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S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 214 - 223, 30.12.2024


Fiber takviyeli kompozit malzemeler günümüz endüstrisinin vazgeçilmez malzemeleri arasına girmiştir. Bu malzemeler üretim süreçleri sonrasında tek başlarına ya da montaj yoluyla çoklu olarak kullanılırlar. Montajlı olarak çalışacakları yapı içerisinde üzerine matkaplar ile açılan delikler vasıtasıyla sökülebilir ya da sökülemez olarak birleştirilirler. Bu çalışmada, S-cam fiber takviyeli polimer kompozit malzemenin farklı kesme parametreleri ve farklı çaplardaki ağaç matkapları kullanılarak delinmesi sonucunda oluşan delik kalitesi ve kesme parametrelerinin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Delik kalitesini tanımlamak için delaminasyon ve yüzey pürüzlülüğü (Ra) incelenerek değerlendirilmiştir. Taguchi metodu kullanılarak kesme parametrelerinin delaminasyon ve yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerindeki ilişkileri analiz edilmiş ve varyans analizi yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizler ile giriş ve çıkış delaminasyon faktörleri için en önemli etken parametre matkap çapı olarak tespit edilmiştir. En düşük yüzey pürüzlülüğü 10 mm çapında matkapla, 40 mm/dak ilerlemede ve 1000 devir/dak devir sayısında yapılan deneylerde ölçülmüştür.


