Nursing Care of a Patient Diagnosed with COVID-19: A Case Report According to Meleis' s Transition Theory
Year 2020,
, 412 - 416, 31.12.2020
Yasemin Özyer
Safiye Yanmış
The transition theory developed by Afaf İbrahim Meleis is a nursing theory aimed at defining changes in individuals’ lives and improving their health. Effects of such changes and transitions on individuals’ health differ from one person to another. Nurses assist patients in these transition times by developing different intervention methods for them. Meleis' s transition theory is of importance because it is based on nursing profession and has contributed to the emergence of nursing science. A female patient presented to a private health institution with complaints of fever (38.2°C) and sore throat. The result of the 2019-nCov test performed was positive and she was quarantined in a socially isolated room of the hospital. Uncertainty and fear of death due to COVID-19, a global epidemic, bring about serious consequences for patients. In this case report, in line with Meleis’ s transition theory, nursing care was planned for this 52-year-old woman diagnosed with 2019-nCov.
- Aydin R, Kukulu K. The importance and process of using theory in nursing researches. J Hum Sci 2020;17(1):389–403.
- Bekmezci H, Hamlaci Y, Ozerdogan N. Postpartum Care Based on The Meleis’ Transition Theory. Gumushane Univ J Heal Sci 2016;5(4):101–6.
- Bridges W. Managing transitions: Making the most of change. Menlo Park, CA: Addison Wesley; 1991. p. 78-96.
- Davies S. Meleis’ s Theory of Nursing Transitions And Relatives’ Experiences of Nursing Home Entry. In: Meleis AI, editor. Transitions Theory: Middle Range and Situation Spesific Theories in Nursing Research And Practices. New York: Springer Publishing Company; 2010. p. 212.
Dunlop C, Howe A, Li D, Allen LN. The coronavirus outbreak: the central role of primary care in emergency preparedness and response. BJGP Open 2020;4(1): bjgpopen20X101041. doi: 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101041
- European Commission (EU). Coronavirus crisis: Commission will use all the tools at its disposal to make sure the European economy weathers the storm. [cited 2020 Apr 14]. Available from:
- Meleis AI, Sawyer LM, Im EO, Hilfinger Messias DK, Schumacher K. Experiencing transitions: an emerging middle-range theory. Adv nurs sci 2000;23(1):12–28.
- Lindmark U, Bülow PH, Mårtensson J, Rönning H, Group ADULTR. The use of the concept of transition in different disciplines within health and social welfare: An integrative literature review. Nursing Open 2019;6(3):664–75. doi:
- Lu H, Stratton CW, Tang Y-W. Outbreak of pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan, China: The mystery and the miracle. J Med Virol 2020;92(4):401–2. doi: 10.1002/jmv.25678
- Spina S, Marrazzo F, Migliari M, Stucchi R, Sforza A, Fumagalli R. The response of Milan’s Emergency Medical System to the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. The Lancet 2020;395(10227):e49–50. doi:
- TUBITAK. Situation in Turkey. [cited 2020 Apr 14]. Available from:
- World Health Organisation (WHO). Mental health and psychological resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. [cited 2020 Apr 14]. Available from:
Year 2020,
, 412 - 416, 31.12.2020
Yasemin Özyer
Safiye Yanmış
Supporting Institution
- Aydin R, Kukulu K. The importance and process of using theory in nursing researches. J Hum Sci 2020;17(1):389–403.
- Bekmezci H, Hamlaci Y, Ozerdogan N. Postpartum Care Based on The Meleis’ Transition Theory. Gumushane Univ J Heal Sci 2016;5(4):101–6.
- Bridges W. Managing transitions: Making the most of change. Menlo Park, CA: Addison Wesley; 1991. p. 78-96.
- Davies S. Meleis’ s Theory of Nursing Transitions And Relatives’ Experiences of Nursing Home Entry. In: Meleis AI, editor. Transitions Theory: Middle Range and Situation Spesific Theories in Nursing Research And Practices. New York: Springer Publishing Company; 2010. p. 212.
Dunlop C, Howe A, Li D, Allen LN. The coronavirus outbreak: the central role of primary care in emergency preparedness and response. BJGP Open 2020;4(1): bjgpopen20X101041. doi: 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101041
- European Commission (EU). Coronavirus crisis: Commission will use all the tools at its disposal to make sure the European economy weathers the storm. [cited 2020 Apr 14]. Available from:
- Meleis AI, Sawyer LM, Im EO, Hilfinger Messias DK, Schumacher K. Experiencing transitions: an emerging middle-range theory. Adv nurs sci 2000;23(1):12–28.
- Lindmark U, Bülow PH, Mårtensson J, Rönning H, Group ADULTR. The use of the concept of transition in different disciplines within health and social welfare: An integrative literature review. Nursing Open 2019;6(3):664–75. doi:
- Lu H, Stratton CW, Tang Y-W. Outbreak of pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan, China: The mystery and the miracle. J Med Virol 2020;92(4):401–2. doi: 10.1002/jmv.25678
- Spina S, Marrazzo F, Migliari M, Stucchi R, Sforza A, Fumagalli R. The response of Milan’s Emergency Medical System to the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. The Lancet 2020;395(10227):e49–50. doi:
- TUBITAK. Situation in Turkey. [cited 2020 Apr 14]. Available from:
- World Health Organisation (WHO). Mental health and psychological resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. [cited 2020 Apr 14]. Available from: