Research Article
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Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 262 - 271, 31.12.2024


This paper presents a comprehensive investigation to improve the hydrodynamic performance of a Tirhandil hull form by modification efforts on the stern region. The form improvement approach combines computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods with computer-aided design (CAD) systems. The design process for the reference and modified models was carried out by using CAD systems. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the reference hull form were evaluated by employing CFD methods and it was determined that form improvements should be concentrated on the stern region. The modification process was conducted by considering constraints on the design variables in the stern region and the main dimensions of the reference model. A grid independence study was performed to evaluate various grid structures to determine the optimal mesh configuration for the numerical analyses. The SST k-Omega turbulence model was used for the numerical analyses to simulate turbulence structure around the hull form. Achieving around a 13.4% reduction in the total resistance coefficient, the modified model also exhibited decreased wave amplitudes, smoother wave transitions, and a significant reduction or cancellation of shoulder and stern waves.

Ethical Statement

This research is supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) under Project Number 223M093 within the framework of the project titled “Determination of Design Criteria and Form Optimization for Turkish Type Tirhandil Boats”.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



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  • Anggriani, A. D. E., & Baso, S. (2020). Investigating the performance of a ship by matching the stern hull form to propeller and engine power. EPI International Journal of Engineering, 3(2), 154–159.
  • Baso, S., Mutsuda, H., & Doi, Y. (2019). Predicting the motions of a fishing boat caused by improving the stern part using a hybrid particle-grid scheme. International Journal of Technology, 10(2), 236-246.
  • Boussinesq, J. (1877). Essai sur la theorie des eaux courantes. Memoires presentes par divers savants a l’Academie des Sciences de l’Institut National de France. Tome XXIII, No 1. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, France.
  • Celik, I. B., Ghia, U., Roache, P. J., & Freitas, C. J. (2008). Procedure for estimation and reporting of uncertainty due to discretization in CFD applications. Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 130(7), 078001.
  • Damianidis, K. (1989). Vernacular Boats and Boatbuilding in Greece. [Ph.D. Thesis, University of St. Andrews].
  • Deng, R., Chen, S. Y., Wu, T. C., Luo, F. Q., Jiang, D. P., & Li, Y. L. (2020). Investigation on the influence induced by interceptor on the viscous flow field of deep-sea vessel. Ocean Engineering, 196, 106735.
  • Duy, T. N., & Hino, T. (2015). A study on the stern shape optimization of a container ship using Navier-Stokes analysis. Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 22, 1–13.
  • Ganos, G., & Loukakis, T. (1986). Resistance characteristics of the trehantiri type boat. Report of Research Group: Ship Hydromechanics and Structures (Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering), Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
  • Gencer, A. I. (2001). Bahriye’de Yapılan Islahat Hareketleri ve Bahriye Nezareti’nin Kuruluşu (1789 - 1867). Turkish Historical Society Publications.
  • Gür, M. C. (2020). Kürekten Yelkene Kaybolan Miras. Koç University Press.
  • Hamed, A. (2022). Multi-objective optimization method of trimaran hull form for resistance reduction and propeller intake flow improvement. Ocean Engineering, 244, 110352.
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  • ITTC. (2014). Practical guidelines for ship CFD applications. 27th ITTC Specialist Committee on CFD in Marine Hydrodynamics.
  • Karafiath, G. (2012). Stern end bulb for energy enhancement and speed improvement. Journal of Ship Production and Design, 28(04), 172–181.
  • Kükner, A., & Mamur, M. F. (2016). The effect of resistance on bow and stern forms. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology, Türkiye, pp. 349-374.
