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Year 2018, Volume: 20 - Special Issue of MODAV 15. International Conference on Accounting, 173 - 202, 27.12.2018


Çalışmanın amacı, muhasebede ihtiyatlılık kavramı konusundaki bilimsel çalışmaları taramak, bulguları özetlemek, tartışma alanlarını belirlemek ile teorik ve ampirik kanıtları değerlendirmektir. Çalışmada standart sistematik literatür incelemesi yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. Son yıllarda bu alanda artış gösteren araştırmalar incelendiğinde mesleki ve akademik çevrelerce ihtiyatlılık üzerine yeniden düşünüldüğü yönünde teorik ve ampirik anlamda birçok bulgu karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Araştırmamızda SSCI endeksinde taranan 10 adet dergide yayınlanmış 34 makale, kullandıkları araştırma yöntemlerine göre; literatür taraması, kavramsal ve teorik çalışmalar ile ampirik araştırmalar olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Ampirik araştırmalara dayanan çalışmalar ayrıca konularına göre gruplandırılmıştır.


  • Acar, D. ve A. Aktürk. 2009. “Muhasebede İhtiyatlılık Kavramı ve İMKB Sınai Endeksinde İşlem Gören İşletmelerde İhtiyatlılık Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi.
  • Aktürk, A. ve D. Acar, 2012. “Muhasebede İhtiyatlılık Kavramı ve Temelleri”, Mali Çözüm.
  • André, P., A. Filip and L. Paugam. 2015. “The Effect of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on Conditional Conservatism in Europe.” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 42 (3–4).
  • Badia, M., M. Duro, F. Penalva and S. Ryan. 2017. “Conditionally Conservative Fair Value Measurements”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 63 (1).
  • Balakrishnan, Karthik, R. Watts and L. Zuo. 2016. “The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Accounting, 43 (5–6).
  • Ball, Ray, S. P. Kothari and V. Nikolaev. 2013. “On Estimating Conditional Conservatism”, Accounting Review, 88 (3).
  • Banker, Rajiv D., S. Basu and D. Byzalov. 2017. “Implications of Impairment Decisions and Assets’ Cash-Flow Horizons for Conservatism Research”, Accounting Review, 92 (2).
  • Barker, R. 2015. “Conservatism, Prudence and the IASB’s Conceptual Framework”, Accounting and Business Research, 45 (4).
  • Basu, S. 1997. “The Conservatism Principle and the Asymmetric Timeliness of Earnings 1”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 24.
  • Beatty, A., J. Weber and J. J. Yu. 2008. “Conservatism and Debt”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 45 (2–3).
  • Beaver, W.H. and S.G. Ryan. 2000. “Biases and Lags in Book Value and Their Effects on the Ability of the Book-to-Market Ratio to Predict Book Return on Equity”, Journal of Accounting Research, 38 (1).
  • Bliss, J.H. 1924. Management Through Accounts, The Ronald Press Co., New York.
  • Caskey, J. and S. H. John. 2012. “Assessing the Impact of Alternative Fair Value Measures on the Efficiency of Project Selection and Continuation”, Accounting Review, 87 (2).
  • Collins, D. W., P. Hribar and X. Tian. 2014. “Cash Flow Asymmetry: Causes and Implications for Conditional Conservatism Research”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 58 (2–3).
  • Crawley, M. J. 2015. “Macroeconomic Consequences of Accounting: The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Macroeconomic Indicators and the Money Supply”, Accounting Review, 90 (3).
  • Dietrich, D., K. Muller and E. Riedl. 2007. “Asymmetric Timeliness Tests of Accounting Conservatism”, Review of Accounting Studies, 12 (1).
  • Donovan, J., R. M. Frankel and X. Martin. 2015. “Accounting Conservatism and Creditor Recovery Rate”, Accounting Review, 90 (6).
  • Dutta, S. and P. N. Patatoukas. 2017. “Identifying Conditional Conservatism in Financial Accounting Data: Theory and Evidence”, Accounting Review, 92 (4).
  • Erkens, D. H., K. R. Subramanyam and J. Zhang. 2014. “Affiliated Banker on Board and Conservative Accounting”, Accounting Review, 89 (5).
  • Ertuğrul, N. A., 2014. “Geleneksel Muhasebeden Uluslararası Finansal Raporlamaya Geçişte İhtiyatlılık Kavramı”, Niğde Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 7 (1).
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board. 2010. Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 8, Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Financial Accounting Foundation.
  • Feltham, G. and J. Ohlson. 1995. “Valuation and Clean Surplus Accounting for Operating and Financial Activities”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 689-731.
  • Gao, P. 2013. “A Measurement Approach to Conservatism and Earnings Management”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 55 (2–3).
