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Year 2018, Volume: 20 - Special Issue of MODAV 15. International Conference on Accounting, 377 - 390, 27.12.2018


As a result of the economic and social development throughout the world created the Public Oversight Authority in Turkey, also it makes it possible to increase the quality of audits. Increasing the quality is possible through value-added audit activities. Auditors play an important role in value-added auditing activities. Auditors’ commitment to principles of independence, impartiality and honesty affects the quality and value added of independent auditing activities.

This study was conducted in order to determine the value added effect of auditor independence audit activities. For this purpose, making face to face survey of 66 investment companies in Turkey, research data were obtained. As a result of the study, investment organizations think that independence contributes to economic growth and allows for increased transparency in independent audit activities.


  • Babatunde, S. A. ve T. O. Fagbemi. 2010. “Audit Quality, Corporate Governance and Firm Characteristics in Nigeria”, International Journal of Business and Management, 5(5).
  • Bhattacharya, A. 2001. ”Multiculturalism and the Accounting Profession: Enhancing Employee Productivity and Client Satisfaction”, National Public Accountant, 46(3).
  • Carcello, J. V., R. H. Hermanson, ve N. T. McGrath. 1991. “Audit Quality Attributes: The Perceptions of Audit Partners”, Preparers and Financial Statement Users, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 11(1).
  • Carey, P. ve R” Simnett 2006. “ Audit Partner Tenure and Audit Quality”, The Accounting Review, 81 (3).
  • Daugherty A. B., S. Parker ve G. F. Peters. 2016. “Internal Audit Quality and Financial Reporting Quality: The Joint Importance of Independence and Competence”, Journal of Accounting Research, 54 (1).
  • DeAngelo, L. E. 1981b. “Auditor Size and Audit Quality”, Journal of Accounting ve Economics, 3(3).
  • DeAngelo, L.E. 1981a. “Auditor Independence, ‘Low Balling’, and Disclosure Regulation”. Journal of Accounting and Economics, Aug., 3(2).
  • Donald, S., S. Lowensohn ve L. E. Johnson 2006. “The Determinants of Perceived Audit Quality and Auditee Satisfation in Local Government, J. Of Public Budgeting”, Accounting & Financial Management, 18 (2).
  • Erken, H. 2009. “Denetimde ‘Bağımsızlık’ Kavramı”, Denetişim Dergisi, 1(1).
  • Emby, C. ve R. A. Davidson. 1998. “The Effects of Engagement Factors on Auditor Independence:Canadian Evidence”, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing ve Taxation, 7 (2).
  • Garcia-Blandon, J. ve J. M. Argiles. 2015. “TaxationAudit Firm Tenure and Independence: A Comprehensive Investigation of Audit Qualifications in Spain”, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 24 (1).
  • Giroux, G. ve R. Jones. 2011. ”Measuring Audit Quality of Local Governments in England and Wales”, Research in Accounting Regulation, 23 (1).
  • Gönülaçar, Ş. 2007. “İç Denetimde Hedefler ve Beklentiler I”, Mali Hukuk Dergisi, Temmuz-Ağustos. 130 (1).
  • Hardies, K., D. Breesch ve J. Branson. 2009. “Are Female Auditors Stil Women?: Analyzing The Gender Differences Affecting Audit Quality”, Vergilius Aeneis, 5(1).
  • Houghton, K. A. ve C. A. Jubb, 2003. “The Market for Financial Report Audits: Regulation of and Competition for Auditor Independence”, Low and Policy, 25(3).
  •, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.07.2018).
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  • Joshi, P. L., J. Al Ajmi ve W. G. Bremser. 2009. “A Study of Auditor–Client Relationships and Problems in The Bahraini Audit Environment”, Advances in Accounting, Incorporating Advances in International Accounting, 25(1).
  • Kannan, G. ve K.B. Akhilesh. 2002. ”Human Capital Knowledge Value Added: A Case Study in Infotech”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 3(2).
  • Kayrak, M. 2015. “Denetim Başarısızlığı Kavramı: Nedenleri, Sonuçları ve Çözüm Önerileri”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1).
  • Lai, Kam-Wah. 2009. “Does Audit Quality Matter More for Firms With High Investment Opportunities?”, J. Account. Public Policy, 28(1).
  • Law, P., D. Yuen ve L. Chan. “He Impact of Guanxi on Auditor Independence: Perceptions of Auditors and CFOs in Hong Kong,” Corporate Ownership and Control, 10(2).
  • Nelson, M. W. 2003. “A Review of Experimental and Archival Conflicts of Interest Research in Auditing”, Cornell University, Working Paper.
  • Reiter, S. A. ve P. F. Williams 2009. “The History and Rhetoric of Auditor Independence Concepts, Business Ethics Quarterly”, 14(3).
  • Selamet F. ve Ç. Atılgan. 2016. Denetim Kalitesi Nedir ve Nasıl Ölçülür?, KPMG-Denetimin Değeri, Günce Reklam Yayıncılık Matbaa San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti, İstanbul.
  • Soliman, M. ve M. A. Elsalam. 2012. “Corporate Governance Practices and Audit Quality: An Empirical Study of The Listed Companies in Egypt”, World Academy of Science,Engineering and Technology, 71(1).
  • Teoh, H.Y. ve C.C. Lim. 1996. “An Empirical Study of the Effects of Audit Committees. Disclosure of Non-audit Fees, and Other Issues on Auditor Independence: Malaysian Evidence”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 5(2).
  • Tepalagul, N. ve L. Lin. 2015. “Auditor Independence and Audit Quality: A Literature Review”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 30(1).
  • Trompeter, G. 1994. “The Effect of Partner Compensation Schemes and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles on Audit Partner Judgment”, Auditing: A Journal of Practice ve Theory, 13(2).
  • Tuan, K. 2015. “Bağımsız Denetimde Rotasyon Uygulaması: Sistemin Artıları-Eksileri Üzerine Tartışmalar”, Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(16).
  • Ünal İ. ve İ. Arkaya. 2016. “Denetim Görüşünün Ötesi: Denetlenmiş Finansal Bilgilerin Sağladığı Katma Değer”, KPMG-Denetimin Değeri, Günce Reklam Yayıncılık Matbaa San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti, İstanbul.