  • Lena, C., Bonci, M., & van Walree, F. (2021). Effect of stern appendages configurations on the course-keeping of ships in stern-quartering seas. International Shipbuilding Progress, 68(1-2), 3–31.
  • Lu, Y., Chang, X., Yin, X., & Li, Z. (2019). Hydrodynamic design study on ship bow and stern hull form synchronous optimization covering whole speeds range. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019(1), 2356369.
  • Mahmuzlu, E. (2019). Ottoman-Flagged Ships, 1830s-1860s: Hull, Rig, and Geography. Drassana: revista del Museu Marítim, 27, 120-168.
  • Maki, A., Arai, J., Tsutsumoto, T., Suzuki, K., & Miyauchi, Y. (2016). Fundamental research on resistance reduction of surface combatants due to stern flaps. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21, 344–358.
  • Mansoori, M., & Fernandes, A. C. (2016). The interceptor hydrodynamic analysis for controlling the porpoising instability in high-speed crafts. Applied Ocean Research, 57, 40–51.
  • Mansoori, M., & Fernandes, A. C. (2017). Interceptor and trim tab combination to prevent interceptor's unfit effects. Ocean Engineering, 134, 140–156.
  • Marcu, O., & Robe-Voinea, E. G. (2024). Stern flow hydrodynamics around a self-propelled maneuvering VLCC ship. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 14(4), 15283–15290.
  • Masuya, T. (2007). Hull form improvement of fishing vessels from the view point of seaworthiness. Fisheries Engineering (Japan), 43(3), 193-199.
  • Menter, F. R. (1994). Two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications. AIAA Journal, 32(8), 1598–1605.
  • Mutsuda, H., Ishida, A., Baso, S., & Doi, Y. (2013). Numerical investigation of resistance reduction of fishing boat by improving stern part. Advanced Shipping and Ocean Engineering, 2(3), 77–83.
  • Nazemian, A., & Ghadimi, P. (2022). Multi-objective optimization of ship hull modification based on resistance and wake field improvement: Combination of adjoint solver and CAD-CFD-based approach. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 44, 1–27.
  • Ozen, S. (2017). Gemiler Sözlüğü. Denizler Publishing.
  • Solak, H. P. (2020). Multi-dimensional surrogate based aft form optimization of ships using high fidelity solvers. Brodogradnja, 71(1), 85–100.
  • Song, K. W., Guo, C. Y., Gong, J., Li, P., & Wang, L. Z. (2018). Influence of interceptors, stern flaps, and their combinations on the hydrodynamic performance of a deep-vee ship. Ocean Engineering, 170, 306–320.
  • Song, K., Gong, J., Ma, J., Xu, Q., Shi, Y., & Xu, F. (2024). Numerical study on the influence of interceptor and stern flap on ship resistance and motion response in regular waves. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(6), 929.
  • StarCCM+ User Guide. (2023). StarCCM+ version 2310. SIEMENS simcenter.
  • Suastika, K., Hidayat, A., & Riyadi, S. (2017). Effects of the application of a stern foil on ship resistance: A case study of an Orela crew boat. International Journal of Technology, 8(7), 1266–1275.
  • Tezdogan, T., Shenglong, Z., Demirel, Y. K., Liu, W., Leping, X., Yuyang, L., & Incecik, A. (2018). An investigation into fishing boat optimization using a hybrid algorithm. Ocean Engineering, 167, 204–220.
  • Turan, B. İ. (2022). Tırhandil ve piyade tipi tekne formlarının tasarım ve mühendislik perspektifinden karşılaştırılması [Comparison of tirhandil and piyade type boat forms from design and engineering perspectives]. Journal of Marine and Engineering Technology, 2(2), 78-90.
  • Turan, B. İ. (2023). Guideline for preliminary design phase of trawler type yachts. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 12(3), 312-321.
  • Turan, B. I., & Akman, M. (2021). Modeling and comparison of Bodrum Gulets’ hull forms with round and transom sterns. Journal of ETA Maritime Science, 9(2), 120-129.
  • Turan, B. İ., Akman, M., & Bulut, S. (2024). A conceptual design framework for tirhandil type sailing yachts. Ships and Offshore Structures, In press, 1-12.
  • Turan, B. İ., Akman, M., & Özbey, T. (2021). Design comparison of Bodrum Gulets and tirhandils. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology, Türkiye, pp. 491-497.
  • Wilcox, D. C. (1988). Reassessment of the scale-determining equation for advanced turbulence models. AIAA Journal, 26(11), 1299–1310.
Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 262 - 271, 31.12.2024