  • García Lara, J. M., B. García Osma and F. Penalva. 2016. “Accounting Conservatism and Firm Investment Efficiency”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 61 (1).
  • Georgiou, O. and L. Jack. 2011. “In Pursuit of Legitimacy: A History behind Fair Value Accounting”, British Accounting Review, 43 (4).
  • Gigler, F., C. Kanodia, H. Sapra and R. Venugopalan. 2009. “Accounting Conservatism and the Efficiency of Debt Contracts”, Journal of Accounting Research, 47 (3).
  • Givoly, D. and C. K. Hayn. 2000. “The Changing Time-Series Properties of Earnings, Cash Flows and Accruals: Has Financial Reporting Become More Conservative?”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 29.
  • Givoly, D., C. Hayn, and A. Natarajan. 2007. “Measuring Reporting Conservatism”, The Accounting Review, 82 (1).
  • Goh, B. W. and D. Li. 2011. “Internal Controls and Conditional Conservatism”, Accounting Review, 86 (3).
  • Hsu, C., K. E. Novoselov and R. Wang. 2017. “Does Accounting Conservatism Mitigate the Shortcomings of CEO Overconfidence?”, Accounting Review, 92 (6).
  • International Accounting Standards Board. 2010. The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation.
  • Kamu Gözetimi, Muhasebe ve Denetim Standartları Kurumu. 2018. Finansal Raporlamaya İlişkin Kavramsal Çerçeve, 63.
  • Kanagaretnam, K., C. Y. Lim and G. J. Lobo. 2014. “Influence of National Culture on Accounting Conservatism and Risk-Taking in the Banking Industry”, Accounting Review, 89 (3).
  • Karahan Gökmen, M. (2013). “Accounting Conservatism: A Literature Review”, Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, Ankara SMMMO.
  • Khan, M., and R. L. Watts. 2009. “Estimation and Empirical Properties of a Firm-Year Measure of Accounting Conservatism”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 48 (2–3).
  • Kim, Y., S. Li., C. Pan. and L. Zuo. 2013. “The Role of Accounting Conservatism in the Equity Market: Evidence from Seasoned Equity Offerings”, Accounting Review, 88 (4).
  • Kravet, T. D. 2014. “Accounting Conservatism and Managerial Risk-Taking: Corporate Acquisitions”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 57 (2–3).
  • Krishnan, G. and G. Visvanathan. 2008. “Does the SOX Definition of an Accounting Expert Matter? The Association between Audit Committee Directors’ Accounting Expertise and Accounting Conservatism”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 25 (3).
  • Li, J. 2013. “Accounting Conservatism and Debt Contracts: Efficient Liquidation and Covenant Renegotiation”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 30 (3).
  • Liao, P. C. and S. Radhakrishnan. 2016. “The Effects of the Auditor’s Insurance Role on Reporting Conservatism and Audit Quality”, Accounting Review, 91 (2).
  • Lu, T. 2006. “Does Opinion Shopping Impair Auditor Independence and Audit Quality?”, Journal of Accounting Research, 44 (3).
  • Macve, R. H. 2015. “Fair Value vs Conservatism? Aspects of the History Ofaccounting, Auditing, Business and Finance from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern China”, British Accounting Review, 47 (2).
  • Martin, X. and S. Roychowdhury. 2015. “Do Financial Market Developments Influence Accounting Practices? Credit Default Swaps and Borrowers’ Reporting Conservatism”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 59 (1).
  • MSUGT. 1992. Muhasebenin Temel Kavramları, Ankara, 21447 Sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Nikolaev, V. V. 2010. “Debt Covenants and Accounting Conservatism”, Journal of Accounting Research, 48 (1).
  • Patatoukas, P. N. and J. K. Thomas. 2011. “More Evidence of Bias in the Differential Timeliness Measure of Conditional Conservatism”, Accounting Review, 86 (5).
  • Patatoukas, P. N. and J. K. Thomas. 2016. “Placebo Tests of Conditional Conservatism”, The Accounting Review, 91 (2).
  • Penman, S.H. and Zhang, X.J. (2002). “Accounting Conservatism, the Quality of Earnings ans Stock Return”, The Accounting Review, 77 (2).
  • Ruch, G. W. and G. Taylor. 2015. “Accounting Conservatism: A Review of the Literature”, Journal of Accounting Literature, 34.
  • Tan, L. 2013. “Creditor Control Rights, State of Nature Verification, and Financial Reporting Conservatism”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 55 (1).
  • Watts, R. 2003a. “Conservatism in accounting, Part I: explanations and implications”, Accounting Horizons, 17 (3), September.
  • Watts, R. 2003b. “Conservatism in Accounting Part II: Evidence and Research Opportunities”, Accounting Horizons, 17 (4).
  • Zhang, J. 2008. “The Contracting Benefits of Accounting Conservatism to Lenders and Borrowers”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 45 (1).
  • Zhong, Y. and W. Li. 2017. “Accounting Conservatism: A Literature Review”, Australian Accounting Review, 27 (2).