  • A.I. Azmi, R.J.T. Lin, D. Bhattacharyya, Experimental study of machinability of GFRP composites by end milling, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27(10): 1045-1050, 2012.
  • V.A. Nagarajan, S. Sundaram, K. Thyagarajan, J. Selwin Rajadurai, T.P.D. Rajan, Measuring delamination severity of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composites during drilling process, Experimental Techniques, 37(2): 66-73, 2013.
  • S. Morkavuk, U. Köklü, M. Bağcı, L. Gemi, Cryogenic machining of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites and the effects of cryogenic treatment on tensile properties: A comparative study, Composites Part B: Engineering, 147: 1-11, 2018.
  • E. Kilickap, Optimization of cutting parameters on delamination based on Taguchi method during drilling of GFRP composite, Expert Systems with Applications, 37(8): 6116-6122, 2010.
  • J.P. Davim, P. Reis, Drilling carbon fiber reinforced plastics manufactured by autoclave—experimental and statistical study, Materials & Design, 24(5): 315-324, 2003.
  • C.-J. Tzeng, Y.-H. Lin, Y.-K. Yang, M.-C. Jeng, Optimization of turning operations with multiple performance characteristics using the Taguchi method and Grey relational analysis, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209(6): 2753-2759, 2009.
  • S.J. Dastin, in Joining and Machining Techniques, ed. by George Lubin, Springer US, Boston, Handbook of Composites. Springer US; 1982.
  • C.C. Tsao, Experimental study of drilling composite materials with step-core drill, Materials & Design, 29(9): 1740-1744, 2008.
  • Y.-K. Yang, J.-R. Shie, C.-H. Huang, Optimization of dry machining parameters for high-purity graphite in end-milling process, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 21(8): 832-837, 2006.
  • U.A. Khashaba, I.A. El-Sonbaty, A.I. Selmy, A.A. Megahed, Machinability analysis in drilling woven GFR/epoxy composites: Part II – Effect of drill wear, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 41(9): 1130-1137, 2010.
  • I. El-Sonbaty, U.A. Khashaba, T. Machaly, Factors affecting the machinability of GFR/epoxy composites, Composite Structures, 63(3-4): 329-338, 2004.
  • H. Hocheng, C.C. Tsao, Comprehensive analysis of delamination in drilling of composite materials with various drill bits, Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 140(1-3):335-339, 2003.
  • J.P. Davim, P. Reis, C. Conceição António, Drilling fiber reinforced plastics (FRPs) manufactured by hand lay-up: influence of matrix (Viapal VUP 9731 and ATLAC 382-05), Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 155-156: 1828-1833, 2004.
  • J.P. Davim, P. Reis, C. C. António, Experimental study of drilling glass fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP) manufactured by hand lay-up, Composites Science and Technology, 64(2): 289-297, 2004.
  • U. A. Khashaba, Delamination in drilling GFR-thermoset composites, Composite Structures, 63(3-4): 313-327, 2004.
  • A. Ünüvar, M. Koyunbakan, M. Bagci, Optimization and effects of machining parameters on delamination in drilling of pure and Al2O3/SiO2-added GFRP composites, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119(1-2): 657-675, 2022.
  • A. Gupta, R. Vaishya, R. Kumar, K. L. A. Khan, S. Chhabra, A. Singh Verma, A. Bharadwaj, Effect of drilling process parameters on delamination factor in drilling of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer composite, Materials Today: Proceedings, 64: 1290-1294, 2022.
  • N. S. Mohan, S. M. Kulkarni, A. Ramachandra, Delamination analysis in drilling process of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) composite materials, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 186(1-3): 265-271, 2007.
  • A. Can, A. Ünüvar, Optimization of process parameters in drilling of SMC composites using Taguchi method, Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 24(2): 435, 2017.
  • A. M. Abrão, J. C. C. Rubio, P. E. Faria, J. P. Davim, The effect of cutting tool geometry on thrust force and delamination when drilling glass fibre reinforced plastic composite, . Materials & Design, 29(2): 508-513, 2008.
  • M. Koyunbakan, A. Ünuvar, V. Eskizeybek, A. Avcı, CETP kompozitlerin ağaç matkabıyla delinme performanslarının deneysel incelenmesi, Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2): 770-776, 2021.
  • Z. Kaya, H. E. Balcioglu, H. Gün, Single edge crack fracture behavior of S2 glass/epoxy under different temperature, strain rate and crack length, Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, 7(2): 297-314, 2021.
  • Z. Kaya, H. Ersen, H. Gün, The strain rate and temperature effects on the static and dynamic properties of S2 glass / epoxy composites, Applied Physics A, 126(8): 1-15, 2020.
  • Y. Fedai, Karbon nano tüp katkılı cam elyaf takviyeli kompozit malzemenin delme parametrelerinin Taguchi tabanlı Critic-CoCoSo yöntemleriyle optimizasyonu, Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(2): 729-750, 2024.
  • F. Kara, O. Özbek, M. Kam, H. Saruhan, AISI 4140 ıslah çeliğinin tornalanmasinda yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve titreşimin taguchi metodu ile optimizasyonu, International Academic Research Congress, 1132-1140, 2017.
  • A. Kaçal, M. Gülesin, Determination of optimal cutting conditions in finish turning of austempered ductile iron using Taguchi design method, Journal Of Scientific & Industrıal Research, 70(4): 278-283, 2011.
  • L. Gemi, S. Morkavuk, U. Köklü, D.S. Gemi, An experimental study on the effects of various drill types on drilling performance of GFRP composite pipes and damage formation, Composites Part B: Engineering, 172: 186-194, 2019.
  • H.B. Kaybal, A. Ünüvar, M. Koyunbakan, A. Avcı, A novelty optimization approach for drilling of CFRP nanocomposite laminates, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 100: 2995-3012, 2019.
  • T.N. Valarmathi, K. Palanikumar, B. Latha, Measurement and analysis of thrust force in drilling of particle board (PB) composite panels, Measurement, 46(3): 1220-1230, 2013.
  • H. Tanyıldızı, A. Coşkun, Varyans analizi (ANOVA) yöntemi ile silis dumanı katkılı hafif betonun mekanik özelliklerine deney parametrelerinin etkilerinin belirlenmesi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(3): 227-233, 2013.
  • A. Genç, F. Yıldırım, M. Koyunbakan, S. H. Yetgin, V. Eskizeybek, G. Kuş, Investıgation of drilling performance of reinforced polyamide 6 polymer composite, Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences, 11(1): 160-179, 2023.
  • F. Ceritbinmez, A. Yapici, E. Kanca, The effect of nanoparticle additive on surface milling in glass fiber reinforced composite structures, Polymers and Polymer Composites, 29(9): 575-585, 2021.
  • G. Uslu, M. Demirhan, N. Yaşar, M. E. Korkmaz, Influence of glass fiber ratio on machining characteristics of PA66 polymer for aerospace applications, Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, 3(1): 59-66, 2022.

Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Processing Parameters on Drilling of S-Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 214 - 223, 30.12.2024


Fiber reinforced composite materials have become one of the indispensable materials of today's industry. These materials are used alone or in multiples through assembly after the production processes. They can be assembled as either removable or non-removable by drilling holes in the structure where they will be installed. In this study, the hole quality resulting from drilling S-glass fiber reinforced polymer composite material using different cutting parameters and wood drills of different diameters and the effect of cutting parameters were investigated. To define the hole quality, delamination and surface roughness (Ra) were examined and evaluated. Using the Taguchi method, the relationships of cutting parameters on delamination and surface roughness were analyzed and variance analysis was performed. The analysis revealed that the most important parameter for input and output delamination factors was determined to be the drill diameter. The lowest surface roughness was measured in experiments performed with 10 mm diameter drill, a feed rate of 40 mm/min and a speed of 1000 rpm.


