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Bilgisayar Yardımıyla Tolerans Seçimi Kavramı ve Eğitim Amaçlı Bir Tolerans Seçimi Yazılımı

Year 1995, Volume: 2 Issue: 5, 187 - 199, 01.03.1995


çalışmada, bilgisayar yardımıyla tolerans seçimi tekniklerinin son 10 yılda
gösterdiği gelişim incelenmiştir. Taranan çalışmalarda kullanılan tolerans
seçim teknikleri üç gruba ayrılmış (tolerans zincir tekniği, tasarımın analizi
ve sentezi tekniği ve maliyet-tolerans algoritması tekniği) ve yapılan
çalışmalar bu başlıklar altında özetlenmiştir. Ayrıca, bu çalışmanın yazarları
tarafından dBASE, IV veritabanı yazılımı kullanılarak toleransların seçimi için
geliştirilen ve eğitim amaçlı olarak halen kullanılmakta olan bir yazılımın çalışma
sistematiği, yazılım esasları ve örnek çıktıları verilmiştir.


  • [1] Amerikan Milli Standartlar Enstitüsü (American National Standard Institute), Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Engineering Drawings, ANSI 14.5M, ASME, New York, 1982.
  • [2] Giesecke, F.E., Mitchell, A., Spencer, H.C., Hill, I.L. ve Dygdon, J.T., Technical Drawing, Mac Millan, Publishing, New York, (1980), 335-356.
  • [3] Marks, C.F., Tolerance Charts Control Production Machining, American Machinist, 97 (5), Mart (1953), 114-116.
  • [4] Andcrson, J.P., Assembly Tolerance Charts Same Time and Money, The Tool Engineer, 37 (6), Aralık (1956), 95-97.
  • [5] Johnson, A., index Tolerance Chart Simplifies Production, The Tool Engineer, 32 (2), Şubat (1954), 53-62.
  • [6] Mooney, C.T., How to Ad just Tolerance Charts, The Tool Engineer, 35 (4), Ekim (1955), 75-81.
  • [7] Gadzalla, J.D., Dimensional Control in Precision Manufacturing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959.
  • [8] Wade, O.R., Tolerance control in Design and Manufacturing, Industrial Press Inc., New York, 1967.
  • [9] Sack Jr., C.F., Computer Managed Process Planning - a bridgc between CAD and CAM, AUTOFACT4, 7.15-7.31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 November -2 December, 1982.
  • [10] Björke, O., Computer-Aided Tolerancing, ASME Press, New York, 2nd cd., 1989.
  • [11] Lagodimas, A.G. ve Scarr, A.J., Computcr-Aided Selection of Interference Fits, Computer in Mechanical Engineering, 2 (2) (1983), 49-55.
  • [12] Ahluwalia, R.S. ve Karolin, A.V., CATC -A Computer-Aided Tolerance Control System, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 3 (1986), 153-160.
  • [13] Xiaoqin 2, T. ve Davies, Bi., Computer-Aidcd Dimensional Planning, Int. J. of Production Research, 26 (1988), 283-297.
  • [14] Li, J.K. ve Zhang, C., Operational Dimensions and Tolcrance Calculation in CAPP System for Precision Manufacturing, Annals of CIRP, 38 (1), (1989), 403-406.
  • [15] Irani, S.A., Mittal, R.O. ve Lehtihet, E.A., Tolerance Chart Optimization, Int. J. of Production Research, 27 (9), (1989), 1531-1552.
  • [16] Zhang, C., Mei, J., et al., Operational Dimensioning and Tolerancing in CAPP, Annals of CIRP, 40 (1), (1991).
  • [17] Weil, R. ve Bourdet, K., Integrating Dimensions and Tolerancing in Computer-Aided Process Planning, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 4 (1/2), (1988), 41-48.
  • [18] Wu, Z., El Maraghy, H.A. ve El Maraghy, W.H., Evaluation of Cost-Tolerances Algorithms for Design Tolerances Analysis and Synthesis, Manufacturing Review, 1 (3), Kasım (1988), 168-179.
  • [19] Chase, K.W., Greenwood, W.H., Least Cost Tolerance Allocation for Mechanical Assemblies with Automated Process Selection, Manufacturing Review, 3 (1), Mart (19901, 49-59.
  • [20] Chase, K.W. ve Greenwood, W.H., Design Issues in Mechanical Tolerance Analysis, Manufactur;ii,g Review, 1 (1), (1988), 50-59. :211 Dong, Z. ve Soom, A, Optimal Tolerancing Design with Automatic Incorporation of Manufacturing Knowledge, IEE Integrated Systems Conference, 1989.