Project Number



  • Ali, B., & Ali, L. (2016). A new concept for the design of the shape ship stern. Global Journal of Information Technology, 6(1), 18–26.
  • Anggriani, A. D. E., & Baso, S. (2020). Investigating the performance of a ship by matching the stern hull form to propeller and engine power. EPI International Journal of Engineering, 3(2), 154–159.
  • Baso, S., Mutsuda, H., & Doi, Y. (2019). Predicting the motions of a fishing boat caused by improving the stern part using a hybrid particle-grid scheme. International Journal of Technology, 10(2), 236-246.
  • Boussinesq, J. (1877). Essai sur la theorie des eaux courantes. Memoires presentes par divers savants a l’Academie des Sciences de l’Institut National de France. Tome XXIII, No 1. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, France.
  • Celik, I. B., Ghia, U., Roache, P. J., & Freitas, C. J. (2008). Procedure for estimation and reporting of uncertainty due to discretization in CFD applications. Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 130(7), 078001.
  • Damianidis, K. (1989). Vernacular Boats and Boatbuilding in Greece. [Ph.D. Thesis, University of St. Andrews].
  • Deng, R., Chen, S. Y., Wu, T. C., Luo, F. Q., Jiang, D. P., & Li, Y. L. (2020). Investigation on the influence induced by interceptor on the viscous flow field of deep-sea vessel. Ocean Engineering, 196, 106735.
  • Duy, T. N., & Hino, T. (2015). A study on the stern shape optimization of a container ship using Navier-Stokes analysis. Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 22, 1–13.
  • Ganos, G., & Loukakis, T. (1986). Resistance characteristics of the trehantiri type boat. Report of Research Group: Ship Hydromechanics and Structures (Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering), Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
  • Gencer, A. I. (2001). Bahriye’de Yapılan Islahat Hareketleri ve Bahriye Nezareti’nin Kuruluşu (1789 - 1867). Turkish Historical Society Publications.
  • Gür, M. C. (2020). Kürekten Yelkene Kaybolan Miras. Koç University Press.
  • Hamed, A. (2022). Multi-objective optimization method of trimaran hull form for resistance reduction and propeller intake flow improvement. Ocean Engineering, 244, 110352.
  • ITTC. (2011). Practical guidelines for ship CFD applications. 26th ITTC Specialist Committee on CFD in Marine Hydrodynamics.
  • ITTC. (2014). Practical guidelines for ship CFD applications. 27th ITTC Specialist Committee on CFD in Marine Hydrodynamics.
  • Karafiath, G. (2012). Stern end bulb for energy enhancement and speed improvement. Journal of Ship Production and Design, 28(04), 172–181.
  • Kükner, A., & Mamur, M. F. (2016). The effect of resistance on bow and stern forms. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology, Türkiye, pp. 349-374.
  • Lena, C., Bonci, M., & van Walree, F. (2021). Effect of stern appendages configurations on the course-keeping of ships in stern-quartering seas. International Shipbuilding Progress, 68(1-2), 3–31.
  • Lu, Y., Chang, X., Yin, X., & Li, Z. (2019). Hydrodynamic design study on ship bow and stern hull form synchronous optimization covering whole speeds range. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019(1), 2356369.
  • Mahmuzlu, E. (2019). Ottoman-Flagged Ships, 1830s-1860s: Hull, Rig, and Geography. Drassana: revista del Museu Marítim, 27, 120-168.
  • Maki, A., Arai, J., Tsutsumoto, T., Suzuki, K., & Miyauchi, Y. (2016). Fundamental research on resistance reduction of surface combatants due to stern flaps. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21, 344–358.
  • Mansoori, M., & Fernandes, A. C. (2016). The interceptor hydrodynamic analysis for controlling the porpoising instability in high-speed crafts. Applied Ocean Research, 57, 40–51.
  • Mansoori, M., & Fernandes, A. C. (2017). Interceptor and trim tab combination to prevent interceptor's unfit effects. Ocean Engineering, 134, 140–156.
  • Marcu, O., & Robe-Voinea, E. G. (2024). Stern flow hydrodynamics around a self-propelled maneuvering VLCC ship. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 14(4), 15283–15290.
  • Masuya, T. (2007). Hull form improvement of fishing vessels from the view point of seaworthiness. Fisheries Engineering (Japan), 43(3), 193-199.
