Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 12/30/24

Year: 2024
Prof. Dr. Pınar GÜZEL GÜRBÜZ Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Sport Sciences 0000-0001-5982-2816
Sports Science and Exercise, Sports and Recreation, Sport and Leisure Management
Dr. Instructor Hüsem KORKMAZ Manisa Celal Bayar University School of Foreign Languages 0000-0002-5759-7392
English As A Second Language, Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics
Dr. Instructor Ali CEYLAN MANISA CELAL BAYAR UNIVERSITY 0000-0002-6509-7304

MCBU-IJELS aims to bring together original and innovative research in the fields of English language teaching, linguistics, literature and translation with all stakeholders in the world of science and language teaching.

MCBU-IJELS welcomes papers that analyse the current situation, problems and positive aspects of English language teaching at all stages of English language education, from pre-school to higher education, as well as papers that analyse issues of interest to all stakeholders in English language teaching (learners, teachers, academics, publishers, curriculum designers, etc.).

In addition, the Journal accepts original and innovative research in the field of English linguistics and English literature, and original and innovative research in the field of Translation Studies (English). 

Book reviews in the revelant fields are also welcome. 

The manuscripts need to comply with the Journal Template. Otherwise, they will be returned to the author(s).

Papers should also be prepared in accordance with the APA7 Guidelines of the American Psychological Association.

The manuscripts to be submitted to MCBU-IJELS must be original articles that have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication.
Only the authors who contributed to the article at the intellectual level should be indicated in the studies.
If the study is reproduced from graduate theses or has been previously presented as a conference paper, this should be clearly stated in the article.
Documents such as raw data, consent forms, and permission forms should be available for submission upon request by editors or reviewers.
MCBU-IJELS is an open access journal and although it takes over the publication rights of the papers, the responsibility for the content belongs to the authors. 

Publication Ethics
MCBU-IJELS's main goal is to use rigorous scientific methods to create, improve, and share knowledge within its scope. This is accomplished by employing a thorough and all-encompassing method to investigate the most recent developments in the subject areas.
The use of scientific methodology and objectivity are characteristics of scientific works, which are investigations carried out using scientific methods. All stakeholders in the publication process, including the publisher, editor, author, reviewers, and readers, must uphold ethical standards when creating these works. According to the rules and regulations issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), MCBU-IJELS must follow ethical standards at every stage of the publication process. COPE's "Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" are two examples.
Scientific papers submitted to or accepted by the journal shall be rejected and the author's affiliated institution(s) contacted if any instances of altered, falsified, or invented data are found. According to the editorial board's and/or reviewers' comments, MCBU-IJELS has the right to ask the authors for the documents related to the analytical results.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
As a stakeholder in the scientific study, the journal publisher must uphold ethical standards and promotes the publication of scientific works in accordance with them. The publisher is a non-profit organization. It is the publisher's duty to accurately guide the public and use their communication abilities in an unbiased manner without putting their own interests first.
The publisher is in charge of preserving each publication and protecting the copyrights and intellectual property rights of the articles published in their journal. People should not hesitate to get in touch with the publisher if they come across an unethical circumstance.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Editor
Rejecting the articles that don't fit the Journal's goals and scope,

Considering the articles' original worth, their influence on the field, the reliability and correctness of the research methodology, the writing's clarity, and the Journal's scope and goal,

Using the double-blind peer review approach and the evaluation process guidelines that the journal has implemented, and ensuring that the reviewers' identities are kept private and each manuscript is given an unbiased, timely evaluation,

Designating reviewers who are not connected to the authors' institutions in order to ensure impartial peer evaluation,

Submitting work to reviewers and editors according to their subject-matter knowledge in order to support a fair and unbiased assessment procedure,

Carrying out their responsibilities impartially and fairly, without showing bias against the writers' gender, religion, political views, ethnicity, or place of origin,

Putting necessary precautions in place and carefully reviewing any statements that are supplied in order to prevent any conflicts of interest. The Journal will temporarily stop the article's evaluation process until the uncertainty is clarified if there is a conflict of interest. In these situations, the Journal may request Interviewer Consent Forms, Research Ethics Committee Approval, and any other required paperwork.

Putting the required procedures into practice by adhering to the Journal's rules and guidelines in the event that a complaint of ethical violation is made,

Giving authors a chance to address grievances and making sure that appropriate sanctions are applied, irrespective of who owns the item,

Posting content with notifications of correction, explanations, apologies, and disclaimers while acting responsibly and thoughtfully.

MCBU-IJELS does not charge any article processing fee, open access fee, etc. from authors at any stage and under any circumstances.