Year 2017,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 51 - 69, 30.06.2017
Ömer Akgün Tekin
Hilal Gundogan
Emotional intelligence is regarded to be one of the most significant competencies for achieving the desired success in hotel enterprises where interaction between people is intense. Besides, it is thought that emotional intelligence competencies can contribute to increase employees’ job performance. For this purpose, this study is mainly focused on researching the relationship between employees’ emotional intelligence levels and their job performance.
In the study, quantitative research methods are used and 415 employees of 29 five star hotels in the Alanya region are involved. The study results suggest that there is statistically significant relationship between employees’ emotional intelligence levels and their job performance, and employees have high levels of emotional intelligence and job performance. Additionally, it is seen that employees' emotional intelligence and job performance levels differ significantly based on various demographic characteristics.
- Al Qaied, B. A. (2015). The impact of job stress resources on job performance of hotels in Amman. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6 (7), 70-81.
Bar-on, R., Brown, J.M., Kirkcaldy, B.D., Thome, E.P. (2000). Emotional expression and implications for occupational stress: An application of the emotional quotient inventory (EQ-i). Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 1107-1118.
Borman, W. C., Motowidlo, S. J. (1997). Task performance and contextual performance: The meaning for personnel selection research. Human Performance, 10(2), 99-109.
Brackett, M. A., Katulak, N. A. (2007). Emotional intelligence in the classroom: Skill-based training for teachers and students. In Joseph Ciarrochi & John D. Mayer (Eds.), Applying Emotional Intelligence: A Practitioners Guide. New York: Psychology Press.
Can, A. (2013). SPSS ile bilimsel araştırma sürecinde nicel veri analizi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publications.
Çapkulaç, O. (2013). Yöneticilerin duygusal zeka düzeylerinin iş tatmini ve iş performans algısı üzerine etkisi (Unpublished master thesis). Akdeniz University The Institute of Social Sciences, Antalya.
Downey, L. A., Roberts, J., Stough, C. (2011). Workplace culture emotional intelligence and trust in the prediction of workplace outcomes. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 6(1), 30-40.
Dulewicz, V., Higgs, M. (2000). Emotional intelligence a review and evaluation studyi. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15(4), 341-372.
Ertan, H. (2008). Örgütsel bağlılık, iş motivasyonu ve iş performansı arasındaki ilişki: Antalya’da beş yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde bir inceleme (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Kocatepe University The Institute of Social Sciences, Afyonkarahisar.
Goleman, D. (2011). Working with emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.
Gürbüz, S., Yüksel, M. (2008). Çalışma ortamında duygusal zeka: İş performansı, iş tatmini, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ve bazı demografik özelliklerle ilişkisi. Journal of Doğuş University, 9(2),174-190.
Hanzaee, K.H., Mirvaisi, M. (2013). A survey on impact of emotional intelligence, organizational citizenship behaviors and job satisfaction on employees performance in Iranian hotel industry. Management Science Letters, 3, 1395–1402.
Hosie, P. J., Sevastos, P. P., Cooper, C. L. (2006). Happy-performing managers: The impact of affective well being and intrinsic job satisfaction in the workplace. In Carry L. Cooper (Ed.), Managers Job Performance. Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jorfi, H., Jorfi, S., Moghadam, S. K. (2010). Impact of emotional intelligence on performance of employees. Postmodern Openings, 4, 63-74.
Kafetsios, K., Zampetakis, L. A. (2008). Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: Testing the mediatory role of positive and negative affect at work. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 712–722.
Kahya, E. (2007). The effects of job characteristics and working conditions on job performance. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37, 515-523.
Karimi, J. M. N. (2014). Effects of emotional intelligence on employee performance in the hotel industry in Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(12), 6-14.
Kaufman, T. J., Lashley, C., & Schreier, L. A. (2009). Timeshare management: The key issues for hospitality managers. London: Elsevier.
Kim, H. J., Agrusa, J. (2010). Proceedings from International CHRIE Conference-Refereed Track. Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles among Hospitality Industry Employees. Amherst, Massachusetts.
Kumar, J.A., Muniandy, B. (2012). The influence of demographic profiles on emotional intelligence: A study on polytechnic lecturers in Malaysia. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(1), 62-70.
Lopes, P. N., Grewal, D., Kadis, J., Gall, M., & Salovey, P. (2006). Evidence that emotional intelligence is related to job performance and affect and attitudes at work. Psicothema, 18, 132-138.
Mangal S.K., Mangal, S. (2015). Emotional intelligence: Managing emotions to win in life. New Delhi: Phi Learning Private Limited.
Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P. (1997). Emotional development and emotional intelligence: Educational implications. In Peter Salovey & David J. Sluyter (Eds.) What is emotional intelligence. New York: Harper Collins Publishers.
McCloy, R. A., Campbell, J. P., Cudeck, R. (1994). A confirmatory test of a model of performance determinants. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(4), 493-505.
Min, J. C. H. (2010). Tour guides’emotional intelligence in relation to demographic characteristics. African Journal of Business Management, 4(15), 3730-3737.
Motowildo, S. J., Van Scotter, J. R. (1994). Evidence that task performance shoulde be distinguished from contextual performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(4), 475-480.
Mwathi, K. B. (2010). Relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance among service providers in rehabilitation schools in Kenya (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Kenyatta Unıversity The Social Sciences Institute, Nairobi.
Othman, A. K., Daud, N. M., & Kassim, S. R. (2011).The moderating effect of neuroticism on the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(6), 801-813.
Özmen, M. (2014). Mağaza çalışanlarının duygusal zeka, iş tatmini ve örgütsel bağlılıkları üzerine bir araştırma: Antalya ili örneği (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Süleyman Demirel University The Institute of Social Sciences, Isparta.
Pandita, D. (2012). Emotional intelligence for workplace leaders. Human Resource Management, 5, 63-73.
Pedooem, R. (2007). Relationship between hexaco personality factors and task and contextual performance (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Marshall Goldsmith School of Management, Los Angeles.
Quoidbach, J., Hansenne, M. (2009). The impact of trait emotional intelligence on nursing team performance and cohesiveness. Journal of Professional Nursing, 25(1), 23-29.
Rahim, S. H., Malik, M.I. (2010). Emotional intelligence & organizational performance: A case study of banking sector in Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(10), 191-197.
Rothwell, W. J., Kazanas, H.C. (2003). The strategic development of talent. Massachusetts: HRD Press.
Rotundo, M., Sackett, P. R. (2002). There lative importance of task, citizenship, and counter productive performance to global aspects of job performance: A policy capturing approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(1), 66-80.
Schellwies, L. (2015). Multicultural team effectiveness: Emotional intelligence as success factor. Hamburg: Anchor Academic Publishing.
Shaffril, H. A. M., Uli, J. (2010). The influence of socio-demographic factors on work performance among employees of government agriculture agencies in Malaysia. The Journal of International Social Research, 3(10), 459-469.
Sonnentag, S., Frese, M. (2002). Performance concepts and performance theory. In Sabine Sonnentag (Ed.) Psychological management of individual performance. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
Sterrett, E. A. (2000). The manager's pocket guide to emotional intelligence: From management to leadership. Massachusetts: HRD Press.
Thi Lam, L., Kirby, S. L. (2002). Is emotional intelligence an advantage an exploration of the impact of emotional and general intelligence on individual performance. The Journal of Social Psychology, 142(1), 133–143.
UNWTO. (2015). Annual Report., Accessed (15.10.2016).
UNWTO. (2016). Tourism Highlights. highlights-2016-edition, Accessed (16.10.2016).
Ural, A., Kılıç, İ. (2011). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve spss ile veri analizi. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
Van Scotter, J. R. (2000). Relationships of task performance and contextual performance with turnover, job satisfaction, and affective commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 10(1),79-95.
Van Scotter, J. R., Motowildo, S. J. (1996). Interpersonal facilitation and job dedicationas separate facets of contextual performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(5), 525-531.
Viswesvaran, C., Ones, D. S. (2000). Perspective on models of job performance. International Journal of Selestion and Assessment, 8(4), 216-226.
Wall, B. (2007). Coaching for emotionali intelligence: The secret to developing the star potential in your employees. New York: Amacom.
Yadisaputra, M. (2015). The role of emotional intelligence and emotional labor among frontline employees in casino hotel Macao. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 15, 44-58.
Yılmaz, Ö. D. (2015). Revisiting the impact of perceived empowerment on job performance: Results from front-line employees. Turizam, 19(1), 34-46.
Yüksel, M. (2006). Duygusal zeka ve performans ilişkisi: Bir uygulama (Unpublished master thesis). Atatürk University The Institute of Social Sciences, Erzurum.
Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Roberts, R. D. (2004). Emotional intelligence in the workplace: A critical review. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53(3), 371-399.