  • Menter, F. R. (1994). Two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications. AIAA Journal, 32(8), 1598–1605.
  • Mutsuda, H., Ishida, A., Baso, S., & Doi, Y. (2013). Numerical investigation of resistance reduction of fishing boat by improving stern part. Advanced Shipping and Ocean Engineering, 2(3), 77–83.
  • Nazemian, A., & Ghadimi, P. (2022). Multi-objective optimization of ship hull modification based on resistance and wake field improvement: Combination of adjoint solver and CAD-CFD-based approach. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 44, 1–27.
  • Ozen, S. (2017). Gemiler Sözlüğü. Denizler Publishing.
  • Solak, H. P. (2020). Multi-dimensional surrogate based aft form optimization of ships using high fidelity solvers. Brodogradnja, 71(1), 85–100.
  • Song, K. W., Guo, C. Y., Gong, J., Li, P., & Wang, L. Z. (2018). Influence of interceptors, stern flaps, and their combinations on the hydrodynamic performance of a deep-vee ship. Ocean Engineering, 170, 306–320.
  • Song, K., Gong, J., Ma, J., Xu, Q., Shi, Y., & Xu, F. (2024). Numerical study on the influence of interceptor and stern flap on ship resistance and motion response in regular waves. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(6), 929.
  • StarCCM+ User Guide. (2023). StarCCM+ version 2310. SIEMENS simcenter.
  • Suastika, K., Hidayat, A., & Riyadi, S. (2017). Effects of the application of a stern foil on ship resistance: A case study of an Orela crew boat. International Journal of Technology, 8(7), 1266–1275.
  • Tezdogan, T., Shenglong, Z., Demirel, Y. K., Liu, W., Leping, X., Yuyang, L., & Incecik, A. (2018). An investigation into fishing boat optimization using a hybrid algorithm. Ocean Engineering, 167, 204–220.
  • Turan, B. İ. (2022). Tırhandil ve piyade tipi tekne formlarının tasarım ve mühendislik perspektifinden karşılaştırılması [Comparison of tirhandil and piyade type boat forms from design and engineering perspectives]. Journal of Marine and Engineering Technology, 2(2), 78-90.
  • Turan, B. İ. (2023). Guideline for preliminary design phase of trawler type yachts. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 12(3), 312-321.
  • Turan, B. I., & Akman, M. (2021). Modeling and comparison of Bodrum Gulets’ hull forms with round and transom sterns. Journal of ETA Maritime Science, 9(2), 120-129.
  • Turan, B. İ., Akman, M., & Bulut, S. (2024). A conceptual design framework for tirhandil type sailing yachts. Ships and Offshore Structures, In press, 1-12.
  • Turan, B. İ., Akman, M., & Özbey, T. (2021). Design comparison of Bodrum Gulets and tirhandils. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology, Türkiye, pp. 491-497.
  • Wilcox, D. C. (1988). Reassessment of the scale-determining equation for advanced turbulence models. AIAA Journal, 26(11), 1299–1310.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ship Manoeuvring and Control, Naval Architecture, Ship and Yacht Design
Journal Section Research Article

Sertaç Bulut 0000-0002-4994-8148

Project Number 223M093
Early Pub Date October 18, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 14, 2024
Acceptance Date October 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: 4


APA Bulut, S. (2024). Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 13(4), 262-271.
AMA Bulut S. Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. December 2024;13(4):262-271. doi:10.33714/masteb.1549709
Chicago Bulut, Sertaç. “Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 13, no. 4 (December 2024): 262-71.
EndNote Bulut S (December 1, 2024) Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 13 4 262–271.
IEEE S. Bulut, “Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications”, Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 262–271, 2024, doi: 10.33714/masteb.1549709.
ISNAD Bulut, Sertaç. “Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 13/4 (December 2024), 262-271.
JAMA Bulut S. Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2024;13:262–271.
MLA Bulut, Sertaç. “Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, vol. 13, no. 4, 2024, pp. 262-71, doi:10.33714/masteb.1549709.
Vancouver Bulut S. Hydrodynamic Performance Improvement of a Tirhandil Yacht by Stern Form Modifications. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2024;13(4):262-71.