Z. A., Chatterji, A., Ingole, B. S., Sreepada, R. A., Rivonkar, C. U., & Parulekar, A. H. (1995). Community structure and seasonal variation of an inshore demersal fish community at Goa, West Coast of India. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 41(5), 593-610.
  • APHA. (2012). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 22nd edition. In E. W. Rice, R. B. Baird, A. D. Eaton, & L. S. Clesceri (Eds.), American Public Health Association (APHA). American Water Works Association (AWWA) and Water Environment Federation (WEF).
  • Blaber, S. J. M., & Blaber, T. G. (1980). Factors affecting the distribution of juvenile estuarine and inshore fish. Journal of Fish Biology, 17(2), 143-162.
  • Chauhan, R. R., Shingadia, H. U., & Sakthivel, V. (2008). Survey of avifauna of Borivali mangroves along the coast of Mumbai. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 7(2), 229.
  • Claridge, I. N., Potter, I. C., & Hardisty, M. W. (1986). Seasonal changes in movements, abundance, size composition and diversity of the fish fauna if the Sevem estuary. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 66(1), 229-258.
  • Clarke, K. R., & Warwick, R. M. (1998). Quantifying structural redundancy in ecological communities. Oecologia, 113(2), 278-279.
  • Clarke, K. R. & Warwick, R. M. (1999). The taxonomic distinctness measure of biodiversity: Weighting of step lengths between hierarchical levels. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 184, 21-29.
  • Clarke, K. R., & Gorley, R. N. (2006). PRIMER v6: User Manual / Tutorial. Plymouth Marine Laboratory Prospect Place, West Hue, United Kingdom. 190p.
  • Fischer, W., & Bianchi, G. (1981). FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean; (Fishing Area 51). Prepared and printed with the support of the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). FAO of the United Nations.
  • Garima, K. K., Landge, A. T., Jaiswar, A. K., & Deshmukhe, G. (2020). Ichthyofaunal diversity of Karanja, Dharamtar Creek along Maharashtra coast. Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 9(Special Issue), 156-161.
  • González-Sansón, G., Rodríguez, F.N., Aguilar-Betancourt, C.M., & Páez, Y. C. (2022). Estuarine fish diversity as indicator of natural environmental gradients. Marine Biodiversity, 52, 32.
  • Hook, J. H. (1991). An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches. A. Constable and Co.
  • James, N. C., Whitfield, A. K., & Cowley, P. D. (2008). Long-term stability of the fish assemblages in a warm-temperate South African estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 76(4), 723-738. https:///
  • Jones, S., & Kumaran, M. (1980). Fishes of the Laccadive archipelago. The Nature Conservation and Aquatic Sciences Service.
  • Lad, D., & Patil, S. (2013). Assessment of fish diversity in the estuarine area of Bhayander and Naigaon, Thane (M.S.) India. Science Research Reporter, 3(2), 229-232.
  • Lad, D., & Patil, S. (2014). Status and diversity of Avian fauna in the estuarine wetland area of Bhayander and Naigaon, Maharashtra, India. Bioscience Discovery, 6(1), 39-44.
  • Lad, D., & Patil, S. (2016a). Assessment of Pollution status through the diversity of intertidal Meiobenthos of the estuary of Bhayander and Naigaon, Thane, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Scientific Research, 5(10), 254-256.
  • Lad, D., & Patil, S. (2016b). Diversity of intertidal Meiobenthos from estuary of Bhayander and Naigaon, Thane, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Scientific Research, 5(8), 245-246.
  • Madhupratap, M., Nair, K. N. V., Gopalakrishnan, T. C., Haridas, P., Nair, K. K. C., Venugopal, P., & Mangesh, G. (2001). Arabian sea oceanography and fisheries of the west coast of India. Current Science, 81(4), 355-361.
  • Monga, S. (2003). Birds of Mumbai, India. Book House Pvt. Ltd.
  • Nelson, J. S., Grande, T. C., & Wilson, M. V. (2016). Fishes of the World. John Wiley and Sons.
  • Potts, W. M., Götz, A., & James, N. (2015). Review of the projected impacts of climate change on coastal fishes in southern Africa. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 25(4), 603-630.
  • Qasim, S. Z., & Gupta, R. S. (1981). Environmental characteristics of the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system in Goa. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 13(5), 557-578.
  • Qasim, S. Z. (1973). Productivity of backwaters and estuaries. In: B. Zeitzschel, (Ed.), The biology of the Indian Ocean (pp. 143-154). Springer.
  • Shamsan, E. F. S. (2008). Ecobiology and fisheries of an economically important estuarine fish, Sillago sihama (Forsskal). [PhD Thesis. Goa University].
  • Shirodkar, P. V., Deepthi, M., Vethamony, P., Mesquita, A. M., Pradhan, U. K., Babu, M. T., Verlecar, X. N., & Haldankar, S. R. (2012). Tide dependent seasonal changes in water quality and assimilative capacity of anthropogenically influenced in water quality and assimilative capacity of anthropogenically influenced Mormugao harbour water. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 41(4), 314-330.
  • Sinnarkar, K., Hule, A. S., Dalvi, R. S., & Kamath, V. (2013). Avian diversity in Mahim Bay, Mumbai. In Proceedings of National Conference on Biodiversity: Status and Challenges in Conservation-FAVEO.
  • Sreekanth, G. B., Chakraborty, S. K., Jaiswar, A. K., & Zacharia, P. U. (2018). An inventory on the coastal finfish and shellfish species of Zuari estuary, southwest coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo‐Marine Sciences., 47(05), 945–958.
  • Sreekanth, G. B., Jaiswar, A. K., Zacharia, P. U., Pazhayamadom, D. G., & Chakraborty, S. K. (2019). Effect of environment on spatio-temporal structuring of fish assemblages in a monsoon-influenced tropical estuary. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191, 305.
  • Thiel, R., Sepulveda, A., Kafemann, R., & Nellen, W. (1995). Environmental factors as forces structuring the fish community of the Elbe Estuary. Journal of Fish Biology, 46(1), 46-69.
  • Tremainm, D. M., & Adams, D. H. (1995). Seasonal variations in species diversity, abundance and composition of fish communities in the Northern Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science, 57(1), 171-192.
  • UNEP. (2006). Marine and coastal ecosystems and human wellbeing: a synthesis report based on the findings of the millennium ecosystem assessment. United Nations Environment Programme. 76p.
  • Venkataraman, K., & Wafar, M. (2005). Coastal and marine biodiversity of India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 34(1), 57-75.
  • Weinstein, M. P., & Heck, K. L. (1979). Ichthyofauna of seagrass meadows along the Caribbean coast of Panama and in the Gulf of Mexico: composition, structure and community ecology. Marine Biology, 50(2), 97-107.
  • Whitfield, A. K. (1999). Ichthyofaunal assemblages in estuaries: a south African case study. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 9(2), 151-186.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Sciences, Conservation and Biodiversity, Fisheries Management
Journal Section Research Article

