Research Article
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Mekanik Şok Tutucular

Year 1994, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 127 - 137, 01.06.1994


çarpışma sırasında çarpan ve çarpılan elemanlar arasında oluşan kuvvetler, bu
elemanların şekil değiştirme karakteristiklerine bağlıdır. Eğer çarpışan
elemanlar, çarpışma sırasında oluşacak kinetik enerjinin yaratacağı şekil
değişikliğini taşıyabilecek elastikiyete sahip değilse veya oluşan kinetik
enerjinin güvensiz ve kontrolsüzce yayılma ihtimali varsa, bu iki eleman
arasına özel olarak tasarlanmış enerji tutucu sistem koymak gerekir. Dolayısıyla
böyle bir enerji tutucunun ana yapıya zarar vermeden büyük kalıcı şekil
değişikliklerini taşıyabilme ve dinamik koşullar altında güvenilir ve kontrol
edilebilir yük-şekil değişikliği karakteristiğine sahip olması gerekir. Bu
çalışmanın amacı mekanik şok tutucular hakkında genel bir bilgi verip, daha
önce yayınlanmış yazıların derlenmesidir.


  • 1. Goldsmith, W., "Impact: The Theory and Physical Behaviour of Colliding Solids", Arnold, London, 1960.
  • 2. Johnson, W , "Impact Strength of Materials", Arnold, London, 1972.
  • 3. Wasley, R.J., "Stress Wave Propagation in Solids", Marcel Dekker, 1973.
  • 4. Kornhauser, M., "Structural Effects of Impact", Spartan Books, 1964.
  • 5. Hernalsteen, H. and Leblois, L.C., 1975, "The Use of Energy Absorbers, to Protect Structures Against Impact Loading", Nuclear Engineering and Design, 1976, (37), pp. 373-406.
  • 6. Araki, Y., Yuhki, Y., Yokomichi, I. and Jinnouchi, Y.,1983, "Impact Damper with Granular Materials", Bulletin of JSME, June 1985, Volume 28, No. 240, pp. 1211-1217.
  • 7. Bapat, C.N. and Sankar, S., 1984, "Multiunit Impact Damper Re-Examined", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1985,103(4), pp. 457-469.
  • 8. Hundal, M.S., 1976, "Impact Absorber with Two-Stage, Variable Area Orifice Hydraulic Damper", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1977, 50(2), pp. 195- 202.
  • 9. Asami, T. and Sekiguchi, H., 1982, "Fundamental Investigation on an Oil Damper - 3rd Report Comparison of Analyses Based on Cylindrical Coordinates and Cartesian Coordinates", Bulletin of JSME, February 1984, Volume 27, No. 224, pp. 309-316.
  • 10. Maemori, K., 1981, "Optimum Design of Hydraulic Shock Absorbers", Bulletin of JSME, 1983, Volume 26, No. 225, pp. 309-316.
  • 11. Yeaple, F., 1982, "Fluid Shock Absorber Equations", Design Engeneering, March 1982, pp. 77-82.
  • 12. Rich, B.L., "Cylinders:Softening The Blow", Machine Design, May 1978, pp. 66-69.
  • 13. Johnson, W. and Reid, S.R., 1978, "Metallic Energy Dissipating Systems", Applied Mechanics Reviews, March 1978, Volume 31, No. 3, pp. 277-288.
  • 14. Coppa, A.P., 1968, "New Ways to Soften Shock", Machine Design, March 28, 1968, pp. 130-140.
  • 15. Wang, Y.Z. and Wang, K.S., 1985, "Optimal Design of Impact Absorber for Machine-Floor System Under Impact Loads", Applied Acoustics, 1986, pp 183-202.
  • 16. Kukkola, T., 1975, "Energy Absorbers Used Against Impact Loading", Nuelear Engineering and Design, 1976, pp. 407-412.
  • 17. Kounadis, A.N., Raftoyiannis, J. and Mallis, J., 1988, "Dynamic Buckling of an Arch Model Under Impact Loading", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1989, 134(2), pp. 193-202.
  • 18. Raphanel, J.L. and Symonds, P.S., "The Estimation of Large Deflections of a Portal Frame Under Asymmetric Pulse Loading", Journal of Applied Mechanics, September 1984, Volume 51, pp. 494-500.
  • 19. Stangl, P.K. and Meguid, S.A., 1990, "Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of a Novel Shock Absorber for an Electrically Powered Vehicle", Int. J. Impact Engng, 1991, Volume 11, No. 1, pp. 41-59.
  • 20. Stangl, P.K. and Meguid, S.A., "Effect of Fillet Radii U on the Performance of a Novel Shock Absorber for an Electrically Powered Vehicle", Int. J. Vehicle Design, 1991, Volume 12, No. 2, pp. 240-249.
  • 21. Krishnaswamy, P. and Mani, A., "Crash Codes Pave the Way to Safer Vehicles", Mechanical Engineering, April 1991, pp. 60-62.
  • 22. Shibanuma, K., Tanaka, H. and Nishiwaki, N., 1985, "Occupant's Safety by use of Variable Energy Alas", Society of Automotive Eng., SAE Transactions 850511,1986, pp. 788-797.
  • 23. Scammell, L.K., 1987, "Comparison of Strain Rates of Dart Impacted Pla ues and Pendulum Impacted Bumpers' , Society of Automotive Eng., SAE Transactions 870106,1987, pp. 393-399.
  • 24. Rusch, K.C., "An Overview of Automotive Plastic Bumpers", SAE Transactions 900420, V1,1990, pp. 436-444.
  • 25. Borchelt, Shapiro, J. and Subbaraman, B., "Application of Empirical Relationship Developed for Ultra-High. Strength Steels in Bumper Design", SAE Transactions 900737, 1990, pp. 784-788.
  • 26. Mizunaga, S., Saeki, N. and Watanabe, H., "Development of Blow-Molded Bumper Beam", SAE Transactions 900834, 1990, pp. 886- 892.
  • 27. Griffin,. P.D. and Martin, J.B., 1982, "Geometrically nonlinear Mode Approximations for Impulsively Loaded Homogeneous Viscous Beams and Frames", Int. J. Mech. Sci., 1983, Volume 25, No. 1, pp. 15-26.
  • 28. Martin, J.B. and Lee, L.S.S., "Approximate Solutions for Impulsively Loaded Elastic-Plastic Beams", Joumal of Applied Mechanics, Dec. 1968, pp. 803-809.
  • 29. Borchelt, J.E., and Subbaraman, B., "Design of Ultra-High Strength Sheet Steel Beams", SAE Transactions 900428, V1, 1990, pp. 445-451.
  • 30. Maiti, S.K., Gibson, L.J. and Ashby, M.F., "Deformation and Ener Absorption Diagrams for Cellular Solids", Acta. Metall, 1984, Volume 32, No. 11, pp. 1963-1975.
  • 31. Kirk, J.A., "Mechanical Energy Absorbers and Aluminum Hoileycomb", Journal of Mechanical Design, July 1982, Volume 104, pp. 671-674.
  • 32. Shaw, M.C. and Sata, M.C., "The Plastic Behavior of Cellular Materials", Int. Journal of Mechanical Sciences, July 1966, Volume 8, pp. 469-478.
  • 33. Stronge, W.J. and Shim, V.P.- W.,1988, "Microdynamics of Crushing In Cellular S olids" , Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, April 1988, Volume 110, pp. 185-190.
  • 34. Mclvor, I.K., Wineman, A.S. and Wang, H.C., 1976, "Plastic Collapse of General Frames", Int. Journal of Solid Structures, 1977, Volume 13, pp. 197-210.
  • 35. Youngdahl, C.K., 1973, "Dynamic Plastic Deformation of Hexagonal Frames", Int. Journal of Solid Structures, 1974, Volume 10, pp. 709- 734.
  • 36. Rawlings, B., "Impact Test on Model Steel Frames", Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., 1964, pp. 389-414.
  • 37. Youngdahl, C.K., 1984, "Plastic Deformation of a Polygon", Int. Journal of Solid Structures, 1985, Volume 21, pp. 295-306.
  • 38. Mosquera, J.M., Kolsky, H. and Symonds, P.S., "Impact Test on Frames and Elastic-Plastic Solutions", Journal of Eng. Mechanics, 1985, Volume 111, pp. 1380-1401.
  • 39. Kam, T.Y. and Lin, S.C., 1987, "Nonlinear D namic Anal sis of Inelastic Steel Plane Frames", Computers and Structures, 1988, Volume 28, No. 4, pp. 535-542.
  • 40. Kam, T.Y. and Lin, S.C., 1985, "Nonlinear Anal sis of Steel Plane Frames with Inıtial Imperfections", Computers and Structures, 1986, Volume 23, No. 4, pp. 553-557.
  • 41. Goodier, J.N. and Mclvor, I.K., "The Elastic Cylindrical Shell Under Nearly Uniform Radial Impulse", Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1964, pp. 259-266.
  • 42. Ginsberg, J.H., "Dynamic Stability of Transverse. Axisymmetric Waves in Circular Cylindrical Shells", Journal of Applied Mechanics, March 1974, pp. 77-82.