  • [22] Oswald, P.F. ve Blake, M.O., Estimating Cost Associated with Dimensional Tolerance, Manufacturing Review, 2 (4), (1989), 277-282.
  • [23] Kim, S.H. ve Knott, K., A Psuedo-Boolean Approach Determine Least Cost Tolerances, Int. J. of Production Research, 26 (1), (1988), 157-167.
  • [24] Oswald, P.F. ve Huang, J., A Method for Optimal Tolerance Selection, ASME Trans., J. of Engineering for Industry, Ağustos (1 \)77), 358-363.
  • [25] Micheal, N. ve Siddal, J.N., "The Optimizatkı ı Problems with Optimal Tolerance Assignment and Fiili Acceptance, ASME Trans., J. of Mechanical" Design, 103, Kasım (1981), 842-845.
  • [26] Michael, W. ve Siddal, J.N., The Optimal Tolerancc Assignment with Less Than Fun Acceptance, ASME Trans., J. of Mechanical Design, 104, Kasım (1982), 855-860.
  • [27] Sayed, S.E. ve Kheir, NA., An Efficient Technique fc,r Miniınum Cost Tolerancing Assignment, imulation, Nisan 1985.
  • [28] Zhang, C. Ye Wang, H.P., Simultaneous Optimization of Design and Manufacturing Tolerances with Process (Machine) Selection, Annals of CIRP, 41 (1), (1992), 569-572.
  • [29] Zhang, C. ve Wang, H.P., The Discrete Tolerance .7ptimization Problem, Dept. of Industrial Eng., Makale No: 91-28, The University c,f I6wa, 1991.
  • [30] Laarhoven P.J.M. ve Aarts, E.H.L. Simulated Annealing: iheory and Applications, D. Reidel Publ. Comp., Dortrecht, Holland, 1987.
  • [31] Kapur, K.C., Raman, S. ve Pulat, P.S., Methodology for Tolerance Design Using Quality Loss Function, Computer in Industrial Eng., 19 (1-4), (1990), 254-257.
  • [32] Chen, G. ve Kapur, K.C., Quality Evaluation Systems Using Loss Function, The Proc. of Int. Industrial Eng. Conf, Toronto, Canada, May 1989.
  • [33] Taguchi, G., Systems of Experimental Design (İngilizceden Tercüme), Cilt 1, UNIPUB/KRAUS Int. Publ., Dearbom, MI, 1987.
  • [34] Fainguelemt, D., Wcil, R. and Bourdet, P., Annals of CIRP, 35 (1986), 381-386.
  • [35] Stantsikopoulos, M.M., A Cost-Tolerance Analysis Approach for Design and Manufacturing, Int. J. of Advanced Manuf. Tech., 5 (1990), 126-134.
  • [36] He, J.R., Tolerancing for Manufacturing via Cost Minimization, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf, 31 (4), (1991), 455-470.
  • [37] Chase, K.W. ve Greenwood, W.H., A New Tolerance Analysis Metod for Designers and Manufacturers, Trans. ASME, J. of Engineering for Industry, 109 (1987), 112-116.
  • [38] Lehtihet, E.A. ve Dindelli, B.A., TOLCON: Microcomputer Based Module for Simulation of Tolerances, Manufacturing Review, 3, Eylül 1989.
  • [39] Lee, W. ve Woo, T.C., Tolcrances: Their Analysis and Synthesis, Trans. ASME, J. of Engineering for Industry, 112 (1990), 113-119.
  • [40] Lee, W. ve Woo, T.C., Optimum Selection of Discrete Tolerances, J. of Mechanisms Transmissions and Automation in Design, 111, Haziran (1989), 243-249.
  • [41] Manivannan, S., Lehtihet, E.A. ve Egbelu, P.J., A Knowledge Based System for the Specification of Manufacturing Tolerances, J. of Manufacturing System, 8 (2).
  • [42] Raman, S., Panchal, K. ve Pulat, P.S., Computer-Aided Tolerance Assignment, Computer in Industry, 21 (1-4), (1991), 67-71.
  • [43] Panchal, K., Raman, S. and Pulat, P.S., Computer-Aided Tolerance Assignment Procedure (CATAP) for Design Dimensioning, Int. J. Production Research, 30 (3), (1992), 599-610.
  • [44] Autodcsk Inc., AutoCAD Release 10, Reference Manual, 1989a.
  • [45] BS 4500 (British Standards), Specifications for ISO Limits and Fits, 1969.
  • [46] Öztürk, F., Çavdar, K. ve Alankuş, O., TOL-AP: Bilgisayar Yardımıyla Tolerans Analizi Programı, 6. Uluslararası Makina Tasarım ve Imalat Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, 105-114, ODTÜ, 1994.
  • [47] Bağcı, M. ve Bağcı, C., Teknik Resim -Cilt 1, Bağcı Yayınevi, Ankara, 1977.
  • [48] TS 1 845 (Türk Standartları), Tolerans ve Alıştırmalar Sistemi, Bölüm I - Genel Esaslar, Toleranslar ve Sapmalar, Şubat 1975.
Year 1995, Volume: 2 Issue: 5, 187 - 199, 01.03.1995



