Year 2024,
Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 169 - 177, 08.12.2024
Önder Gökmen Yıldız
Hazer Usta
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Inextensible Flow of Quaternionic Curves According to Type 2-Quaternionic Frame in the Euclidean Space
Year 2024,
Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 169 - 177, 08.12.2024
Önder Gökmen Yıldız
Hazer Usta
In this paper, we investigate inextensible flows of quaternionic curve according to Type 2-Quaternionic frame. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for inextensible flow of quaternionic curves. Moreover, we obtain evolution equations of the Frenet frame and curvatures according to Type 2-Quaternionic frame.
- [1] Hamilton,W. R.: Elements of Quaternions I, II and III. Chelsea, New York (1899).
- [2] Bharathi, K., Nagaraj, M.:Quaternion valued function of a real variable Serret-Frenet formulaetext. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 16, 741-756 (1985).
- [3] Tuna, A.: Serret Frenet formulae for quaternionic curves in semi Euclidean space. Ph.D. thesis. Süleyman
Demirel University (2002).
- [4] Kahraman Aksoyak, F.: A new type of quaternionic frame in R4. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. 16(06), 1950084 (2019).
- [5] Çöken, A. C., Tuna, A.: On the quaternionic inclined curves in the semi-Euclidean space E4
2 . Appl. Math. Comput. 155, 373-389 (2004).
- [6] Eren, K.: Motion of inextensible quaternionic curves and modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. Analeleştiintifice ale Universitatii" Ovidius" Constanta. Seria Matematica. 30(2), 91-101 (2022).
- [7] Güngör, M. A., Erişir, T.:On the quaternionic curves in the semi-Euclidean space E4_2 . Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences (CJMS). 7(1), 36-45 (2018).
- [8] Gök, İ., Okuyucu, O. Z., Kahraman, F., Hacısalihoğlu, H. H.: On the quaternionic B2 slant helices in the Euclidean space E4;. Adv.Appl. Clifford Algebras. 21, 707-719 (2011).
- [9] Kahraman Aksoyak, F.: Quaternionic Bertrand curves according to type 2-quaternionic frame in R4. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. 71(2), 395-406 (2022).
- [10] Kızılay, A., Yıldız, Ö. G., Okuyucu, O. Z.:Evolution of quaternionic curve in the semi-Euclidean space
E4_2 .Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 44(9), 7577-7587 (2021).
- [11] Yıldız, Ö. G., Özkaldı Karakuş, S.:On the Quaternionic Normal Curves in the Semi-Euclidean Space E4
2 . International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics. 3, 68-76 (2016).
- [12] Yıldız, A. F., Okuyucu, O. Z., Yıldız, Ö. G.: Inextensible flow Of a semi-real quaternionic curve In semi-Euclidean space R4_2 . Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. 67(1), 323-332 (2018).
- [13] Kwon, D. Y., Park, F. C.: Evolution of inelastic plane curves. Applied Mathematics Letters. 12(6), 115-119 (1999).
- [14] Kwon, D. Y., Park, F. C., Chi, D. P.: Inextensible flows of curves and developable surfaces. Applied Mathematics Letters. 18(10), 1156-1162 (2005).
- [15] Eren, K.: A study of the evolution of space curves with modified orthogonal frame In Euclidean 3-space. Applied Mathematics E-Notes. 22, 281-286 (2022).
- [16] Gün Bozok, H., Dostoğlu, O. T.: Inextensible flows of framed curves in 4-dimensional Euclidean space. Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal. 16(4), 67-75 (2023).
- [17] Kelleci, A., Eren, K.: On evolution of some associated type ruled surfaces. Math. Sci. Appl. E-Notes. 8(2), 178-186 (2020).
- [18] Kızılay, A., Yakut, A. T.:Inextensible flows of space curves according to a new orthogonal frame with curvature in E3_ 1. International Electronic Journal of Geometry. 16(2), 577-593 (2023).
- [19] Şenyurt, S., Eren, K., Ayvacı, K. H.: A study on inextensible flows of polynomial curves with Flc Frame. Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM). 17(2), 123-133 (2022).
- [20] Ward, J. P.: Quaternions and Cayley numbers: algebra and applications. Vol. 403. Springer Science and Business Media. (2012).