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Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work

Year 2023, , 12 - 26, 22.03.2023


Employees’ importance has recently started to be discussed by maritime organizations with the emergence of employee-oriented management strategies. While organizations are competing in today’s wild market environment, the success of companies depends on keeping employees happy. Besides job satisfaction of the employees trigger their performance especially in the maritime sector. This study aims to reveal the relationship among organizational culture, job satisfaction and intention to stay at work in a container port management organization. Data obtained through an online Likert-scale questionnaire of organizational culture perception, job satisfaction and intention to stay at work from 302 land-based employees of a Turkish port operator organization were tested with the Structural Equation Model. The uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, time-oriented, power distance, individuality dimensions of organizational culture have been tested. Results showed that the time-orientation dimension of organizational culture is effective on job satisfaction and job satisfaction has a positive effect on the intention to stay at work.


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Year 2023, , 12 - 26, 22.03.2023



  • Achor, S. (2011). The happiness advantage: The seven principles of positive psychology that fuel success and performance at work. Random House.
  • Adler, N. J., & Jelinek, M. (1986). Is “organization culture” culture bound?. Human Resource Management, 25(1), 73-90.
  • Bangwal, D., & Tiwari, P. (2018). Workplace environment, employee satisfaction and intent to stay. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 31(1), 268-284.
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  • Bhuian, S. N., Menguc, B., & Borsboom, R. (2005). Stressors and job outcomes in sales: A triphasic model versus a linear-quadratic-interactive model. Journal of Business Research, 58(2), 141-150.
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  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Faktör analizi: Temel kavramlar ve ölçek geliştirmede kullanımı [Factor analysis: Basic concepts and using to development scale]. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 32(32), 470-483.
  • Calisir, F., Gumussoy, C. A., & Iskin, I. (2011). Factors affecting intention to quit among IT professionals in Turkey. Personnel Review, 40(4), 514-533.
  • Carraher, S. M., Gibson, J., & Buckley, M. (2006). Compensation satisfaction in the Baltics and the USA. Baltic Journal of Management, 1(1), 7-23.
  • Çetin, F. (2011). Örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışlarının açıklanmasında örgüte bağlılık, iş tatmini, kişilik ve örgüt kültürünün rolü. [Ph.D. Thesis. Ankara University].
  • Chang, S. C., & Lee, M. S. (2007). A study on relationship among leadership, organizational culture, the operation of learning organization and employees’ job satisfaction. The Learning Organization, 14(2), 155-185.
  • Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B. (2002). Evaluating goodness-of-fit indexes for testing measurement invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 9(2), 233-255.
  • Chew, J., & Chan, C. C. A. (2008). Human resource practices, organizational commitment and intention to stay. International Journal of Manpower, 29(6), 503-522.
  • Chiang, C. F., Back, K. J., & Canter, D. D. (2005). The impact of employee training on job satisfaction and intention to stay in the hotel industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 4(2), 99-118.
  • Davidescu, A. A., Apostu, S. A., Paul, A., & Casuneanu, I. (2020). Work flexibility, job satisfaction, and job performance among Romanian employees—Implications for sustainable human resource management. Sustainability, 12(15), 60-86.
  • Dawson, B., & Trapp, R. G. (2004). Basic & Clinical Biostatistics (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
  • Deal, T., & Kennedy, A. (1982). Corporate Cultures. Perseus Books Publishing.
  • Deutsch, M, (1975). Equity, equality, and need: What determines which values will be used as determinants of distributive justice?. Journal of Social Issues, 31(3), 137-149.
  • Feldman, D. C., & Arnold, H. J. (1985). Managing Individual and Group Behavior in Organizations. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Friedman, E., & Lee, C. K. (2010). Remaking the world of Chinese labour: A 30‐year retrospective. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(3), 507-533.
  • Frost, P. J., Moore, L. F., Louis, M. R., Lundberg, C. C., & Martin, J. (Eds.). (1991). Reframing organizational culture. Sage.
