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Kriyojenik İşlem Görmüş Yüksek Performanslı AISI 9310 Çeliğinin Kuru Kayma Aşınmasının Çok Amaçlı Optimizasyonu: Gri İlişkisel Analiz ve Taguchi Yöntemi Kullanılarak Entegre Bir Yaklaşım

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 172 - 192, 30.12.2024


AISI 9310 çeliği, üstün mekanik özellikleri ve korozyon direnci nedeniyle havacılık ve savunma sanayinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma, hem sığ (SCT) hem de derin (DCT) kriyojenik işlemlerin AISI 9310 çeliğinin aşınma direnci ve yüzey özellikleri üzerindeki etkilerini araştırarak, Gri İlişkisel Analiz ve Taguchi yöntemini birleştirerek optimizasyon sağlayan entegre bir metodoloji uygulayarak yeni bir yaklaşım sunmaktadır. Aşınma performansı, kuru kayma aşınma testlerinde ball-on-disk tribometresi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiş ve önemli iyileştirmeler ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Sonuçlar DCT ile işlenmiş numunelerin sertliği %30 artmış ve hacim kaybı %14 azalmıştır. SCT ile işlenmiş numunelerde sertlik %12 artmış ve buna karşılık hacim kaybında %7 azalma olmuştur. Ayrıca, sürtünme katsayısı DCT'de %9 ve SCT numunelerinde %5 iyileşmiştir. Yükün artmasıyla hacim kaybı %16 artış gösterirken (3400 mm³'den 3950 mm³'e), sürtünme katsayısı %11 azalmıştır (0,448 μ'den 0.498 μ'e). ANOVA analizleri, kriyojenik işlemin hacim kaybı ve sürtünme katsayısı üzerinde en büyük etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Regresyon analizi, hacim kaybı için R2 değerlerinin %97.63 ve sürtünme katsayısı için %99.42 olmasıyla model uyumunun mükemmel olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu bulgular, kriyojenik işlemlerin AISI 9310 çeliğinin aşınma direncini önemli ölçüde artırdığını ve değişen yük koşulları altında performansı iyileştirdiğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca, endüstriyel ortamlarda kullanılan malzemelerin kullanım ömrünü uzatmada kriyojenik işlemlerin kritik rolü vurgulanarak, mühendislikte gelecekteki uygulamalara yönelik değerli bilgiler sağlanmaktadır.