Year 2018, Volume: 20 - Special Issue of MODAV 15. International Conference on Accounting, 377 - 390, 27.12.2018


Dünyada yaşanan ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmeler neticesinde Türkiye’de oluşturulan Kamu Gözetimi Kurumu, denetimde kalitenin artırılmasına imkan sağlamaktadır. Kalitenin arttırılması, katma değerli denetim faaliyetleriyle mümkündür. Denetçiler, katma değerli denetim faaliyetlerinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Denetçilerin bağımsızlık, tarafsızlık ve dürüstlük ilkelerine bağlılığı, bağımsız denetim faaliyetlerinin kalitesini ve katma değerini etkilemektedir.

Bu çalışma, denetçi bağımsızlığının denetim faaliyetlerindeki katma değere etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla Türkiye’deki 66 yatırım kuruluşuna yüz yüze anket uygulaması yapılarak, araştırma verileri elde edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda yatırım kuruluşları bağımsızlığın, ekonomik büyümeye katkı sağladığı ve bağımsız denetim faaliyetlerinde şeffaflığın arttırılmasına imkan sağladığını düşünmektedir.


  • Babatunde, S. A. ve T. O. Fagbemi. 2010. “Audit Quality, Corporate Governance and Firm Characteristics in Nigeria”, International Journal of Business and Management, 5(5).
  • Bhattacharya, A. 2001. ”Multiculturalism and the Accounting Profession: Enhancing Employee Productivity and Client Satisfaction”, National Public Accountant, 46(3).
  • Carcello, J. V., R. H. Hermanson, ve N. T. McGrath. 1991. “Audit Quality Attributes: The Perceptions of Audit Partners”, Preparers and Financial Statement Users, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 11(1).
  • Carey, P. ve R” Simnett 2006. “ Audit Partner Tenure and Audit Quality”, The Accounting Review, 81 (3).
  • Daugherty A. B., S. Parker ve G. F. Peters. 2016. “Internal Audit Quality and Financial Reporting Quality: The Joint Importance of Independence and Competence”, Journal of Accounting Research, 54 (1).
  • DeAngelo, L. E. 1981b. “Auditor Size and Audit Quality”, Journal of Accounting ve Economics, 3(3).
  • DeAngelo, L.E. 1981a. “Auditor Independence, ‘Low Balling’, and Disclosure Regulation”. Journal of Accounting and Economics, Aug., 3(2).
  • Donald, S., S. Lowensohn ve L. E. Johnson 2006. “The Determinants of Perceived Audit Quality and Auditee Satisfation in Local Government, J. Of Public Budgeting”, Accounting & Financial Management, 18 (2).
  • Erken, H. 2009. “Denetimde ‘Bağımsızlık’ Kavramı”, Denetişim Dergisi, 1(1).
  • Emby, C. ve R. A. Davidson. 1998. “The Effects of Engagement Factors on Auditor Independence:Canadian Evidence”, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing ve Taxation, 7 (2).
  • Garcia-Blandon, J. ve J. M. Argiles. 2015. “TaxationAudit Firm Tenure and Independence: A Comprehensive Investigation of Audit Qualifications in Spain”, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 24 (1).
  • Giroux, G. ve R. Jones. 2011. ”Measuring Audit Quality of Local Governments in England and Wales”, Research in Accounting Regulation, 23 (1).
  • Gönülaçar, Ş. 2007. “İç Denetimde Hedefler ve Beklentiler I”, Mali Hukuk Dergisi, Temmuz-Ağustos. 130 (1).
  • Hardies, K., D. Breesch ve J. Branson. 2009. “Are Female Auditors Stil Women?: Analyzing The Gender Differences Affecting Audit Quality”, Vergilius Aeneis, 5(1).