  • A.I. Azmi, R.J.T. Lin, D. Bhattacharyya, Experimental study of machinability of GFRP composites by end milling, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27(10): 1045-1050, 2012.
  • V.A. Nagarajan, S. Sundaram, K. Thyagarajan, J. Selwin Rajadurai, T.P.D. Rajan, Measuring delamination severity of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composites during drilling process, Experimental Techniques, 37(2): 66-73, 2013.
  • S. Morkavuk, U. Köklü, M. Bağcı, L. Gemi, Cryogenic machining of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites and the effects of cryogenic treatment on tensile properties: A comparative study, Composites Part B: Engineering, 147: 1-11, 2018.
  • E. Kilickap, Optimization of cutting parameters on delamination based on Taguchi method during drilling of GFRP composite, Expert Systems with Applications, 37(8): 6116-6122, 2010.
  • J.P. Davim, P. Reis, Drilling carbon fiber reinforced plastics manufactured by autoclave—experimental and statistical study, Materials & Design, 24(5): 315-324, 2003.
  • C.-J. Tzeng, Y.-H. Lin, Y.-K. Yang, M.-C. Jeng, Optimization of turning operations with multiple performance characteristics using the Taguchi method and Grey relational analysis, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209(6): 2753-2759, 2009.
  • S.J. Dastin, in Joining and Machining Techniques, ed. by George Lubin, Springer US, Boston, Handbook of Composites. Springer US; 1982.
  • C.C. Tsao, Experimental study of drilling composite materials with step-core drill, Materials & Design, 29(9): 1740-1744, 2008.
  • Y.-K. Yang, J.-R. Shie, C.-H. Huang, Optimization of dry machining parameters for high-purity graphite in end-milling process, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 21(8): 832-837, 2006.
  • U.A. Khashaba, I.A. El-Sonbaty, A.I. Selmy, A.A. Megahed, Machinability analysis in drilling woven GFR/epoxy composites: Part II – Effect of drill wear, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 41(9): 1130-1137, 2010.
  • I. El-Sonbaty, U.A. Khashaba, T. Machaly, Factors affecting the machinability of GFR/epoxy composites, Composite Structures, 63(3-4): 329-338, 2004.
  • H. Hocheng, C.C. Tsao, Comprehensive analysis of delamination in drilling of composite materials with various drill bits, Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 140(1-3):335-339, 2003.
  • J.P. Davim, P. Reis, C. Conceição António, Drilling fiber reinforced plastics (FRPs) manufactured by hand lay-up: influence of matrix (Viapal VUP 9731 and ATLAC 382-05), Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 155-156: 1828-1833, 2004.
  • J.P. Davim, P. Reis, C. C. António, Experimental study of drilling glass fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP) manufactured by hand lay-up, Composites Science and Technology, 64(2): 289-297, 2004.
  • U. A. Khashaba, Delamination in drilling GFR-thermoset composites, Composite Structures, 63(3-4): 313-327, 2004.
  • A. Ünüvar, M. Koyunbakan, M. Bagci, Optimization and effects of machining parameters on delamination in drilling of pure and Al2O3/SiO2-added GFRP composites, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119(1-2): 657-675, 2022.
  • A. Gupta, R. Vaishya, R. Kumar, K. L. A. Khan, S. Chhabra, A. Singh Verma, A. Bharadwaj, Effect of drilling process parameters on delamination factor in drilling of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer composite, Materials Today: Proceedings, 64: 1290-1294, 2022.
  • N. S. Mohan, S. M. Kulkarni, A. Ramachandra, Delamination analysis in drilling process of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) composite materials, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 186(1-3): 265-271, 2007.
  • A. Can, A. Ünüvar, Optimization of process parameters in drilling of SMC composites using Taguchi method, Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 24(2): 435, 2017.
  • A. M. Abrão, J. C. C. Rubio, P. E. Faria, J. P. Davim, The effect of cutting tool geometry on thrust force and delamination when drilling glass fibre reinforced plastic composite, . Materials & Design, 29(2): 508-513, 2008.
  • M. Koyunbakan, A. Ünuvar, V. Eskizeybek, A. Avcı, CETP kompozitlerin ağaç matkabıyla delinme performanslarının deneysel incelenmesi, Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2): 770-776, 2021.
  • Z. Kaya, H. E. Balcioglu, H. Gün, Single edge crack fracture behavior of S2 glass/epoxy under different temperature, strain rate and crack length, Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, 7(2): 297-314, 2021.
  • Z. Kaya, H. Ersen, H. Gün, The strain rate and temperature effects on the static and dynamic properties of S2 glass / epoxy composites, Applied Physics A, 126(8): 1-15, 2020.
  • Y. Fedai, Karbon nano tüp katkılı cam elyaf takviyeli kompozit malzemenin delme parametrelerinin Taguchi tabanlı Critic-CoCoSo yöntemleriyle optimizasyonu, Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(2): 729-750, 2024.
  • F. Kara, O. Özbek, M. Kam, H. Saruhan, AISI 4140 ıslah çeliğinin tornalanmasinda yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve titreşimin taguchi metodu ile optimizasyonu, International Academic Research Congress, 1132-1140, 2017.
  • A. Kaçal, M. Gülesin, Determination of optimal cutting conditions in finish turning of austempered ductile iron using Taguchi design method, Journal Of Scientific & Industrıal Research, 70(4): 278-283, 2011.
  • L. Gemi, S. Morkavuk, U. Köklü, D.S. Gemi, An experimental study on the effects of various drill types on drilling performance of GFRP composite pipes and damage formation, Composites Part B: Engineering, 172: 186-194, 2019.
  • H.B. Kaybal, A. Ünüvar, M. Koyunbakan, A. Avcı, A novelty optimization approach for drilling of CFRP nanocomposite laminates, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 100: 2995-3012, 2019.
  • T.N. Valarmathi, K. Palanikumar, B. Latha, Measurement and analysis of thrust force in drilling of particle board (PB) composite panels, Measurement, 46(3): 1220-1230, 2013.
  • H. Tanyıldızı, A. Coşkun, Varyans analizi (ANOVA) yöntemi ile silis dumanı katkılı hafif betonun mekanik özelliklerine deney parametrelerinin etkilerinin belirlenmesi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(3): 227-233, 2013.
  • A. Genç, F. Yıldırım, M. Koyunbakan, S. H. Yetgin, V. Eskizeybek, G. Kuş, Investıgation of drilling performance of reinforced polyamide 6 polymer composite, Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences, 11(1): 160-179, 2023.
  • F. Ceritbinmez, A. Yapici, E. Kanca, The effect of nanoparticle additive on surface milling in glass fiber reinforced composite structures, Polymers and Polymer Composites, 29(9): 575-585, 2021.
  • G. Uslu, M. Demirhan, N. Yaşar, M. E. Korkmaz, Influence of glass fiber ratio on machining characteristics of PA66 polymer for aerospace applications, Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, 3(1): 59-66, 2022.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Material Design and Behaviors, Composite and Hybrid Materials
Journal Section Research Articles