  • 43. Ginsberg, J.H., "Large Amplitude Forced Vibrations of Simply Supported Thin Cylindrical Shells", Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1973, pp. 471-477.
  • 44. Bleich, H.H. and Baron, M.L., "Free and Forced Vibrations of an Infinitely Long Cylindrical Shell in an Infinite Acoustic Medium", Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1954, pp. 167-177.
  • 45. Singh, M.C. and Frydrychowicz, W., "Wave Propagation in N o n - Homogeneous Thin Elastic Rods Subjected to Time Dependent Stress Impact", Journal of Sound and Vibration,1981, 79(3), pp. 341-350.
  • 46. Shim, V.P.-W. and Stronge, W.J., 1986, "Lateral Crushing .in Tightly Packed Arrays of Thin-Walled Metal Tubes", Journal of Mech Sci., 1986, Volume 28, No. 10, pp. 709-728.
  • 47. Shim, V.P.-W. and Stronge, W.J., 1986, "Crushing of Thin-Walled Tubes Between Cylindrical Indenters", Journal of Mech. Sci., 1986, Volume 28, No. 10, pp. 683-707.
  • 48. Fatt, M.S.H. and Wierzbicki, T., "Damage of Plastic Cylinders Under Localized Pressure Loading", Int. J. of Mech. Sci., 1986, Volume 33, No.12, pp. 999-1016.
  • 49. McNay, G.H., 1988, "Numerical Modelling of Tube Crush with Experimental Comparison", Society of Automotive Eng., SAE Transactions 880898,1989, pp. 937-948.
  • 50. Weirzbicki, T. and Abramowicz, W., 1988, "Development and Implementation of Special Elements for Crash Analysis", Society of Automotive Eng., SAE Transactions 880895,1989, pp. 918-924.
  • 51. Lindberg, H.E., "Impact Buckling of a Thin Bar", Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1965, pp. 315-322.
  • 52. Miles, J.C., "The Determination of Collapse Load and Energy Absorbing Properties of Thin Walled Beam Structures Using Matrix Methods of Analysis", Int. J. of Mech. Sci., 1976, Volume 18, pp. 399-405.
  • 53. Mamalis, A.G. and Reid, S.R., 1978, " A Note on Fracture and Deformation in Cubical Box Structures due t o Impulsive Loading", Int. J. of Mech. Sci., 1979, Volume 21, pp. 53-61.
  • 54. Gillies, D.J., "New Rating Tool For Shock Absorbers", Machine Design, September 11, 1980, pp. 94-97.
  • 55. Kirk, J.A. and Gay, J.W., " 'Metal-Cutting' Energy Absorbers", Machine Design, March 10, 1977, pp. 84-85.
Year 1994, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 127 - 137, 01.06.1994



  • 1. Goldsmith, W., "Impact: The Theory and Physical Behaviour of Colliding Solids", Arnold, London, 1960.
  • 2. Johnson, W , "Impact Strength of Materials", Arnold, London, 1972.
  • 3. Wasley, R.J., "Stress Wave Propagation in Solids", Marcel Dekker, 1973.
  • 4. Kornhauser, M., "Structural Effects of Impact", Spartan Books, 1964.
  • 5. Hernalsteen, H. and Leblois, L.C., 1975, "The Use of Energy Absorbers, to Protect Structures Against Impact Loading", Nuclear Engineering and Design, 1976, (37), pp. 373-406.
  • 6. Araki, Y., Yuhki, Y., Yokomichi, I. and Jinnouchi, Y.,1983, "Impact Damper with Granular Materials", Bulletin of JSME, June 1985, Volume 28, No. 240, pp. 1211-1217.
  • 7. Bapat, C.N. and Sankar, S., 1984, "Multiunit Impact Damper Re-Examined", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1985,103(4), pp. 457-469.
  • 8. Hundal, M.S., 1976, "Impact Absorber with Two-Stage, Variable Area Orifice Hydraulic Damper", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1977, 50(2), pp. 195- 202.
  • 9. Asami, T. and Sekiguchi, H., 1982, "Fundamental Investigation on an Oil Damper - 3rd Report Comparison of Analyses Based on Cylindrical Coordinates and Cartesian Coordinates", Bulletin of JSME, February 1984, Volume 27, No. 224, pp. 309-316.
  • 10. Maemori, K., 1981, "Optimum Design of Hydraulic Shock Absorbers", Bulletin of JSME, 1983, Volume 26, No. 225, pp. 309-316.
  • 11. Yeaple, F., 1982, "Fluid Shock Absorber Equations", Design Engeneering, March 1982, pp. 77-82.