Year 2018, Volume: 20 - Special Issue of MODAV 15. International Conference on Accounting, 173 - 202, 27.12.2018


The aim of this study is to provide a review of the accounting conservatism literature in order to summarize findings, identify areas of controversy and evaluate the theoretical and empirical evidences. We use the standard systematic literature survey method. The examination of increased numbers of researches on conservatism gives us many theoretical and empirical points in terms of rethinking conservatism in accounting by professional and academic circles. In our study, 34 articles published in 10 journals scanned in SSCI index were classified as literature review, conceptual and theoretical studies and empirical researches according to their research methods. Studies based on empirical research were also grouped according to their subjects.


  • Acar, D. ve A. Aktürk. 2009. “Muhasebede İhtiyatlılık Kavramı ve İMKB Sınai Endeksinde İşlem Gören İşletmelerde İhtiyatlılık Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi.
  • Aktürk, A. ve D. Acar, 2012. “Muhasebede İhtiyatlılık Kavramı ve Temelleri”, Mali Çözüm.
  • André, P., A. Filip and L. Paugam. 2015. “The Effect of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on Conditional Conservatism in Europe.” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 42 (3–4).
  • Badia, M., M. Duro, F. Penalva and S. Ryan. 2017. “Conditionally Conservative Fair Value Measurements”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 63 (1).
  • Balakrishnan, Karthik, R. Watts and L. Zuo. 2016. “The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Accounting, 43 (5–6).
  • Ball, Ray, S. P. Kothari and V. Nikolaev. 2013. “On Estimating Conditional Conservatism”, Accounting Review, 88 (3).
  • Banker, Rajiv D., S. Basu and D. Byzalov. 2017. “Implications of Impairment Decisions and Assets’ Cash-Flow Horizons for Conservatism Research”, Accounting Review, 92 (2).
  • Barker, R. 2015. “Conservatism, Prudence and the IASB’s Conceptual Framework”, Accounting and Business Research, 45 (4).
  • Basu, S. 1997. “The Conservatism Principle and the Asymmetric Timeliness of Earnings 1”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 24.
  • Beatty, A., J. Weber and J. J. Yu. 2008. “Conservatism and Debt”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 45 (2–3).
  • Beaver, W.H. and S.G. Ryan. 2000. “Biases and Lags in Book Value and Their Effects on the Ability of the Book-to-Market Ratio to Predict Book Return on Equity”, Journal of Accounting Research, 38 (1).
  • Bliss, J.H. 1924. Management Through Accounts, The Ronald Press Co., New York.
  • Caskey, J. and S. H. John. 2012. “Assessing the Impact of Alternative Fair Value Measures on the Efficiency of Project Selection and Continuation”, Accounting Review, 87 (2).
  • Collins, D. W., P. Hribar and X. Tian. 2014. “Cash Flow Asymmetry: Causes and Implications for Conditional Conservatism Research”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 58 (2–3).
  • Crawley, M. J. 2015. “Macroeconomic Consequences of Accounting: The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Macroeconomic Indicators and the Money Supply”, Accounting Review, 90 (3).
  • Dietrich, D., K. Muller and E. Riedl. 2007. “Asymmetric Timeliness Tests of Accounting Conservatism”, Review of Accounting Studies, 12 (1).
  • Donovan, J., R. M. Frankel and X. Martin. 2015. “Accounting Conservatism and Creditor Recovery Rate”, Accounting Review, 90 (6).
  • Dutta, S. and P. N. Patatoukas. 2017. “Identifying Conditional Conservatism in Financial Accounting Data: Theory and Evidence”, Accounting Review, 92 (4).
  • Erkens, D. H., K. R. Subramanyam and J. Zhang. 2014. “Affiliated Banker on Board and Conservative Accounting”, Accounting Review, 89 (5).
  • Ertuğrul, N. A., 2014. “Geleneksel Muhasebeden Uluslararası Finansal Raporlamaya Geçişte İhtiyatlılık Kavramı”, Niğde Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 7 (1).
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board. 2010. Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 8, Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Financial Accounting Foundation.
  • Feltham, G. and J. Ohlson. 1995. “Valuation and Clean Surplus Accounting for Operating and Financial Activities”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 689-731.
  • Gao, P. 2013. “A Measurement Approach to Conservatism and Earnings Management”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 55 (2–3).
  • García Lara, J. M., B. García Osma and F. Penalva. 2016. “Accounting Conservatism and Firm Investment Efficiency”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 61 (1).
  • Georgiou, O. and L. Jack. 2011. “In Pursuit of Legitimacy: A History behind Fair Value Accounting”, British Accounting Review, 43 (4).