Zafer Kaya 0000-0002-5489-3997

Hakan Mumcu 0009-0005-2306-5522

Murat Koyunbakan 0000-0003-2135-9648

Early Pub Date December 30, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date September 13, 2024
Acceptance Date October 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


APA Kaya, Z., Mumcu, H., & Koyunbakan, M. (2024). S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, 5(3), 214-223.
AMA Kaya Z, Mumcu H, Koyunbakan M. S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi. MATECA. December 2024;5(3):214-223. doi:10.52795/mateca.1549461
Chicago Kaya, Zafer, Hakan Mumcu, and Murat Koyunbakan. “S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi”. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications 5, no. 3 (December 2024): 214-23.
EndNote Kaya Z, Mumcu H, Koyunbakan M (December 1, 2024) S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications 5 3 214–223.
IEEE Z. Kaya, H. Mumcu, and M. Koyunbakan, “S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi”, MATECA, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 214–223, 2024, doi: 10.52795/mateca.1549461.
ISNAD Kaya, Zafer et al. “S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi”. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications 5/3 (December 2024), 214-223.
JAMA Kaya Z, Mumcu H, Koyunbakan M. S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi. MATECA. 2024;5:214–223.
MLA Kaya, Zafer et al. “S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi”. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, vol. 5, no. 3, 2024, pp. 214-23, doi:10.52795/mateca.1549461.
Vancouver Kaya Z, Mumcu H, Koyunbakan M. S-Cam Fiber Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Delinmesinde İşleme Parametrelerinin Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi. MATECA. 2024;5(3):214-23.