  • 12. Rich, B.L., "Cylinders:Softening The Blow", Machine Design, May 1978, pp. 66-69.
  • 13. Johnson, W. and Reid, S.R., 1978, "Metallic Energy Dissipating Systems", Applied Mechanics Reviews, March 1978, Volume 31, No. 3, pp. 277-288.
  • 14. Coppa, A.P., 1968, "New Ways to Soften Shock", Machine Design, March 28, 1968, pp. 130-140.
  • 15. Wang, Y.Z. and Wang, K.S., 1985, "Optimal Design of Impact Absorber for Machine-Floor System Under Impact Loads", Applied Acoustics, 1986, pp 183-202.
  • 16. Kukkola, T., 1975, "Energy Absorbers Used Against Impact Loading", Nuelear Engineering and Design, 1976, pp. 407-412.
  • 17. Kounadis, A.N., Raftoyiannis, J. and Mallis, J., 1988, "Dynamic Buckling of an Arch Model Under Impact Loading", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1989, 134(2), pp. 193-202.
  • 18. Raphanel, J.L. and Symonds, P.S., "The Estimation of Large Deflections of a Portal Frame Under Asymmetric Pulse Loading", Journal of Applied Mechanics, September 1984, Volume 51, pp. 494-500.
  • 19. Stangl, P.K. and Meguid, S.A., 1990, "Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of a Novel Shock Absorber for an Electrically Powered Vehicle", Int. J. Impact Engng, 1991, Volume 11, No. 1, pp. 41-59.
  • 20. Stangl, P.K. and Meguid, S.A., "Effect of Fillet Radii U on the Performance of a Novel Shock Absorber for an Electrically Powered Vehicle", Int. J. Vehicle Design, 1991, Volume 12, No. 2, pp. 240-249.
  • 21. Krishnaswamy, P. and Mani, A., "Crash Codes Pave the Way to Safer Vehicles", Mechanical Engineering, April 1991, pp. 60-62.
  • 22. Shibanuma, K., Tanaka, H. and Nishiwaki, N., 1985, "Occupant's Safety by use of Variable Energy Alas", Society of Automotive Eng., SAE Transactions 850511,1986, pp. 788-797.
  • 23. Scammell, L.K., 1987, "Comparison of Strain Rates of Dart Impacted Pla ues and Pendulum Impacted Bumpers' , Society of Automotive Eng., SAE Transactions 870106,1987, pp. 393-399.
  • 24. Rusch, K.C., "An Overview of Automotive Plastic Bumpers", SAE Transactions 900420, V1,1990, pp. 436-444.
  • 25. Borchelt, Shapiro, J. and Subbaraman, B., "Application of Empirical Relationship Developed for Ultra-High. Strength Steels in Bumper Design", SAE Transactions 900737, 1990, pp. 784-788.
  • 26. Mizunaga, S., Saeki, N. and Watanabe, H., "Development of Blow-Molded Bumper Beam", SAE Transactions 900834, 1990, pp. 886- 892.
  • 27. Griffin,. P.D. and Martin, J.B., 1982, "Geometrically nonlinear Mode Approximations for Impulsively Loaded Homogeneous Viscous Beams and Frames", Int. J. Mech. Sci., 1983, Volume 25, No. 1, pp. 15-26.
  • 28. Martin, J.B. and Lee, L.S.S., "Approximate Solutions for Impulsively Loaded Elastic-Plastic Beams", Joumal of Applied Mechanics, Dec. 1968, pp. 803-809.
  • 29. Borchelt, J.E., and Subbaraman, B., "Design of Ultra-High Strength Sheet Steel Beams", SAE Transactions 900428, V1, 1990, pp. 445-451.
  • 30. Maiti, S.K., Gibson, L.J. and Ashby, M.F., "Deformation and Ener Absorption Diagrams for Cellular Solids", Acta. Metall, 1984, Volume 32, No. 11, pp. 1963-1975.
  • 31. Kirk, J.A., "Mechanical Energy Absorbers and Aluminum Hoileycomb", Journal of Mechanical Design, July 1982, Volume 104, pp. 671-674.
  • 32. Shaw, M.C. and Sata, M.C., "The Plastic Behavior of Cellular Materials", Int. Journal of Mechanical Sciences, July 1966, Volume 8, pp. 469-478.
  • 33. Stronge, W.J. and Shim, V.P.- W.,1988, "Microdynamics of Crushing In Cellular S olids" , Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, April 1988, Volume 110, pp. 185-190.
  • 34. Mclvor, I.K., Wineman, A.S. and Wang, H.C., 1976, "Plastic Collapse of General Frames", Int. Journal of Solid Structures, 1977, Volume 13, pp. 197-210.