  • Gigler, F., C. Kanodia, H. Sapra and R. Venugopalan. 2009. “Accounting Conservatism and the Efficiency of Debt Contracts”, Journal of Accounting Research, 47 (3).
  • Givoly, D. and C. K. Hayn. 2000. “The Changing Time-Series Properties of Earnings, Cash Flows and Accruals: Has Financial Reporting Become More Conservative?”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 29.
  • Givoly, D., C. Hayn, and A. Natarajan. 2007. “Measuring Reporting Conservatism”, The Accounting Review, 82 (1).
  • Goh, B. W. and D. Li. 2011. “Internal Controls and Conditional Conservatism”, Accounting Review, 86 (3).
  • Hsu, C., K. E. Novoselov and R. Wang. 2017. “Does Accounting Conservatism Mitigate the Shortcomings of CEO Overconfidence?”, Accounting Review, 92 (6).
  • International Accounting Standards Board. 2010. The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation.
  • Kamu Gözetimi, Muhasebe ve Denetim Standartları Kurumu. 2018. Finansal Raporlamaya İlişkin Kavramsal Çerçeve, 63.
  • Kanagaretnam, K., C. Y. Lim and G. J. Lobo. 2014. “Influence of National Culture on Accounting Conservatism and Risk-Taking in the Banking Industry”, Accounting Review, 89 (3).
  • Karahan Gökmen, M. (2013). “Accounting Conservatism: A Literature Review”, Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, Ankara SMMMO.
  • Khan, M., and R. L. Watts. 2009. “Estimation and Empirical Properties of a Firm-Year Measure of Accounting Conservatism”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 48 (2–3).
  • Kim, Y., S. Li., C. Pan. and L. Zuo. 2013. “The Role of Accounting Conservatism in the Equity Market: Evidence from Seasoned Equity Offerings”, Accounting Review, 88 (4).
  • Kravet, T. D. 2014. “Accounting Conservatism and Managerial Risk-Taking: Corporate Acquisitions”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 57 (2–3).
  • Krishnan, G. and G. Visvanathan. 2008. “Does the SOX Definition of an Accounting Expert Matter? The Association between Audit Committee Directors’ Accounting Expertise and Accounting Conservatism”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 25 (3).
  • Li, J. 2013. “Accounting Conservatism and Debt Contracts: Efficient Liquidation and Covenant Renegotiation”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 30 (3).
  • Liao, P. C. and S. Radhakrishnan. 2016. “The Effects of the Auditor’s Insurance Role on Reporting Conservatism and Audit Quality”, Accounting Review, 91 (2).
  • Lu, T. 2006. “Does Opinion Shopping Impair Auditor Independence and Audit Quality?”, Journal of Accounting Research, 44 (3).
  • Macve, R. H. 2015. “Fair Value vs Conservatism? Aspects of the History Ofaccounting, Auditing, Business and Finance from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern China”, British Accounting Review, 47 (2).
  • Martin, X. and S. Roychowdhury. 2015. “Do Financial Market Developments Influence Accounting Practices? Credit Default Swaps and Borrowers’ Reporting Conservatism”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 59 (1).
  • MSUGT. 1992. Muhasebenin Temel Kavramları, Ankara, 21447 Sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Nikolaev, V. V. 2010. “Debt Covenants and Accounting Conservatism”, Journal of Accounting Research, 48 (1).
  • Patatoukas, P. N. and J. K. Thomas. 2011. “More Evidence of Bias in the Differential Timeliness Measure of Conditional Conservatism”, Accounting Review, 86 (5).
  • Patatoukas, P. N. and J. K. Thomas. 2016. “Placebo Tests of Conditional Conservatism”, The Accounting Review, 91 (2).
  • Penman, S.H. and Zhang, X.J. (2002). “Accounting Conservatism, the Quality of Earnings ans Stock Return”, The Accounting Review, 77 (2).
  • Ruch, G. W. and G. Taylor. 2015. “Accounting Conservatism: A Review of the Literature”, Journal of Accounting Literature, 34.
  • Tan, L. 2013. “Creditor Control Rights, State of Nature Verification, and Financial Reporting Conservatism”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 55 (1).
  • Watts, R. 2003a. “Conservatism in accounting, Part I: explanations and implications”, Accounting Horizons, 17 (3), September.
  • Watts, R. 2003b. “Conservatism in Accounting Part II: Evidence and Research Opportunities”, Accounting Horizons, 17 (4).
  • Zhang, J. 2008. “The Contracting Benefits of Accounting Conservatism to Lenders and Borrowers”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 45 (1).
  • Zhong, Y. and W. Li. 2017. “Accounting Conservatism: A Literature Review”, Australian Accounting Review, 27 (2).
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section MAIN SECTION

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Publication Date December 27, 2018
Submission Date June 17, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 20 - Special Issue of MODAV 15. International Conference on Accounting



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