Sudhan Chandran 0000-0002-4680-1677

Sanjenbam Bidyasagar Sıngh This is me 0000-0001-6428-1268

Giri Bhavan Sreekanth This is me 0000-0003-0601-4481

Geetanjali Deshmukhe This is me 0000-0002-1463-9994

Binay Bhusan Nayak This is me 0000-0002-1822-9167

Ashok Kumar Jaıswar This is me 0000-0003-2468-5342

Project Number FRM-PA8-07
Publication Date September 30, 2022
Submission Date April 15, 2022
Acceptance Date June 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Chandran, S., Sıngh, S. B., Sreekanth, G. B., Deshmukhe, G., et al. (2022). Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 11(3), 259-270.
AMA Chandran S, Sıngh SB, Sreekanth GB, Deshmukhe G, Nayak BB, Jaıswar AK. Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. September 2022;11(3):259-270. doi:10.33714/masteb.1071967
Chicago Chandran, Sudhan, Sanjenbam Bidyasagar Sıngh, Giri Bhavan Sreekanth, Geetanjali Deshmukhe, Binay Bhusan Nayak, and Ashok Kumar Jaıswar. “Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 11, no. 3 (September 2022): 259-70.
EndNote Chandran S, Sıngh SB, Sreekanth GB, Deshmukhe G, Nayak BB, Jaıswar AK (September 1, 2022) Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 11 3 259–270.
IEEE S. Chandran, S. B. Sıngh, G. B. Sreekanth, G. Deshmukhe, B. B. Nayak, and A. K. Jaıswar, “Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India”, Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 259–270, 2022, doi: 10.33714/masteb.1071967.
ISNAD Chandran, Sudhan et al. “Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 11/3 (September 2022), 259-270.
JAMA Chandran S, Sıngh SB, Sreekanth GB, Deshmukhe G, Nayak BB, Jaıswar AK. Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2022;11:259–270.
MLA Chandran, Sudhan et al. “Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, vol. 11, no. 3, 2022, pp. 259-70, doi:10.33714/masteb.1071967.
Vancouver Chandran S, Sıngh SB, Sreekanth GB, Deshmukhe G, Nayak BB, Jaıswar AK. Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Aquatic Biodiversity in Gorai Creek, Sub-Urban Mumbai, India. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2022;11(3):259-70.