  • F. Yang, T. Zhao, P. He, L. Zhou, X. Pan, X. Liang, W. Jia, Z. An, P. Liu, H. Zhang, Effect of pulsed femtosecond laser shock peening surface modification on anti-wear failure properties of AISI 9310 gear steel, Engineering Failure Analysis, 159: 108146, 2024.
  • X. Yang, C. Li, M. Zhang, Z. Ye, X. Zhang, M. Zheng, J. Gu, J. Li, S. Li, Dry sliding wear behavior of additively manufactured CoCrWNixAly alloys, Wear, 496: 204285, 2022.
  • F. Kara, Y. Küçük, O. Özbek, N.A. Özbek, M.S. Gök, E. Altaş, I. Uygur, Effect of cryogenic treatment on wear behavior of Sleipner cold work tool steel, Tribology International, 180: 108301, 2023.
  • J. Singh, S.S. Chatha, Tribological behaviour of nanofluids under minimum quantity lubrication in turning of AISI 1055 steel, Materials Today: Proceedings, 41: 825-832, 2021.
  • E. Altas, S. Bati, S. Rajendrachari, Ö. Erkan, I.E. Dag, B. Avar, Comprehensive analysis of mechanical properties, wear, and corrosion behavior of AA7075-T6 alloy subjected to cryogenic treatment for aviation and defense applications, Surface and Coatings Technology, 490: 131101, 2024.
  • E. Altas, M. Altin Karatas, H. Gokkaya, Y. Akinay, Surface Integrity of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy in Milling with Cryogenic Heat Treated Cutting Tools under Different Cutting Conditions, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30(12): 9426-9439, 2021.
  • S. Akıncıoğlu, H. Gökkaya, İ. Uygur, The effects of cryogenic-treated carbide tools on tool wear and surface roughness of turning of Hastelloy C22 based on Taguchi method, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 82(1-4): 303-314, 2016.
  • I. Jawahir, H. Attia, D. Biermann, J. Duflou, F. Klocke, D. Meyer, S. Newman, F. Pusavec, M. Putz, J. Rech, Cryogenic manufacturing processes, CIRP annals, 65(2): 713-736, 2016.
  • E. Altas, O. Erkan, D. Ozkan, H. Gokkaya, Optimization of Cutting Conditions, Parameters, and Cryogenic Heat Treatment for Surface Roughness in Milling of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 31(9): 7315-7327, 2022.
  • Y. Arslan, A. Özdemir, Farkli Sürelerde Kriyojenik İşlem Uygulanmiş Aisi D3 Soğuk İş Takim Çeliği Zimbalarda Aşinma Davranişlari Ve Takim Ömrü, İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(3): 87-99, 2013.
  • M.A. Essam, A.Y. Shash, M.K. El-Fawakhry, E. El-Kashif, H. Megahed, Effect of Deep Cryogenic Treatment on Wear Behavior of Cold Work Tool Steel, Metals, 13(2): 382, 2023.
  • R. Gecu, Combined effects of cryogenic treatment and tempering on microstructural and tribological features of AISI H13 steel, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 292: 126802, 2022.
  • E. Nas, S. Akıncıoğlu, Kriyojenik işlem görmüş nikel esaslı süper alaşımın elektro-erozyon işleme performansı optimizasyonu, Academic Platform-Journal of Engineering and Science, 7(1): 115-126, 2019.
  • P. Baldissera, C. Delprete, Deep cryogenic treatment of AISI 302 stainless steel: Part II–Fatigue and corrosion, Materials & Design, 31(10): 4731-4737, 2010.
  • T. Myeong, Y. Yamabayashi, M. Shimojo, Y. Higo, A new life extension method for high cycle fatigue using micro-martensitic transformation in an austenitic stainless steel, International journal of fatigue, 19(93): 69-73, 1997.
  • J. Darwin, D.M. Lal, G. Nagarajan, Optimization of cryogenic treatment to maximize the wear resistance of 18% Cr martensitic stainless steel by Taguchi method, Journal of materials processing technology, 195(1-3): 241-247, 2008.
  • H. Gürhan, İ. Şahin, H. Çinici, T. Fındık, Kriyojenik işlemin SAE 4140 çeliğin mekanik özellikleri üzerine etkisi, Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi, 13(2): 25-37, 2014.
  • D. Senthilkumar, I. Rajendran, M. Pellizzari, J. Siiriainen, Influence of shallow and deep cryogenic treatment on the residual state of stress of 4140 steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211(3): 396-401, 2011.
  • T.B. Rao, G.R. Ponugoti, Characterization, prediction, and optimization of dry sliding wear behaviour of Al6061/WC composites, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 74(1): 159-178, 2021.
  • M.M. Khan, A. Dey, M.I. Hajam, Experimental investigation and optimization of dry sliding wear test parameters of aluminum based composites, Silicon, 14(8): 4009-4026, 2022.
  • A.T. Işık, R. Çakıroğlu, M. Günay, Multiresponse optimization of performance indicators through Taguchi-grey relational analysis in EDM of cemented carbide, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 41: 490-500, 2023.
  • M. Günay, Modeling and multiple optimization in face milling of hardfacing welding applied steel: Force, roughness, power, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 236(12): 6652-6664, 2022.
  • N. Natarajan, R. Arunachalam, Optimization of micro-EDM with multiple performance characteristics using Taguchi method and Grey relational analysis, 70: 500-505, 2011.
  • G. Venses, R.S. Siva, Optimisation of deep cryogenic treatment process on the wear resistance of 100Cr6 bearing steel using taguchi technique, Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, 1(2): 9-20, 2015.
  • M. Kumar, P. Vijayakumar, B. Narayan, Optimization of cryogenic treatment parameters to maximise the tool wear of HSS tools by Taguchi method, Int. J. Mod. Eng. Res, 2: 3051-3055, 2012.
  • E. Altas, H. Gokkaya, M.A. Karatas, D. Ozkan, Analysis of Surface Roughness and Flank Wear Using the Taguchi Method in Milling of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy with Uncoated Tools, Coatings, 10(12): 1259, 2020.
  • M. Kamaraj, R. Manimaran, S. Datta, Optimization of dry sliding wear parameters of graphene-filled flax fiber-reinforced epoxy composites using Taguchi grey relational analysis, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D, 1-10, 2022.
  • A. Akhbarizadeh, A. Shafyei, M. Golozar, Effects of cryogenic treatment on wear behavior of D6 tool steel, Materials & Design, 30(8): 3259-3264, 2009.
  • D. Senthilkumar, I. Rajendran, Influence of shallow and deep cryogenic treatment on tribological behavior of En 19 steel, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 18(9): 53-59, 2011.
  • M.S. Gül, H. Gökkaya, B. Kondul, M.H. Çetin, Makine Konstrüksiyonunda Kullanilabilirlik İçin Hastelloy C-22 Süper Alaşiminin Aşinma Direncinin Kriyojenik İşlem İle Etkileşiminin İncelenmesi, Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences, 10(1): 175-188, 2022.
  • F.E. Kennedy, Y. Ye, I. Baker, R.R. White, R.L. Barry, A.Y. Tang, M. Song, Development of a new cryogenic tribotester and its application to the study of cryogenic wear of AISI 316 stainless steel, Wear, 496: 204309, 2022.
  • S. Kumar, M. Nagaraj, N.K. Khedkar, A. Bongale, Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on dry sliding wear behaviour of AISI D3 die steel, Materials Research Express, 5(11): 116525, 2018.
  • Y. Yao, Y. Zhou, Effects of deep cryogenic treatment on wear resistance and structure of GB 35CrMoV steel, Metals, 8(7): 502, 2018.
  • G. Prieto, W.R. Tuckart, Influence of cryogenic treatments on the wear behavior of AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26: 5262-5271, 2017.
  • N.W. Khun, E. Liu, A.W.Y. Tan, D. Senthilkumar, B. Albert, D. Mohan Lal, Effects of deep cryogenic treatment on mechanical and tribological properties of AISI D3 tool steel, Friction, 3: 234-242, 2015.
  • D. Kumar, T. Rajmohan, Effect of MWCNT particles on wear loss in dry sliding wear of PEEK matrix composites, Materials Today: Proceedings, 16: 800-807, 2019.
  • Ö.E. Yurt, N. Sen, H. Simsir, Y. Kucuk, E. Altas, M.S. Gok, T. Civek, S. Korkmaz, M.H. Cetin, Investigation of tribological performance of hydrothermal carbon by pin-on-disc test and warm deep drawing process, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 12(2): 025019, 2024.

Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 172 - 192, 30.12.2024


AISI 9310 steel is widely used in the aerospace and defense industries due to its superior mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. This study introduces a novel approach by investigating the effects of both shallow (SCT) and deep (DCT) cryogenic treatments on the wear resistance and surface properties of AISI 9310 steel. An integrated methodology that combines Grey Relational Analysis and the Taguchi method for optimization was applied. Wear performance was evaluated using a ball-on-disc tribometer in dry sliding wear tests, revealing significant improvements. The results show that the hardness of the samples processed with DCT increased by 30%, while their volume loss decreased by 14%. In samples processed with SCT, hardness increased by 12%, with a corresponding 7% reduction in volume loss. Furthermore, the friction coefficient improved by 9% in DCT samples and by 5% in SCT samples. As the load increased, volume loss increased by 16% (from 3400 mm³ to 3950 mm³), while the friction coefficient decreased by 11% (from 0.448 μ to 0.498 μ). ANOVA analyses indicated that cryogenic treatment had the greatest effect on both volume loss and the friction coefficient. Regression analysis revealed an excellent model fit, with R2 values of 97.63% for volume loss and 99.42% for the friction coefficient. These findings suggest that cryogenic treatments significantly enhance the wear resistance of AISI 9310 steel and improve performance under varying load conditions. Additionally, they highlight the critical role of cryogenic processes in extending the service life of materials used in industrial environments, providing valuable insights for future engineering applications.