Year 2017,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 51 - 69, 30.06.2017
Ömer Akgün Tekin
Hilal Gundogan
Duygusal zekâ, kişiler arası etkileşimin yoğun olduğu otel işletmelerinde arzu edilen başarı düzeyine ulaşılabilmesi için önemli yeteneklerden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra duygusal zekâ yeteneklerinin, çalışanların iş performansının artmasına da katkı sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu nedenle bu araştırmada; çalışanların duygusal zekâ düzeyleri ile iş performansları arasındaki ilişkileri incelemek temel amaç olarak belirlenmiştir.
Çalışmada, nicel araştırma yöntemleri kullanılmış ve Alanya bölgesindeki 29 adet beş yıldızlı otel işletmesinden 415 çalışana ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, çalışanların duygusal zekâ düzeyleri ile iş performansları arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu belirlenmiş, çalışanların duygusal zekâ ve iş performans düzeylerinin yüksek olduğu bulgulanmıştır. Bununla birlikte çalışanların duygusal zekâ ve iş performans düzeylerinin çeşitli demografik karakteristiklere göre anlamlı biçimde farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir.
- Al Qaied, B. A. (2015). The impact of job stress resources on job performance of hotels in Amman. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6 (7), 70-81.
Bar-on, R., Brown, J.M., Kirkcaldy, B.D., Thome, E.P. (2000). Emotional expression and implications for occupational stress: An application of the emotional quotient inventory (EQ-i). Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 1107-1118.
Borman, W. C., Motowidlo, S. J. (1997). Task performance and contextual performance: The meaning for personnel selection research. Human Performance, 10(2), 99-109.
Brackett, M. A., Katulak, N. A. (2007). Emotional intelligence in the classroom: Skill-based training for teachers and students. In Joseph Ciarrochi & John D. Mayer (Eds.), Applying Emotional Intelligence: A Practitioners Guide. New York: Psychology Press.
Can, A. (2013). SPSS ile bilimsel araştırma sürecinde nicel veri analizi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publications.
Çapkulaç, O. (2013). Yöneticilerin duygusal zeka düzeylerinin iş tatmini ve iş performans algısı üzerine etkisi (Unpublished master thesis). Akdeniz University The Institute of Social Sciences, Antalya.
Downey, L. A., Roberts, J., Stough, C. (2011). Workplace culture emotional intelligence and trust in the prediction of workplace outcomes. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 6(1), 30-40.
Dulewicz, V., Higgs, M. (2000). Emotional intelligence a review and evaluation studyi. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15(4), 341-372.
Ertan, H. (2008). Örgütsel bağlılık, iş motivasyonu ve iş performansı arasındaki ilişki: Antalya’da beş yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde bir inceleme (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Kocatepe University The Institute of Social Sciences, Afyonkarahisar.
Goleman, D. (2011). Working with emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.
Gürbüz, S., Yüksel, M. (2008). Çalışma ortamında duygusal zeka: İş performansı, iş tatmini, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ve bazı demografik özelliklerle ilişkisi. Journal of Doğuş University, 9(2),174-190.
Hanzaee, K.H., Mirvaisi, M. (2013). A survey on impact of emotional intelligence, organizational citizenship behaviors and job satisfaction on employees performance in Iranian hotel industry. Management Science Letters, 3, 1395–1402.
Hosie, P. J., Sevastos, P. P., Cooper, C. L. (2006). Happy-performing managers: The impact of affective well being and intrinsic job satisfaction in the workplace. In Carry L. Cooper (Ed.), Managers Job Performance. Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jorfi, H., Jorfi, S., Moghadam, S. K. (2010). Impact of emotional intelligence on performance of employees. Postmodern Openings, 4, 63-74.
Kafetsios, K., Zampetakis, L. A. (2008). Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: Testing the mediatory role of positive and negative affect at work. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 712–722.
Kahya, E. (2007). The effects of job characteristics and working conditions on job performance. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37, 515-523.
Karimi, J. M. N. (2014). Effects of emotional intelligence on employee performance in the hotel industry in Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(12), 6-14.
Kaufman, T. J., Lashley, C., & Schreier, L. A. (2009). Timeshare management: The key issues for hospitality managers. London: Elsevier.
Kim, H. J., Agrusa, J. (2010). Proceedings from International CHRIE Conference-Refereed Track. Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles among Hospitality Industry Employees. Amherst, Massachusetts.
Kumar, J.A., Muniandy, B. (2012). The influence of demographic profiles on emotional intelligence: A study on polytechnic lecturers in Malaysia. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(1), 62-70.
Lopes, P. N., Grewal, D., Kadis, J., Gall, M., & Salovey, P. (2006). Evidence that emotional intelligence is related to job performance and affect and attitudes at work. Psicothema, 18, 132-138.