  • [1] Amerikan Milli Standartlar Enstitüsü (American National Standard Institute), Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Engineering Drawings, ANSI 14.5M, ASME, New York, 1982.
  • [2] Giesecke, F.E., Mitchell, A., Spencer, H.C., Hill, I.L. ve Dygdon, J.T., Technical Drawing, Mac Millan, Publishing, New York, (1980), 335-356.
  • [3] Marks, C.F., Tolerance Charts Control Production Machining, American Machinist, 97 (5), Mart (1953), 114-116.
  • [4] Andcrson, J.P., Assembly Tolerance Charts Same Time and Money, The Tool Engineer, 37 (6), Aralık (1956), 95-97.
  • [5] Johnson, A., index Tolerance Chart Simplifies Production, The Tool Engineer, 32 (2), Şubat (1954), 53-62.
  • [6] Mooney, C.T., How to Ad just Tolerance Charts, The Tool Engineer, 35 (4), Ekim (1955), 75-81.
  • [7] Gadzalla, J.D., Dimensional Control in Precision Manufacturing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959.
  • [8] Wade, O.R., Tolerance control in Design and Manufacturing, Industrial Press Inc., New York, 1967.
  • [9] Sack Jr., C.F., Computer Managed Process Planning - a bridgc between CAD and CAM, AUTOFACT4, 7.15-7.31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 November -2 December, 1982.
  • [10] Björke, O., Computer-Aided Tolerancing, ASME Press, New York, 2nd cd., 1989.
  • [11] Lagodimas, A.G. ve Scarr, A.J., Computcr-Aided Selection of Interference Fits, Computer in Mechanical Engineering, 2 (2) (1983), 49-55.
  • [12] Ahluwalia, R.S. ve Karolin, A.V., CATC -A Computer-Aided Tolerance Control System, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 3 (1986), 153-160.
  • [13] Xiaoqin 2, T. ve Davies, Bi., Computer-Aidcd Dimensional Planning, Int. J. of Production Research, 26 (1988), 283-297.
  • [14] Li, J.K. ve Zhang, C., Operational Dimensions and Tolcrance Calculation in CAPP System for Precision Manufacturing, Annals of CIRP, 38 (1), (1989), 403-406.
  • [15] Irani, S.A., Mittal, R.O. ve Lehtihet, E.A., Tolerance Chart Optimization, Int. J. of Production Research, 27 (9), (1989), 1531-1552.
  • [16] Zhang, C., Mei, J., et al., Operational Dimensioning and Tolerancing in CAPP, Annals of CIRP, 40 (1), (1991).
  • [17] Weil, R. ve Bourdet, K., Integrating Dimensions and Tolerancing in Computer-Aided Process Planning, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 4 (1/2), (1988), 41-48.
  • [18] Wu, Z., El Maraghy, H.A. ve El Maraghy, W.H., Evaluation of Cost-Tolerances Algorithms for Design Tolerances Analysis and Synthesis, Manufacturing Review, 1 (3), Kasım (1988), 168-179.
  • [19] Chase, K.W., Greenwood, W.H., Least Cost Tolerance Allocation for Mechanical Assemblies with Automated Process Selection, Manufacturing Review, 3 (1), Mart (19901, 49-59.
  • [20] Chase, K.W. ve Greenwood, W.H., Design Issues in Mechanical Tolerance Analysis, Manufactur;ii,g Review, 1 (1), (1988), 50-59. :211 Dong, Z. ve Soom, A, Optimal Tolerancing Design with Automatic Incorporation of Manufacturing Knowledge, IEE Integrated Systems Conference, 1989.
  • [22] Oswald, P.F. ve Blake, M.O., Estimating Cost Associated with Dimensional Tolerance, Manufacturing Review, 2 (4), (1989), 277-282.
  • [23] Kim, S.H. ve Knott, K., A Psuedo-Boolean Approach Determine Least Cost Tolerances, Int. J. of Production Research, 26 (1), (1988), 157-167.
  • [24] Oswald, P.F. ve Huang, J., A Method for Optimal Tolerance Selection, ASME Trans., J. of Engineering for Industry, Ağustos (1 \)77), 358-363.
  • [25] Micheal, N. ve Siddal, J.N., "The Optimizatkı ı Problems with Optimal Tolerance Assignment and Fiili Acceptance, ASME Trans., J. of Mechanical" Design, 103, Kasım (1981), 842-845.