  • F. Yang, T. Zhao, P. He, L. Zhou, X. Pan, X. Liang, W. Jia, Z. An, P. Liu, H. Zhang, Effect of pulsed femtosecond laser shock peening surface modification on anti-wear failure properties of AISI 9310 gear steel, Engineering Failure Analysis, 159: 108146, 2024.
  • X. Yang, C. Li, M. Zhang, Z. Ye, X. Zhang, M. Zheng, J. Gu, J. Li, S. Li, Dry sliding wear behavior of additively manufactured CoCrWNixAly alloys, Wear, 496: 204285, 2022.
  • F. Kara, Y. Küçük, O. Özbek, N.A. Özbek, M.S. Gök, E. Altaş, I. Uygur, Effect of cryogenic treatment on wear behavior of Sleipner cold work tool steel, Tribology International, 180: 108301, 2023.
  • J. Singh, S.S. Chatha, Tribological behaviour of nanofluids under minimum quantity lubrication in turning of AISI 1055 steel, Materials Today: Proceedings, 41: 825-832, 2021.
  • E. Altas, S. Bati, S. Rajendrachari, Ö. Erkan, I.E. Dag, B. Avar, Comprehensive analysis of mechanical properties, wear, and corrosion behavior of AA7075-T6 alloy subjected to cryogenic treatment for aviation and defense applications, Surface and Coatings Technology, 490: 131101, 2024.
  • E. Altas, M. Altin Karatas, H. Gokkaya, Y. Akinay, Surface Integrity of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy in Milling with Cryogenic Heat Treated Cutting Tools under Different Cutting Conditions, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30(12): 9426-9439, 2021.
  • S. Akıncıoğlu, H. Gökkaya, İ. Uygur, The effects of cryogenic-treated carbide tools on tool wear and surface roughness of turning of Hastelloy C22 based on Taguchi method, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 82(1-4): 303-314, 2016.
  • I. Jawahir, H. Attia, D. Biermann, J. Duflou, F. Klocke, D. Meyer, S. Newman, F. Pusavec, M. Putz, J. Rech, Cryogenic manufacturing processes, CIRP annals, 65(2): 713-736, 2016.
  • E. Altas, O. Erkan, D. Ozkan, H. Gokkaya, Optimization of Cutting Conditions, Parameters, and Cryogenic Heat Treatment for Surface Roughness in Milling of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 31(9): 7315-7327, 2022.
  • Y. Arslan, A. Özdemir, Farkli Sürelerde Kriyojenik İşlem Uygulanmiş Aisi D3 Soğuk İş Takim Çeliği Zimbalarda Aşinma Davranişlari Ve Takim Ömrü, İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(3): 87-99, 2013.
  • M.A. Essam, A.Y. Shash, M.K. El-Fawakhry, E. El-Kashif, H. Megahed, Effect of Deep Cryogenic Treatment on Wear Behavior of Cold Work Tool Steel, Metals, 13(2): 382, 2023.
  • R. Gecu, Combined effects of cryogenic treatment and tempering on microstructural and tribological features of AISI H13 steel, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 292: 126802, 2022.
  • E. Nas, S. Akıncıoğlu, Kriyojenik işlem görmüş nikel esaslı süper alaşımın elektro-erozyon işleme performansı optimizasyonu, Academic Platform-Journal of Engineering and Science, 7(1): 115-126, 2019.
  • P. Baldissera, C. Delprete, Deep cryogenic treatment of AISI 302 stainless steel: Part II–Fatigue and corrosion, Materials & Design, 31(10): 4731-4737, 2010.
  • T. Myeong, Y. Yamabayashi, M. Shimojo, Y. Higo, A new life extension method for high cycle fatigue using micro-martensitic transformation in an austenitic stainless steel, International journal of fatigue, 19(93): 69-73, 1997.
  • J. Darwin, D.M. Lal, G. Nagarajan, Optimization of cryogenic treatment to maximize the wear resistance of 18% Cr martensitic stainless steel by Taguchi method, Journal of materials processing technology, 195(1-3): 241-247, 2008.
  • H. Gürhan, İ. Şahin, H. Çinici, T. Fındık, Kriyojenik işlemin SAE 4140 çeliğin mekanik özellikleri üzerine etkisi, Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi, 13(2): 25-37, 2014.
  • D. Senthilkumar, I. Rajendran, M. Pellizzari, J. Siiriainen, Influence of shallow and deep cryogenic treatment on the residual state of stress of 4140 steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211(3): 396-401, 2011.
  • T.B. Rao, G.R. Ponugoti, Characterization, prediction, and optimization of dry sliding wear behaviour of Al6061/WC composites, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 74(1): 159-178, 2021.
  • M.M. Khan, A. Dey, M.I. Hajam, Experimental investigation and optimization of dry sliding wear test parameters of aluminum based composites, Silicon, 14(8): 4009-4026, 2022.
  • A.T. Işık, R. Çakıroğlu, M. Günay, Multiresponse optimization of performance indicators through Taguchi-grey relational analysis in EDM of cemented carbide, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 41: 490-500, 2023.
  • M. Günay, Modeling and multiple optimization in face milling of hardfacing welding applied steel: Force, roughness, power, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 236(12): 6652-6664, 2022.