  • Gemmil, G. R., & Heisler, W. J. (1972). Machiavellianism as a factor in managerial job strain, job satisfaction, and upward mobility. Academy of Management Journal, 15(1), 51-62.
  • George, J. M., & Jones, G. R. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior (Fifth Ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Gerbing, D. W., & Anderson, J. C. (1992). Monte Carlo evaluations of goodness of fit indices for structural equation models. Sociological Methods & Research, 21(2), 132-160.
  • Ghiselli, R. F., La Lopa, J. M., & Bai, B. (2001). Job satisfaction, life satisfaction and turnover intent: among food-service managers. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42(2), 28-37.
  • Ghosh, P., Satyawadi, R., Prasad Joshi, J., & Shadman, M. (2013). Who stays with you? Factors predicting employees’ intention to stay. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 21(3), 288-312.
  • Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., & Donnelly, J. H. (1997). Organization (Ninth ed.). Irwin Mcgraw-Hill.
  • Hackman, J. R., Oldham, G., Janson, R., & Purdy, K. (1975). A new strategy for job enrichment. California Management Review, 17(4), 57-71.
  • Hair Jr, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L., & Kuppelwieser, V. G. (2014). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): An emerging tool in business research. European Business Review, 26(2), 106-121.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson University Press.
  • Halaby, C. N. (1986). Worker attachment and workplace authority. American Sociological Review, 51(5), 634-649.
  • Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. (1959). The Motivation to Work (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hofstede, G. (1993). Cultural constraints in management theories. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 7(1), 81-94.
  • Hofstede, G. (1991). Empirical models of cultural differences. In N. Bleichrodt & P. J. D. Drenth (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology (pp. 4-20). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers.
  • Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Hox, J. J., & Bechger, T. M. (1998). An introduction to structural equation modeling. Family Science Review, 11, 354-373.
  • Hoyle, R. H. (1995). The structural equation modeling approach: Basic concepts and fundamental issues. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Structural equation modeling: Concepts, issues, and applications (pp. 1-15). Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Idiegbeyan-Ose, J., Opeke, R., Nwokeoma, N. M., & Osinulu, I. (2018). Influence of organisational culture on turnover intention of library staff in private university libraries, South-West Nigeria. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 17(4), 1-13.
  • Igbaria, M., Meredith, G. & Smith, D.C. (1994). Predictors of intention of IS professionals to stay with the organization in South Africa. Information & Management, 26(5), 245-256.
  • Iverson, R. D. (1992). Employee intent to stay: An empirical test of a revision of the Price and Mueller model. [Ph.D. Thesis. The University of Iowa].
  • Jex, S. M., & Gudanowski, D. M. (1992). Efficacy beliefs and work stress: An exploratory study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(5), 509-517.
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There are 108 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Maritime Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Nihan Senbursa 0000-0001-5144-4240

Publication Date March 22, 2023
Submission Date December 11, 2022
Acceptance Date January 4, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Senbursa, N. (2023). Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 12(1), 12-26.
AMA Senbursa N. Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. March 2023;12(1):12-26. doi:10.33714/masteb.1217277
Chicago Senbursa, Nihan. “Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12, no. 1 (March 2023): 12-26.
EndNote Senbursa N (March 1, 2023) Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12 1 12–26.
IEEE N. Senbursa, “Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work”, Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 12–26, 2023, doi: 10.33714/masteb.1217277.
ISNAD Senbursa, Nihan. “Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12/1 (March 2023), 12-26.
JAMA Senbursa N. Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2023;12:12–26.
MLA Senbursa, Nihan. “Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, vol. 12, no. 1, 2023, pp. 12-26, doi:10.33714/masteb.1217277.
Vancouver Senbursa N. Container Port Employees’ Organizational Culture Perception, Job Satisfaction & Intention to Stay at Work. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2023;12(1):12-26.