Mangal S.K., Mangal, S. (2015). Emotional intelligence: Managing emotions to win in life. New Delhi: Phi Learning Private Limited.
Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P. (1997). Emotional development and emotional intelligence: Educational implications. In Peter Salovey & David J. Sluyter (Eds.) What is emotional intelligence. New York: Harper Collins Publishers.
McCloy, R. A., Campbell, J. P., Cudeck, R. (1994). A confirmatory test of a model of performance determinants. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(4), 493-505.
Min, J. C. H. (2010). Tour guides’emotional intelligence in relation to demographic characteristics. African Journal of Business Management, 4(15), 3730-3737.
Motowildo, S. J., Van Scotter, J. R. (1994). Evidence that task performance shoulde be distinguished from contextual performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(4), 475-480.
Mwathi, K. B. (2010). Relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance among service providers in rehabilitation schools in Kenya (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Kenyatta Unıversity The Social Sciences Institute, Nairobi.
Othman, A. K., Daud, N. M., & Kassim, S. R. (2011).The moderating effect of neuroticism on the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(6), 801-813.
Özmen, M. (2014). Mağaza çalışanlarının duygusal zeka, iş tatmini ve örgütsel bağlılıkları üzerine bir araştırma: Antalya ili örneği (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Süleyman Demirel University The Institute of Social Sciences, Isparta.
Pandita, D. (2012). Emotional intelligence for workplace leaders. Human Resource Management, 5, 63-73.
Pedooem, R. (2007). Relationship between hexaco personality factors and task and contextual performance (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Marshall Goldsmith School of Management, Los Angeles.
Quoidbach, J., Hansenne, M. (2009). The impact of trait emotional intelligence on nursing team performance and cohesiveness. Journal of Professional Nursing, 25(1), 23-29.
Rahim, S. H., Malik, M.I. (2010). Emotional intelligence & organizational performance: A case study of banking sector in Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(10), 191-197.
Rothwell, W. J., Kazanas, H.C. (2003). The strategic development of talent. Massachusetts: HRD Press.
Rotundo, M., Sackett, P. R. (2002). There lative importance of task, citizenship, and counter productive performance to global aspects of job performance: A policy capturing approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(1), 66-80.
Schellwies, L. (2015). Multicultural team effectiveness: Emotional intelligence as success factor. Hamburg: Anchor Academic Publishing.
Shaffril, H. A. M., Uli, J. (2010). The influence of socio-demographic factors on work performance among employees of government agriculture agencies in Malaysia. The Journal of International Social Research, 3(10), 459-469.
Sonnentag, S., Frese, M. (2002). Performance concepts and performance theory. In Sabine Sonnentag (Ed.) Psychological management of individual performance. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
Sterrett, E. A. (2000). The manager's pocket guide to emotional intelligence: From management to leadership. Massachusetts: HRD Press.
Thi Lam, L., Kirby, S. L. (2002). Is emotional intelligence an advantage an exploration of the impact of emotional and general intelligence on individual performance. The Journal of Social Psychology, 142(1), 133–143.
UNWTO. (2015). Annual Report., Accessed (15.10.2016).
UNWTO. (2016). Tourism Highlights. highlights-2016-edition, Accessed (16.10.2016).
Ural, A., Kılıç, İ. (2011). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve spss ile veri analizi. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
Van Scotter, J. R. (2000). Relationships of task performance and contextual performance with turnover, job satisfaction, and affective commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 10(1),79-95.
Van Scotter, J. R., Motowildo, S. J. (1996). Interpersonal facilitation and job dedicationas separate facets of contextual performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(5), 525-531.
Viswesvaran, C., Ones, D. S. (2000). Perspective on models of job performance. International Journal of Selestion and Assessment, 8(4), 216-226.
Wall, B. (2007). Coaching for emotionali intelligence: The secret to developing the star potential in your employees. New York: Amacom.
Yadisaputra, M. (2015). The role of emotional intelligence and emotional labor among frontline employees in casino hotel Macao. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 15, 44-58.
Yılmaz, Ö. D. (2015). Revisiting the impact of perceived empowerment on job performance: Results from front-line employees. Turizam, 19(1), 34-46.
Yüksel, M. (2006). Duygusal zeka ve performans ilişkisi: Bir uygulama (Unpublished master thesis). Atatürk University The Institute of Social Sciences, Erzurum.
Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Roberts, R. D. (2004). Emotional intelligence in the workplace: A critical review. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53(3), 371-399.