  • 35. Youngdahl, C.K., 1973, "Dynamic Plastic Deformation of Hexagonal Frames", Int. Journal of Solid Structures, 1974, Volume 10, pp. 709- 734.
  • 36. Rawlings, B., "Impact Test on Model Steel Frames", Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., 1964, pp. 389-414.
  • 37. Youngdahl, C.K., 1984, "Plastic Deformation of a Polygon", Int. Journal of Solid Structures, 1985, Volume 21, pp. 295-306.
  • 38. Mosquera, J.M., Kolsky, H. and Symonds, P.S., "Impact Test on Frames and Elastic-Plastic Solutions", Journal of Eng. Mechanics, 1985, Volume 111, pp. 1380-1401.
  • 39. Kam, T.Y. and Lin, S.C., 1987, "Nonlinear D namic Anal sis of Inelastic Steel Plane Frames", Computers and Structures, 1988, Volume 28, No. 4, pp. 535-542.
  • 40. Kam, T.Y. and Lin, S.C., 1985, "Nonlinear Anal sis of Steel Plane Frames with Inıtial Imperfections", Computers and Structures, 1986, Volume 23, No. 4, pp. 553-557.
  • 41. Goodier, J.N. and Mclvor, I.K., "The Elastic Cylindrical Shell Under Nearly Uniform Radial Impulse", Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1964, pp. 259-266.
  • 42. Ginsberg, J.H., "Dynamic Stability of Transverse. Axisymmetric Waves in Circular Cylindrical Shells", Journal of Applied Mechanics, March 1974, pp. 77-82.
  • 43. Ginsberg, J.H., "Large Amplitude Forced Vibrations of Simply Supported Thin Cylindrical Shells", Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1973, pp. 471-477.
  • 44. Bleich, H.H. and Baron, M.L., "Free and Forced Vibrations of an Infinitely Long Cylindrical Shell in an Infinite Acoustic Medium", Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1954, pp. 167-177.
  • 45. Singh, M.C. and Frydrychowicz, W., "Wave Propagation in N o n - Homogeneous Thin Elastic Rods Subjected to Time Dependent Stress Impact", Journal of Sound and Vibration,1981, 79(3), pp. 341-350.
  • 46. Shim, V.P.-W. and Stronge, W.J., 1986, "Lateral Crushing .in Tightly Packed Arrays of Thin-Walled Metal Tubes", Journal of Mech Sci., 1986, Volume 28, No. 10, pp. 709-728.
  • 47. Shim, V.P.-W. and Stronge, W.J., 1986, "Crushing of Thin-Walled Tubes Between Cylindrical Indenters", Journal of Mech. Sci., 1986, Volume 28, No. 10, pp. 683-707.
  • 48. Fatt, M.S.H. and Wierzbicki, T., "Damage of Plastic Cylinders Under Localized Pressure Loading", Int. J. of Mech. Sci., 1986, Volume 33, No.12, pp. 999-1016.
  • 49. McNay, G.H., 1988, "Numerical Modelling of Tube Crush with Experimental Comparison", Society of Automotive Eng., SAE Transactions 880898,1989, pp. 937-948.
  • 50. Weirzbicki, T. and Abramowicz, W., 1988, "Development and Implementation of Special Elements for Crash Analysis", Society of Automotive Eng., SAE Transactions 880895,1989, pp. 918-924.
  • 51. Lindberg, H.E., "Impact Buckling of a Thin Bar", Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1965, pp. 315-322.
  • 52. Miles, J.C., "The Determination of Collapse Load and Energy Absorbing Properties of Thin Walled Beam Structures Using Matrix Methods of Analysis", Int. J. of Mech. Sci., 1976, Volume 18, pp. 399-405.
  • 53. Mamalis, A.G. and Reid, S.R., 1978, " A Note on Fracture and Deformation in Cubical Box Structures due t o Impulsive Loading", Int. J. of Mech. Sci., 1979, Volume 21, pp. 53-61.
  • 54. Gillies, D.J., "New Rating Tool For Shock Absorbers", Machine Design, September 11, 1980, pp. 94-97.
  • 55. Kirk, J.A. and Gay, J.W., " 'Metal-Cutting' Energy Absorbers", Machine Design, March 10, 1977, pp. 84-85.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma, Geliştirme ve Uygulama Makaleleri

Ali Çolakoğlu This is me

R. Orhan Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date June 1, 1994
Submission Date January 11, 1994
Published in Issue Year 1994 Volume: 2 Issue: 4


Vancouver Çolakoğlu A, Yıldırım RO. Mekanik Şok Tutucular. MATİM. 1994;2(4):127-3.