  • Houghton, K. A. ve C. A. Jubb, 2003. “The Market for Financial Report Audits: Regulation of and Competition for Auditor Independence”, Low and Policy, 25(3).
  •, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.07.2018).
  •, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.07.2018).
  • Joshi, P. L., J. Al Ajmi ve W. G. Bremser. 2009. “A Study of Auditor–Client Relationships and Problems in The Bahraini Audit Environment”, Advances in Accounting, Incorporating Advances in International Accounting, 25(1).
  • Kannan, G. ve K.B. Akhilesh. 2002. ”Human Capital Knowledge Value Added: A Case Study in Infotech”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 3(2).
  • Kayrak, M. 2015. “Denetim Başarısızlığı Kavramı: Nedenleri, Sonuçları ve Çözüm Önerileri”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1).
  • Lai, Kam-Wah. 2009. “Does Audit Quality Matter More for Firms With High Investment Opportunities?”, J. Account. Public Policy, 28(1).
  • Law, P., D. Yuen ve L. Chan. “He Impact of Guanxi on Auditor Independence: Perceptions of Auditors and CFOs in Hong Kong,” Corporate Ownership and Control, 10(2).
  • Nelson, M. W. 2003. “A Review of Experimental and Archival Conflicts of Interest Research in Auditing”, Cornell University, Working Paper.
  • Reiter, S. A. ve P. F. Williams 2009. “The History and Rhetoric of Auditor Independence Concepts, Business Ethics Quarterly”, 14(3).
  • Selamet F. ve Ç. Atılgan. 2016. Denetim Kalitesi Nedir ve Nasıl Ölçülür?, KPMG-Denetimin Değeri, Günce Reklam Yayıncılık Matbaa San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti, İstanbul.
  • Soliman, M. ve M. A. Elsalam. 2012. “Corporate Governance Practices and Audit Quality: An Empirical Study of The Listed Companies in Egypt”, World Academy of Science,Engineering and Technology, 71(1).
  • Teoh, H.Y. ve C.C. Lim. 1996. “An Empirical Study of the Effects of Audit Committees. Disclosure of Non-audit Fees, and Other Issues on Auditor Independence: Malaysian Evidence”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 5(2).
  • Tepalagul, N. ve L. Lin. 2015. “Auditor Independence and Audit Quality: A Literature Review”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 30(1).
  • Trompeter, G. 1994. “The Effect of Partner Compensation Schemes and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles on Audit Partner Judgment”, Auditing: A Journal of Practice ve Theory, 13(2).
  • Tuan, K. 2015. “Bağımsız Denetimde Rotasyon Uygulaması: Sistemin Artıları-Eksileri Üzerine Tartışmalar”, Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(16).
  • Ünal İ. ve İ. Arkaya. 2016. “Denetim Görüşünün Ötesi: Denetlenmiş Finansal Bilgilerin Sağladığı Katma Değer”, KPMG-Denetimin Değeri, Günce Reklam Yayıncılık Matbaa San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti, İstanbul.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section MAIN SECTION

Kadir Gökoğlan

Ahmet Tanç

Publication Date December 27, 2018
Submission Date June 23, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 20 - Special Issue of MODAV 15. International Conference on Accounting


APA Gökoğlan, K., & Tanç, A. (2018). DENETÇİ BAĞIMSIZLIĞININ DENETİMİN KATMA DEĞERİ ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 20, 377-390.

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