  • [26] Michael, W. ve Siddal, J.N., The Optimal Tolerancc Assignment with Less Than Fun Acceptance, ASME Trans., J. of Mechanical Design, 104, Kasım (1982), 855-860.
  • [27] Sayed, S.E. ve Kheir, NA., An Efficient Technique fc,r Miniınum Cost Tolerancing Assignment, imulation, Nisan 1985.
  • [28] Zhang, C. Ye Wang, H.P., Simultaneous Optimization of Design and Manufacturing Tolerances with Process (Machine) Selection, Annals of CIRP, 41 (1), (1992), 569-572.
  • [29] Zhang, C. ve Wang, H.P., The Discrete Tolerance .7ptimization Problem, Dept. of Industrial Eng., Makale No: 91-28, The University c,f I6wa, 1991.
  • [30] Laarhoven P.J.M. ve Aarts, E.H.L. Simulated Annealing: iheory and Applications, D. Reidel Publ. Comp., Dortrecht, Holland, 1987.
  • [31] Kapur, K.C., Raman, S. ve Pulat, P.S., Methodology for Tolerance Design Using Quality Loss Function, Computer in Industrial Eng., 19 (1-4), (1990), 254-257.
  • [32] Chen, G. ve Kapur, K.C., Quality Evaluation Systems Using Loss Function, The Proc. of Int. Industrial Eng. Conf, Toronto, Canada, May 1989.
  • [33] Taguchi, G., Systems of Experimental Design (İngilizceden Tercüme), Cilt 1, UNIPUB/KRAUS Int. Publ., Dearbom, MI, 1987.
  • [34] Fainguelemt, D., Wcil, R. and Bourdet, P., Annals of CIRP, 35 (1986), 381-386.
  • [35] Stantsikopoulos, M.M., A Cost-Tolerance Analysis Approach for Design and Manufacturing, Int. J. of Advanced Manuf. Tech., 5 (1990), 126-134.
  • [36] He, J.R., Tolerancing for Manufacturing via Cost Minimization, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf, 31 (4), (1991), 455-470.
  • [37] Chase, K.W. ve Greenwood, W.H., A New Tolerance Analysis Metod for Designers and Manufacturers, Trans. ASME, J. of Engineering for Industry, 109 (1987), 112-116.
  • [38] Lehtihet, E.A. ve Dindelli, B.A., TOLCON: Microcomputer Based Module for Simulation of Tolerances, Manufacturing Review, 3, Eylül 1989.
  • [39] Lee, W. ve Woo, T.C., Tolcrances: Their Analysis and Synthesis, Trans. ASME, J. of Engineering for Industry, 112 (1990), 113-119.
  • [40] Lee, W. ve Woo, T.C., Optimum Selection of Discrete Tolerances, J. of Mechanisms Transmissions and Automation in Design, 111, Haziran (1989), 243-249.
  • [41] Manivannan, S., Lehtihet, E.A. ve Egbelu, P.J., A Knowledge Based System for the Specification of Manufacturing Tolerances, J. of Manufacturing System, 8 (2).
  • [42] Raman, S., Panchal, K. ve Pulat, P.S., Computer-Aided Tolerance Assignment, Computer in Industry, 21 (1-4), (1991), 67-71.
  • [43] Panchal, K., Raman, S. and Pulat, P.S., Computer-Aided Tolerance Assignment Procedure (CATAP) for Design Dimensioning, Int. J. Production Research, 30 (3), (1992), 599-610.
  • [44] Autodcsk Inc., AutoCAD Release 10, Reference Manual, 1989a.
  • [45] BS 4500 (British Standards), Specifications for ISO Limits and Fits, 1969.
  • [46] Öztürk, F., Çavdar, K. ve Alankuş, O., TOL-AP: Bilgisayar Yardımıyla Tolerans Analizi Programı, 6. Uluslararası Makina Tasarım ve Imalat Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, 105-114, ODTÜ, 1994.
  • [47] Bağcı, M. ve Bağcı, C., Teknik Resim -Cilt 1, Bağcı Yayınevi, Ankara, 1977.
  • [48] TS 1 845 (Türk Standartları), Tolerans ve Alıştırmalar Sistemi, Bölüm I - Genel Esaslar, Toleranslar ve Sapmalar, Şubat 1975.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma, Geliştirme ve Uygulama Makaleleri

Bahadır Ateş This is me

Can Çoğun This is me

Publication Date March 1, 1995
Submission Date January 8, 1995
Published in Issue Year 1995 Volume: 2 Issue: 5


Vancouver Ateş B, Çoğun C. Bilgisayar Yardımıyla Tolerans Seçimi Kavramı ve Eğitim Amaçlı Bir Tolerans Seçimi Yazılımı. MATİM. 1995;2(5):187-99.