  • N. Natarajan, R. Arunachalam, Optimization of micro-EDM with multiple performance characteristics using Taguchi method and Grey relational analysis, 70: 500-505, 2011.
  • G. Venses, R.S. Siva, Optimisation of deep cryogenic treatment process on the wear resistance of 100Cr6 bearing steel using taguchi technique, Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, 1(2): 9-20, 2015.
  • M. Kumar, P. Vijayakumar, B. Narayan, Optimization of cryogenic treatment parameters to maximise the tool wear of HSS tools by Taguchi method, Int. J. Mod. Eng. Res, 2: 3051-3055, 2012.
  • E. Altas, H. Gokkaya, M.A. Karatas, D. Ozkan, Analysis of Surface Roughness and Flank Wear Using the Taguchi Method in Milling of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy with Uncoated Tools, Coatings, 10(12): 1259, 2020.
  • M. Kamaraj, R. Manimaran, S. Datta, Optimization of dry sliding wear parameters of graphene-filled flax fiber-reinforced epoxy composites using Taguchi grey relational analysis, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D, 1-10, 2022.
  • A. Akhbarizadeh, A. Shafyei, M. Golozar, Effects of cryogenic treatment on wear behavior of D6 tool steel, Materials & Design, 30(8): 3259-3264, 2009.
  • D. Senthilkumar, I. Rajendran, Influence of shallow and deep cryogenic treatment on tribological behavior of En 19 steel, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 18(9): 53-59, 2011.
  • M.S. Gül, H. Gökkaya, B. Kondul, M.H. Çetin, Makine Konstrüksiyonunda Kullanilabilirlik İçin Hastelloy C-22 Süper Alaşiminin Aşinma Direncinin Kriyojenik İşlem İle Etkileşiminin İncelenmesi, Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences, 10(1): 175-188, 2022.
  • F.E. Kennedy, Y. Ye, I. Baker, R.R. White, R.L. Barry, A.Y. Tang, M. Song, Development of a new cryogenic tribotester and its application to the study of cryogenic wear of AISI 316 stainless steel, Wear, 496: 204309, 2022.
  • S. Kumar, M. Nagaraj, N.K. Khedkar, A. Bongale, Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on dry sliding wear behaviour of AISI D3 die steel, Materials Research Express, 5(11): 116525, 2018.
  • Y. Yao, Y. Zhou, Effects of deep cryogenic treatment on wear resistance and structure of GB 35CrMoV steel, Metals, 8(7): 502, 2018.
  • G. Prieto, W.R. Tuckart, Influence of cryogenic treatments on the wear behavior of AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26: 5262-5271, 2017.
  • N.W. Khun, E. Liu, A.W.Y. Tan, D. Senthilkumar, B. Albert, D. Mohan Lal, Effects of deep cryogenic treatment on mechanical and tribological properties of AISI D3 tool steel, Friction, 3: 234-242, 2015.
  • D. Kumar, T. Rajmohan, Effect of MWCNT particles on wear loss in dry sliding wear of PEEK matrix composites, Materials Today: Proceedings, 16: 800-807, 2019.
  • Ö.E. Yurt, N. Sen, H. Simsir, Y. Kucuk, E. Altas, M.S. Gok, T. Civek, S. Korkmaz, M.H. Cetin, Investigation of tribological performance of hydrothermal carbon by pin-on-disc test and warm deep drawing process, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 12(2): 025019, 2024.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering, Tribology, Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (Excl. Textiles)
Journal Section Research Articles

Emre Altaş 0000-0002-9296-8881

Early Pub Date December 30, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date August 19, 2024
Acceptance Date October 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


APA Altaş, E. (2024). Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, 5(3), 172-192.
AMA Altaş E. Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method. MATECA. December 2024;5(3):172-192. doi:10.52795/mateca.1535444
Chicago Altaş, Emre. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method”. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications 5, no. 3 (December 2024): 172-92.
EndNote Altaş E (December 1, 2024) Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications 5 3 172–192.
IEEE E. Altaş, “Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method”, MATECA, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 172–192, 2024, doi: 10.52795/mateca.1535444.
ISNAD Altaş, Emre. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method”. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications 5/3 (December 2024), 172-192.
JAMA Altaş E. Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method. MATECA. 2024;5:172–192.
MLA Altaş, Emre. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method”. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, vol. 5, no. 3, 2024, pp. 172-9, doi:10.52795/mateca.1535444.
Vancouver Altaş E. Multi-Objective Optimization of Dry Sliding Wear in Cryogenically Treated High-Performance AISI 9310 Steel: An Integrated Approach Using Grey Relational Analysis and Taguchi Method. MATECA. 2024;5(3):172-9.